Friday, March 27, 2015


                                               STANDING UP 2

    This is a follow up message continuing the intestinal fortitude of Christians to "stand up" for Christ when the chips are down. The first message dealt with how history has shown the support women gave to Christ. We're not talking about personal witness here, we're talking about the situation when your witness could mean death. We see this happening in many places in the world today. If you admit you are a Christian, you lose your head. So, this is a capital question for you to consider looking back on Christ's crucifixion and sacrifice. Could you go to the Cross? As explained in part one, women did not face the same level of challenge then as men because they did not have equal standing. Today women Christians are as likely to lose their head literally as men. Now it's your turn men, to assess your level of commitment. We'll look at the New Testament to understand the growth and resolve necessary to pass the test. Can you walk the talk? 

There were more followers of Jesus than the named disciples. Many of these early followers fell away when things didn't go smoothly. The
 difficulty of actually understanding Jesus was manifest right up to and
past the resurrection. It is no wonder Christians today seem to register
below the cool water mark of the church at Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22). In addition to pointing out the condition of that church, the closing verses offer the members full restoration if they "answer His knock at the door." You can see most of our national leaders exposed in verses 17 and 18. When you have wealth, compassion for others usually is lost in the quest for more wealth. It's not that money is evil; what you do with it decides your Christian standing.

    For some mysterious reason, Christians (both real and professing) can't seem to understand scripture. Christ used parables to explain things, but only the eyes and ears of real believers seem to understand. While the disciples who believed in His message were willing to physically fight for him (Mark 14:47), Christ told them no. With that, see what happened in Mark 14:50, "Then they all forsook  Him and fled." They never understood His repeated messages that He would be killed and resurrected. Nothing like that had ever happened before, and it seemed scientifically impossible. There are professing members of churches today who still don't believe in the virgin birth and the resurrection. And, some of these people are pastors.

    There was much to confuse people. Only the Southern Kingdom of 
Israel practiced Jewish law. The Northern Kingdom (Samaria) was a
mixture of Jews and other nationalities. The Jewish people there were
familiar with the Old Testament, and many came to recognize Christ.
In the South, religious leaders (priests) not only failed to recognize him,
but plotted His death. The priests were well schooled in the Old
Testament, but did not believe parts they didn't understand. For  example, see Isaiah 7:14, that predicts the birth of Christ. These religious leaders are like many church leaders today who don't really believe what they preach. Either you believe all of scripture, or you aren't a Christian and shouldn't use the designated name. There is nothing part way or half way in the spiritual world.

    A word of caution before we list some of the records of men who
followed Christ. There is a serious misunderstanding of Matt. 10:10-26.
There are would-be evangelists misinterpreting Christ's words, "But  
when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should
speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak."
If you read the whole directive by Christ, you see these directions are
meant only for the situation where they are unprepared to respond to
officials. It does not mean an individual doesn't need to study and be
properly prepared to preach the Word. There are many, many groups
who follow such a sham minister who doesn't know scripture and leads
the congregation astray. Christ spent much time preparing Himself and
knew the Old Testament fully. After all, it was His Word.

    Matt. chapter 16 tells us how Christ introduced His future on earth,
and Peter confessed Jesus was Christ. When Christ told Peter that He
would be killed and then raised the third day, Peter did not understand.
People didn't return after death--something few people believe today,
including many professing Christians. See verses 13 through 22. Christ again told them about His impending  death and resurrection: see Matt. 17:22-23. Jesus said to them, "The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill Him, and the third day He will be raised up." The key to everything about Christianity is found in the word "resurrection."

