Sunday, January 20, 2013


                                                      SEAT AT THE GATE 2

    Balcom Corners, N.Y.--Our seat at the gate today is at a four corners out in rural
western New York. This is a fairly busy crossroad with two country stores and scattered
homes along all four roads, but spaced a distance apart. This is real country life, and
it can be lonesome for some family members. Our seat, and a dozen or more other
seats, are located on the front porch--a veranda--of one of the stores that happens to be
owned by my family. From spring through fall, this is where the activities of local,
national and international people and nations are discussed. This is not just gossip--
although there is some of that--but exchanges of information and examination of
problems. It is not confrontational and there is no influence of alcohol or drugs.

    The participants are mostly men. I am the only kid there, and I know enough to
keep my mouth shut and my ears open. I didn't realize it at the time, but this was a
period of time to learn much about the world, especially America. Some of the men
who frequented these nightly sessions were fairly new to America, so there was a
good foreign flavor as well. I was fascinated and usually the only kid there. These
sessions lasted from supper time to 10:30 or 11 p.m. Seats were just about anything,
from empty soda cases, to big round cheese boxes to upturned pails. there was no
padded seating, but nobody cared. This was serious business, especially with World
War II going on. 

    These men all worked hard during the day, and some--farmers--often worked into
the night because food production was a primary need for our troops. They made no
judicial decisions during these sessions, but they took information they received here
with them to groups or local gatherings, and provided some basis for directing how
things were run. They were a type of unofficial Grand Jury of the day, and reflected
somewhat the activities of the biblical San Hedron. There was no television or electronic
games at that time, only the radio. I didn't know it then, but I was fortunate to have the
learning experience at these sessions instead of modern gadgets

    This experience many years ago provided the same "transparency" as the biblical
activities at the seat at the gate. It was totally public. We talk about transparency
today, but it's mostly talk. I'm not a judge, but as a Christian minister, I'm an examiner
of the activities of Christians. As such, I review what's going on in churches and what
preachers and church officials have to say. As one of my teachers stated many years
ago, the apostate church is growing much faster than the real church. I could report
about the carnal gimmicks being used to raise church attendance, but I'll save that for
another time.

    One of the worst problems in many churches today is the family counseling. This
type of assistance is supposed to help husbands and wives resolve differences and
cement a marriage. I do have some authority in this subject since both my wife and I
completed study in counseling. However, study was not necessary to see terribly
faulty counseling in two cases with which I'm familiar. Part of our ministry training was
theistic counseling, which differs from ordinary counseling because it is based on
Christianity and scripture. There also is no fee.

    The first case I'll describe is counseling by an "expert" who represents a very major
church organization with a wide national exposure on television. A Christian lady was
married to an unsaved man who had no interest in any type of church or religion, and
things weren't going well. She made an appointment with a counselor from this
organization, and traveled a considerable distance for the meeting. Her husband, a
very bright man, agreed to go. The counselor--who was quite expensive--apparently
was not guided by the Holy Spirit, because he did not perceive that the husband was
well rehearsed in psychology. The husband knew how to respond to questions and how
to mislead the counselor. In short, he was an accomplished liar. Being a professional
person, he was a polished performer, and didn't have bad habits like alcohol.

    The wife became very frustrated because she could see what was happening, and
as things progressed she became the person who was creating the problems, at least
in the eye of the counselor. Although the counselor was representing a Christian
ministry, he didn't understand what was happening. Nothing was solved, and the
attempt cost a bundle.

    I had a similar experience with a teen age girl brought for counseling. While talking
to her I perceived she knew something about psychology. I asked some questions
requiring at least a smattering of technical knowledge, and she responded with very
good answers, almost from a text book. I realized she was way ahead of the game,
and not the least interested in changing course. She had no sincere interest in Christ
or salvation. Unfortunately, counseling didn't help.

    My final case history is especially interesting and is a husband and wife situation.
There is more to this counseling story than mere counseling. The wife persuaded her
husband to accompany her to theistic counseling at their home church. Both claimed
to be saved. The husband was a professional athlete who made a very good living, 
although not mega millions. He had invested wisely in real estate. The wife was not
satisfied because he didn't spend enough time with his family. In the early stages of
counseling, it was pointed out that because of travel and his sport, he frequently
spent 10 to 12 hours a day "at work". He enjoyed his profession and accepted the
rigorous schedule. 

