Saturday, March 26, 2016


                                                     SADNESS AND JOY  

    There is one day unmatched for Christians by any other, because
on the activities of that day hang all the beliefs of Christianity. That
day saw the murder of the Son of God, but it also began the step to fulfillment of resurrection. If you don't believe in the resurrection, you may not claim to be a Christian. Of course you also have to  believe in the virgin birth. Most Christians don't have too much difficulty believing in Christmas because there is the incentive of good happenings. A virgin birth also taxes reason, but is easier to accept than resurrection. Almost no one who lived at that time and knew Him believed He would rise from death. The amazing thing about His birth is that it was prophesied some 2700 years before He was born. Check it out folks, in the Old Testament Book of Isaiah. God really spoke to this prophet, as you see in 7:14
"Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His name Emmanuel." 

    The Jewish people were well schooled in scripture, and the following generations were aware of this verse. That included those who rubbed shoulders with Christ. They still couldn't believe in virgin births and resurrection. Do you believe in these two main tenets of Christianity? If you do, and it's belief from your heart, you are ready for the big step given us in John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.'" Before we examine this declaration, let's see some details of Christ's sacrifice. There is the terrible pain He endured and the humiliation of hanging on the cross,
unclothed for public display. He endured this when He didn't have to go through the agony. All He had to do was say the words to come down from the cross. Would you have the commitment and courage to hang on the cross as a sacrifice for the human race? Think of all the people of the world and the tiny amount who are Christians.

    Christians haven't done much of a job fulfilling Christ's last direction: Matt. 28:19 and 20. Missionaries have gone to many nations, but obviously the work has been too late and too little. Our political and church leaders do not follow Christ's directions, and in fact encourage exactly the opposite. We need to go back to that verse of John 14:6. This is an easy direction to follow because we only need to carefully study the four gospels. I keep repeating this, but many "Christians" keep looking for sensational subjects never even MENTIONED by Christ. While it's clear our politics are driven by money, it's unfortunate so many church leaders go along with the flow. Of course churches and pastors need money, too, but somehow man's trust is on man's methods, not God's. Notice the first issue Christ cited in John 14:6 was TRUTH. 

    I'm absolutely appalled by the gimmicks being used by many churches and ministers today. Like politics, it's all about money and emotions. One ministry has a continuing series of fund drives and special events to milk the public. The special events are a way to bring in new people. Some may become aware of the Word and become saved, but these events are too costly for most people in economically depressed areas. The teaching of the Word should be free and supported by those learning exactly what Christ taught. Christians are under grace, not the original Jewish Law of tithing. We need to examine how that Law played out, as well as Christ's directions.

    Look at Matt. 10:9 and 10. "Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves; for the workman is worthy of his meat." The apostles went forth only with the power of God, the Holy Spirit. These men had no scripture to reference, and only the word of Christ. They had no congregation or organization to support them---only the word of Christ. Later, when Paul went forth, he  chose to do manual labor (tent making) to support himself. He did this so no man or organization could claim to direct his ministry. You may say things are different now. I direct you to Heb. 13:8, where Paul told the people, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday,
and today, and for ever." Modern day church denominations are ignoring this TRUTH. 

    If Christians study and learn scripture, they will understand how material tithes should be made. Jewish  Law did not stop at ten percent of gross. That was the level for money. They had special days for collection of firewood and other items. To understand what happens with poor leadership, you need to go to Nehemiah, chapter 13. While Nehemiah was away, corrupt leaders took over the  business of the church, and the priests had to return to the fields to make a living. Many people, Christians included, think a pastor enjoys a lazy life. Some pastors do, but they are apostate. The failure of learning scripture plus the large number of apostate pastors has created the man inspired gimmicks of fund raising. Wealthy Christians usually don't come near the old tithing law of
ten percent, and they utilize the tax break for donations.

    The tax break was put in place by Christians, and is not scriptural. Look at Matt. 22:17-21. I'll only quote the last verse (21). "Then saith He unto them; Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." You do know that everything is God's, right? Your generosity in giving should be based on your learning from teachers, not to sustain the building. The trust here is that your giving will also sustain the church building as well as programs. Pastors are not supposed to be wealthy, but they are supposed to be treated as a priest. Your treasure is in Heaven, remember? In addition to supporting your teacher and the necessary material items he/she needs to serve as pastor, you need to support the poor with alms. Many people who claim to be Christians haven't a clue about actually being a Christian. They support pastors who' are apostate, but have a "comfortable" line of misinformation.