    Although the disciples were with Christ during all His teaching, they
could not believe in resurrection. Do you? I pray you do, because if you
don't you are not a true believer. We go now to Matt. 20:17-19, and you
see Christ told them a third time about His death and resurrection. Are
you having doubts just as they did? They had an advantage over you
because Christ had raised people from death. Still, they were much like
the church leaders of that day. Seeing miracles didn't convince them
He would be raised from death. The Holy Spirit enables us to pray for God's healing powers and perform miracles today, but many still don't believe. Some Christian teachers don't believe miracles or faith
healing can happen today because they believe healing was a gift given only to the apostles, and is no longer available. Their problem is a simple one. They equate the healing miracle with the human giving the prayer, not the prayer itself. If you are seeking miracle healing, a human can pray for the healing, but the prayer must be a request for the power of the Holy Spirit to perform the actual healing. A faith healer is really a faith prayer who believes very strongly in the power of the Holy Spirit. Remember, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin. If your faith isn't in the power of the Spirit, your faith is in a period of discharge. Better hit the Good Book.

    I ponder over the disciples' inability to understand His words, because
they knew about His miracles and the raising of the dead. I guess they
must not have believed the resurrected persons were actually dead. We
see that word again. With any doubt, men would revert to saving their
own skin when the chips were down. (I don't know how I came to use
these gambling terms, because I don't gamble or usually watch crime
films). Would you look for a scientific reason for resurrection, or would
you accept the miracle explanation?

    Now we get into politics. Most Christians have an understanding of
politics that matches the understanding of resurrection. If you're insulted, good! Many Christians are 'patsies" for two things--money and emotions. If you surf the internet or follow some of the fake television preachers, you will usually hear some plan for preserving your money or becoming rich. Please note carefully, Christ promised spiritual wealth. He and His followers did not have retirement plans. I hope to talk about these plans soon. These promises are risky at best, and the emotional pleas only fire up a smoke screen to divert your attention from more serious issues. This may sound like pure politics, but it is very evident in the organized church. Pastors face a tough job if they are sincere believers, because congregations frequently think the building and group of people belong to them because they are stewards of "their" church. This is not my opinion.
It is the consensus of pastors who have told me their problems. If you want to wake up your congregation, just mention money or some social activity (usually not addressed by Christ in scripture). If you follow the advice of a Solomon, you should check his personal life before jumping aboard his ship. He was a very wise man, who as he got older and more rich, violated several of the rules God gave him when he ascended to be a great king. Murder, horses and women were among his sins in later years. Proverbs are good advice, but hitch your carriage to Jesus, not any mere mortal man. Today's church is highly critical in politics, just as the Sadducees were in Christ's time (See Matt. 22:23-33). Test the depth of the water before you take that leap.

    The sad part of this sermon begins in Matt. 26:31-35. Jesus told the disciples, "All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: 'I will strike the Shepherd, And the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'" (v 31) Peter and the others were adamant they would never stumble. But Jesus told them, "Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times." (v 34) This prophecy was fulfilled in Matt. 26:69-75. Peter's brave resolve was quickly shattered, which strongly suggests our walk isn't as pious as we may think. Man's support of Christ usually is mostly talk. Look at their failure to follow the Gospels.

    Where were the men who followed Christ when He died on the Cross?
The only followers there were women. See Matt. 55-56, which tell us only women were present during Christ's final hours of life on earth. When Christ was placed in the tomb, watching were two women, Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary. The only follower of Christ who showed
strength of character was a rich man from Arimathea, who went to Pilate and asked for the body so it could be buried in the rock hewn tomb he had prepared. (Matt. 27:57-60)

    The failure of the disciples continued the next day when it was the 
women who went to the tomb to administer to the body. The tomb was
empty, and an angel met them and told them, "He is risen!" They had no
doubt. As they went to tell the disciples, they met Him on the road, and
they worshiped Him. Now, I ask you, which gender has the real belief  and which gender deserves the privilege and right to lead the church? The record of male believers is abysmal.