    As further details unfolded, it was learned that the husband began a rigorous
schedule in his early teens as his athletic ability was recognized. While still in
high school he spent 14 or more hours perfecting his skills. His parents encouraged
him to work hard for the future. He earned a scholarship, and continued his rigorous
schedule in college under the guidance of his coach. He secured a position in
professional sports, and with some of his income, paid some of the expenses his
parents had incurred supporting him through school and college.
    Quite by accident, he overheard the counselor discussing him with his wife, and
was shocked to learn of her plan. The counselor was going to diagnose him as
being the victim of subjugation and in need of mental help. She would be able to
institute a legal action against the parents and coach. He could be declared eligible
for special funding and treatment. The wife could secure a power of attorney and
control his assets. A series of tests would be administered to get the plan underway.
The wife had told the counselor many things about the husband that were either
not true, or half truths. The counselor did not determine the facts and was about
to recommend a ridiculous solution to place a gainfully employed man on government
assistance. Such action would destroy rather than help. Some counselors want to
steer patients to agencies. That helps to keep agency people employed.

    Counseling only works when the affected parties are willing to listen and change.
A counselor should be chosen very carefully, because they will be working with your
minds. Theistic counselors are a better choice, but only if they are spirit filled and
actually rely on scripture. Just because they represent a church or ministry doesn't
mean they can provide the needed assistance. High fees don't necessarily mean the
advice is any good. Experience can be a valuable asset, but so is common sense.

Rev. Walbear

PS--The picture here is of the author's parents at that very store mentioned above at Balcom Corners, NY.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Daniel - Study Four

                                                 Daniel - Study Four

    In the previous three studies of Daniel we saw how God used the great
faith of Daniel and his three Jewish friends to make a believer of the king of
Babylon. This was part of God's long range plan for the universe, which
continues today through prophecy. One of the challenges and roadblocks
for the training of the king was the custom of the day. This was a time when
a king's decree or a man's word was law. Your statement or decision could
not be changed. This was a wonderful ploy for evil people to cause trouble
for anyone they wanted to destroy. When I was young, it was common for
agreements to be "sealed" by a handshake. An honest man's word was his
bond. Nowadays, even written contracts are no guarantee. Over thousands
of years, we've gone from the ridiculous to the ridiculous.

     While Daniel and his friends held high political positions during their captivity,
they were resented by jealous Babylonians and Chaldeans. There is always
jealousy and envy in politics, and in business, too. Everyone wants to have
a superior position and the money that goes with it. The belief that a man's word
was binding has morphed into two political claims. One is that your position on
an issue cannot be changed once you have committed yourself. The exact
opposite is also claimed--if you change your mind for any reason, you are
flip-flopping. Neither position is backed by intelligence and common sense.

    There are many verses in scripture dealing with fools and I will quote just
one. Proverbs 12:15, "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who
heeds counsel is wise." The really tragic part of fools is their neglect to study
the subject and understand the real facts. When their decision is "set in stone",
they create massive problems and disaster. Changing one's mind is prudent
when the facts support it. However, in Daniel we see that a decree cannot be
changed, even by a king.

    Jealous officials convinced Darius (now king)  that he should decree that the
people must petition only the king for 30 days, and not any god or man under
penalty of being placed in the lion's den. See Daniel 6:6-9. Being prideful, as
kings are, it seemed a good thing to the king. While he had replaced
Nebuchadnezzar and it was some 40 years later, the close bond between
Daniel and the previous king was forgotten, and the king was tricked. Daniel
would bow to no man or god except the God in Heaven, and this was forgotten.

    This story relates a miracle and makes for good reading. But the real message
here is much more important. I'll get to that shortly, but we'll continue with Daniel
before I outline "the rest of the story." The king could not change the decree, and he
spent the entire day trying to think of a solution. Then he spent a sleepless night after
sealing Daniel inside the lion’s den by placing the imprint of his ring on the sealed
entrance. Now here is a very mild test for you.

    How do you feel when the king calls out to Daniel and he answers that he is
unharmed? Did you feel similar to a youngster on Christmas morning when he gets
up and rushes to see what Santa brought? If you did, that was a quickening of the
Holy Spirit. If you did, rejoice because it means you have real faith and the Holy
Spirit is working in your life. If you didn't, you need more time and effort in
scripture. The fact that you've read the story before doesn't matter. Many people,
including Christians, probably fail this mild test. The pull of the world interferes
with our spiritual walk.

