No, there is no date, but there is strict adherence to inspired scripture as found
in the Christian bible. You, as a professing or loosely committed Christian will be
able to chart your own prophecy based on your obedience to Christ's teaching.
There is no "spin", unless you choose to personally interpret the very Word of God
to suit your own purposes. Scripture is presented in plain English. The second part
of this message deals with prophecy of the United States, also according to the
inspired Christian bible.
Self Test for a Christian
You begin the self test by judging yourself to be committed to Jesus Christ as your
Savior through His shed blood. If so, you must agree that to accept this free gift of
eternal life you must follow His teaching as presented in scripture. That does not
mean selecting a verse here or there to suit your wishes. The Ten Commandments
are still in effect, and each one bears the same amount of sin. You can't pick and
choose, i.e. murder is worse than envy. When I was a young boy, I accompanied my
mother when she delivered grocery orders from our country store to local people
who lacked transportation. In most cases, the person would be a divorced woman,
perhaps in mid to late 30s with no children. Divorce, for a woman at that time was
ranked right next to murder, and most church people judged divorce and murder as
the "worst" sin.
If you are a committed Christian, you must believe the Word of God as given us
in Matt. 12:31 (and Mark 3:28-29.) All sins are equal except this one described as
follows: "Therefore I say to you, EVERY sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but
the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Unless you deny the Holy
Spirit, Christ has delivered you to eternal life. You may not like this warning from me,
but it is not my opinion, but word for word from Jesus Christ. All sins except this one
are forgivable, and each carries the same condemnation until covered by the shed
blood of Christ.
Therefore, if you base your judgment of anyone on any one or two specific sins,
you are not following the very words Christ taught. Matt. 7:1,2 warns us "Judge not
that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and
with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." Emotions usually rule
a person's rush to separate some sins from others as worse than others. Since we
are all guilty of various sins, we must not be quick to judge the character of others.
The next questions only need an educated yes or no. First, do you understand
Matt. 5:17, "Do not think that I come to destroy the Law or the Prophets; I did not
come to destroy but to fulfill." Christ is speaking of the Ten Commandments, not
the multitude of civil laws put in place to establish order. Note carefully that Christ
added an Eleventh Commandment as stated in Mark 12:31, "And the second, like
it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." The second question comes
from Samuel 15:22. "So Samuel said: Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings
and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than
sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams." Nothing replaces obedience to God.
Some Christian denominations do not recognize the rapture: the taking of
Christians from earth to heaven before or during the tribulation of the end time.
That is unfortunate because this period of time is described in detail in the
Gospels as well as Revelation. If you do not believe in the rapture, you will have
a very difficult time trying to explain some of Christ's teaching. The rapture is
described in brief in Matt. 24:40, 41. "Then two men will be in the field: one
will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will
be taken and other left."
Verse 42 tells us to Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord
is coming." Look at Matt. 25:1-13, which warns us to watch. This tells us that the
bridegroom (Christ) is coming to marry the Church--Christian believers. This has
nothing to do with Christ coming on a white horse with saints to do battle with the
forces of Satan. This coming of Christ is for a joyous occasion. Be sure to read
the verses I pointed out. You should always have oil for your lamp because it
represents the Word of God and the light of the world. This celebration occurs
before the great battle. True believers join Christ and leave the great tribulation.
One of two things will happen to us in the future. We will either die or be raptured.
Those not raptured during or before the tribulation period will have their commitment
to Christ severely tested on penalty of death because the Anti-Christ will be in
charge. It is especially thrilling to read about the rapture of Elijah in 2 Kings 2:11.
If you are alive in the tribulation period, will you qualify for the rapture? Are you
paying attention to Christ's teaching, word for word, in scripture? Or are you
rushing to a predetermined false understanding to suit your wishes? Let's check
it out.
Go to Matt. 25:26, "But his lord (wealthy man) answered and said to him, You
wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather
where I have not scattered seed. (27) So you ought to have deposited my money
with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with
interest." The servant broke no Commandment, but the wealthy man admitted
his success was based on being a thief, or, as we would describe it, as being
a plain and simple crook. It was all about money and profit. I pray you have never
used this parable from Christ's teaching to make a dishonest profit.
Your actions speak louder than your words. If you accepted Christ as your
Savior, you must represent that melding of spirit with your physical and mental
actions. Your actions don't get you into heaven, but they point out two things:
was your commitment to Christ true, and these acts on earth determine your
"rewards" in heaven.
This final question has disturbed me more than any other over the past year.