    It gets worse. Mark 16:12-13 tells us He appeared to two disciples on
the road, "And they went and told it to the rest, but they did not believe
them (these two) either." ( v13) How worse can it get? Thomas, one of
the twelve, was not with the other disciples when Jesus appeared  among them. Thomas did not believe them when they told him they had  seen the risen Lord. See John 20:24-29. In verse 25, Thomas probably speaks for many Christians today when he says, "Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe." 

    After eight days, the disciples were again gathered inside, and  Thomas was among them. Jesus came (the doors were shut) and told Thomas and told him to "Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and place it into my side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing." (v 27)

    Herein lies the story and truth in one word--resurrection. Christ told 
them in John 20:29, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have 
believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
Although the disciples who lived with Jesus saw miracles performed,
were given the power to use His power (the Holy Spirit was with Him)
to perform miracles, and were told repeatedly what would eventually
happen, they lacked belief. Seeing is believing, except when the Holy
Spirit has not opened your eyes to His truth. The same is true about
your ears and hearing the Word. The Word is God, you know (John 1:1).

     This Easter season should remain your every day season, and you
should develop your spiritual sight and hearing. Christ lived every day
for us. We should try to live every day for Him. Can you show more faith than the men of Christ's day? Do you really have the faith in Christ that I hear so many claim? In this matter, I am playing the role of a doubting Thomas until I see the evidence James describes for  us in his short Book that contains only five chapters. He is risen for our future. He did His part. How about you?



Saturday, March 21, 2015


                                                        STANDING UP    

    Life experiences are the best if they aren't too painful. Sometimes they become very painful and that possibility may change a decision. 
Fortunately for Christians, Christ knew what He had to do, and never
wavered in carrying through on His mission. Because of His resolve and sacrifice, you and I can observe Easter knowing we have eternal life. Others, with the Apostle Paul as an example, also carried out sacrifices to bring the gospel message to the world. When the chips were down, they were standing up to the worst Satan could bring against them. How about you?

    One of my life experiences on standing up always comes to mind when I hear someone expound on a controversial subject. Usually these are the people who fail to stand up when the rubber meets the road. I have found that standing up for a principle--even a personal matter--often causes the person's knees to collapse. Easter is an excellent time to assess our resolve. The experience I am talking about happened when I was quite young. My father had been a  school administrator at a small school, and later became a director at a large school. He was a champion of the common people, and always explored solution possibilities for parents.

    A family came to ask him to help them with one of their children who was having difficulty in elementary school. They outlined the problem for him, and he discussed possibilities. He told the parents he would put their request before the board at their next meeting, but they would have to come to explain the situation to board members and staff. The parents were placed on the meeting agenda, but they failed to attend the meeting. An attempt to resolve the problem was made, but their failure to stand up for what they  believed in prevented satisfaction. The school board really cared about the child, but couldn't take full action because the parents
didn't show up to discuss the matter. Over time, I saw this happen many times.  It was amazing how many times quite minor subjects were not addressed because nobody stood up to support a request.

    What I did see, however, was how often people with ridiculous or 
terrible self-serving requests did show up. It seemed that proponents of bad or evil issues were willing to stand up, but reasonable people failed. Christ suffered crucifixion, humiliation, physical and mental pain and death to give us the opportunity for eternal life. Our military people take an oath to give their life, if necessary, to keep us free. That is the ultimate sacrifice a human can make, and do we repay them with the respect and care we should? Of course not, because  the people (politicians) who provide the money don't appreciate their sacrifice. We've gone from parents to Christ to the Apostle Paul to politicians. Now we look at the history of Christians. We also  examine ourselves.

    Have you ever thought about your breaking point? At what level of
challenge would you go to support your Christianity. Most of us will never know unless and until such a point is reached. In reviewing the record of Christians in holy scripture, we see standing up for Christ is much more difficult than talk. We have Christians today losing their lives just because they are Christians. They've had to walk the talk,  and death took them away. Scripture gives us a good account of how people respond to FEAR. It is fear that determines your reaction to Christian challenges, and fear plays a major role in politics as well as religion.