    What's the money connection with Easter? Your financial gifts for accurate teaching reveal your appreciation for our Savior's sacrifice and your free gift of salvation. A Christian's life should reflect truth completely. That's what for ever means. You have everlasting life through resurrection provided in the contract you agreed to with Christ. The sadness in this message is understanding the physical and mental suffering Christ did for YOU. The second part of the message is the joy you can experience when realizing how wonderful that gift is. That's
why the Easter Parade of finery is appropriate for believers in Christ and the resurrection. You are actually celebrating the rebirth of Christ and all saved people. You are also celebrating the final act by God to defeat Satan and end evil and suffering.

    Truth nourishes trust, and spiritual truth provides trust in both spiritual and material life. Scriptures tell us God can do anything, and scripture records the many miracles and plans that brought about amazing results. Truth may cause pain, but there is no alternative to receive everlasting life. Return to that passage in John 14:6, where we find the true name of the original church, THE WAY. There is only one way, and it is in truth and the  life directed by the four gospels. We at Faith Walk Ministry know
gimmicks and continuing fund raisers are only a sign that trust in the Lord is missing. We are now in our 31st year of independent Christian teaching. Like Paul, and a few denominations, we have always worked in secular jobs to remain independent. If our teaching helps you to be a better Christian, we are being faithful servants of the Lord. Every one of us needs to understand that our acceptance of Christ's offer is the beginning of our service to Him. If we are sincere, we must continue to learn and follow His guidelines: no more, no less.

Rev. Walbear

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


                                   ("Purim" by Baruch Nachshon - Baruch Nachshon Art:)

                                                     PURIM TEST

    Purim is a Jewish observance, but Christians can learn something
about faith, hope and trust by studying the background for this special day for Israel. The entire story makes excellent reading and is in the Old Testament Book of Esther. It may be the best explanation of the differences between faith, hope and trust. The use of the word "faith" is frequently given by people who claim to be Christians. This is disturbing, because being a Christian DOES have certain absolute responsibilities. There is no material charge for the acceptance of Christ's offer of salvation. But there is a definite spiritual charge. Esther gives us the real meaning of having "faith."

    Because our ministry is Faith Walk Ministry, we are acutely aware of the differences in meaning of these three words. The dictionary isn't much help because the words have related meanings. Often we see someone support their action by saying it is because of their faith or Christian faith. This has become a catch-all for religious OPINION. If you make a decision based on your Christian faith, you must follow the teaching of Jesus Christ. If He didn't give us any instructions on the specific subject, we have no option to claim He made a related statement. He is our leader and role model. We do not have an option to put words in His mouth. We are not the leader; we contracted to FOLLOW Him. I'll get to the Book of Esther in a bit, but the importance of the words faith, trust and hope should be on your mind as you read Esther. Purim is the ideal place to receive the understanding of Christian faith.

    If you accepted Christ's offer, you agreed to follow His teaching and life rules. When we claim to base our faith, hope or trust on our Christian teaching, we must follow the spiritual agreement (contract) we made with Christ. The spiritual contract was signed in our heart, where it isn't seen. It is an eternal contract that we cannot alter in any way. He gave us the full details. We cannot piece together any subjects or items. If we do, we break the contract. Then it is up to Him to decide if we merit eternal life. The Father has given that choice to Christ. When you claim your action or statement is because of your faith, you need to make clear the particular faith. The Book of Esther tells us the true depth of faith. At that time, Christ was not yet on earth. Her faith was in the God of Abraham. Believers then followed the Law as given to Moses. Christians follow Christ's directions which include a modified Jewish Law plus one additional commandment.

    In the Book of Esther, we are searching for the key to measure your
Christian faith. The people of Israel were widely dispersed during the time of this story. Esther, a Jew, was the queen of an empire ruled by a secular king. I can't give you all the details of this book because of limited space, but you will find this a fast-paced story with an unusual ending. Esther replaced the original queen after a kingdom wide  search of young women. Esther was an orphan, raised by Mordecai as his daughter. Mordecai had access to the king's court, and he told Esther not to reveal she was a Jewess. There was a man in the king's court who hated Jews, and he persuaded the king to issue a decree to permit kingdom wide slaying of Jews.