If you are a true Christian you must be able to give yourself an honest answer.
It is your judgment, and a very important part of your commitment. Matt. 15:11
warns us, "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of
the mouth, this defiles a man." I have read or heard the comments from people
who claim they are Christians that other people who do not agree with their
political philosophy are evil and not Christians. This claim wraps up so many,
including military veterans of both political parties who pledged their life to
protect our Constitution. The slander and cursing against others because they
don't agree with your philosophy certainly aren't any example of Christianity,
and automatically disqualify the person as a Christian. In short, they are
imposters. Christ did not teach this ranting. If you are guilty of this, you had better
seek forgiveness. If your heart is set in stone with these feelings, it is probable
your heart is indeed set in stone--the stone of reprobation (condemnation). The
concluding test of personal judgment comes from Matt. 7:3. "And why do you
look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own
eye?" If you have problems with any of this message, you have a cloudy future
at best.
Okay--you're going to say I'm really not predicting the future of anything. If
you study history and religion, you will see that the past always points to the
future. Therefore, it is the various judgments and decisions we make that
determine events. Don't just accept what I say--do a little studying in the bible
and history books. America will fall victim to the problems leaders bring upon
us, but don't just blame bad leadership. In America, especially, we have the
freedom to select our leaders, and, if they fail, it is the people's fault.
The first two messages in this series were "How About" and dealt with the
forces that shape our personal and national future. They may be boring to you,
but they are accurate. America's future depends on two things: obedience to
God and the righteousness of the people. Proverbs 15:29 tells us "The Lord
is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the righteous." The third
element in the previous message was truth. There isn't much truth about
anything in America any more. Advertising, deception and half-truths are about
all we get today. It's quite simple to use the media to spread everything except
truth. Even many ministries have used the secular method to further apostasy.
To accompany the virtual absence of truth, we have the appearance of
symbols worn or displayed by people who profess Christianity, but represent
the doctrine of Satan. I see those mired in sin wearing gold crosses and claiming
to be Christians. It has gotten so bad, some real Christians tell me they are almost
ashamed to be called Christians. Of course we must be a witness and not deny
our Savior. But sometimes I shudder because of what I see or hear. As a Christian
minister, I don't want to be accepted as belonging with these apostates.
The antics of these loudmouth pretenders is one example of the "falling away"
explained in scripture. Second Thess. 2:3 warns us of the falling away before the
end. "Let no one deceive you by any means; for That DAY will not come unless the
falling away comes first," The progress of falling away is happening so quickly
it will overwhelm us soon. We have mega churches in major cities where Muslims
and "Christians" worship together. Islam does not believe in salvation through Christ,
nor other basic tenets of Christianity. Yet, they sit along side apostate Christians
with both the Christian bible and Koran in the bookrack.
There are now other mega churches that are hard sell cults such as the home
church in the state of Washington, Mars Hill. These people subjugate women and
continue the widespread practice of many fake religions, including some recognized
Christian denominations who isolate women from human rights. In some areas, there
is a strong enough presence of Muslims to actually institute Sharia Law (portions of
Detroit, for example). Before our very eyes and ears, these movements are gaining
steam. The major weapon in these situations is the total lack of truth.
This place in the time wheel of the end time repeats the four cycles of history by
bringing us to God's impending judgment. God is merciful, but when His patience
runs out, He acts. He gives us plenty of warnings, but they fall on deaf ears of
people who think they are right in what they do and say. They think God's warning
is for those people who disagree with them. These apostate thinkers are very loud
with their expressions and actually believe they can break the Ten Commandments
if necessary to achieve victory. They frequently quote scripture, albeit they have no
concept of scripture's message.
Back to the four cycles of history. People go from Godlessness and problems to
a revival of sorts when they realize they need God. When they turn back to God,
He blesses them and they enter prosperity. After a period of prosperity, they begin
to think they don't need God any more. They ignore their duty to worship Him and
fall away to strange beliefs. They are no longer righteous and God doesn't hear
the prayers of unrighteous people. This brings about judgment.
The United States has completed the first three phases of the cycle, and we are
now in the fourth phase and can expect judgment. Those who are genuine believers
and committed to Christ are now going through the "rapture test". God is placing
true Christians in very uncomfortable situations of health, finance, career and other
areas. Do you not remember that the apostles, church builders and others suffered
horribly for their commitment to God and Christ? They did not have an easy path
and suffered greatly. If things are going well for you, you'd better check your
connection with Christ. Satan richly rewards his followers until he's ready to call
in their chips.
