When may a Christian commit an immoral act in the name of God? This may seem like an odd question, but note the word "may" in the above question. "May" means something is permitted, while "can" means the ability to do something. You "can" drive 80 miles an hour the wrong way on a road, but you will be in deep trouble if you're caught. It's not difficult to understand what would happen to you when you were caught. The arresting officer and judge would not likely simply dismiss you with a warning to "go and sin no more." A Christian has a code of conduct to follow if they really are committed to Jesus Christ. There is no bending of Christ's directions and instructions for ANY reason.
Christianity is a two part contract, coupling the Old Testament with the New Testament. If you disagree, you had better get your bible and turn to Matt. 5:17-20. If you think you are just in a New Covenant Church, you are defying the very words of Jesus Christ. Without knowledge of the Old Testament, how do you plan to qualify as a Christian? That's where the Ten Commandments originated. Let's review the verses I referred to above, to get the full understanding of a Christian commitment.
"Do you think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, 'til heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore
breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does and teaches men, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."
breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does and teaches men, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."
You see, friends, failure to understand Christ's guidelines for a Christian tell us clearly heaven will not be your eternal future. That may be hard for you to take if you said the words of salvation. You see, accepting the offer was like signing a contract in blood. It cost you no money, but it cost you the duty to study and become Christ- like in your life. Going to church, teaching Sunday school, tithing and giving alms are all well and good. But, without your fulfillment of scripture study, you will violate your blood contract. It is His blood and your word, not your blood. You don't have to die on the cross. All you have to do is study the Old and New Testaments, and follow His commandments (directions) in just four books of the New Testament. There are many good suggestions in books such as Proverbs, but they are not the words of our Savior.
With His directions in only four books of scripture, how can you not know the conditions of your blood contract? He directs us to the Old Testament to learn the Ten Commandments. If we study the Prophets, we are assured of the future because they were gifted by God to reveal the future, and their predictions have become true. Christ added one commandment to the original ten, and that is the one being violated world wide right now, including America. It is in Matt. 22:39, where the Jewish leaders asked Him what was the "great" commandment in the Law. Christ responded by bundling the first three commandments in simply loving and serving God. But, and note this add-on Christ gave them in verse 39, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." He made it very clear that love and respect of the Lord also carried with it the necessity of treating others the same way.
This explanation by Christ only requires your obedience to His teaching in the four gospels. That's not a very extensive set of directions. I ponder why even so many pastors don't get it. The organized church seems to be the only field of expertise where the teachers alter their textbooks to suit their or their students' desires. Is it because the students wear dunce hats, or the teachers are actually employed by Satan? I may not be very intelligent, by I have enough savvy to know i must follow a recipe to make something correctly or a manual to construct a machine or building. Why do so many Christians spend so much time finding other parts of the bible to try and "enhance" the words of Christ? Are they more intelligent than God, or did He forget something? Do you or any of your cohorts believe you can improve God?
Did you ever consider that if Christ didn't include a subject in His directions it was because the subject was covered elsewhere; like maybe in the Old Testament or through Jewish cultural customs? One of the main problems the Apostle Paul had was correcting sinful cultural practices among carnal people in newly founded churches. Many of today's Christian churches and leaders incorporate some Paul's corrective instructions in today's church. These rules and regulations were not part of Christ's teaching, and only serve to divide believers. King Solomon, for example, is frequently cited as being the wisest man ever. Yet, Solomon killed people who posed a threat to his sovereignty, disobeyed God by having hundreds of wives and concubines and having a huge stable of horses. Some of his writings are good advice, but they are NOT part of Christ's directions.
A major mistake professing Christians make is not knowing one of Christ's cardinal rules. It is short and sweet, and found in Matt. 12:31 and 32. Every sin repented by man will be pardoned by anyone who is a Christian, except just ONE. Check your scripture/ That one sin is the denial of the Holy Spirit, the very power of God
and your Savior. Sins before your acceptance of Christ's offer are also forgiven if you repented. Pay attention to the promise given by John the Baptist.
and your Savior. Sins before your acceptance of Christ's offer are also forgiven if you repented. Pay attention to the promise given by John the Baptist.
If you deviate from Christ's teaching in the gospels, you are doing the exact same thing of many other religions or faiths. Many other faiths teach being a good neighbor as well as wise sayings. None, however can offer eternal life. If you are a fanatic against certain people and preach or practice that fanaticism, you are preaching the directions of Satan. This is an immoral act, and negates your eternal life in heaven unless you repent. Reread Matt. 5:20. Do you realize eternity is in heaven, and if you violate His teaching with your pet add-ons, you won't see heaven for eternity? Satan is harvesting a huge crop of people who claim to be Christians who lose eternal life because they rally behind emotional issues. That means your discrimination against gays, other races, other faiths, same sex marriage and abortion constitute immoral acts.
Christ did not pass any laws or practices against any person, although He certainly told them about their mistakes and false teaching. Christ did not force anyone to do anything. Why would anyone claiming to be a Christian take it upon themselves to add
or change Christ's directions? We are warned in Rev. 22:18,19 not to add or subtract anything from the book. This is yet another order to keep hands off scripture. While there have been variations in the translation of the bible, there is none of today's persistent attempts to add laws, rules and punishment for "pet" personal agendas.
or change Christ's directions? We are warned in Rev. 22:18,19 not to add or subtract anything from the book. This is yet another order to keep hands off scripture. While there have been variations in the translation of the bible, there is none of today's persistent attempts to add laws, rules and punishment for "pet" personal agendas.
Do you want eternal life in heaven, or do you want to change things Christ never spoke about or commanded us to do? If you are persuaded by someone,even a pastor, to support any issue not covered in the four gospels, you are disobedient. Check out Sam. 15:22 (in part), "Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And
to heed than the fat of rams." God rejected Saul as king of Israel, His chosen people, because of disobedience. Isn't Christian life difficult enough just trying to obey Christ's teaching in the gospels? How are you making out with Christ's Eleventh Commandment?
to heed than the fat of rams." God rejected Saul as king of Israel, His chosen people, because of disobedience. Isn't Christian life difficult enough just trying to obey Christ's teaching in the gospels? How are you making out with Christ's Eleventh Commandment?
Do you still believe certain sins (plural) are more deadly than others or that you can add to His teaching? Are you prepared for your report on obedience, your fulfillment of your obligation through His shed blood? We all continue to sin after salvation because it is part of our carnal nature. Are we working on eliminating our sin problems? Are we repenting? Are we still trying to show how much better we are than others because we aren't committing these sins Christ never mentioned? Are we accusing innocent people with certain medical problems of unforgivable sin because they are doing something we have judged to be unforgivable?
Every professing Christian needs to read the four gospels, and then study them. If you do, you will be performing your end of the blood contract with Christ. He explained the various sins, and He did not attempt to get your attention by preaching material wealth. What material items do you expect to take with you to heaven, assuming that's to be your future home? Do you expect your earthly wealth will qualify you for a special suite in the mansion? Think hard about the word "prosperity," and see that Caesar recognized money and material. God recognizes spiritual accomplishments. You may follow Christ or carnal man. It's your choice.