    Decrees had to be delivered to all points of the widespread kingdom,
so considerable time had to be allowed before the order could be carried out. Mordecai saw the only hope for Jews would be for the king to issue another decree, in effect canceling the original. This could only happen if the queen made the request. The problem was, no one (man or woman) was permitted into the king's inner court without being called by the king. To defy this law meant death unless the king held out a golden scepter of approval. This was a life and death decision. This was the ultimate test of FAITH. It was the test of full belief that God could and would protect you from death. This takes us back to the New Testament, and Matt. 17:20, where Christ told His disciples the ultimate test of faith. 
    "And Jesus said unto them, 'Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.'" Like everything else in scripture, it is God's choice to honor your faith or refuse your request. This means He expects you to use intelligence and common sense in expressing desires. Any element of doubt can eliminate the success of a request. This is true in the often misunderstood miracle of faith healing. Many times when we seek something, we have not "thought out" all consequences, and it is better that God doesn't answer our request.

    Esther realized the seriousness of this possible solution, because  she had replaced a previous queen who was deposed because of disobedience to the king. She asked Mordecai to request all Jews to fast for three days and pray for her. Esther knew the fate of all Jews rested on her success. She placed her life in jeopardy to try to save her people. That's Godly faith, and today would be Christian faith. The king extended the scepter, and told Esther she could ask for half the kingdom if she wished. God led Esther to invite the king and the Jew hater, Haman, to a banquet she prepared. Haman didn't know the queen was a Jew, and he believed the invitation placed him in high regard by the king. Although he had many perks as an inner court insider, he still fumed to his family that the Jew,  Mordecai continued to refuse to bow down. Haman's wife and
friends suggested he build a gallows and hang the Jew. Haman
immediately took action to build a gallows.

    God was at work. That night, the king could not sleep, and he commanded that the book of records of chronicles be brought before the king and be read. It was found written that Mordecai had told that two keepers of the door had plotted to kill the king. The king asked what honor and dignity had been given Mordecai for this action. None was given. The king sought suggestions for honoring Mordecai. It so happened that Haman was in the outer court, planning to ask the king for permission to hang Mordecai. The king summoned Haman in, and before Haman could make his request, the king asked him what should be done for someone  whom the king wished to honor.

    Here's where we see God's sense of humor and perfect method of pay back. Haman thought the king had him in mind, and pulled out all the stops. This honored man should wear apparel of the king, ride the king's horse, and wear the crown royal. The king accepted the suggestion and directed that action be taken and the honored man should ride thus arrayed through the streets. Then came the coup detat. The king told Haman the man to be honored was Mordecai.  Furthermore, Haman was instructed to see that the order was carried out.  Haman went home to his wife and friends, lamenting his fate. They told Haman he had opposed
the Jews, and he would surely suffer. Now he had to attend the banquet Esther had prepared.

    At the banquet the king again asked Esther for her request, and repeated his original offer to include as much as half the kingdom. Esther asked that she be given her life, and her people should be given their lives. He was astounded they had been "sold" and set for destruction. He asked, who was the wicked man that had brought this about? The queen answered it was Haman. The king became wroth (he had been tricked). Kings don't like this. The king left the banquet and went into the palace garden. When the king  was gone, Haman went to Esther to plead for his life. You have to remember that people in those days dined in a reclining position. Haman arose, and went to plead his case. However, being in a very emotional state, he stumbled and fell upon the bed of Esther.

    The king was already in a high state of anger, and when he returned, there was Haman on Esther's bed. The king was now completely outraged, asking Haman if he intended to force the queen in the palace. Things couldn't get much worse, right?  Wrong. One of the chamberlains, told the king that Haman had built a gallows to hang Mordecai. The king ordered that Haman should be hung on that gallows. Esther had not only faith in God, but trusted her life in God's hands. She received everything she requested plus the elimination of the enemy. The king also gave the house of Haman to Mordecai.
    Esther was spared, but the king's original decree was still in effect. Esther asked the king to cancel that decree. The only way to do that was to issue a decree reversing the original. This the king did, setting in motion the destruction of the enemies of the Jews in all the provinces of the kingdom (127). Mordecai  continued to hold a high position in the kingdom and the Jews were no longer oppressed. You can understand the high regard Jews have for this observance. They were once again on the
threshold of extinction.

