Today we're going to explore why some people are rejected by God. We're
going to be ENTIRELY biblical about this. We're also going to define terms
dealing with this rejection. Surprisingly, this has little to do with sins such
as drunkenness, adultery, and many other common sins.
You may be familiar with the term "hardened hearts", which appears early
on in scripture. But what does it really mean? Look at Ex. 8:32. "But Pharaoh
hardened his heart at this time also; neither would he let the people go." This
was after the Egyptians were beset by swarms of flies, and Moses asked the
Lord to remove the flies. The Pharaoh broke his promise and refused to let
the Israelites go.
I'm going to quote more scripture, but you should look up some of these
yourself. God would not have mentioned hardened hearts so many times in
the Old and New Testaments if the subject wasn't actually critical. The most
important lesson here is that hardened hearts is the ONE LAST REASON
the United States is today, right now, being judged just as Egypt was judged.
While I take a break to get some ice cold ginger ale, look up some of the
scripture dealing with hardened hearts: Job 9:4; Mark 6:52; John 12:40;
Hebrews 3:13. Also see Ex. 4:21. Ps. 95:8, Hebrews 3:8. There's more:
Prov. 21:29, Prov. 28:14, Romans 9:1. God had a great deal to say and warn
us about this condition.
Before I get to the term reprobate, we need to understand how hardened
hearts apply to committed and professing Christians. There is no doubt how
the term applies to the unsaved. They are lost already. Consider this very
seriously: a committed, saved Christian cannot have a hardened heart. The
Holy Spirit will prevent it.
The "perhaps" saved professing Christian will be rejected by God even
if the individual thinks he has made the commitment to Christ. The Holy
Spirit has His own spiritual security scanner, and He is not fooled. If the
commitment is not 100%, the Holy Spirit will know, and that pretending
believer will be REJECTED.
There will be many rejections, because people who fool themselves as
being good people and bible readers don't understand what happens to
them when they develop hardened hearts. Hardened hearts don't happen
overnight; they develop as a person makes decisions that are unscriptural
even though they don't realize they are following their carnal desires.
In fact, many people with hardened hearts freely quote scripture to
support their carnal desires and opinions. They make a one verse quote,
but don't understand the group of verses that explain God's Word. In
so doing, they pat themselves on the back because the world now knows
God's explanation of the matter.
Unfortunately, this situation exists in the church, where many denominations
have established their own rules and even rewritten scripture to promulgate
their (cursed) programs. Yes, cursed, because Revelation warns in 22:18,19
that anyone who deletes or adds to His Word are lost. Unfortunately, this
condition exists in our politics. For many years now, it has become a "must"
that every candidate claim to be a saved Christian and just chock full of faith.
If they really were, money (campaign funds) would take a back seat to a
discussion of issues.
Hardened hearts frequently come about because the person isn't telling
the truth, and keeps repeating the untruth over and over until they actually
believe they are telling the truth. At this point they become REPROBATE.
More about this term a bit later. It means they now believe what they are
saying, and they have been rejected by God. Once rejected, they are
forever rejected, If you are a professing (not committed) Christian, you
are now rejected. You didn't care enough to become Christ-like.
I have a personal experience to show how it works. At one time we
employed a young lady now and then for a day when we had to be absent
from our home and business. There was a road on both ends of our farm,
and she lived in a house along that road adjacent to our land. It was a very
short walk from end to end with a small creek in the middle. A big oak tree
had fallen across the little stream, providing a neat bridge, although the
stream only had a few inches of water.
One day when she finished work early, she decided to walk home across
the field. when she walked across the tree bridge, she almost lost her
balance, and her glasses fell in the creek. She told her mother most of what
happened, but said we forced her to walk home, something we never did.
Her mother took us to court, but lost the case. The girl had lied. That was
when we discovered her entire family sort of lived on a collection of lies
which they truly did believe.
Most people who develop hardened hearts have personal agendas,
and develop information and stories to support that agenda. It is really
a personal public relations campaign. They usually do not research the
subject, or only research for answers they desire. They often make bigoted
statements and push their points by rudeness. They frequently jump right
in to agree when someone makes a statement favoring their delusion.
This is a very serious issue in churches, where ultra conservatives continue
to believe that being a good person is the path to heaven. Christ told us and
showed us that NONE of us are good enough to enter heaven. Your good
deeds (or intended good deeds), may be evidence of your commitment to
Christ, or may be the limit of your professed commitment.
When you have continued along this path for a period of time, you become
reprobate. From that time on, the Holy Spirit will not work for you,and you will
become one of the FALLING AWAY people. Reprobate has been a Christian
term for centuries.
Some of the meanings of reprobate include "rejected as not of standard
purity or fineness; condemned." Take a serious look at this first definition of
reprobate. Note condemned, which means something not acceptable AND IN
NEED OF DESTRUCTION AND REPLACEMENT. This term is easily understood
when applied to property, especially housing. Even though the outside of the
structure appears to be acceptable, often the inside is not because of faulty
electrical wiring, plumbing, unsafe foundation and structure, trash, and other
safety shortcomings.
Your Christian walk may have many problems, not much different than the
condemned house. While the housing problem is physical, your problem may
be entirely spiritual. One of the most serious problems I see is the lack of
compassion by professing Christians. If something doesn't touch their personal
lives, they come to rapid conclusions based on skimpy facts and the opinion
of a loudmouth.
Some Christians claim only one political party has all the committed and
professing Christians. Everyone else is not a real patriot. I invite them to visit
cemeteries to see the graves of soldiers who fought for everybody, both for all
Christians and people of other or no faiths. I keep hearing that social security
is an entitlement program. I worked almost 60 years before retiring, and had
to--by law--pay an amount out of every paycheck into the social security
retirement fund. That money was MINE, and has earned interest ever since
it was deposited. I repeat--that money is MINE. It does not come out of anybody
Else's pocket. When it is used to pay other government debts, it is being plainly
I have read story after story about our debt problem, especially quite a number
by financial institutions. they all offer advice--at a cost--to protect your assets,
which usually begin at the$500,000 level. Not one of these corporations, nor
any member of Congress or the President mentioned anything about the teachings
of scripture. Oh, they talk about faith and how God has spoken to them. Mostly,
they talk about how to keep corporations and the wealthy on the path to more
It's difficult to separate religion from politics, because history has shown us
that the two always come together. Unfortunately money and power also go
to the winners. The winners are not necessarily on God's side, but they usually
bask in a shower of "blessings". Hitler didn't persecute Christians, he persecuted
Jews. He convinced the German people he was right.
God stands for TRUTH. The people who push their own bigoted agendas fight
this vigorously, because committed Christians are the "light of the world", truth.
The success of the reprobate Christians and pretenders is being permitted by
God because it is a separating element of judgment and part of the falling away
in the earlier stages of the end times. This falling away has speeded up so much
in the past few years, that we are reminded to keep oil in our lamps or we will
miss the rapture.
Rev. Walbear