Wednesday, May 23, 2012


                   PLEDGE YOUR LIFE

    We observe the first big summer holiday at the end of May--Memorial Day. I see
fewer people each year actually paying tribute to the veterans who either
paid the price of life or disability. Many widows have died since the days of
the "big war." For most of the younger generations, there is no memory of
the early 40s, and Memorial Day is a time for fun.

    Memorial Day is the day every American should understand that every
individual member of our military forces pledged his/her life to defend our
nation. When you took the oath at swearing in, you pledged to defend
America and our Constitution to the last heartbeat. I still tear up at the
memorial services when I can't help but remember those who fulfilled
that pledge to the death. I come from a veteran family. I served, and both
my father and father-in-law served. 

    Our service wasn't over when we were discharged. We also had to serve
many years as reservists. Our pledge covered years into the teens before we
were actually "free", and owned our lives again. I hear all these "patriots"
say they support our troops, but they don't serve in the military. I see no evidence
of service to America. There's not one day they spend risking death for their
country. Not all can serve for various reasons, and that's okay,

    But, listen to the esteemed elite leaders giving their reasons for not taking
the "unto death" pledge. 1. I had better things to do-wealthy former vice president
Cheney. 2. I needed more time in college-Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the 
House. There are many others in Congress, as well as former national leaders
who found lucrative reasons for cowardice and making money. Because few
Americans now serve in the military, service "unto death" doesn't mean anything
to them. 

    The bible tells us to look for the evidence that someone is actually a serving
Christian or a pretender. I follow the same principle when looking at all these
people who claim to support our troops. Pretty comfortable doing that sitting at 
home. If for some reason you can't serve in the military, there are dozens of
reasons you can do things in support. I know many people do these civilian
support measures, and I applaud them for taking the word "patriot" seriously.

    Just slightly worse than ignoring veterans' pledge is the misunderstanding
of the Constitution. This has been a big deal for the ultra conservatives during
their political campaign. They misquote that wonderful document regularly so
they can criticize social efforts and lay groundwork for a one-religion nation
which is their revision of Christ's teaching and the Christian bible. The members
of Congress take the same oath as military people, but I have strong doubts
many of them would serve "unto death." Not likely they'll be tested as our troops

    In World War II, we lost over 405,000 men and women, with another 672,000
wounded. . In Korea we lost nearly 34,000, and in Viet Nam, we lost nearly
48,000. There has been a continuing drain through the various "wars" in the 
Middle East and Asia. This drain has been bad for America, because our troops
are usually model citizens with families and experienced in many fields of work.
They are the cream of the crop. As Jesus teaches in the Parable of the Sower
(Matt. 13:18-23), many who hear the Word will not bear fruit. That explains
exactly the situation for all the misquoting Constitution "patriots."

    Preachers are supposed to spread the "good news" of the Gospel, but we also
need to point out the bad news. As a nation, we are gradually losing sight of the
sacrifices made by our ancestors to keep this country free. As this happens, we
become weak instead of strong. We have moved the date of observances to
accommodate commercial desires and the desires of the general populace to
have a "fun" vacation time. The tragedy of this is that young people don't hear
the story of the sacrifices and relegate these experiences to "history", which is
on its way out of our educational experience. Ask young people about World War II
or Viet Nam. You'll get a lot of blank expressions. Ask about the Pilgrims and you'll
get a lot of misinformation.

    I appear to dote on World War II because it was the defining moment for real
freedom. If we had lost, the entire world would have gone into a modern type of
slavery. The inhumane practices of the Germans and Japanese would be the
modern normal lifestyle. This war wasn't about "some" nations; it was truly a
world-wide event. For us, who lived through it, it was "now or never."

    We talk about civil freedom and religious freedom. They need to be kept separate.
When God ruled directly, there was no problem with either. After Israel wanted a human
king, the civil and religious rules melded together, as did the human desire to be king.
This was the task Christ faced when He preached to Israel. Civil and religious views 
shared a combined set of rules. He pointed out that major difference when He told
His followers to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is
God's (Matt. 22:21).

     On this Memorial Day, and the others that follow, I pray each of you truly reflect
on the sacrifices made by those who freely gave their lives, and those who lost a
husband, son, daughter, or the children who were left fatherless. One other thing,
for those of you who say "you only served because you were drafted", there was
a choice of serving or "jumping" the country to Canada or elsewhere. There was
also a choice to secure an exemption for agriculture or other circumstances,
and the choice of being a conscientious objector. No Christian could use that
excuse to reject responsibility to serve his country. If there is an Army of the Lord,
as Joshua 5:14 tells us, there is also an army of Christian men and women.

