We are living in a world that looks at everything in a global perspective, that includes finance, manufacturing, economy, and religion. Christians are caught up not in spiritual interests, but in material interests. How can I say that when Christians from America are sending missionaries all over the world? Is that not what Christ directed us to do? It is, but the problem
is with the Christian church itself at home. The church is the people in the congregations and especially in the leaders. They are not following Christ's teaching in the four gospels, and have fallen into the same Satanic trap as other religions. They have departed from the spiritual world and fully adopted the material world.
The foundation for this message is found specifically in the Book of Matthew. We refuse to understand His last words to us, because we want to jump into the water of life without testing the depth of the water. Confused? Check out Christ's last words before ascending to Heaven. Matt. 28: 19 and 20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." What is it that Christians don't understand? We are sending missionaries to all
nations, even those opposed to us religiously and politically. That is correct. Those people receiving salvation are being baptized. That is correct. It is misunderstanding the word TEACHING that is the problem of the Christian church goers and leaders.
Teaching requires certain skills. It is one of the gifts God can bestow on a believer. Christian spokespeople in America have abandoned the word teaching and replaced it with the secular and global meaning of FORCING. We must understand Revelation prepares us for everything global. There will be only one way to live, and that will include every aspect of human life. Satan and his puppet will rule after committed Christians have been removed from the physical earth. The word RAPTURE does not appear in scripture, but the same meaning is derived from other words and phrases. Teachers do not force people to learn, they encourage them to learn in several ways. They serve as an example of what and how a mature person should be and act. They present the truth
and method to learn. They provide accurate information as the basis for learning. Students of all ages have the choice to succeed or fail.
There is one vital difference between failure in secular subjects and religion. That is eternal life. God began the trek to eternal life through the choice of Israel to be priests and take His message to all mankind. Satan's use of time and quick rewards was a resounding success. In the short span of four generations, he managed to turn a devoted people into greedy, self serving, and ungrateful sinners. This turnover has continued to this day, and the United States is the current example. We are in the final stage of bringing the world into a global entity. How? By trying to force everyone to be Christians. Why is this so bad? Forcing religion on anyone is wrong, but it is the chain of events that follows that gives Satan victory on earth for a time.
Forced acceptance of Christianity can only come about by secular means---man made laws. Christians don't know enough about the Old
Testament to understand that the people of Israel were not forced by man made laws to be priests. They agreed by free choice. Later, when they had fallen away and their scriptures were set away, they repented after hearing the original word of God read to them in Ezra and Nehemiah. You are born a Jew by nationality, not faith. Anyone can become a Jew by faith. Anyone of any nationality can become a Christian. You must make the formal commitment, and it must come from the heart.
We are witnessing the United States in transition from a real Christ believing people to the secular control of man made laws. Our spokespeople have set the wheels in motion to force people to accept and follow Christian leadership. Except, folks, it is exactly the same kind of leadership as that of their most vocal enemy, Islam, the hated Muslims. Christians decry the strict Muslim religious laws and their ruthless enforcement. Meanwhile, in state after state, Christians are passing laws to force people to follow their teaching. Unfortunately, their teaching has little to do with Christ's directions. In almost every decision, there is an attempt to separate people, using nationality, color, religion or any possible means.
For the present, this is the beginning of global humanistic control.
Christians will only be successful in hindering Christ's real message and oppressing people into a forced choice. This is a no win situation, because the vast majority of the world is controlled by other religions, and they continue to outpace Christianity. This headlong thrust by Christians in America will bring the nation into a pact of many religions serving a one person leader---Satan. The process of world control is a movement by a dictator to overwhelm uneducated people. The many previous attempts by dictators have fallen short of the goal because the leader didn't understand how to include the factor of religion.
Satan now knows people can't be forced to love anything or anyone. He is not only evil, but very intelligent. He knows the way to success is to work from within. He has been doing this since the beginning of Christian church planting. It was so evident to the disciples and early Christians that it is a major subject in several of the epistles. You must remember these letters were written to newly planted churches to correct teaching mistakes and existing evil culture practices. One example was the direction for women to have head covers (hats). If you don't know the reason for this instruction, you should seek the answer, because this practice is not a core requirement of the faith.
If you understand the reason for the epistles, you should also know the disciples were aware that the apostate came into the newly established churches almost immediately. Satan loses no time in putting his forces at work. There are many warnings for us, such as 2nd John, 9 through 11. Be aware that God expects you to be responsible for all your actions. In secular law, if you are privy to and a part of an illegal deed, you are guilty after the fact just as though you were part of the violation during the act. If you had prior knowledge of the act, and did nothing to prevent it, you are also guilty under secular law. You can expect the same consideration
from God concerning your Christian responsibilities.
Many of the Christian church leaders and politicians are the present day Pharisees and Scribes. If you readily accept their explanations of Christianity without checking their statements with the words of Christ in the four gospels, you may forfeit your future. Read this passage from 2nd John, 9-11. "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that bideth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds."
Satan's workers will use half truths and misinformation to lead you astray. You can blame no one else. If you are careful about your diet and food, consider the importance of spiritual food. You don't have to worry about anything in scripture, because it is all for your benefit---eternally. When a church teacher, pastor or politician tells you something, ask for scriptural proof or check it out. Christ offers you eternity. No man can offer anything that good. A beer commercial claims you only go around once. God wants your presence for eternity. He is faithful. Are you?
Rev. Walbear