    The king was overjoyed that Daniel was protected from the lions. Note I said
"protected", not saved. We are saved by Jesus, but protected by God. While the
king obviously had no choice, he did have at least past history and HOPE (which
is a type of faith) that the God in Heaven would pull Daniel through. This showed
the king had at least an idea of the spiritual world and battle that is ongoing
24/7, whether you realize it or not.

    Recognition of the mostly unseen spiritual world is nearly impossible in our
carnal world because so much of our belief is based on science and sight. Remember
the saying, "seeing is believing"? If you can't believe in what you can't physically
see, you will have trouble really believing the virgin birth, Christ's miracles and
the resurrection. Are they wonderful stories or quickening recognition for you?

    I'll leave the explanation about the unseen spiritual world to an expert, the Apostle
Paul, who explained it to the Ephesians. Now, first understand that the spiritual
world is highly organized. Both God and Satan are in this game for keeps. You
don't stand a chance without a well-oiled army. We know Satan never permits his
"soldiers" to sleep. We are familiar with angels God sends to help us. We should understand  that GOD also has a well-trained army and it is on duty 24/7 Check Joshua 5:13-14. "And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, 'Are You for us or for our adversaries?'" "So He said, 'No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.'

 Perhaps you can imagine the vastness of this spiritual battle when you see that
God has a real army with soldiers ranging from privates to general to commander
in chief. This is where the REAL action is. Oh, we have the physical battle here on
earth to observe in places like Afghanistan, but unless we are directly connected
with that war through friends or relatives, we pay little attention. Except for the lack
of action to end that suction cup of American lives and major contributor to our
national debt, that is. Because our people, including churched Christians, do not
make the effort to understand the spiritual is actually more important than what we
see and hear physically, we are contributing to the downfall of the world--not just
America, but the entire world. So, we now go to read what the Apostle Paul told the
Ephesians. Keep in mind, since this is spiritual warfare, the usual equipment we
would have such as armored vests, helmets and such are not visible and we can't
physically feel them.

    Ephesians, 6:10-18. "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of
his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the
wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up
the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having
done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put
on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation
of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able
to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and
the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; praying always with all prayer and
supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to  this end with all perseverance  and
supplication for all the saints--"

    You will need the Holy Spirit to help you understand this, and that includes those of
you who are believers and who also consider yourself saved. If you experience the
presence and assistance of the Holy Spirit, you will be both physically and mentally
affected. Recall scripture passages when angels came to help people, and the
experience left people drained of energy, and, in some cases, prostate. When the
Holy Spirit is indwelling you and moving you in any kind of the Lord's work, it will be
an awesome experience you won't forget. This is as good as it gets.

    I recently had occasion to see a recently saved person actually receive the Holy
Spirit's assistance in learning scripture, and it was very moving. You have no idea
how encouraging experiences such as these are to a teacher of the Word. We praise
God to be able to see some of His handiwork.

Rev. Walbear

Friday, January 11, 2013


                                                    ALL ABOUT WOMEN

    You know the subject. Now, let's look at history--both ancient and current.
Without knowing the history, there is no way you will understand the tugs and
pulls placed on women by societies and cultures dating all the way back to
Abraham. History was compiled by many people in the past centuries, and
carefully preserved for us--if we take the time and effort to see where we have
been and what we have done. It isn't pretty. After reviewing history, we will
move into scripture and come to the present. As always, the Christian message
will be the foundation for the eventual teaching--even if you don't like it.

    Women have been treated much the same by cultures and society since
Day One. Unfortunately, treatment since Day One has worsened at a pretty
fast clip. Not only scripture, but history also fills in the blanks. In ancient times,
it was a physical world, and men were the hunters and protectors. The role of
women was confined to child bearing and "keeping the house". It was a tough
world out there, even for men. The pattern was set. This was the way it had to
be. The world was too fearful for women to go it alone.

    Adam and Eve, and Abraham and Sarah were a part of this world as scripture
tells us. Woman was created as a helpmate and companion for man. The world
was still a tough place, and it wasn't safe for a woman to travel or live alone. It
seems man has always been an aggressor, and women were easier prey than
other men. You see that fear played a major role in the relationship because
physical protection was a "must". It's interesting to note that fear plays a major
role in everybody's life today.