    Don't take words like faith, hope and trust lightly. If you claim you do or say something because of faith, make it clear what your faith is. If it's Christian faith, make absolutely certain you are following Christ's teaching. Other religions, other races and people of no religion are also part of God's creation. God and Christ do not close the door to anyone. John 3:16 clearly tells us God includes everybody in the world. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Obviously,
all people have the right of self defense. Self righteousness is a serious problem among Christians. Faith and Christian faith or belief are being used as an excuse to try and claim Jesus Christ taught something He did not. This is bearing false witness, breaking one of the commandments. To a genuine saved Christian, you reveal your lack of scripture knowledge as well as your lack of respect for God and Christ.

     If you have true Christian faith, you have trust in the power of Christ. You also have trust that He will do what is best for you. He knows better than you. Purim is observed in the month of March. Be sure to read this short Book. I can't do the story justice in a short review. Scripture should always be your Go To.

Rev. Walbear

Sunday, March 20, 2016


                                                       PIANO 10

    "What do you mean, blew up?" asked Turner. "Did they find out the piano isn't the missing piano?" The sheriff responded, "They gave me a number to call for more information, and I'll do that now if I can get through." Turner nodded, and told the group, "Let's go to the piano room to give him time to make the call." The others proceeded to the piano room, and Luigi announced, "When the sheriff returns, we can finally have that little concert. Every time we have a meeting, I never get the chance to play." They got comfortable and tried to make sense of the message about the piano case blowing up.
    After a relatively short time, the sheriff joined them, shaking his head. "It's a minor miracle I was actually able to make contact with the State Department so quickly," he said. "Our search to find a stolen piano got their attention today when all hell broke loose in that country." Turner was impatient as he asked the one question on everybody's mind. "Was there an explosion, and how does it figure in with our piano?" The sheriff answered, "There was an explosion, all right, and it included more than a piano. The dictator of that nation was killed in the explosion and insurgents took control of the country." Now Rip was impatient. "You still haven't told us about the piano," he protested.

    "I'm getting to that," the sheriff said. "The dictator was killed by a  bomb. The bomb was in the piano." That sent everyone into mumbling
about the turn of events. "How could that be?" Turner asked. "Yes," Rip added, "They had a guard on the piano and room 24/7." The sheriff explained, "The insurgents managed to get a mole into the guard group. He had duty during the night and placed the bomb. They don't know how he eluded the security camera. It seems if there is a will, people find a way." Honey chimed in, "Doesn't it seem that evil somehow finds a way because humans work so diligently to do wrong. If they worked that hard to do good, how wonderful it would be!" 

    Turner directed the discussion back to the piano. "I take it the piano
was completely destroyed?" he asked the sheriff. "Yes, it was," he
answered. "While we won't know for certain if the destroyed piano was
your baby grand, it seems that is the case. Unless we discover a baby grand somewhere else where it doesn't belong, we have to consider the theft solved for the record." Luigi had remained quiet through all the discussion. "I consider this a very personal loss," he finally said. "The piano was not mine, but I feel like it was a member of the family." Marta consoled Luigi, and said, "An artist or craftsman frequently bonds with an instrument or tool. I understand how you feel."

    Luigi's face brightened. "We don't have to wallow in sorrow," he said with some spirit. "We've delayed the music for weeks, and it's about time for joy. In New Orleans they hold a different kind of funeral when they've lost a loved one. They celebrate the person's life with music. I believe we should do that for our baby grand piano. Let the music begin!" Everyone was still thinking about the turn of events, but Luigi's summation of the situation was eagerly accepted. There was no baby grand in the piano room, but there were some very good uprights. 

