This message could provide a copy of the Faith Walk property tax sale in the list of county properties to be auctioned off at the delinquent tax sale. The current taxes also must be paid, so it is really a sale that requires payment for three years' taxes. I could
give you the sale list, but I won't right now. When you begin a serious meeting, the host generally tells a humorous story to set the people more at ease. They say when a person is born, he/she is given an allotment of words to be used in a lifetime. Women are
believed to talk more than men, so they are given a larger allotment of words. The conclusion is that women usually live longer than men so they can use up their allotment of words. Yes, friends, I'm supposed to be a bible teacher, not a comedian. But at least I try.
Back to what I could write about the tax sale if I would, but I won't. That's because I can't. There was no tax sale of Faith Walk property. God told us the taxes would be paid, and He does what He says. The county's deputy treasurer was stunned to receive the three years' taxes anonymously. This is a secular office--a hated government facility, not a Christian organization. She had heard of things like this happening, but this was her first experience to see it actually happen. She did not see the donor, who was really
anonymous. How was that for a Christian witness?
We are thankful for the anonymous donor, and also to others who have contributed to help Faith Walk Ministry. Help given a ministry is a Christian's justification. The material help combines with prayer in earning a Christian reward or credit in eternity. Faith Walk usually receives very little cash, but people provide material help such as an appliance, food and physical labor. The latter was extremely vital when Anita had to assume full responsibility for the farm, livestock and ministry while I was hospitalized. My daughter was my "private nurse", even while I was in the hospital and undergoing therapy. We
are admonished to raise our children properly, and they become a treasure later in life.
Getting the cattle home as quickly as possible and the pending tax sale gave us a double dilemma. We had some time left to raise tax money, but the cattle could be slaughtered. The money the cattle represented would not be paid to the county, so theoretically the cattle were virtually a free bonus. We began to work on getting the
cattle home, and knew we had made the right choice because God told us the taxes would be paid. That, too, was a witness to the attorney who was provided by a secular government agency.
We understand that some people, including Christians, will doubt our stories. Friends, if you do, and want proof, we'll provide the names and contact numbers of these people. After all, Thomas was a doubter, and he studied under Christ. In fact, none of those around Christ were able to fully understand Christ's teaching. We're not about to suggest
that God will speak to everyone. There are all sorts of people who make strange claims about hearing from God. You have to know how to hear from Him, and not confuse your personal desires with thinking these desires meet His approval. It ain't easy.
Some think we were not good stewards of God's provision--the farm and cattle. We've heard many Christians say they want to be good businessmen. There's nothing wrong with that as long as Christ and His teaching come first. Unfortunately, business usually is measured by profit and loss, with little consideration or compassion for people. We also hear people say God wants you to have abundance. Here, again, abundance usually means money. There are many uses for money, and that doesn't necessarily mean tithes. If you are a well-read Christian you know we are not under a strict tithing law. This is the age of grace, not law, which took Christ to the cross. That doesn't mean tithing is wrong; it means that it alone does not satisfy your obligation to God. It also doesn't mean the Ten Commandments are no longer valid. And, don't forget Christ's Eleventh Commandment.
God gave us the farm and registered animals, and we were to be the stewards. Then He added strays and unwanted animals, even a cow or two. They all needed care, and many became wonderful animals and/or pets. Part of our bible training included counseling,
and we soon found some hurting people could be helped through companionship with the animals. When we placed a high priority on the cattle, it was because of our responsibility to stewardship. These animals have an important role in the ministry. They are the subject
of a book we prepared a number of years ago.
While the anonymous donor was someone familiar with our ministry's work, the attorney who helped us get the cattle back and the other government people were part of the secular world. We have to understand that God is in control of the entire world, and Christians make up only a small part of the population. Matt. 5:45 tells us "that you may be sons of your Father in heaven, for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." Sometimes secular people can help you when Christians don't. This is our second experience where the veterans' organization failed to help. We're not condemning them, but we have seen some bad management and some lower level workers who are there only for a generous paycheck. Many people brag about patriotism and carry flags, but when it's time to help vets, it becomes a matter of money and their personal pocketbook. None of our modern day presidents or the current Congress have a handle on veteran care. In fact, Congress is looking to cut expenditures now, in the face of a growing number of casualties from ongoing "wars".
There are loads of "feel good' inspirational stories in publications and in presentations by religious and motivational speakers. These have a purpose, but I fear some people are seriously hurt by outcomes that don't answer prayers. When we first began the ministry, we encountered many unchurched people who had been turned off by hypocrisy by both leaders and church members. While I am ordained, we never became affiliated with any denomination. We've found that denominational rules prove divisive. There is one Christ and one church.
I have guest preached for many denominations, and found a common problem among them. Too much emphasis is placed on denominational doctrine, and not enough time is spent studying the very Words of Christ. There is no one denomination "better" than others. If the unadulterated Word of Christ is preached and followed, there will not be division within the denominations. I've preached before Catholics and Protestants.
The Word of God does not vary. Christ warns us about this in Luke 9:49,50. "Now John answered and said, 'Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow with us." But Jesus said to him, 'Do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is on our side.'"
The feel good syndrome led me to shorten a speaking engagement at a Full Gospel Businessmen's gathering. I was invited to tell about the miracle of finding and acquiring Faith Walk farm. I was seated at the head table next to a man who was a traveling representative for a major company. During the dinner he "bent my ear" with his prowess of leading people to salvation. He would pick up hitch hikers, and when he delivered
them to the drop off point, every one was saved. His bragging to me spoiled the dinner. When I began my address, God told me to tell the gathering they were interested in "big" miracles, but they were ignoring small every-day miracles. After I had spoken for a few minutes, this man passed me a note to speed up my presentation. He wanted to hear the
"big story." My blood ran cold, because he was not admonishing me to ignore God's routine blessings; he was rejecting the presence of God in people's every day lives.
1 Sam. 6:7 explains this man's attitude. "And the Lord said to Samuel, 'Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me." God was telling me that this man represented the gathering, and they were only interested in the bells and whistles of my story. I did speed up my address, but I did not tell them about the miracle they expected. When my wife and I left, we found the
books I mentioned above were taken (stolen) from the display. This was not a good reflection on full gospel teaching or businessmen. We have never published more copies of the book.
I was reluctant to write about the cattle and tax sale because of experiences such as this. There are so many people who know of our problems that deserve to know the glory of God. We want Christians and others to expect answers to prayer. It must be understood that words alone frequently will not provide the solution you want. Christ was a person of action as well as words. God expects the same from you and me. Faith and works go together. The word "Good" should always preface Works. Faith Walk Ministry will continue as long as the Lord directs and people need and heed the glory of Christ.
Rev. Walbear
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