If you're a great patriot, show me what you've done for America. Have you served
in the military or been too busy to pledge your support to the Constitution as military
people must do? Have you served on no pay community organizations? Do you
support (government or private) agencies and organizations that supply needed help
for the infirm, sick and handicapped citizens? Do you relegate those people who don't
pay income taxes as victims who depend on government entitlements? I served in the
military and paid no income tax last year. That was because my property taxes alone
were over $6,000. That's how the local school operates, local roads are kept up, the
fire company exists, and other county and local expenses are paid. There has been
too much talk about entitlement, actions shafting veterans who provide a safe haven
for avaricious liars, and relegating those who made our country great, to the scrap
Scripture has many, many references to money, and Christ taught clearly that a
person must choose between money and God. Matt. 6:24 should teach us this
vital end time lesson, "No one can serve two masters for either he will hate the
one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the
other. You cannot serve God and mammon." It's not wrong to have money, but
it is wrong not to use it wisely. Many Americans who are well off worship not the
Man-God who brought us the FREE gift of salvation, but the dollar symbol. They
have placed the $100 bill in the beak of the Eagle, while the dove carries a
branch of the thorns from Christ's crown.
America will enter bondage, but it probably will not be the carrying away such as
in the Old Testament. It will be the very things apostate Americans love so much,
wrapped in opulence. In addition to money, it will be the choice seats at events
such as sports, government and church. It will be the dismissal of "used up"
fellow citizens, because like a used car, they are of little value (you may think)
to you, the elite. Why do you think previous successful cultures valued their
senior citizens and those who didn't, fell apart, as did Israel when the king followed
the advice of young advisers instead of the experienced elders?
You see, you don't have to be a prophet to tell about the end times. Everything
is already in place. If you're not watching and don't have oil for your lamp, you are
not prepared for the future. Money won't keep you from the great tribulation, nor
will any political party. Everything belongs to God, and your only hope is that
Christ will invite you to the marriage feast. I don't know the specific date of the
end, but we are inviting it to be soon. Watch and study the Word of God, or you
will not receive an invitation to the wedding feast.
One last word: God will select the next president of the United States. We, the
people, will vote, but He chooses who He selects for the office. I pray you will
accept God's choice with respect. You should remember that God always makes
the selection, including past presidents. Pray for our leaders.
Rev. Walbear
No, there is no date, but there is strict adherence to inspired scripture as found
in the Christian bible. You, as a professing or loosely committed Christian will be
able to chart your own prophecy based on your obedience to Christ's teaching.
There is no "spin", unless you choose to personally interpret the very Word of God
to suit your own purposes. Scripture is presented in plain English. The second part
of this message deals with prophecy of the United States, also according to the
inspired Christian bible.
You begin the self test by judging yourself to be committed to Jesus Christ as your
Savior through His shed blood. If so, you must agree that to accept this free gift of
eternal life you must follow His teaching as presented in scripture. That does not
mean selecting a verse here or there to suit your wishes. The Ten Commandments
are still in effect, and each one bears the same amount of sin. You can't pick and
choose, i.e. murder is worse than envy. When I was a young boy, I accompanied my
mother when she delivered grocery orders from our country store to local people
who lacked transportation. In most cases, the person would be a divorced woman,
perhaps in mid to late 30s with no children. Divorce, for a woman at that time was
ranked right next to murder, and most church people judged divorce and murder as
the "worst" sin.
If you are a committed Christian, you must believe the Word of God as given us
in Matt. 12:31 (and Mark 3:28-29.) All sins are equal except this one described as
follows: "Therefore I say to you, EVERY sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but
the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Unless you deny the Holy
Spirit, Christ has delivered you to eternal life. You may not like this warning from me,
but it is not my opinion, but word for word from Jesus Christ. All sins except this one
are forgivable, and each carries the same condemnation until covered by the shed
blood of Christ.
Therefore, if you base your judgment of anyone on any one or two specific sins,
you are not following the very words Christ taught. Matt. 7:1,2 warns us "Judge not
that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and
with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." Emotions usually rule
a person's rush to separate some sins from others as worse than others. Since we
are all guilty of various sins, we must not be quick to judge the character of others.
The next questions only need an educated yes or no. First, do you understand
Matt. 5:17, "Do not think that I come to destroy the Law or the Prophets; I did not
come to destroy but to fulfill." Christ is speaking of the Ten Commandments, not
the multitude of civil laws put in place to establish order. Note carefully that Christ
added an Eleventh Commandment as stated in Mark 12:31, "And the second, like
it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." The second question comes
from Samuel 15:22. "So Samuel said: Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings
and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than
sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams." Nothing replaces obedience to God.
