You may not realize it, but you were born to climb a mountain. You are
God's creation, and He wants you to use the talents He has given you.
Because a Christian is living in a world that is physical rather than spiritual, it requires you to correct your thought process to fulfill your
potential. Keep in mind that while God controls the universe, the Devil
is temporarily reigning over the world. As you read in the Book of Job,
this head demon is still walking the earth and accusing us when he reports in to the Lord. The Devil will continue to influence your life until
you are with the Lord to stay. Remember, things won't change until Christ returns. If they did change, it wouldn't be necessary for Him to come back. People clamor for peace, but Christ tells us in Matthew that His first coming was to bring salvation and separation. Christ said, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." (Matt. 10:34-36)
Christ is explaining that His first appearance is to give us God's Way to eternal life and to qualify for the rapture. The Jewish people had the original Ten Commandments, but enacted a copious amount of social
laws that kept leading them astray. After approximately four generations,
the people were so far from God's word that God had to punish them as
a nation. He sent them into captivity. God gave mankind another chance,
showing great patience and mercy and brought us Jesus Christ. He added another Commandment that would cure the continuous stampede to destruction and punishment. It is "love thy neighbor." (Matt. 22:39) Christ gave us the Way to eternity in His teaching. A saved person is expected to follow His teaching---not some of it, all of it. His teaching is to separate the true believers from the fakes. As we are warned in the Epistles, false leaders and teachers will abound more and more as we approach the rapture and end times. God wants us all to be saved, but He is sifting us to discard those not qualifying as genuine believers andwho will be left behind.
Salvation is not a future vacation. If you study scripture, you will see that God intended that people would work. He gives each of us certain
gifts so we can perform the work He expects us to accomplish. When we receive salvation, we are at the bottom of a mountain. That mountain is God's Faith Mountain. He has given us the mountain climbing equipment we need. We just have to learn how to use it and begin our climb. The equipment is the word of God. The foundation is explained in the four gospels. When we have become familiar with this information, we can understand why and how the Old Testament and Epistles will enhance our work. We need to know Matthew, Mark, Luke and John before we try to fit in the enhancement. You will see that Christ taught us exactly the rules of God. When Christ refers to Old Testament verses of the Prophets, it is to show He is reaffirming the original word of God. Christ did not give us the Epistles, but He did give us a stunning example of how He can tap someone for a special job.
On the road to Damascus (Acts, chapter 9), Christ tapped Paul for the task of bringing Gentiles into salvation and fellowship. God created all
people in His image, and He loves us all (John 3:16), "For God so loved the
world, that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." There are no exceptions
to the word of God. That means anyone who refuses to respect and treat
with dignity other races and religions is a big time sinner. Furthermore, if that person communicates such hatred, he/she is guilty of yet another major command---false witness. Every race and every faith (religion) has its share of people who shout their faith while breaking some of God's Ten
Commandments. Worse yet, they are breaking the ONLY COMMANDMENT
that Jesus Christ added to the original---LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. Of course
you can't love someone who's trying to kill you. HOWEVER, use the brains
God gave you to actually think about ALL your neighbors
If you are a white person, do you love all other white people? Or maybe
there are a couple you don't really want to include in your "love group?"
I'm addressing this subject directly to white people, because they are
flocking to follow emotionally charged bigots. Unfortunately, these bigots
have a "carrot" to ensnare would be believers. This carrot is a maxi-pack
of fear, greed, envy and emotion. It is being delivered by monumental
liars who are leading lazy Christian church leaders and members off the
path to eternity. Christian leaders are being taken advantage of by these
apostate leaders and politicians. Follow them, and all your hopes and
desires will be fulfilled---so they say.
This is Satan's attempt to prevent you from climbing God's Mountain.
Satan is telling you you don't need God's equipment to climb that
mountain. He knows the easy way. You don't need to understand the
words of Christ. Hey---you read the bible and attend church. You even
are doing good works. You told Christ you accepted His contract. You
haven't bothered to read the contract, have you? You know, the difficult
requirement to love your neighbor? You do know that not everybody
who receives food stamps or medical assistance does not refuse to
work? You do know the little people who work at fast food places or
as janitors and maids do pay taxes? You do know these people on the
low end of economics don't hide their money outside the United States?
You do know these wealthy people only use our nation to become rich
without really contributing to the welfare of all the people? You do know
what Christ DIRECTS us to do concerning taxes?
Of course, if you aren't answering my questions favorably, you can
correct me by citing scriptures and understanding enough about the
scripture you cited to illustrate your contention. If you convince yourself
you have the knowledge to use the mountain climbing tools God has
given you, the climb can begin. You may be surprised as you begin the
climb, that you now can see other people climbing mountains that
resemble yours. These mountains each have a white cloud at the top
that resembles a halo. Some of the mountains aren't as high as others.
You think, "that's not fair! God is supposed to be fair and trustful!" Then,
there comes a flash of lightning that further illuminates these other
climbers. You see that some of the climbers of smaller mountains have
handicaps. There is a woman with one arm, a man with one leg, another
man obviously blind, a woman with an obvious disease that handicaps
her effort. The mountains these people are climbing aren't as tall, but
to their eyes, they are at least as tall as yours.
You're just beginning, and here's someone who's laughing at you.