    Luigi moved to one of them, and lovingly told his guests, "This piano
is mine. It's as fine an upright as there is anywhere. It's a privilege for me to have it." With that, he took his seat at the piano and began to play. The music flowed like fine wine. Honey's face lit up. "This is the most beautiful music I've ever heard live," she whispered to Rip. Luigi was playing a selection from an opera. Marta was entranced by the music as was Honey. The two men showed appreciation, but it obviously was not
their cup of tea. Luigi finished the selection, and the group gave him a
standing ovation.

    Luigi said, "I know we're not all opera or classical music lovers, so I
believe I have something for everyone. He sat down again and began to
play. This time it was a classic country song, and you could tell right away it was the sheriff's style. He kept time with the song and clapped his hands. That brought about another standing ovation. Luigi thanked them and said, "I'm enjoying the opportunity to perform before my friends and such an appreciative audience. "Now we have another type of music to please another of our group. Glenn, this one's for you."

    Luigi caressed the keyboard, and jazz came forth. Luigi was such a gifted musician that everyone was moved by his selection. When he finished, they again applauded, and Turner said, "Luigi, you remembered
my favorite song. That was a real treat, and I've never heard it played so
beautifully." Luigi responded, "If the listeners understand music and show appreciation for the performance, it's inspirational for the artist. I want to try and bring joy to you, and I'll attempt to play something appropriate for everyone. The next selection is for two of you, and I'm sure you'll know who you are," and with that, he again resumed his seat at the piano.

    Now everybody's ears were "up" as Luigi began to play. This selection
had been a top ten song some years back, and was still popular, but in the
style of a classic. The tune was catchy, and after a few bars, everyone
recognized it, Rip included. He hummed along, "Love and marriage, go
together like a horse and carriage." After a few more bars, he realized
everyone was looking at him. Now he was embarrassed, and couldn't
help blushing. Honey had a big smile, and so did everyone except him.
He had the feeling the others knew something he didn't, and he turned
chalk white. Everyone laughed, and he turned red again. 
    Honey whispered to him, "Rip, you're acting like a traffic light, going
red, then white. Get a grip." That didn't help a bit, and then things got
worse, because Honey began to sign the song, "Love and marriage go
together like a horse and carriage." The song finished and Rip hoped
a hole would open up so he could escape. He had no idea of what to
do. After the clapping subsided, the sheriff said, "Sounded to me like
a suggestion." Turner laughed and added, "Yeah, a pretty strong
suggestion." Rip looked at Honey helplessly.

    "I...I don't know what to say," he stammered. "Well, what do you have
to say if it is a major suggestion?" she demanded. "You mean you're
talking about marriage, us?" he managed to get out. "Yes, big boy. I've
decided you may be a keeper. You've been a little slow about this since
I didn't appreciate our first date that wasn't a date. I realized after that date you were the real deal. I was afraid I may have scared you off, so I had to do something desperate. I confided in Luigi several weeks ago, but the missing piano always got in the way. It appears the piano sacrificed itself for us. Of course you can always back out. You haven't asked me." 

    Rip finally came to his senses. He pulled her to him in a bear hug and
collected a very big kiss. "You are marrying me," he declared in a voice
that made it clear it was a demand. Everyone cheered and clapped. Luigi
said he'd play at the wedding, and Marta said she would, too. The sheriff
said he'd have the boys form an honor guard. Turner said he'd provide
a band for the reception. "Baby, you're grand!" Rip exclaimed. Everybody
booed, and Honey said, "Your puns are a bit flat. Stick to preaching."
Everyone uttered a loud AMEN.

Rev. Walbear

Friday, March 11, 2016


                                 PIANO 9 (Part 9 in a 10 Part Series)

    It was several days before Rip could establish a meeting date with Luigi and Marta. In the meantime, he met with the sheriff and filled him in on the developments. They now felt progress was being made in solving the case. The sheriff promised he and other agency people would be ready to help when needed. Luigi agreed to play for them at the upcoming meeting.

    When Rip and Honey arrived at Turner Music, Turner was in his office. Rip told Turner this meeting could provide some clues, and invited him to sit in. Turner agreed, and asked the group to join him in his office. Marta assured them she had recovered from her fall with no bad after effects. Rip then directed the conversation to the possibility Marta may have important information concerning the missing piano. Marta began, "I'm not sure this may mean much, and I didn't make any connection with the piano until I had more time to give it thought. I overheard the two men talking, and I was able to understand some of the talk. They were interested in the layout of the building and how difficult it must be to move sensitive and heavy objects like the piano." Rip commented that it could be a natural item of curiosity. "That's what I thought, too," Marta replied. "But I also heard them talk about making arrangements, although I couldn't put details with what kind of arrangements or for what purpose."