Some Christian denominations do not recognize the rapture: the taking of
Christians from earth to heaven before or during the tribulation of the end time.
That is unfortunate because this period of time is described in detail in the
Gospels as well as Revelation. If you do not believe in the rapture, you will have
a very difficult time trying to explain some of Christ's teaching. The rapture is
described in brief in Matt. 24:40, 41. "Then two men will be in the field: one
will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will
be taken and other left."
Verse 42 tells us to Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord
is coming." Look at Matt. 25:1-13, which warns us to watch. This tells us that the
bridegroom (Christ) is coming to marry the Church--Christian believers. This has
nothing to do with Christ coming on a white horse with saints to do battle with the
forces of Satan. This coming of Christ is for a joyous occasion. Be sure to read
the verses I pointed out. You should always have oil for your lamp because it
represents the Word of God and the light of the world. This celebration occurs
before the great battle. True believers join Christ and leave the great tribulation.
One of two things will happen to us in the future. We will either die or be raptured.
Those not raptured during or before the tribulation period will have their commitment
to Christ severely tested on penalty of death because the Anti-Christ will be in
charge. It is especially thrilling to read about the rapture of Elijah in 2 Kings 2:11.
If you are alive in the tribulation period, will you qualify for the rapture? Are you
paying attention to Christ's teaching, word for word, in scripture? Or are you
rushing to a predetermined false understanding to suit your wishes? Let's check
it out.
Go to Matt. 25:26, "But his lord (wealthy man) answered and said to him, You
wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather
where I have not scattered seed. (27) So you ought to have deposited my money
with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with
interest." The servant broke no Commandment, but the wealthy man admitted
his success was based on being a thief, or, as we would describe it, as being
a plain and simple crook. It was all about money and profit. I pray you have never
used this parable from Christ's teaching to make a dishonest profit.
Your actions speak louder than your words. If you accepted Christ as your
Savior, you must represent that melding of spirit with your physical and mental
actions. Your actions don't get you into heaven, but they point out two things:
was your commitment to Christ true, and these acts on earth determine your
"rewards" in heaven.
This final question has disturbed me more than any other over the past year.
If you are a true Christian you must be able to give yourself an honest answer.
It is your judgment, and a very important part of your commitment. Matt. 15:11
warns us, "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of
the mouth, this defiles a man." I have read or heard the comments from people
who claim they are Christians that other people who do not agree with their
political philosophy are evil and not Christians. This claim wraps up so many,
including military veterans of both political parties who pledged their life to
protect our Constitution. The slander and cursing against others because they
don't agree with your philosophy certainly aren't any example of Christianity,
and automatically disqualify the person as a Christian. In short, they are
imposters. Christ did not teach this ranting. If you are guilty of this, you had better
seek forgiveness. If your heart is set in stone with these feelings, it is probable
your heart is indeed set in stone--the stone of reprobation (condemnation). The
concluding test of personal judgment comes from Matt. 7:3. "And why do you
look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own
eye?" If you have problems with any of this message, you have a cloudy future
at best.
Okay--you're going to say I'm really not predicting the future of anything. If
you study history and religion, you will see that the past always points to the
future. Therefore, it is the various judgments and decisions we make that
determine events. Don't just accept what I say--do a little studying in the bible
and history books. America will fall victim to the problems leaders bring upon
us, but don't just blame bad leadership. In America, especially, we have the
freedom to select our leaders, and, if they fail, it is the people's fault.
The first two messages in this series were "How About" and dealt with the
forces that shape our personal and national future. They may be boring to you,
but they are accurate. America's future depends on two things: obedience to
God and the righteousness of the people. Proverbs 15:29 tells us "The Lord
is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the righteous." The third
element in the previous message was truth. There isn't much truth about
anything in America any more. Advertising, deception and half-truths are about
all we get today. It's quite simple to use the media to spread everything except
truth. Even many ministries have used the secular method to further apostasy.
To accompany the virtual absence of truth, we have the appearance of
symbols worn or displayed by people who profess Christianity, but represent
the doctrine of Satan. I see those mired in sin wearing gold crosses and claiming
to be Christians. It has gotten so bad, some real Christians tell me they are almost
ashamed to be called Christians. Of course we must be a witness and not deny
our Savior. But sometimes I shudder because of what I see or hear. As a Christian
minister, I don't want to be accepted as belonging with these apostates.