    Christian men and women may serve in a military or civilian capacity, but neither
of these can be political. If we do this, we are taking our faith all the way back to
the days of Christ, when religion and government were combined. God clearly
showed that was wrong when He sent us His Son. Are we about to repeat history?

Rev. Walbear 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Last Day

 Last Day 

This is sobering!!!











Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down.



                                           GREATEST MYTH

    I'm going to write today about America's greatest myth. It's not Santa Claus
or the Easter bunny. It tells us about not only our Christian religion, but about
others as well. If you are a proud believer in the United States Constitution,
this message is for you. This is a solid message about Jesus Christ and
Christianity as it applies to the United States.
    If you have ever had anything to do with the law, you should know American
law is based on history. Even a little thing such as a traffic ticket is based on
history. A law was passed establishing rules you must follow or pay the 
consequence. Our Constitution sets a basic pattern of law. You live in freedom,
but under rule of law.

    To understand how we got where we are, and the various things our ancestors
have done to get us here, we must turn to the (hated) history books. Until recently,
history books have told a reasonable account of the past. We are now in the age
of revisionists, who are attempting to change both history and the bible.
    To make this sermon as digestible as possible, I will try to hit the major highlights.
We'll go back to A.D. 312-337, when Constantine ruled the western world from
Rome. He saw a vision that he believed showed him Christianity would give him
victory in a great battle. He won, and then dictated that Christianity would be the
national religion. It didn't work out. Here is your first set-in-cement lesson about
Christianity or any religion. "Your belief has to come from your heart. You commit
yourself through your spirit, not through any specific set of words, but your own
words from your heart. That is true of Christianity or any other religion. It is totally
a personal relationship."

    Citizens of the Roman Empire became Christians because the government 
decreed you had to be a Christian. Belief in Christ was somehow expected to 
simply occur. It didn't work, as the Devil noted with glee. In fact, it caused the
Christian effort a great deal of trouble including the eventual death of Christ,
the Devil's greatest mistake.
    What it did do, however, was bring about Christianity's most savage and horrible
attempt to force Christ upon the people. This was not caused by civil government
officials or kings, It was caused by the Catholic Pope, who declared everyone must
accept Christianity or die. Yes, Catholic friends, it was the Catholic church that
caused this murderous reign. They used torture and burned people at the stake
as late as 1543 in Spain. This inquisition covered the period of 1231-1834.

    Difficult to believe the inquisition lasted all the way into the 1800s. This religious
horror covered many countries in Europe, and it is interesting to note Spain
expelled Jews in 1492, the same year Columbus discovered America. The Jews
were periodically expelled from various western European nations during this period, 
and suffered differing abuses. You see, Jews and Christians are brothers, even
with differences.
    I want to point out the inquisition is much the same as Islam's Sharia Law, taught
through the Muslim Koran. Their law clearly states that everyone must become a
Muslim or die. American Muslims don't teach that (at least not openly), but it is in
their Koran (bible). Think hard about this. The Christians carried out the "join or
be killed" law for about 600 years. This is the reason other religions find it so easy
to hate Christianity and Americans. Never did Christ say anyone had to become a
Christian. These proponents of Christianity could not be Christians, but they
claimed they were. Carefully look around you. You cannot force belief in Christ and
predominantly Christian practices on the majority of the world, or Americans, for
that matter. Read the New Testament. Understand Christ's teaching. Don't try to
spin His words. It's not your world, it's His world.

    Now we should understand that those who claimed to be Christians in the years
we've covered really weren't Christians, and they gave the religion a very bad name.
But, you, say, we've changed. Well lets just move on to 1619, when the first slaves
were brought to America. The very next year, the Pilgrims arrived. We'll get to the
slavery subject shortly, but first we need to see what was up with the Pilgrims.
    We all know the story about Plymouth Rock. At least we older Americans do, but 
our educators are vastly downsizing history, so our younger people,probably won't
know much about the Rock. To them rock is more attuned to music or Kid Rock.
    The Pilgrims came to America to practice religious freedom. When they arrived,
they established a strict religious system, much more stringent than most systems
in Europe. They immediately built stocks to hold sinners, and even burned some
people at the stake. It was anything but Christian. In the late 1600s, Roger Williams
established a church in Connecticut that was based on real Christian principles.
The Puritans were not pure.

     As we agree to dispatch history as unimportant, we ignore one of the most
important lessons that exists. If we don't learn from our past mistakes, we are
doomed to repeat them. I'll get to the current status of Christianity in America
shortly, but now it's time to check into the establishment of the United States.
    You'll note the inquisition was still on-going in the 1800s, well after the
establishment of the United States. America began with the ratification of the
Constitution, the greatest document for the freedom of everyone who is a
citizen. I hear and see political candidates emphasize their patriotism and
commitment to its principles and Christianity.

