Monday, July 4, 2016



    Everyone, including Christians, wants to know what's in store for them in the future. Most people who identify themselves as Christians search the bible's Book of Revelation. The major misunderstanding of both this Book and the bible is overlooking the obvious. Attention centers on the hope to figure out when the rapture will occur, and when committed Christians will escape tribulation. There is little thought given to the huge number of people in the world who are not Christians or Jews. There is also misunderstanding the entire, but simple commitment to Christ.

    The title of this message suggests history repeats itself, and we have only to look at the first four chapters of Revelation to see that Satan has used several methods to derail the established church. What worked
hundreds of years ago still works. If you are a church member, reviewing
these four chapters will give you an opportunity to evaluate your church,
and to see areas that need correction. You can do the same evaluation of your commitment if you study alone or in a small study group. It may be helpful to reaffirm just a few clear verses of scripture before you proceed to study the first four Revelation chapters.

    The first directive we need to follow is found in the last chapter of the
Book of Revelation, Rev.22:28 and 29. We are warned not to add anything
to this book, and not to take anything away. If your denomination has an
added set of directions or rules of religious or social conduct not taught
by Jesus Christ, it is not Christian. Members should use the name of the
person who added or subtracted scripture. Denominational differences
and social rules have been tearing Christianity apart since the early
churches were planted by the disciples. Some of these early Christian
leaders organized fledgling groups very well. The problems began when
leaders tried to make the new group (denomination) superior to the other
groups. They took advantage of members' lack of knowledge of scripture
and unwillingness to question information. Americans have an attitude of
desiring to be "number one" in sports and everything else. It is actually
impossible to discuss scripture with many people if they are of a differing
denomination. They usually say they have all the TRUTH, and their
denominational manual has all the directions. This is the most vital
mistake a person can make. It violates those two verses at the end of
Revelation. Note, there are penalties for these violations. Do you believe
all of God's Word, or just the convenient parts?

    For those who still support the "changes" added to or taken away from Christ's teaching, I have another question: what about John 14:6? "Jesus saith unto him, I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by ME." How can anyone who claims to be a Christian (especially a leader) violate this clear scripture? The answer is simple. The person is an apostate tool of Satan, who probably does not realize his/her sin. Would be Christians often use a single verse of scripture as a direct instruction, when it needs to be followed by another scripture in another chapter or book to be fully understood. This is why we need to remember that study of all scripture is profitable.

    Now we're finally getting to our future, according to Revelation. There
is no use to try and determine ANY date, because we're told that no one,
not even Christ, knows the time or date. I've always wondered why some
church leaders spend weeks and months trying to find the answer that
clearly doesn't exist. It's a situation where a person must think he/she
is more intelligent than the Son of God. We can understand Christ's
judgment of the seven churches in the first four chapters of Revelation
if we review His instructions in the four gospels. These books give us all
our instructions. It is difficult enough to try and follow these without
adding any personal agendas from would-be christian leaders. We match
the shortcomings of these early church examples with His teaching.  This gives us the historical (yesterday) comparison of Christianity and our current churches. You see, today's Christianity has many of the same problems and weaknesses. You can evaluate yourself as well.

    Christ's first examination of churches begins at Ephesus in chapter
two. He commended the church for separating the false teachers from the church, and for its patience in performing good works. The problem was the people had placed works and related church activities over love of God, violating the great commandment. This should always be the first love. Do you or does your church look forward to activities rather than the worship? How much time is spent on scripture and its explanation compared to refreshments, fund raising, sports, the arts, and other interests not studying or teaching the Word?

    The church at Smyrna suffered tribulation, and the people lived in poverty. They were persecuted and imprisoned because the Jewish
leadership of the area actually didn't follow their religion. Christ told
church members to stay strong in the face of death to receive eternal
life. This is the ultimate test of faith. Would you, or your church members
confess Christ if threatened by death? We go next to Pergamos, where
Christ said the church people were following the doctrine of Balaam, a
false god and idol. The people were eating food from idol sacrifice, and
were guilty of immorality. Christ described this church to be located at
Satan's seat. Both Christians and Jews were being misled.

    The church of Thyatira may be remembered because of a woman's name: Jezebel. She was a false prophetess who seduced men and led the people to eat food sacrifices to idols. We are not talking about any specific meat sacrificed, but about all food sacrificed to idols. This is
not to be confused with the Jewish law/custom not to eat pork and certain other foods. Christians were directed to understand that all
of God's creations were common (clean). That includes all races of people and all food (except obvious poisons). This church was  recognized for its charity, service (works), and faith. The problem was false teaching. Pastors are too willing to teach to the desires of the people, whether it be strict or loose. Church leaders control the purse, and pastors must live.

    Christ has little good to say about the church at Sardis. He calls it a church that lives and is dead. Their works were not sufficient, and they were not spending time in study. They were warned to be watchful and repent, because He would come as a thief in the night. Christ has mostly good things to say about the church in Philadelphia. They, alone, were pleasing to Him.  This church kept His word, the one thing that enables a committed Christian to be a true believer. They had a "little strength," which meant they actually had faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit. For those of true faith, the door of heaven (eternity) remains open. I had a mentor some 35 years ago who thought the era following the roaring Twenties (wild life style and lawlessness), fall of the stock  market (greed), and the Great Depression (loss of jobs and plight of the lower class), represented the church at Philadelphia. I experienced the last half of that era, and there was a re-awaking. The movement was real, but it also spawned the birth of mega churches on television and the ability to raise lots of cash. Financial accounting became king, and set the tone of religion. 

    Some religious leaders saw the power of mass communication and fund raising, and entered the political arena. It has become US against Them. Not only have they divided the church by denominations, they have divided it by political beliefs, other faiths, genders and race.  Every one of these subjects is EXACTLY OPPOSITE of THE teaching of Jesus Christ. Don't believe me, read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The movement by the church in America is to replace our Constitution with a religious (Christian) constitution. This has been attempted before, and always resulted in failure. Read on and you'll see WHY.

    Christ taught that all humans have a free will choice. Islam was
founded offering free will choice, but leaders soon altered "their bible",
and they now have a religion split into moderate and radical elements.
If you listen to the desires of today's "Christian" leaders, you see they
want to enact laws very similar to those of the radical Muslims. How 
can someone who claims to be a Christian support any candidate that
endorses murder, the destruction of other races and greed? Is this the
way to bring about Christ's return?

    You bet it is! God will not put up with this blasphemy much longer. And this terrible teaching will bring about a world where real followers of THE WAY will not be able to live. So... the rapture will occur. The timing depends on God's mercy and patience. He wants all humans to have the opportunity to have eternal life. You can also bet there will be no hate mongers in Heaven. Christ doesn't know when true believers of His "The Way" will be called from earth, and neither do we. The direction of the church at present gives me a hint there may be a short time left to sign up honest believers for that heavenly trip.

Rev. Walbear


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