The antics of these loudmouth pretenders is one example of the "falling away"
explained in scripture. Second Thess. 2:3 warns us of the falling away before the
end. "Let no one deceive you by any means; for That DAY will not come unless the
falling away comes first," The progress of falling away is happening so quickly
it will overwhelm us soon. We have mega churches in major cities where Muslims
and "Christians" worship together. Islam does not believe in salvation through Christ,
nor other basic tenets of Christianity. Yet, they sit along side apostate Christians
with both the Christian bible and Koran in the bookrack.
There are now other mega churches that are hard sell cults such as the home
church in the state of Washington, Mars Hill. These people subjugate women and
continue the widespread practice of many fake religions, including some recognized
Christian denominations who isolate women from human rights. In some areas, there
is a strong enough presence of Muslims to actually institute Sharia Law (portions of
Detroit, for example). Before our very eyes and ears, these movements are gaining
steam. The major weapon in these situations is the total lack of truth.
This place in the time wheel of the end time repeats the four cycles of history by
bringing us to God's impending judgment. God is merciful, but when His patience
runs out, He acts. He gives us plenty of warnings, but they fall on deaf ears of
people who think they are right in what they do and say. They think God's warning
is for those people who disagree with them. These apostate thinkers are very loud
with their expressions and actually believe they can break the Ten Commandments
if necessary to achieve victory. They frequently quote scripture, albeit they have no
concept of scripture's message.
Back to the four cycles of history. People go from Godlessness and problems to
a revival of sorts when they realize they need God. When they turn back to God,
He blesses them and they enter prosperity. After a period of prosperity, they begin
to think they don't need God any more. They ignore their duty to worship Him and
fall away to strange beliefs. They are no longer righteous and God doesn't hear
the prayers of unrighteous people. This brings about judgment.
The United States has completed the first three phases of the cycle, and we are
now in the fourth phase and can expect judgment. Those who are genuine believers
and committed to Christ are now going through the "rapture test". God is placing
true Christians in very uncomfortable situations of health, finance, career and other
areas. Do you not remember that the apostles, church builders and others suffered
horribly for their commitment to God and Christ? They did not have an easy path
and suffered greatly. If things are going well for you, you'd better check your
connection with Christ. Satan richly rewards his followers until he's ready to call
in their chips.
If you're a great patriot, show me what you've done for America. Have you served
in the military or been too busy to pledge your support to the Constitution as military
people must do? Have you served on no pay community organizations? Do you
support (government or private) agencies and organizations that supply needed help
for the infirm, sick and handicapped citizens? Do you relegate those people who don't
pay income taxes as victims who depend on government entitlements? I served in the
military and paid no income tax last year. That was because my property taxes alone
were over $6,000. That's how the local school operates, local roads are kept up, the
fire company exists, and other county and local expenses are paid. There has been
too much talk about entitlement, actions shafting veterans who provide a safe haven
for avaricious liars, and relegating those who made our country great, to the scrap
Scripture has many, many references to money, and Christ taught clearly that a
person must choose between money and God. Matt. 6:24 should teach us this
vital end time lesson, "No one can serve two masters for either he will hate the
one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the
other. You cannot serve God and mammon." It's not wrong to have money, but
it is wrong not to use it wisely. Many Americans who are well off worship not the
Man-God who brought us the FREE gift of salvation, but the dollar symbol. They
have placed the $100 bill in the beak of the Eagle, while the dove carries a
branch of the thorns from Christ's crown.
America will enter bondage, but it probably will not be the carrying away such as
in the Old Testament. It will be the very things apostate Americans love so much,
wrapped in opulence. In addition to money, it will be the choice seats at events
such as sports, government and church. It will be the dismissal of "used up"
fellow citizens, because like a used car, they are of little value (you may think)
to you, the elite. Why do you think previous successful cultures valued their
senior citizens and those who didn't, fell apart, as did Israel when the king followed
the advice of young advisers instead of the experienced elders?
You see, you don't have to be a prophet to tell about the end times. Everything
is already in place. If you're not watching and don't have oil for your lamp, you are
not prepared for the future. Money won't keep you from the great tribulation, nor
will any political party. Everything belongs to God, and your only hope is that
Christ will invite you to the marriage feast. I don't know the specific date of the
end, but we are inviting it to be soon. Watch and study the Word of God, or you
will not receive an invitation to the wedding feast.
One last word: God will select the next president of the United States. We, the
people, will vote, but He chooses who He selects for the office. I pray you will
accept God's choice with respect. You should remember that God always makes
the selection, including past presidents. Pray for our leaders.
Rev. Walbear