He shouts out, "You mean you're actually going to climb that mountain
with those flimsy tools? You're a fool. Those tools won't get you anything
but trouble and failure." You reply, "God gave me all I need." You are on
your way. Now there's someone else at the base of the mountain. He
shouts out to you, "You're totally exposed as you climb! I'm going to
knock some sense into you with these rocks!" He commences throwing
rocks at you. You tell him, "I'm protected by the shed blood of Jesus
Christ, and your rocks can't hurt me." After a few more rocks whiz by you,
the person takes God's name in vain and leaves in defeat. Getting this
far in your climb required more physical effort than spiritual. The tools
were adequate, but it certainly was good you had studied scripture.
When you look back, you see the two challengers were no longer the
full size figures. They now appeared to be small, insignificant dots. The
physical part of the climb was getting more difficult, and as you pause
to get second wind, there's another person at the base of the mountain.
He is dressed in a fine suit, as you can see in the open part of his robe.
There is a large cross attached to the robe. He shouts out to you, "Better
come back down before you hurt yourself. I can find you an easier way
to climb the mountain. You reply, "I have the tools God gave me. His way
is the only way." The robed person encourages you to reconsider,
saying, "There are some changes and additions to those rules. They
were too difficult, so we had to alter them." You reply, "My directions
are complete without any new tools or replacing the originals." The
person rips the cross off his robe and throws it to the ground, digging
in his heel to bury it.
You keep climbing, and it seems you are still so far from the top. Then,
there is a loud voice like thunder calling out to you. You look back, and
there is another person at the bottom of the mountain. This one is very
tall and impressive. He doesn't need a loud speaker. His business suit
sparkles, and the sparkles almost appear to be dollar symbols. He is
carrying a very large book. It is so large, you can read the title on the
cover from your elevated location. The title is The Good Life. He doesn't
have to shout. The other climbers can surely hear him as well as you.
He offers an invitation. "You're obviously a special person who deserves
to be successful and enjoy the wonders of the world. I have a book with
me you need to see. If you follow the steps in the directions, you will be
able to attain the good life. You can have your picture added to the book.
He opened the book, and you could see pictures of people you could
recognize. There were actors and artists, singers, rock stars, mega
church pastors, presidents and sports stars. Each was shown in an
opulent setting. There were mansions, swimming pools, jazzy cars,
impressive estates, and the wonders and joys of life.
You were momentarily dazzled by the pictures in the book before you
realized there was nothing reflecting the people you had come to know
through your walk with Jesus. The Apostle Paul wasn't there, nor were
any of the other apostles. There were pastors of mega churches, but the
people who were champions of Christianity weren't represented. There
were pictures of Presidents, but Lincoln wasn't among them. You need to
get back to your climb, but you ask him, "I didn't see a picture of our
President Lincoln. Why wasn't he there?" The man answered, "Well, the
committee is still considering him. You know, he made a major mistake."
You just have to know why, so you ask, "Did he deny the power of the
Holy Ghost?" The man frowns and says, "It was worse than that. He
destroyed the class definitions of the people in the "land of the free."
You see a problem here, so you challenge him. "Christian scripture
tells us in Matt. 12:31, "All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be
forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall
not be forgiven unto men." The man is flustered for just a second, but
then explains that scripture has been corrected since that mistake so
the Chosen and Christians are again privileged over other races and
faiths. You ask about the warning in Matt. 28 which has the warning
about adding and subtracting to scripture. The man laughs, and says
you are an idiot to believe things shouldn't be modernized. You resume
climbing, and hear him shout,"You are giving up a beautiful life of comfort
and joy for a miserable life of failure and misery.
You are making progress, but there's still a long way to go, and the
climb is more difficult. You hear that booming voice again, and when
you look down, you see that loud man with other men. The loud man
doesn't look as big now. "This is your last chance to get your name
in my book of The Good Life," he shouts. "All these men will testify to
the accuracy of this book. The good life awaits you." You notice there
are no women to testify, so you ask, "Where are the women who are
enjoying your good life?" He mutters briefly, but recovers to explain,
"They have their responsibilities that are included in the revised set
of rules we talked about. They are not to be in leadership positions
or have authority over matters where men or women are concerned."
You've heard enough of this, so you continue the climb. He
continues to shout, and now you hear his choice of words is downright
nasty. He certainly has no connection with the living God. Obviously,
this man, like the others, is a religious snake oil salesman and his holy
water is 100 proof whiskey. You have on gloves, but your hands hurt.
You have knee pads and climbing spikes, but your legs are weary and
your feet hurt. You can quit now, and no one but you and God will know
physical pain overrode spiritual growth. That's crazy, you think. Christ
was persecuted, abandoned and died on the cross. I'm a baby to even
think about physical comfort. If I expect to live in a mansion in Heaven,
I have to endure the work it takes to earn it. Christ said in John 14:2,
"In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I
would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." If I keep climbing,
my body will physically improve, I tell myself, because God says I will
never get a challenge He won't give me the strength to overcome. As
I keep overcoming, my spiritual growth will become more powerful.
If I work hard enough in my study of scripture and follow the example
of men and women like Paul, John, Esther and others, I will climb this
mountain and discover the ultimate faith in God. I have unfortunately
watched fellow beginner believers abandon their contract with Jesus,
throw off the armor of battle and be defeated, or actually join forces
with the enemy. They did get an up-front bonus from their new boss, but
they always discover later it was fool's gold. Too late; you can't change
horses in mid stream. This stream is Holy Water, the water of everlasting
life. That halo up there looks brighter all the time. (to be continued)
Rev. Walbear