Monday, June 3, 2013


                                      NEW AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY

I have studied the Bible, scripture and related books for many years. Therefore I was skeptical when a man was eager to explain his Christianity to me. I did not tell him I was an ordained Christian minister. I have direct quotes from him and they will be so marked. He is what I call a new and revised American Christian. Please read this “new” definition of Jews and Christians. 

No where did he mention Christ, so I am still trying to understand how or why he considers himself a Christian. This man quotes and interprets some verses of scripture. He gave a rather disjointed explanation of his “Christian” faith, and I will present it as he gave it, so it will be lengthy. 

“A long time ago a nation who worshiped God found themselves losing battles to a powerful neighbor. It didn’t occur to the people or their religious leaders to ask God why. After losing 4,000 citizens soldiers, elders of the nation concluded the battle was lost because a special religious chest wasn’t present. They were saying “We lost because our lucky charm wasn’t with our fighting boys. They can’t be the best they can be when God’s box isn’t present.”

This man is referring to I Sam. 4 and scripture that tells us of Israel’s defeat by the Philistines in the battle where 4,000 Israelis were killed and the box (Ark of the Covenant) was captured. If this man had read I Sam. 5, he would have found that when the Philistines captured the Ark, they placed it in the house of Dagon, their god. The next morning, Dagon had fallen on its face to the earth. The ark still stood. The next day they found Dagon again on the ground and both palms of the hands and head were broken. Then God ravished the Philistines with tumors. When the Philistines took the Ark to another town, that town was also ravished. The Philistines now greatly feared the Arc and returned it to Israel. This man said the Philistines at first feared the power of this box, but then won the big battle and captured the box. He didn’t mention what happened in I Sam. CH 5 & 6.

I wondered why he began his scripture references NINE books from the beginning of the Old Testament. He ignored genesis which includes creation of man in God’s Image, The Noahaic Covenant, and the Abrahamic Covenant. This latter covenant tells us how God designated Israel to be His people and the means to lead others to a correct worship of God. He also gave us the Ten Commandments. (Ex. 19 & 20) he also ignores the Godly power brought to Israel in the other books of the Old Testament. 

So far, his explanation of God’s work completely ignores creation, the selection of Israel as His CHOSEN, the Ten Commandments, the Holy Spirit, and all the basics for Christians. Jesus Christ is not mentioned and neither is John 1:1 proclaiming the Word of God (the Bible) as God. Where does he get the name Christian?

Next, this man fast forwards to today and America and our problems. He says in much confusion that “America no longer calls on the same god for help or to worship.”  He does not say who that god was – it obviously wasn’t the god of Israel. Most people in the world believe in some god, even Satan. He goes on to say that “God is mentioned often in the Declaration of Independence.” This little group of people (colonies) defeated the most powerful nation on earth (Great Britain.) People are saying we need to get back to our founding documents. “They 
were lucky for us once, weren’t they?” 

Here this man really displays his ignorance. God is not mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. The expression used for God is “supreme Judge of the world, creation, divine providence, Nature’s God and Laws of Nature. I have read that document, the Preamble and the constitution many times, and God is not mentioned. Moreover, America’s Constitution is the only major free nation declaration in the world that does not contain the word of God. 

This man goes on to say we “don’t seek the god mentioned in this document.” Since there is no god mentioned in the document, how could we mention him? If he was mentioned, how could we distinguish him form any other god since this man never accepted Israel as God’s chosen people?

So far we see not one mention of any covenant in scripture. No God of Israel and not one reference to Jesus Christ. Nothing he has said makes sense or is fully explained. Are you for ready this?

Our covenant with God is our Constitution. He has not accepted any of the biblical teaching and does not believe in any of the Jewish or Christian principles. Yet he says he is a Christian. By accepting our Constitution as our Covenant, we are governed my man-people-persons who do not have to follow ANY of God’s commandments or law. We don’t even recognize that Jesus existed and is our Savior and the only way to heaven. Those are Christ’s very words. Our founding fathers made the covenant. 

Now I understand why the Supreme Court ruled Citizens United in 2010 that corporations are people (persons) with all the rights and privileges as men and women. This ruling, although Gen. 1:26-27 clearly describes men as a likeness to God and Jesus, eliminates Christ from the trinity and as the Son of God. The Supreme Court now can make ANY law, not being under the God of the chosen (Israel), Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit. PEOPLE, YOU HAVE ALLOWED THE SUPREME COURT TO ACT IN THE PLACE OF GOD. If you can accept this arrangement, how can you be a Christian? This man and all the followers of this belief cannot be part of something that doesn’t exist. 

He also quotes 2 Chron. 7:14, “ If My people, which are called by my Name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

He concludes his rant by saying, “God cannot be kept in a box, or on a piece of animal hide.” This, folks, is the explanation for throwing Jesus and real followers of Jesus Christ under the bus. Using our Constitution as our covenant gives man the full power to set all customs, rules, procedures, laws, and everything. They can interpret everything including scripture. The God of the Chosen and Christ have exactly NO say. It’s all up to men and women. 

If “My people’ and “We the people” are called upon by these new types of Christians, they can expect only a trip to hell. America has not stood up for Jesus Christ, and God has found our nation sadly wanting (lacking). As an individual, you can still witness for the Chosen and Christ. I urge you to carefully and quickly study this message. God has patience, but eventually He will act.

Rev. Walbear