Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Prophecy I

We can start reading and studying the bible in Genesis, which is
very good reading. But we become more alert when we get to
books such as Daniel and Revelation. They speak of the future,
and who doesn't want to know about the future, especially when
we expect good things to happen? On The Search For God, we
will look at the beginning and the end. Rev. 21:6, "And He said to
me, 'It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and
the End'.

Many biblical scholars have tried to target a date for the end
times, but it is difficult to understand why they would waste so
much time. In Matt. 24:36, Christ himself tells us "But of that day
and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My
Father only". If we are committed Christians, we either must
accept as total truth Christ's teaching and statements, or we are
not true Christians. You can't choose where to believe or agree.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in charge.

Sometimes in studying the books of the Old Testament, you may
think you are reading a repeat or near repeat of a previous book.
You are correct, because although there is new material, you
may observe a pattern. God is trying to explain the common
nature of man. You will see God's Chosen (Israel) receive
a blessing after having to fight against oppression, enjoy a fruitful
and joyous period, and then take the blessing for granted and
forget where it came from. Then comes a warning to deaf ears,
followed by punishment.

Many preachers will tell you God doesn't punish good little boys
and girls. Ah, but we're adults, and once past the age of
accountability, we are expected to purport ourselves as
worshipping Christians. God gives us plenty of warnings
and admonishments, but we are busy with worldly things. Those
of us who are financially well set have plenty of ways to enjoy
ourselves. We don't need to remember where our blessings come
from, right?

Well, God is long-suffering and patient, but the time always comes
when it's necessary to say, "THAT'S IT". Over and over, God has
found it necessary to prevent people from destroying themselves.
They have had many alternate opportunities to prevent disaster,
but frequently made decisions to suit their
purpose, not God's. While we are talking about sin here, we must
go beyond personal sin to national sin. Of course our personal sin
also translates and contributes to national sin.

A major problem Christians in America have is the personal
conclusion they have made concerning hot topic issues. The
unfortunate part is they have not bothered to learn all the facts,
but have accepted what they have been told by their leaders.
This gets political, and I don't want to go there until we have taken
a very sharp look at where we've been and why we're going
where we're going. I do want to warn you not to listen to some of
the whackos in politics such as a representative who opposes
global warning because the bible tells us God won't cause
another flood. Perhaps he should consider radiation, another
earthquake strong enough to move a major island or the power of
the ocean.

As someone who's been on this earth for more than three
quarters of a century, I've been a keen observant of human
nature and the passing generations. There are some things each
generation does differently, but the most recognizable is a
change in attitude. I'll give you a brief description of generations
in preparation for prophecy fulfillment.

At the turn of the century (1900) we had sweatshop and child
labor, we had the financial barons, oppression of the fledgling
middle class, the beginning of the machine age and assimilation
of people from many countries into our society. Our leaders then
tried to legislate society by prohibiting liquor. We know how that
worked out, as crime and loose living pushed Christianity and the
people who wanted to control society into the background. The
Roaring Twenties showed us at our worst.

God showed His displeasure by showing us what a depression felt
like. There are many stories about that era, but unless you
experienced it, you can't possibly understand the physical and
mental horror of those years. This is history, and you better pay
attention, because you will experience what others have passed

God gave us an opportunity to redeem ourselves by giving us the
leadership position when Germany tried to eliminate and
exterminate the Jews (Israel). We paid the redemption price in
the blood and sacrifice of our soldiers, their families, and
personal sacrifices by almost every American This was a period
of time when America stood as ONE. Greed and "getting ahead"
were not a part of us.

In that roughly 46 years, we saw the coming of two generations,
and, as always, the intermingling of at least three generations.
We entered the Golden Age of our nation following World War II. It
was a marvelous time, with so many veterans home to raise
families and work. The war had matured them beyond their years,
and colleges welcomed them because there was no nonsense
and booze. The Godly things flourished. Revivals were held, and
Christians really meant what they said.

Then a new generation emerged with a different attitude. The
respect for elders and authority waned. No one wanted to serve
our country unless they received a great deal more for their time
and energy, and certainly not in the military. We added
a new element to education--the career college attenders who
spent years without graduating and actually going to work. Our
population was growing quite fast, and previous generations and
values became a minority. This group enjoyed the blessings,
but forgot where they came from and themselves became
"worshippers" of self.

Now our nation was split between the older generations who
were more conservative and the younger generations who were
more liberal in attitude. This split quickly became worse because
both groups are adamant to push their agenda. We learned in
grammar school that a nation divided cannot stand, but no one is
heeding that warning. Our current generation is obsessed with
getting everything "yesterday", and has an attitude of self
entitlement. Many of the younger people have never really
worked for anything, and don't even have a foggy idea about God.
This hasn't been good reading, but is the basis for approaching
end times and the tribulation. We are in a period of time where we
may expect judgment. There are many things we have done
wrong as a society, and the entire remainder of the world has
done no better and has few real committed Christians.

As John the Baptist was sent to urge people to repent, now is the
time for Christians to repent. When I speak of societal ills, each of
them seems to relate to a political party, and sometimes to both.
Either way, the message of repent brings out the worst in people.
Politics always leads the way, as one or the other
political parties consider it an attack on their party.

If you really want to follow Christ, you must put your political
beliefs behind you, because it is heavenly true that God, Christ
and the Holy Spirit are not politicians. The Holy Spirit told me
some time ago to divorce myself from all politics, even to
the writing of a letter to the editor about religion. If you cannot
separate politics from Christ, you are not following Christ, but
politics. You can't have two masters: Luke 16:13, "No servant can
serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the
other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon."

Rev. Walbear


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