    First, we'll look at the role of women in Christianity. We must  
remember that the role of women and responsibility is not the same as the role of men. Women in the days of the Old Testament rarely overcame the patriarchal dominance of men, and were usually not only not considered a threat, but ignored. Some women, going all the way back to Genesis, had leadership positions, but not often. Looking at it in this context, the pressure of outward commitment was not  close to the consideration men faced. After Christianity began, women became the scapegoats men punished, even to the tune of burning at the stake. I never heard of "Christians" burning a man at the stake.  Have you? With this type of exception, women have suffered mostly through support of the male leaders. Their loyalty and commitment is not to be questioned, however, as they "stood by their men."

    The first woman who showed strength of character was not even a
practicing Israelite. The people of the Northern Kingdom were known as Samaritans, and were  a mixture of Israeli and several other  nationalities. They were schooled in or familiar with the Old Testament, but did not actively practice the Jewish religion. John 4:1-42 gives you the entire episode of the woman at the well, and how she realized  Christ was the expected Messiah. She told men when she returned into the city about Christ (v 29). They went to check on her story, and in John 4:39 we see, "And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, 'He told me all that I ever did.'"

    At Bethany, a woman brought an alabaster flask of costly oil and 
anointed His head (Mark 14:1-9). The disciples criticized her for using the expensive oil. Christ said she was anointing Him for burial. In Acts, chapter 16, the Apostle Paul meets Lydia and a group of women praying by the river in (Thyatira) Macedonia. She was a seller of purple who worshiped God. When Paul entered a city, he would first go to a 
synagogue to preach. Ten male household heads were required to  form a synagogue, and if 10 weren't there, the people would pray outside, preferably by a river. Purple was the color of a dye produced in Thyatira by painstakingly taking it drop by drop from a certain shellfish. It was so special it was used for royalty. Lydia and her household were baptized by Paul, and he and Silas stayed at Lydia's home.

    This next is a diversion. You should be used to my diversions by now, because I always want to insert "insider" type information. One of the most thrilling happenings in scripture took place while Paul and Silas were staying there. They would go from street to street preaching the Word. A slave girl well known as a fortune teller followed them proclaiming, "These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaims to us the way of salvation." After several days of this, Paul was annoyed, and he addressed the spirit, 'I  command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her (Acts 16:18). When her masters saw her fortune telling days were over, they took Paul and Silas to the magistrate and had them beaten with rods and thrown into prison. They were put in an inner (secure) prison and their feet fastened with stocks. At midnight, the prison shook from an earthquake, and the stocks and doors were opened. Be sure to read Acts 16 in its entirety to understand the pain Paul
and Silas suffered turned to good for the jailer's family and those who had accepted Christ. Satan creates bad, and Christ counters with good. 

    When Christ went to the Cross, it was women who followed Him, not disciples. Matt. 27:55-56 tell us that among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother  of Zebedee's sons ( v 56). Matt. 26 continues the story, telling how the women encountered an angel of the Lord, who rolled away the stone from the cave. The angel was the first to say "He is risen." The angel told them they would see Him in Galilee. As they went to tell the disciples, Christ met them on the road. They were the first to see the risen Christ, and they worshiped Him. I pray the men reading this take note the women were loyal to the end. Where were these fearless men? So...women aren't supposed to be leaders? Tell me why.

    I'm definitely a lone wolf, and I don't encourage testimonial stories
because I have seen so many fictional stories, frequently for the purpose of raising money. The bigger the tear jerker, the more money. I'm breaking that rule myself, in this sermon, because two women did actually save my life. My wife and daughter, at great personal sacrifice, did just that. There were others who played an important part, but none would have mattered if it weren't for my wife and daughter. I give thanks, not only in the Easter season, but every day, for the blessings I received, and for God's great blessing to give me my wife of over 50 years, and my daughter. You men out there, cut some slack. If it wasn't for women, you wouldn't be here
and neither would Jesus Christ. A little groveling would do you good.

