Thursday, November 3, 2011


    I've been speaking and writing sermons for a very long time. Some subjects
are more difficult to present. Even though you follow scripture very carefully,
controversial subjects frequently cause people with deep-seated opinions to
delete or walk out of a meeting. God tells us to have an open mind and LISTEN
to His Word. We can't hear Him or the Holy Spirit when our carnal mind is made
up. Yes, I said carnal, because we all have a terrible time separating worldly
things from Christ's teaching. How often do we see in scripture where God has
to admonish His people because they aren't listening and have no patience?

    The subject of apostasy and revision has appeared in my sermons for some
time because there are so many prominent preachers and politicians who are
rewriting scripture, spouting incorrect bible teaching, or, most recently, duping
Christians with the PLAN. There are two versions of the Plan, both very
carefully put together after long hours of midnight oil and searches for individuals
best able to place the Plan within Christians.

    Make no mistake! These plans are both designed exclusively for Christians,
because Christianity will be stomped out as the end times get underway. I'm
not predicting any specific time, date, or hour. I'm just correlating this current
introduction with scripture that warns us "falling away" will occur before we
arrive at tribulation and the rapture. If you have a good study bible, you may
see Thessalonians Chapter 2 sub-titled "The Great Apostasy".

    We need to understand two things about the end times. This "falling away"
warning is the complement to Christ's warning about recognizing the events
preceding the end times. Recent earthquakes, continuing starvation and
turmoil in many countries should help us understand what Christ was really
telling us. You need to study Mark 13:5-8, Matt 24:4-8, and Luke 21:8-11.
These things are signs of the approaching end times.

    Thessalonians 2:3,4 is the completion of our instructions for preparation for
the tribulation and rapture. If you keep your eyes on the terrible things
happening in the world and don't listen to those verses, "Let no one deceive
you by any means; for that DAY will not come unless the falling away comes
first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and
exalts himself above all that is called God or is worshipped, so that he sits
as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God," you will be
quietly brought into the anti-Christ movement.

    Deception has become very skillfully sophisticated and honed, and those
who seek power are experts at leading us astray. You may think I'm being carried
away by my imagination and I'm preaching ridiculous theories. Reread what I
have just written. It is all backed up by scripture. Scripture, by the way, is the
inspired Word of God, and it is God. To fully understand where we're going with
this message, you need to know some history, some geography, some psychology
and some ethics. It's all in the bible, but sometimes we just can't put it all together.
Why do you suppose it takes so long to become an ordained minister?

    If you would desire a course in deception, your best source would be the words
of politicians. The apostate teachers make good use of these political wannabes.
It's always fearful to join politics with religion, but the two have ALWAYS been
joined together by mankind. Religion is THE tool to absolute power, as you can
observe in the mostly Arab and black peoples. Most of these are theocracies,
where religious leaders set the rules and punishment--see Sharia Law for

    You won't like this, but read a bit of history and you will see that previous
Christian attempts of theocratic power have all been vicious and anything but
Christian. The Pilgrims came to America so they could practice religious freedom.
When they got here, they instituted their own version of a Sharia Law, burning
accused witches at the stake, putting people in stocks, and various other practices
anything but Christian. Did Christ or the Apostles do any of that? Of course not.

    When you follow any religious or political leader that spouts control or uses
self-serving bible quotes, beware. They are out to dupe you, and will give you a
well-prepared line of bogus information. It may be difficult to research this material,
and it's meant to be. Who has the time to look this stuff up? The absolute worst
scenario is the politician who thinks he knows scripture and bases his platform
on bits and pieces from the bible. He or she is a disciple of Satan. They cannot
be a committed Christian, because the Holy Spirit would not permit this obvious
mockery of God's Word.

    When mixing religion with politics, we must not make a blanket decision for
all members of any political party. There are good people with good intentions
in all parties. God does not direct us to base decisions on any party. We are to
base our decisions on God's Word--not a self-serving verse here or there, but
on an understanding of all relative verses. I'm sick at heart of the hateful and
pre-school rants I receive in e-mails. These are not necessarily directed at me,
but ALL members of an opposing political party. God gave us a brain, and if that
type of communication is all we're capable of, He must be sad to know so many
are serving Satan.

    When politicians or religious leaders pursue their ambitions, they put together
blocks of people with ready made connections. These include professional
organizations, business organizations, like-minded corporations, church
congregations, etc. To be BIG, you need to quickly build numbers of followers
and MONEY, lots of money.
    First, we'll examine a branch of the Muslim plan. This is not their entire plan,
just the part dealing with Americans. We'll get to their big plan shortly. A Christian
pastor in California had a vision of a mega church. To get ideas on how to reach
this goal, he made the carnal decision to visit a successful "model" mega church.
The Crystal Cathedral (now in bankruptcy) was such a model. In a relatively
brief time his mega church was successful, so successful, in fact, that he became
a best selling author. At this point, his actions were not specifically anti-Christian.

    Now Satan entered the picture, and Chrislam was born. Three major Christian
leaders were somehow persuaded that Christianity and Islam could join together
and bring world peace. Islam serves a different god, Allah, does not recognize
Christ as the Son of the Jewish and Christian God, does not accept salvation
through the blood of Christ, does not believe He rose from the dead and ascended
to heaven, does not believe in the Holy Spirit, and follows its own bible which
teaches Sharia Law, including death for those who refuse Islam. Our President
could not even offer a Christian prayer on Arab soil. Chrislam has now taken over
many mega churches where the Christian bible and Arab bible, Quran, are placed
beside each other in the pews.