    "Then I thought about some of the things the woman said, and put that together with what I know about that country," Marta continued. "The country is controlled by a strict dictator. He fancies himself like a royal ruler. He is pretty well educated, and apparently picked up a liking to classical music where he was educated. He connects high brow music with grand pianos. When you couldn't solve the theft of the piano, I put some of these thoughts together. I was reluctant to say anything because I thought it seemed preposterous that such a plot could come about to steal a baby grand. Now, I think maybe the idea isn't so crazy."

    "Well, that's interesting information, Marta," Turner thoughtfully said. "It does sound off the wall, but it's not only the best we have, it's all we have. "There are a couple of things we can do now. I'll contact the State Department to see if our ambassador in that country can find out anything. This may be difficult because the feds don't like to get involved over 'little apples'. The other thing I can do is check out a man who visited here after that foreign group. He appeared legitimate when we checked on him before, but I'll repeat that process. He came to try and sell me a security system. It was too expensive, and I've never had a problem until the piano theft. I always check out salesmen with the company, and he checked out okay. Won't hurt to try again."

    Rip showed some enthusiasm as he said, "Now we have one lead and
another maybe! Finally some progress." Turner said he'd contact the sheriff and seek his help in getting cooperation from the State  Department. "Marta, you've done the right thing. Nobody is going to be hurt from our search of information, and perhaps you have supplied us with the key to solving the theft." Marta smiled, and said, "Give  Honey the credit. She explained the Christian duty I had, and I feel much relieved now. I didn't want to be a 'nut' about something, but the possibility worried me." Rip commented that truthful information is the only way to prove God's plan and work. "Sometimes it's a struggle to talk about something because you may be criticized or made fun of. It takes courage to make a stand based on truth."

    The meeting broke up, and it was agreed they would meet as soon as
Turner or the sheriff had made progress with the two leads. Turner went
right to work to continue checking out the salesman. The sheriff's job to deal with the State Department wasn't as easy. He was sent from one office to another, and one person to another. Finally, after a string of these referrals, he found himself talking to the same person for the  second time. His frustration got the better of him, and he burst out with
"Do I have to call the President to get some cooperation? I'm going to call my senators and representatives and the President until everyone gets so sick of me somebody will give me some satisfaction!" That threat finally brought some cooperation. The sheriff was directed to a specific person so he could explain the situation. The agent he talked to listened as the sheriff told him he was looking for a stolen baby grand piano. The agent, in a surprised and unbelieving voice asked, 'Are you pulling some kind of joke? Who the hell steals a grand piano? Do you know you're wasting time?"

    The sheriff quickly answered, "This involves possible foreign 
operatives. A grand piano is something special and can represent some
type of symbol. A small foreign delegation specifically wanted to tour
a piano factory a short time before the piano disappeared." The agent
had calmed down, and asked, "Do you realize my boss will think I'm
nuts to tell him about a request concerning a grand piano?" The sheriff
said, "It's the strange little things that frequently lead to something big".
The agent asked, "What country are we talking about?" When the sheriff
told him, the agent burst out with "Why didn't you say so? Now you may
have something!" The sheriff responded, "You asked me what the 
problem was, not the country." The agent said, with some enthusiasm,
"We'll contact our ambassador and see what he can find out."

    Turner had a much easier task. He was able to go over the history
of the security company and the salesman quite quickly. He called the
sheriff and others to tell them the salesman lead was a dead end. The
sheriff was surprised to hear from the State Department within the week.
The agent he had talked with called him and said the ambassador had
been able to find out enough information without drawing suspicion to
conclude it may be the missing piano. "You wouldn't believe the unusual
importance those people place in that baby grand," the agent said. "It's
perfectly normal for people there to talk about it. The country is small
and poor. They don't have a lot to look up to." The agent continued, 
"They keep a guard posted at the ceremonial room, and it's a big deal
when they have a program. They get really good musicians to visit and
play concerts. It's considered a great privilege to be invited." The sheriff
expressed his gratitude for the information, and so quickly.