     There was a double standard for the sexes very early on. You see from both
history and scripture, that women were supposed to remain "pure" for their
husbands while men could do pretty much as they wished. In fact, men of most
cultures could have either multiple wives or concubines. Some of the biblical
leaders--the Chosen of God--had hundreds of concubines. They had children by
several women. Doesn't sound very Christian, does it? Even David, beloved of
God, had multiple wives. Solomon had so many women I doubt he could remember
the count.

    We're starting with the Chosen, but almost all cultures in the world have always
had the double standard. That includes all the races, too. Women have always
been subservient to men. Oh, there were a few who broke away, and you can enjoy
their wickedness in reading scripture. Usually they were bloodthirsty murderers, not
sex fiends, and they enjoyed being dictators--just like the men.

    The value of women has always been discounted, like money. This discounting
is so bad in some cultures that women have to live worse than mere slaves. Some
cultures think nothing of "killing" female babies, because they want boys who can
work at jobs not offered to girls. Then, there are the cultures that sell the young
girls into the sex business. All this is going on right now in many places around
the world. Some cultures kill a woman who has been raped in "honor" of her
family. The man goes unpunished.

    In India recently, a woman was gang raped, and authorities were going to do
nothing about it until an uproar around the world appears to have caused some
activity by authorities. Note that in almost all such situations the authorities are
men. Now, let's get closer to home, and see that a rape occurred more than five
months ago in Steubenville, Ohio, that has just now been exposed. Two football
players took advantage of an unconscious teenage girl, stripped her naked,
carried her limp body around and raped her in front of dozens of witnesses who
took a video and pictures of the action. The coach permitted the football players
to continue on the team while the sheriff said you can't arrest the boys for being
stupid and carrying the naked and unconscious girl around in public. The district
attorney is one of the boys' mother, and the party was held in her house. When the
girl's parents went to file a complaint, they were told not to because it would cause
them a lot of grief, and they were afraid to begin the process. The sheriff was angry
because over 1,000 protestors thought he didn't do his job.

    Right close to home, at least for me, is the case a couple of years ago in Columbia
County, Pennsylvania. Two football players raped a girl who was an honor student,
and still were permitted to play. Further, school administrators had high praise for
the character of these rapists. One of the boy's mother is a teacher at the school.
The girl had a clean record, but only the boys were supported. Fortunately, the
police and court did their job, and the boys were convicted. The atmosphere at
the school was so debilitating for the victim, she had to leave the school. There
are national organizations still working on this case. The school board places a
very high priority on the sports program.

    In California recently, a convicted rapist had his conviction overturned because
a 200 year old state law said only a married woman could be raped. In the debates
leading up to the election two months ago, and in senate races in two states, we
heard some very unusual (to say the least) statements about rape from the
conservative candidates. I'm using their political label because it ties in with scripture
and the Christian church, as you will see. When a politician with no medical background
separates illegitimate from legitimate rape, you get the idea he didn't have much
schooling in any subject. You wonder how someone like that has the guts to run
for a national office and why he wasn't yanked from the party. He was asked to quit,
but refused. Both these candidates lost, fortunately.

     This has all been history--it's a fact, friends, and you can do the research. Rather
than accept somebody's opinion or my writing, do the research. Now we move to
history created by experience--my experience. We have an outreach ministry, and
we work with families and women. Some of the women are single mothers. Some
do not have good characters and will probably always experience difficulties. But,
others have been tricked and trapped by conniving men. These are the sweet talkers
who promise love and companionship. They even persuade the woman to hold a job
and support their lazy lifestyle. When the woman becomes pregnant or delivers a
child, they disappear. Do you know why many of these victims accept the unmarried
lifestyle with a bum? They are afraid to live alone, and don't have a choice of where
to stay. They do this mostly out of fear.

     I'm opposed to across the board abortion, but to all the politicians and men who
talk about murdering babies, who is going to care for these single women and their
children? Yes, children. Plural. The sweet talkers become professional sweet talkers,
and frequently strike twice or more. The courts can't keep up with most of these
preying men. Welfare has to provide. Instead of cutting welfare, these politicians
should strengthen the net to catch these selfish men. If the men trashing all the
single mothers had to live in anguish and poverty, the laws would be changed.
The women always pay dearly, but the men continue to exploit the system. Fear
of being alone and unwanted is the tool used to ruin women's lives.

    Fear is the keyword for this entire message, because it is fear in men that they
could lose their superior position in the battle of the sexes. This may start, for
Christians at least, with Isaiah 3:4, "I will give children to be their princes, And babes
shall rule over them," Bible expositors have explained that this may mean inexperienced
or bad leaders. It could also mean women. While this may be a warning, it does not
carry the strength and weight of the teaching of Christ and the Apostles.

