There is one day unmatched for Christians by any other, because
on the activities of that day hang all the beliefs of Christianity. That
day saw the murder of the Son of God, but it also began the step to fulfillment of resurrection. If you don't believe in the resurrection, you may not claim to be a Christian. Of course you also have to believe in the virgin birth. Most Christians don't have too much difficulty believing in Christmas because there is the incentive of good happenings. A virgin birth also taxes reason, but is easier to accept than resurrection. Almost no one who lived at that time and knew Him believed He would rise from death. The amazing thing about His birth is that it was prophesied some 2700 years before He was born. Check it out folks, in the Old Testament Book of Isaiah. God really spoke to this prophet, as you see in 7:14,
"Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His name Emmanuel."
The Jewish people were well schooled in scripture, and the following generations were aware of this verse. That included those who rubbed shoulders with Christ. They still couldn't believe in virgin births and resurrection. Do you believe in these two main tenets of Christianity? If you do, and it's belief from your heart, you are ready for the big step given us in John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.'" Before we examine this declaration, let's see some details of Christ's sacrifice. There is the terrible pain He endured and the humiliation of hanging on the cross,
unclothed for public display. He endured this when He didn't have to go through the agony. All He had to do was say the words to come down from the cross. Would you have the commitment and courage to hang on the cross as a sacrifice for the human race? Think of all the people of the world and the tiny amount who are Christians.
Christians haven't done much of a job fulfilling Christ's last direction: Matt. 28:19 and 20. Missionaries have gone to many nations, but obviously the work has been too late and too little. Our political and church leaders do not follow Christ's directions, and in fact encourage exactly the opposite. We need to go back to that verse of John 14:6. This is an easy direction to follow because we only need to carefully study the four gospels. I keep repeating this, but many "Christians" keep looking for sensational subjects never even MENTIONED by Christ. While it's clear our politics are driven by money, it's unfortunate so many church leaders go along with the flow. Of course churches and pastors need money, too, but somehow man's trust is on man's methods, not God's. Notice the first issue Christ cited in John 14:6 was TRUTH.
I'm absolutely appalled by the gimmicks being used by many churches and ministers today. Like politics, it's all about money and emotions. One ministry has a continuing series of fund drives and special events to milk the public. The special events are a way to bring in new people. Some may become aware of the Word and become saved, but these events are too costly for most people in economically depressed areas. The teaching of the Word should be free and supported by those learning exactly what Christ taught. Christians are under grace, not the original Jewish Law of tithing. We need to examine how that Law played out, as well as Christ's directions.
Look at Matt. 10:9 and 10. "Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves; for the workman is worthy of his meat." The apostles went forth only with the power of God, the Holy Spirit. These men had no scripture to reference, and only the word of Christ. They had no congregation or organization to support them---only the word of Christ. Later, when Paul went forth, he chose to do manual labor (tent making) to support himself. He did this so no man or organization could claim to direct his ministry. You may say things are different now. I direct you to Heb. 13:8, where Paul told the people, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday,
and today, and for ever." Modern day church denominations are ignoring this TRUTH.
If Christians study and learn scripture, they will understand how material tithes should be made. Jewish Law did not stop at ten percent of gross. That was the level for money. They had special days for collection of firewood and other items. To understand what happens with poor leadership, you need to go to Nehemiah, chapter 13. While Nehemiah was away, corrupt leaders took over the business of the church, and the priests had to return to the fields to make a living. Many people, Christians included, think a pastor enjoys a lazy life. Some pastors do, but they are apostate. The failure of learning scripture plus the large number of apostate pastors has created the man inspired gimmicks of fund raising. Wealthy Christians usually don't come near the old tithing law of
ten percent, and they utilize the tax break for donations.
The tax break was put in place by Christians, and is not scriptural. Look at Matt. 22:17-21. I'll only quote the last verse (21). "Then saith He unto them; Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." You do know that everything is God's, right? Your generosity in giving should be based on your learning from teachers, not to sustain the building. The trust here is that your giving will also sustain the church building as well as programs. Pastors are not supposed to be wealthy, but they are supposed to be treated as a priest. Your treasure is in Heaven, remember? In addition to supporting your teacher and the necessary material items he/she needs to serve as pastor, you need to support the poor with alms. Many people who claim to be Christians haven't a clue about actually being a Christian. They support pastors who' are apostate, but have a "comfortable" line of misinformation.
What's the money connection with Easter? Your financial gifts for accurate teaching reveal your appreciation for our Savior's sacrifice and your free gift of salvation. A Christian's life should reflect truth completely. That's what for ever means. You have everlasting life through resurrection provided in the contract you agreed to with Christ. The sadness in this message is understanding the physical and mental suffering Christ did for YOU. The second part of the message is the joy you can experience when realizing how wonderful that gift is. That's
why the Easter Parade of finery is appropriate for believers in Christ and the resurrection. You are actually celebrating the rebirth of Christ and all saved people. You are also celebrating the final act by God to defeat Satan and end evil and suffering.
Truth nourishes trust, and spiritual truth provides trust in both spiritual and material life. Scriptures tell us God can do anything, and scripture records the many miracles and plans that brought about amazing results. Truth may cause pain, but there is no alternative to receive everlasting life. Return to that passage in John 14:6, where we find the true name of the original church, THE WAY. There is only one way, and it is in truth and the life directed by the four gospels. We at Faith Walk Ministry know
gimmicks and continuing fund raisers are only a sign that trust in the Lord is missing. We are now in our 31st year of independent Christian teaching. Like Paul, and a few denominations, we have always worked in secular jobs to remain independent. If our teaching helps you to be a better Christian, we are being faithful servants of the Lord. Every one of us needs to understand that our acceptance of Christ's offer is the beginning of our service to Him. If we are sincere, we must continue to learn and follow His guidelines: no more, no less.
Rev. Walbear