There are many good, honest people in America, and they include all races and religions. Christians do not have a monopoly on Godly things. Unfortunately, the fact is that Christians don't seem or act as though they know the directions given by their leader. Christ told us to "Follow Me." To follow Him, we need to learn and practice His teaching in the gospels---Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Readers may be tired of my repeating this directive over and over. This is the same tried and true method we use to teach and train people from infancy through adulthood. The method is tried and true, but people develop personal interests that sometimes take them far away from being Christ-like. Being a Christian is more than a claim of belief or life style. It's long past the time to examine what's happened to the claim, "I have the Christian faith!"
When you examine their Christian faith, you sometimes see their reason for the claim is based simply on their desires, backed by their
misunderstanding or ignorance of scripture. When I point out their claim is not scriptural, they usually reply that it is and it's in the bible. I can and do give the scripture to show them wrong, but they insist their claim is valid because "it's in the bible." They are never able to find the proof of their claim, but they never admit they are wrong. There are certain things and passages in scripture that are open to interpretation, but nothing Christ taught can be used in any way except as He taught. That puts the entire foundation of Christianity in just the four books of gospel. The Old Testament and Epistles are important, but provide mostly an introduction and correctional material for Christians.
Although Christians are told over and over they are living under grace, and not the Law, they frequently go back to the Law or go to one of the Epistles for a rule to seemingly make their denomination more Godly than others. Of course, this separates the believers and negates the idea of brothers and sisters. The egos of humans must die if the person is to be Christ-like. Unfortunately, all these rules taken from the Old Testament or Epistles may or may not be part of your Christian direction. Christ did not discard the Law given to Moses and Israel. He did not discard the Old Testament. He frequently quoted scripture. In Matt. 22:37-40, He gave Christians their marching orders, no more, no less. "Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as yourself. On THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS hang all the law and the prophets."
Pretty simple, isn't it? Why do professing Christians bring all the other subjects into discussion and disagreement? Usually it's because the person has DECIDED he/she has the correct idea, and everyone else must agree. Ignorance abounds, and usually the individual's mind is set in stone. Look back at Matt. 22:37, where Christ separates your devotion into three parts: heart, soul and mind. These people with a set in stone attitude ignore the fact they are following their carnal mind, not the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Controlling the carnal mind is the soft spot Satan uses to destroy your salvation. When he encourages you to continue your misguided interpretation of scripture, you are off the Christian path, the only Way to join Christ in eternity. Be certain you understand scripture before you start lecturing others.
When someone talks to me about a subject, and quickly establishes the fact he/she is of the Christian faith, I immediately see a red flag waving. Usually it's a controversial subject, and I expect the person will not change his/her MIND because facts don't support the person's conclusion. You see that word MIND, because controlling the carnal mind can only happen when the Holy Spirit is present to help you. When you mention their subject was not mentioned by Christ in His teaching, the only answer is, "It's in the bible." They try to criss cross various verses such as "thou shalt not kill," to support their carnal interpretation. Christ never taught to hurt or kill. However, God knew the nature of man, and had an ARMY. He still has that army, and Christ will lead it back to earth at the culmination of tribulation.
You see, you have to be careful in putting together various scriptures.
Joshua 5:13-15 and chapter 6 introduce God's commander in chief of God's army. God's army will come to earth with Christ as the leader, as
we learn in Revelation. Humans were used to establish order on earth, but it isn't working. Angels will accompany Christ. A denomination that doesn't support humans to serve as soldiers claims they won't kill other humans because that would be killing brothers and sisters. Israel
established the land given them by God through military action. The enemy were not brothers and sisters in religion or anything else. How
can Christ's army be compatible with this interpretation? It seems to be a modern interpretation of the "conscientious objector."
We see several denominations claiming the Sabbath must be observed on Saturday, while others claim it must be on Sunday. The
truth, according to Christ, is found in Mark 2:27. "The Sabbath was made
for man; and not man for the Sabbath." Verses 25 and 26 tell how David
was permitted to violate the law. Reading on after verse 27, you see healing may take place at any time on any day. The original purpose
of the Saturday Sabbath was to insure man would take one day of rest so he could worship God. How could a real Christian miss this simple instruction? The error is common with church elders and officials.
I come now to probably the worst teaching in the gospels, and a favorite of Satan. It is found in Acts 10:9-48. We need to understand why Simon Peter had the vision concerning foods in Acts 10:9-16. This is one Christian principle that people seriously refuse to consider, and it's the most important direction from God except the path to salvation. Peter was told in the vision that all food created by God was clean, which cancelled the Jewish law. Peter was told that nothing created by God was Common. Folks, this was God's direction that opened the door for Gentiles (non Jews) to join Israel, and to receive Christ as Savior, the Holy Spirit, and eternal life. Read all the above verses. If you are not a Jew, you only have the opportunity to be a Christian through God's direction in these verses. You were considered Common before, but now you are eligible to receive eternal life. The foods you eat have nothing to do with being one of Christ's own. You may consider it to be more healthy, but it has nothing to do with salvation or your spiritual eligibility. Read the bible, and understand Acts 10:9-48. By now, I suspect this information about food has me trapped because the quoted passages are not from Christ and the four gospels.
You are correct in that identification, but let's see if Christ EVER gave us CLEAR directions about food. Turn to Matt. 15:11. "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man." If you paid attention to Christ's activities in the gospels, you would see Christ accepted invitations from people to eat with them. He took criticism for this because some of the hosts and guests were not considered acceptable by strict Jews. He gave us the supporting scripture for Peter's vision about commonness. Do you think God created anything inferior? The food issue effectively accomplishes two goals for Satan. It takes believers' minds off the real Christian issues, and separates people by food choice. What people eat may be their healthy choice, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity. Don't be a divider.
If you don't study scripture, it is quite easy to be led down the road to errant teaching and the trap of passing on misinformation, which, of course, is a sin. I have only mentioned three examples of wrong teaching. When you accept these errors, you are following your carnal mind. All is not lost, however. The only unpardonable sin is failure to accept the power of the Holy Spirit. This is essential for Christians. I ponder how unsaved people can act so much like a Christian is supposed to behave. I know individuals who have not accepted Christ's offer of salvation, but follow His teaching. They are the exhibit of GOODNESS all of us should be. They tell me they believe that being an honest and compassionate person is their goal. They do a wonderful job of illustrating this.
Perhaps some people fail to match the acceptance of salvation with the obligation or responsibility of the agreement. There's more to actually being a Christian than "having faith." Go to James 4:14-26. You need to read this collection of verses to fully understand what Christian faith really is. You can claim faith in anything, but if that faith is real, it will be evident through works. Your control of your carnal mind will enable you to show compassion and do good things for others. You will learn what true sacrifice is. Your works must meet the standard of Christ's teaching. We go back to the four gospels again. Don't be all talk. Let your good works do the talking. Many professing Christians are not meeting their obligation. Perhaps that's why some good people haven't accepted Christ's offer.
Rev. Walbear