    You cannot be a Christian and a Chrislam at the same time. They are completely
different religions, and Chrislam exists only to bring religious illiterates onto the
road to Hell. This is the Muslim plan for destroying America and bringing our country
into the big plan, the Caliphate.

    Caliphate is the term used to describe a vast collection of nations under Islam
controlled by a caliph, a religious leader, who in essence, is their god, serving under
Allah or as Allah. The plan for a Caliphate is not new, but the attempt hundreds of
years ago failed for sufficient planning. This time, they are spot on. Do you wonder
why so many of the Arab nations across North Africa and the Middle East are having
a sudden rash of revolutions to overthrow dictator governments? These dictators
must be removed, because they block the institution of Sharia Law and the seating
of a sub Caliphate who will serve the all-powerful Caliphate.

    Think this is a pipe dream? Ed Koch, one of the brothers owning Koch Industries, one
of the largest industries in the world, wrote about this Arab plan. He didn't, however make
any connection with Arab plans for America. To be successful in controlling the world,
Islam must also control America. Hence, we have Chrislam.

    While Chrislam is growing, we have smaller internal apostasy by leaders of some of
our major denominations. Rewriting the bible, bringing apostate teaching into the
church and misleading congregations because it is easier than telling the truth, are all
internal ways people are leaving biblical, scriptural teaching.

    We are told these Arab countries are being revolutionized by "freedom fighters."
Far from it. These people have been furnished with expensive, ultra modern weapons
and supplies. They are organized similar to any regular army. They have modern
warfare transportation, and both European and American leaders believe they are
working for democracy. Maybe they are working for something else? We need to keep
in mind that these are necessary steps in the falling away of end times.

    One of the interesting aspects of how well the Muslims have planned their march
to the Caliphate is how it is being financed. They are using trillions of American money
to finance their revolutions, building great golden parachutes for their leaders, and
at the same time draining America of its money and resources. Not ONE Arab nation
is accepting democracy and never will. Read scripture--Gen. 16:12, "He shall be a wild
man; His hand shall be against every man, And every man's hand against him. and he
shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." Is there some part of that scripture
you don't understand? World leaders don't understand it, whether politicians or
religious. For those of you in the same shoes as the world leaders, the above quote
from Genesis is a quote from an Angel of the Lord describing the baby Ishmael, who
is the foundation of Arabs. Our leaders, religious or otherwise, do not study the bible
and certainly do not believe it. Color them religious politicians. They believe only in
their agenda, which abuses scripture and is meant to deceive the very elect.

    That, friends, is the first half of Satan's plan to conquer the world. The other half is
taking place right now, here in America, and only people calling themselves Christians
are the leaders. The real blood and guts will come when this PLAN meets the Muslim
PLAN, and scripture tells us the Muslims win until Christ returns and puts a stop to
the carnage. As individuals we can't do much to stop the Muslim plan across Asia,
Africa and Europe. We can oppose Chrislam. The area we need to carefully scope
out is our own political area. This is not a Republican, Democrat or Tea Party specific
problem. The apostate or PLAN 2 is under the guidance of an organization called the
New Apostolic Reformation. It is entirely American, and the planning has been as
intense as the Muslim plan.

    I know many of you are worrying about preserving your material assets and your
way of life. If you are one of these people, you already are showing who and what
you believe. It certainly isn't Christ and the bible. I have been flooded with advertising
and videos telling me what to do to preserve my assets--material things. These offers
all come from professionals who are financial advisers and investors. Not one of them
even mentions scripture. They talk about tough times and carnal government. If I was
a betting man, I'd give really big odds that you are reading and studying every word
from these people. Did you ever read in scripture that man can't serve God and
Mammon? See Matt. 6:24. Mammon, of course, is carnal wealth--money, houses,
cars, etc. There's absolutely no room for anything Christian in Mammon.

    If you are so concerned with finances, you should go to the ONE who has it all
and controls all--GOD. To be sure, Satan can and does reward his followers in many
ways, especially money. God gave us freedom to think and reason, and then gave
us His very Word. It is our choice to accept rewards the easy way from Satan, or the
difficult way, through refining by God. Consider this carefully: Satan may reward you
with money and power now and in the limited future, but eventually Christ will put an
end to that, and committed Christians will begin collecting their eternal reward by
being in the rapture.

    I admonish you to turn to Luke 16:19-31. At that time the people had only Moses
to turn to, and they didn't listen. We have Christ as well as Moses. Friends, that's
two strikes. If you miss both, and you know what they say about three strikes. You
can't protest that third strike. You're outta your at-bat, and this time, the game.
Enjoy your carnal wealth while you can, because time is growing shorter with
each passing day. Committed Christians will rely on God to pull them through.
This is not a free pass--you will be expected to be a prudent follower, and it may
not be easy.

    If you are still reading this message, congratulations! Many probably have
deleted it. You may have concluded I've been bashing Republicans and presenting
only a (hated) Liberal view. That has been because we have no field of Democrats
in the presidential race discussing issues. Our next message will examine our
President and his philosophy, and where he stands in the midst of the two PLANS.
To be sure, he is a major player. I suggest you read Revelation carefully, especially
the many verses about the end times. And, we'll  dig into the New Apostolic
Reformation that is going to play a major role in both our country's future and the
end times.

Rev. Walbear


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