Rev. Walbear


Tuesday, March 17, 2015



    Less than two weeks separate St. Patrick's Day and Easter, giving
us the opportunity to observe both historical occasions in the same
season. This is a tough love study, because both special days provide
us with innocent people being murdered falsely in the Name of God.
The first murder was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which began a
new religion called The Way, and later was at least partially corrupted
by individuals adding man-made rules establishing denominations. If
you think I'm making a mistake with my conclusion, at least read about
the second murder which indirectly was caused by St. Patrick's work
and devotion to Christ.

    If you are continuing with this message, we'll go to why St. Patrick's
Day is teamed with Easter. St. Patrick was not your regular priest, and
he was responsible for bringing Christianity to Ireland. I wrote about
him and his work a year ago. See the archives under "Maewyn  Succat."
That was his real name. Christ was hung on a Cross, often called a
tree by Christians. (Hence the symbol of the Cross by a Christmas tree.)
The second murder involving a "tree," was actually a tree, and was in
the United States at Salem. If you're loudly proclaiming your patriotic
allegiance, you should know that Salem is in New England where the
Pilgrims set up shop.

    What murder took place there? If you are one of the conservatives
who doesn't want to know anything bad about our ancestors, you may
as well ring off this message. I've read and reread the bible many, many
times, and it's the ultimate history book. Both bad and good things
happen because all of us are sinners. The Pilgrims may have worn
wonderful clothing, but their religious "clothing" might as well have
been masks like the radical Arabs of today, or the pointed hoods of
the Ku Klux Klan. They are listed in our history books as Christians
who came to America for religious freedom. Herein is the name of the
murder victim at Salem...Ann Glover.

    Ann was the last person to die at Salem after being convicted of
being a witch. So the Christians at Salem were primitive, you say. Of
course that's not much of an excuse because Christianity had been
taught for many years before the Pilgrims arrived. Now, let's get to
know the details of this murder. Ann and her husband were slaves.
They were Irish slaves. They weren't black or red or yellow. They were
white people of Irish descent. Ann's husband was killed by Christians
\because he refused to recant his Catholic faith. The Christians didn't
accept Catholics as real Christians. You may recall at an earlier period
of history in Europe, that the Catholic church conducted its own version
of the Holocaust called the Inquisition, where Protestants had to
become Catholics or burn at the stake.

     Now the tables were turned because the Protestants were in control
at Salem. You have to understand that leaders of the church following
the presence of Christ quickly ran off course with their teaching as
Jesus called them out in His preaching in the temple (Matt. 23). People
did not understand Christian teaching because Catholics preached in
Latin, which few people understood, and developed rituals. When Martin
Luther posted the Protestant rules on the church door, that branch of
the church was already awash because of bad teaching and their own

    You want me to cut to the chase, and here it is. After Ann's husband
was murdered in the name of religion, she was sent to work at Salem
as a housekeeper. There were several young children in the household,
and some became sick. The Protestants at Salem blamed Ann for the
sickness, and put her on trial accused of being a witch. They demanded
she recite the Lord's Prayer. She did in her native Gaelic language
because she didn't know English. That was not good enough, because
the owners and court didn't understand Gaelic. So...they hung her from
a tree. Christ wasn't a sinner. She was, but she also was a Christian.
The Salem "Christians" weren't remotely Christians. Their leaders did
not know Christian principles, but thought they were "enlightened."

     Perhaps, like me, you didn't spend enough time studying history.
The attempts to cover up truth abounds in books and speeches by
people with personal agendas. There is so little truth in our media
today, few people know what is really happening. Owners or publishers
control the media, and the news rarely is accurate. Reporters write
what they're told to write, which is usually slanted and far from the
actual truth. From my educational experiences, I conclude history
is a subject poorly or not taught at all. Many conservative leaders
want to eliminate education departments and cut funding. Liberals
want to appease every idiot with their personal desire. Church schools
aren't off the hook, either, because they incorporate denominational
rules and regulations. Before you delete, answer this question: Do you
know the problem of Irish slavery resulted in more Irish than black
slaves in the English colonies?