    Look at Ephesians 5:25-27, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the
church and gave himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing
of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church , not having
spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish."
    Continue with 5:28-29, "So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own 
bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but
nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church." You can crosscheck this
instruction in Col. 3:19. Sounds like I'm really on the side of wives, right?

    I'm on the side of obeying Gods Word, so we'll now see what He tells the wives.
Again turn to Ephesians, 5:22-24. "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the
Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and
He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let
the wives be to their own husbands in everything."
    Seems pretty clear the husband is the master and the wife is the slave, right?
Wrong. Just as Christ is not inferior to the Father, but is the second Person in the
Trinity, so wives are equal to their own husbands. A husband and wife have different
roles to the Lord. The wife's submission is voluntary and arises out of her submission
to Christ. You may have to think about this for a while. Concentrate on the meaning
of the Trinity and that the parts are equal in value, although each has a separate
and different responsibility. The key is voluntary.

    In Ephesians 5:31 warns men that they have a primary responsibility as head of
the household. "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined
to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." Verse 33 again tells the husband to 
love his own wife as himself, and the wife should respect her husband. The husband
is still the protector and is to nourish his wife, while the wife is his partner and should
follow his lead as long as it is prudent and wise. She is not a slave who must agree
and submit to all his wishes and demands. 

    A sizable number of Christian men use these scriptural passages to assume total
control of their wife. Many churches teach this. Its a pretty good deal for men: just be
a Christian, persuade a woman to marry you, and you are a king for life. It doesn't
matter that she has some knowledge and qualities superior to yours. You are the
boss because the bible says so. Furthermore, you now control all the activities of
her body. In the matter of a baby, you can forget Ephesians 5:31. When she gets
pregnant, you two are no longer one flesh. Now you are three flesh. Now you alone
can decide who gets murdered if an abortion is the only option to save your wife's
life. Forget the two are one flesh. Let the wife die if necessary. Maybe you'll get a
healthy son. Or maybe, the baby will die. At least you have a chance if you sacrifice
your wife. After all, you're the boss.

    Aren't you horrified when you read or see on television where an entire colony of
women have been led into a cult? The leader has a bunch of wives, often taking girls
not yet teenagers to wife (actually for sex). We have new cults rising up frequently.
A new one just surfaced out in Washington state. We know about those recently
in the news in Utah and Texas. There's no stopping them because they feast on two
main points. One is fear. With a cult, there is fear of being alone, but also fear of
punishment for disobeying or not being one of the submissive group. There is also 
the promise of comfort and protection from the wicked world. The other point, and
the really unfortunate and SINFUL point is the use of God's Word to mislead these
women. Frequently when you see a photo or video of these cult leaders, they are
holding a bible and sometimes quoting from it.

    In the Christian world, many of the pastors and teachers get the role of women
mostly wrong. There is much in scripture that needs to be fully understood before
it is taught. Is it wrong for a woman to have a leadership position in the church? I
know it is discouraged in some places, but you need to research the culture and
history of the time and place before accepting that instruction as blunt truth. If you
check out Judges, chapter 5 (Deborah), Ex. and Numbers (Miriam), you see that
women had leadership positions when the Lord so moved. Strong willed women
can cause trouble in a church, and it was imperative in the early forming churches
that this should be prevented. It takes training and the Holy Spirit to prepare both
men and women for leadership. There are many men who don't belong in the pulpit.

    You can see the hint of fear in men when they falsely accuse a woman official of
faking injury to dodge responsibility when it is clear the accusation is unfounded,
There is also much ado about a man who is killed or badly injured if he is a well-known
personality. Much less is done for a woman with similar circumstances, while a rape
victim frequently becomes the villain. We see more and more women leaders in the
developed world because they usually earn their positions. Unfortunately we still
see the "good ole boy" method predominating many men's positions. In much of the 
world, including dictatorships, men rule with savage zest.

    By refusing to understand God's purpose and use of women, we are losing out
in our advancement of civilization and becoming less and less caring and gentle. By
teaching in the church that women are basically chattel or employees of husbands,
we are permitting us to be led astray by men who take advantage of becoming a
master simply by being a "Christian". A woman was the mother of Christ. No human
man was pure enough to be His Father. Shouldn't that tell us something?

Rev. Walbear