    The agent warned him not to feel the case was so easily solved. "In
the first place we can't prove it is the missing piano. Secondly, we can't
just make an accusation. Thirdly, we can't touch the piano. To wrap
it up, the people are fomenting and there is definite unrest and some
activists. We can't touch the situation. I'm afraid the piano has a new
permanent home. Turner will have to cut his loss. The State Department
will not intervene." Although the sheriff was disgruntled, he expressed
his thanks for the prompt service. The sheriff called Turner with the
news and scheduled a meeting for the next day at Turner Music so
everyone could hear the story.

    Marta, Luigi, Rip, Honey, and the sheriff met with Turner in his office
the next day. The sheriff began, "I believe we've solved the case of the
missing piano. We know where it is, but we can't bring it back." Turner
interrupted, "What! Why can't be reclaim stolen property? Is the piano
damaged, or what?" The sheriff continued his explanation. "We're pretty
sure the missing piano is in that country. But it's considered a symbol
of some sort and untouchable. The State Department won't let anything
happen that might cause an international incident. It's a small country,
but there is unrest, and the feds don't want to get involved for a missing
piano." Honey chimed in with,"Politics stinks. There is no right or wrong.
It's often right to do wrong. Religion only gets involved to accomplish an
agenda." Rip said, "There's a lot of truth in that, but most leaders create
their own rules and interpretation."
    Turner was unhappy with the loss, but Luigi was moved the most by
the news. "When you work with these instruments, you have a feeling,
a sort of bonding," he explained. "I can only hope and pray they treat
her well." The sheriff's phone buzzed, and he answered. "What!" he
exclaimed. "Are you sure?" He was highly animated. The others could
see something unusual had occurred. The sheriff was in a state of 
unbelief as he told the group, "The case of the missing baby grand
piano just blew up!"

(To be continued)

Rev. Walbear 

Thursday, March 3, 2016


                                                    PIANO 8

    Rip and Honey spent the entire evening going over scripture that could be important in the meeting with Marta. "We're putting together basic material for someone to get started with," Rip explained.  There's no way we can prepare for everything. Maybe we can't  accomplish everything in one meeting, but we can try." Honey  had a good basic background of the faith, but needed to be able to refer to specific scripture. She pulled a notebook and pen from her purse, and took notes as they discussed probabilities.

    Upon learning Marta was back on the job at Turner Music, Rip set up a meeting with Luigi and Marta. While she spoke with Marta, he could see if any clues could be found from Luigi's association with the foreign visitors during their time at Turner. When they arrived, Luigi made the introductions, and told Honey and Marta they could get acquainted in his office while Rip and he would go over the visit by foreigners. Honey and Marta exchanged personal information about themselves and their connection through music. Marta was eager to discuss scripture, and to have the opportunity to talk with a woman who knew something about the bible. Honey explained that the Protestant and Catholic bibles contained the same teaching of Christ. The major difference, she reported, was that the Catholic bible had "extra" books between the two testaments that
were not included in the Protestant bible. They did not create any
difference in Christ's teaching, only connected the gap between the testaments. It is a sort of fill in for history in that time period. It includes the struggle Israel faced as they came under the power of other nations, and finally Rome.

     Marta said, "I've attended church for many years, but nobody ever told me that. Your answer is so simple, I can't understand why nobody ever said it. One of my problems has been the priests and teachers always seem so distant or authoritative. It makes me feel the way I felt in grade school. It feels stiff and formal/" Honey continued, "The instructions Christ gave us in the four gospels are not complicated. His messages were meant for everyone, every race, and for all men and women." Marta nodded agreement, and seemed relaxed. "I have a question that has been bothering me. Is it okay to do something wrong to achieve a result you believe God desires?"