    How did the slave dealers get free Irish citizens to become slaves?
The king of England wanted to eliminate Catholics. When Oliver
Cromwell rose to power, he extended the king's elimination orders,
which included sending all political prisoners to the West Indies as
slaves. This was seven years before there were any slaves in America.
Because there weren't enough Irish criminals to fill the need by the
English land owners and businessmen in the West Indies, officials
stepped up their police actions and arrested people for any trivial,
real or imagined violation of the law. When charged, the people were
simply sold to the slave dealers. This was easier than going to the
difficulty of buying blacks in Africa. In America we don't turn trivial
suspected law breakers into slaves. We direct them into an economic
poverty. An Irish Catholic was not considered a good enough Christian
to be free. This was the same ploy the Catholics used in reverse in the
Inquisition. Many Americans today believe you must be a conservative
or you aren't good enough to be a Christian. You must be white or you
aren't good enough to be a Christian. Pastors and church leaders today
don't appear to be concerned with the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John. Why are they sending missionaries to Africa if conservative
churches and congregations here are condemning blacks as thugs and
criminals? Why are devoted black Christians, including Nobel Peace
winners, condemned as part of our citizens we don't want?

     This separation in America has gone so far that foreign nations,
including world leaders, are questioning our ability to govern ourselves,
let alone the world. When arch conservatives tell leaders of other
nations to forget about anything our leader does, that is the beginning
of anarchy. They have concluded a minority may rule on demand, one
step below assassination. Where are the Christian leaders in churches
calling out this anti-God anti-scripture direction? You may not be
concerned because you are not being directly affected. Scripture
tells us to be the "light" of the world. Matt. 5:14, "You are the light
of the world." You may also think it's not your problem. If you're a
Christian, your duty to God is to tackle the problem. James 1:20
tells us, "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving

    Christianity has no place for racism, which is driven by leaders
with false "bible" teaching, ego and greed. Christ did not discriminate,
nor did the disciples. These false teachers aren't necessarily pastors
or church leaders, but they may just be going with the flow. When a
business is lucrative, it's difficult to clean it up. The slave trade
between 1600 and 1700 was a major international business, and not
because of blacks. In 1659 a petition listed 72 English, 200 French and
7000 to 8,000 Scots. Great Britain boasted "the sun never sets" on
their country because of their colonial holdings. America was one of
them. Most colonies thrived to a large extent on the backs of the
slaves. Slaves did not usually live long because of the hard work
and miserable working conditions. When shortages arose, the traders
moved to kidnapping. Boys and men were taken for work, while girls
and women were taken for work or the gentleman's pleasure. History
tells us some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence had
personal slave girls or women. These were men who wrote about
equal rights for all men. Perhaps they omitted women purposely,
because women didn't get the vote until 1920.

    If you are a Christian, you'd better sit up and wake up. God has
given America the opportunity to repent for its evil deeds that
included slavery and subjection of women. We partially redeemed
ourselves by leading the world to freedom in World War II. I was
taught in history that Germany caused the war because of economic
conditions in that country. Then, in economics, I learned another
word for that economic problem was greed, not the Jews. Wealthy
industrialists financed Hitler and feathered their own nest which
today in America we call the military-industrial complex. Now there
is a radical branch of conservatives attempting to return our nation
to the Civil War days. We lost more troops in that war than all our
other wars combined.

    Before we leave Irish history, you need to know the great Irish
famine that brought many Irish immigrants to America was caused by
the deliberate destruction of food stores by the English. It was just
another way to eliminate Catholics. Eventually, soldiers were
employed to drive Irish landowners out of an area, the land was
confiscated, and soldiers were encouraged to kill resistors. Now you
may have a better understanding of why Ireland is actually two
states and there is such enmity between the Protestants and
Catholics. Ireland gained its independence in 1921.