    I'm going to quote and examine some parts of the Constitution, and I'm afraid
you wont like my findings. In fact, some of you may never read another of my
messages. The truth really hurts, and nobody wants to realize they reached this
present age in years not knowing what they were talking about. The Constitution
is our civil bible. Don't be one of the loudmouths who claims to be a "patriot" and
constitution wise.
    The first problem you have is that you don't know what the Declaration of
Independence states. Without this declaration, there would be no Constitution,
and you wouldn't know what the Constitution means. So read these words, and
remember this is your civilian bible, next in importance only to the Holy Bible.

    "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among 
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." That means we have the
right to live here, to be free from oppression and to try to find happiness. To be
able to do these things, we have the Amendments to the basic Constitution. The
first amendment--freedom of religion, speech, of the press, and right of petition--
is frequently quoted and misunderstood. 
    Freedom of religion means the freedom of CHOICE--denomination, faith, or
even no religion. It does not mean we must belong to any specific faith, including
Christianity. If, like Constantine, our leaders try to force Christianity on people,
it will give us the same result. Likewise, those who oppose Christianity have no
right to censor Christianity.

    Now let's go back to the amendments. Slavery was prohibited in 1865. Of
perhaps more interest is that it was the thirteenth amendment. The nineteenth
amendment was ratified in 1920. That was 55 years later. That amendment
gave women the right to vote. Men certainly never paid much attention to the 
rights of women, abolishing slavery before giving women the vote.
    The latest actions by ultra conservative men have been the unbelievable,
stupid, and anti-Christian legislative and governor attempts to take away women's
right to control her own person and the "pursuit of happiness". They have stated
they want to cut spending, but are trying to create a situation where a new
agency must be created, thousands of workers hired, endless paper trails, and
additional medical expenses. On top of that, if all abortions are illegal, who is
going to care and pay for the babies who have very serious and life-threatening
problems? These ultra conservative men will not permit women to sit on boards
or panels discussing women's issues or regulations. Doesn't sound much like
freedom and liberty to me.

    Back again to Christianity. I would like these religious zealots who profess
puritanical qualities to give me just one quote where Christ required anyone He
healed to be become a Christian. He told people they needed to commit to Him
as Savior to enter heaven. That was it. If people believed Christ had the power
of God, they were healed when He prayed for them. I pray you note these
people didn't necessarily have to say a prayer or statement of commitment,
although some certainly did. 
    If you study other faiths, you will find that healing can occur in these faiths,
too, because God has power over everyone. Healing is just one benefit of
faith that was evident in Christianity. 

    Those who loudly claim America was founded on Christian principles and
is a Christian nation are mistaken. If the foundation was Christian, slavery
and women's suffrage wouldn't have to have been added as amendments.
The principles were predominantly Christian, because religious freedom
was included. Remember, that doesn't mean you have to be a Christian or 
act as Christians think you should act.
    The ultra conservatives have learned nothing from Christian history and
the failure of their attempt to prohibit liquor. That failed attempt was the
breeding ground for serious advances in crime and greed leading to the
Great Depression.

    Political and supposedly Christian church leaders are leading Americans
astray with their very unChristian teaching and unbiblical claims. Christ came
to bring salvation, not prosperity money-wise. The prosperity He taught was
abundance. Abundance of talents. not money talents, but the talents or gifts
that are bestowed on committed Christians. These talents (we each have at
least one) are for ourselves, but most importantly, to be used to spread the
Word. Read the New Testament and get some understanding.
    The ultra conservatives are attempting to establish a theocratic nation
ruled solely by Christian "pretenders" and their laws. They are the very ones
we are warned about in 2 Thes. 2:3, "Let no one deceive you by any means;
for that day (end time) will not come unless the falling away comes first."

    There are two forces at work in America, and each, in its own way, is out
to rule our nation. I have described the ultra conservatives as one force. They
want to return to Plymouth Rock. The other force is Islam. They are growing
rapidly in America, and appear no threat at present. However, in other nations
they are ruled by Sharia Law Imams who follow the rule of become a Muslim
or die.
    The Islamic leaders are continuing their centuries old quest by that religion
to control the world. They are building strict Islamic states in the Middle East
and Asia. They must have the United States to succeed. This is another
example of a Theocratic rule. Neither is anything an American patriot wants.
    If you don't understand this message and take heed, you will eventually
suffer the consequences. If you follow Christ's teachings, you will escape
the chaos and tribulation when the Rapture occurs. If you don't study to be
approved, you won't pass the test. (2 Tim. 2:15)

Rev. Walbear