    Honey thought a moment before responding. "Christ did not teach
anything that permits doing wrong for any reason. He taught the original Commandments and added the one to love thy neighbor." Marta was now at full attention. "But what about Christians who say we should do things because God wants the result they believe He wants? I hear this frequently, and the Christians who say this are proud they received the result they sought." Honey was firm in her answer. "I would say Christ is never wrong and God doesn't make mistakes. We are unable to view things as God does, and trying to arrive at an answer based on our knowledge is wrong. He always knows all facts, while we usually don't. If a sports team cheats to win a game, it is a sin. God let it happen, but He has His own reason for giving the cheaters the victory. One reason is to determine the honesty of the team's leader and players. We are judged on 
everything we do. Nothing is hidden. The dishonest victory will bring about only momentary joy. Retribution will follow."

    Marta considered Honey's explanation, and then thoughtfully answered. "So, a true Christian is bound by the acceptance of Christ's offer. We can't add or subtract anything." Honey continued, "God will bring about the results He desires in His own time frame. We insult Him by thinking we can shortcut truth and honesty to attain His goals. In effect, we disobey His sovereignty and that commandment when we try to do things the carnal way." Marta seemed somewhat relieved. "Now I have another question for you," she said. "If someone knows something wrong has been done, is it a sin to simply ignore it?" "As difficult as it may be, not to do
anything about it is the sin of omission," Honey said. "By not acting, you become a partner with the person who committed the sin."

    "Then, I have another question for you," Marta said. "If doing something wrong like the killings and wars in the Old Testament, is a sin, why did God seem to condone them?" Honey was on the spot now, because she couldn't give definitive scripture. She had to pause for a minute or two before answering. "Marta, I'm not a biblical scholar, but here's my understanding, and it goes right back to Genesis. God required man to sacrifice for repentance of sin and the sacrifice had to be shed blood. When Cain did not slay an animal or bird, there was no shed blood. God rejected his sacrifice and murder entered the world. Forgiveness of sins was dependent on shed blood. Men always strive, and there was always
opposition to God's Chosen. They had to fight their way to obtain their land, and God continued to require shed blood. Since man couldn't control emotions and repeatedly broke all the laws of God and reason, God provided a different method for redemption through His Son. Grace replaced law, and man was given eternal life."

    "Honey, I am being a pest, but I have another question. What about all the killing? The Law tells us not to kill." "Ah, I could see this one coming," Honey said. "The Law does not condemn killing if it is necessary for self defense. What the Law condemns is murder. The difference is motive. God established refuge cities where people who accidentally killed some one could live without fear of retribution." "Now, I'm beginning to make some sense of scripture," Marta said, with obvious relief. "I believe I have a handle on what to do now," she declared. "This has bothered me for quite a while." Honey couldn't resist asking a question. "Does this have something to do with the grand piano theft?" she asked. Marta was stunned. "How did you know?" she asked, very surprised.

    Meanwhile, Rip and Luigi were discussing the visit by the group of foreigners. Luigi said he had talked to Marta's husband, but found out very little. "I don't think her husband discussed the visitors," he said. "And if she did, there was very little information. She does know their language, so could understand what they said privately. The woman visitor spoke excellent English and studied music in the United States. If Honey is able to gain Marta's confidence, and Marta knows something about the piano, we could maybe figure out what happened." Rip agreed, and added, "God is always in control. We may not understand how He works or His time frame, but He nevertheless is always in control."

    Looking at his watch, Rip realized they were running behind schedule
and needed to head home. He had a bible lesson after supper, and Honey
would be late with her father's supper. He called to Honey, telling her it
was late and they needed to return home. She answered and brought
Marta along with her to say goodbye. They all agreed it was a fruitful
meeting. Rip said it was wonderful to meet Marta. They agreed to meet
again soon, and Luigi reminded Honey he had yet to play for her. Honey
said she was eagerly awaiting that event. Rip told Luigi he would call him the next day to arrange another meeting. This time, Marta was also invited.

    As Rip and Honey departed for home, Rip couldn't wait another second
before asking Honey, "How successful were you?" Honey responded
excitedly, "I think God put the right words in me, and Marta seemed to pick up answers to the questions she had. It was inspiring and marvelous.
I didn't realize I have actually learned quite a bit of scripture over the
years. I'll go over the one question and answer with you later, and maybe
you can explain it better than I did. She appeared to understand and accept my explanation. And, best of all," she paused briefly, "I mean  second best because the scripture study was best, she does know something about the piano," Honey declared with satisfaction.

(To be continued)

Rev. Walbear