    I had the privilege of attending a historical presentation by the
local historical society, and was startled to find out that the Ku Klux
Klan had not ceased burning crosses on selected local properties
in the Southern Tier of New York until the late 1970s. There were
strong and active chapters all around Steuben and neighboring
counties. There was a meeting hall near our farmette, and some
of the area chapters had very large membership. These Klanners
targeted Jews and Catholics because there were few blacks in
the area. If you were a black, a Jew or Catholic, you weren't Christian
enough to be a Protestant Christian. I was able to see pictures of
the Klan as they marched in local parades and other activities,
including circling a Catholic church. there were two KKK gas stations
in the area, one in nearby Bath, the county seat. As a native New
Yorker, I was astounded at the depth the KKK had reached in this
largely rural area. There was also a picture of the Boston Tea Party,
showing Klansmen in their hoods and robes. Oh yes, one more thing
necessary to belong to the KKK. You had to be a man.

    The main talking point of the KKK was that they were a white,
Protestant nation. Their religious teaching was much like that of
the Westboro Baptist Church. That is to say, it was scrambled
scripture and opinions of the leaders to sway people to the leader's
agenda. The KKK thrived because people didn't know the bible,
were not educated, and blamed all misfortune on a scapegoat
exactly like the Salem "Christians." Don't look now, but we are seeing
the rebirth of the KKK by radical pretending Christians. The goal,
as always is money and power. The method, as always, is deliberate
misinformation, race and gender separation, character assassination
and emotional subjects to take attention away from more serious
issues. To become a Klansman, you had to fill out a lengthy
questionnaire, which asked questions such as color of eyes and
hair (2 of Nazi requirements). Next you were investigated, and finally
could become a member. Women were later allowed to become
auxiliary members, but not regular members.

     The KKK got its start after the South lost the Civil War. Although
the south surrendered, the hard core States Rights southerners did
not change their feelings about slaves nor their desire to do anything
they desired, including the federal government. The North largely
rebuilt the South, but the separation idea never left the people who
had their own idea of Christianity. The underlying reasons are always
the same: a layer of privileged people, and the ability to increase an
already considerable material holding (money). This character trait
seems to pass from generation to generation. The current uprising
is the third since KKK began. And we must not forget there were
slave holders in the North, but not many.

    Who would have won World War II if America was divided? Who would
have broken the Russian blockade of a divided Germany? Who would
have kept South Korea free? You would be hard pressed to enumerate
the many things America has contributed to the world because it is a
United States. People proposing secession have little or no knowlege
or understanding of the network required for a separate country. The
states threatening separation would have a merry time sustaining
their road networks, communications, human services and all the
other necessities of a nation. It's easy to talk big, but difficult to
walk big.

    Christ walked the talk voluntarily. Ann Glover walked the talk by
force of the type of Christians we can see today and Christ warned
us about as false teachers and leaders. As 2 Peter 2:19 warns us,
"While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of
corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is
brought into bondage." America became the greatest nation in
the world as 50 states. Matt. 12:25 tells us, "Every kingdom divided
against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house
divided against itself will not stand." Christ will judge you, whether
conservative or liberal. Your Christianity will be evaluated according
to your knowledge and obedience to scripture, which as John 1:1
declares, the Word is God. Think carefully and twice before you listen
to emotional contrived detours from the road of truth.

Rev. Walbear


Saturday, March 14, 2015


                                                EASTER BONNET

    I love the song about Your Easter Bonnet, and the wonderful Christian message it sends. Oh, I know there is no Christian message for many listeners. I hope you haven't missed the significance of the song. It's another situation like Christmas, where you can choose to go along with the carnal message OR the spiritual message. Don't forget, you always have a choice. Don't always just go with the flow, which is usually directed by carnal people.

     You don't know the Christian message? Just in case, here it is. The Easter Parade features beautiful clothing outfits, with bright colors, clean, shining people, a proud walk (parade), reflection of the reason for Easter, and a feeling of joy and happiness. That's a winning combination for a Christian, and even cleans up the appearance of non Christians. Now, if you think about the lessons in scripture about the church (believers), Christ's return, the wedding feast and resurrection, you are on the right track.

    Before going further, mind-mark that word--resurrection. It's not just Easter observance, and we need to examine it further. If you study scripture you know Christ tells us in John 14:2, "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." A mansion is not a shack. It is a stately building. That's our future home. That's where we'll live in eternal life. Next, we move to the wedding feast. This is the occasion where Christ gathers in His believers (the church). I hope you do not refer to your gathering place as YOUR church. The building is not a church. It is a meeting place. You do know that where two or more believers gather together is a church?    (Matt. 18:20) It's nice to have a beautiful building, but the early church was founded and built by small gatherings in homes. There is such a lack of real scripture teaching in the organized church today that much of the learning is taking place in small bible study groups. There are way too many professing Christians mixed in with real Christians in our buildings
today. They would be bored and withdraw their money if pastors didn't make services less painful. Who sets the pace in your gathering?

    We've just started in our Easter parade, and now realize our destination is the wedding feast. As a true believer, we must be certain we have oil in our lamps. The wedding feast begins at night, and only the Father knows when (Matt. 24:36). Those attending the marriage must have oil in their lamps to attend. The oil represents the water of life (belief in Christ). If we don't have the Word of God in our heart, we won't be attending.

    If we're going to a wedding, we expect the bride and groom to be appropriately attired. The bride should be glowing with joy and dressed in the finest gown. Members of the wedding party and guests will be wearing their finest clothes, just like those in the Easter parade. Everybody will be squeaky clean and polished like silver and gold. This is because all sins were blotted out by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. They have been cleansed of any and all wrongful deeds by that sacrifice. The saints should look beautiful, colorful and spotless. This wedding feast is for all

    Why wouldn't you want to celebrate Easter by dressing in your finest and parading the great joy of eternal life? Easter is the observance of a specific happening, the resurrection of Christ. You must believe this to qualify as a Christian. There are two trains of thought about the Easter parade. One I have described in this message. There is always the attempt to mimic true Christian belief, and Easter is an example. The self righteous professing Christian will turn a serious face to the parade and frown at the spectacle of color and cleanliness. They do not see the 
significance of the event and the scriptural explanation of the Big Day. That exposes their lack of scriptural knowledge. It gives us an opportunity to perhaps open their eyes to God's Word. Matt. 13:13 and Isaiah 6:9 both explain that people will hear and see, but not understand. 

    The belief in the Cross, Christ and the resurrection is what Easter
is all about. Your salvation depends entirely on your heartfelt  acceptance of Christ's offer. It takes more than words to make the commitment. Sometimes Christian workers are over eager to hear someone come to Christ. The eager person should be the one accepting the offer. There are too many times the new believer really didn't make a heart bonding commitment, and said the words to please the counselor. Many of these "word" believers become the self righteous church goers who usually fail to understand the details of sin.

    I have experienced the mixed up attempts at Christian beliefs many times, and unfortunately too often the individual is a pastor. All sins are of equal value, and sometimes a bad habit is labeled a sin. I have heard pastors say a departed person went to Hell because they were a smoker, a drinker, adnauseam. Apparently the pastor and these people never studied scripture to actually learn the difference between sin and habit. They also don't know there's only one unforgivable sin (Matt. 12:31), not believing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

    So, I say to you, get your finest outfit, observe the resurrection of our Savior on Easter, remember you are a shining example of your eternal community, and celebrate the greatest sacrifice ever made. Shalom.

Rev. Walbear