Monday, August 29, 2011


Today I ask you to get your bibles and study along with me so we are on the 
same page in Christianity. I'm going to begin with basic truths written in scripture that 
MUST be our cornerstone if we are to be true, committed Christians. There can be no 
compromise with these verses of scripture or you are not a committed Christian. I will 
be writing about another apostate international movement as soon as we agree on 
scriptural ground rules. All these apostate movements have the backing of American 
preachers, most of whom pastor very large churches across our nation.
       Basic ground rules are a Christian must truly believe the Christian bible is the 
Word of God; you must believe the teaching of Christ (especially dealing with the 
end times); you must have committed yourself to Christ, and you must
believe completely in the contents of the bible. I will give you the verses of scripture 
that deal with these requirements. There can be no compromise with these verses.
      John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and 
the Word was God." Matt.24:4-8, "And Jesus said and answered to them: Take 
heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name , saying, I am the 
Christ,' and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See 
that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not 
yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will 
be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All
these are the beginning of sorrows."
      John 10:9 "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will 
go in and out and find pasture." Matt. 10:32, "Therefore whoever confesses Me 
before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven." There are 
other places in scripture that tell us the same information I have quoted. We have 
ample references, so there should be no doubt.
      There can be NO COMPROMISE with the final verses of scripture, and this is 
where all these apostate organizations refuse to obey. Make certain you 
understand these verses, because the penalty for not following them will cost you the 
"take aways". Rev. 22:18,19, "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the 
prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the 
plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of 
the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from 
the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
      Any revisionist or person claiming to "know" more about God's Word and/or 
scripture, is forever LOST. They may claim they accepted Christ and received 
salvation, but they are lying. When you accept Christ as your Savior, you accept all 
of Him and God's Word. No mortal man has ever known more than God, and if 
you follow any revisionist teaching, YOU are lost. You can't serve God and Christ. 
and at the same time serve a preacher who disagrees with scripture.
      I want you to look at some more scripture before we begin "outing" this latest 
revisionist. Check out II Thes. 2:3,4, "Let no one deceive you by any means; for that 
day will not come unless the FALLING AWAY comes first, and the man of sin is 
revealed, the son of perdition. who opposes and exalts himself above all that
is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God. 
showing himself that he is God." We are in an era where falling away is rapidly 
separating committed believers from professing believers. Just professing  salvation 
will not keep you from suffering the tribulation. REMEMBER this: just professing 
salvation will not earn you rapture. Salvation is free, but committed
Christians are expected to do works as God has provided gifts to everyone. Check 
scripture that quotes "faith without works is dead".
      Now we get to the part that separates reading the bible from studying the 
bible. As one man said, "What's to study?" The bible contains so much 
comprehensive writing that single verses usually should lead you to look for much 
more. The major problem with our Congress is that many claim to be Christians and 
use bible quotes to make them seem superior. Most often they don't have the 
slightest idea of the real meaning of scripture and
they are totally ignorant of the bible's teaching. This is not an attack on any 
particular party. When you hear them say "the bible tells us", be wary. They 
probably don't know what they're talking about.
      Here's a recent example of a "Christian's" understanding of scripture. Three 
Republican members of the House prayed in the chapel before the vote on 
increasing the debt limit. (I can give you names if you want) One read from 
scripture, Proverbs 22:7, "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant 
to the lender." Based on this single verse, this congressman told his
two companions this meant they needed to vote for"restructuring" the debt. This, of 
course includes the cuts to government programs that care for the poor and 
handicapped. If he had read a bit more of Chapter 22, he would have seen verse 
9, "He who has a generous eye will be blessed, For he gives of his bread to the 
poor." When Christ went to the temple and found money lenders
("bankers") operating there, He threw them out. Note it was bankers that were 
thrown out, not the people who came to offer sacrifice.
       I hear presidential candidate after presidential candidate tell us about their 
personal connection to God, and how He has told them to do something, such as run 
for president. I don't believe any of them could pass a simple test of bible 
knowledge. They live in the carnal world of man, and if they are saved Christians,
in my humble opinion from what they do and say, they are professing Christians, 
carnal Christians. What do I base my opinion on? Scripture that says it is easier for a 
camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to heaven
(Matt. 19:24). Look at Luke 16:19-31. There is nothing wrong with material things, 
but the desire to hoard money on the backs of the poorest people is a sin that will 
keep you out of passage through the rapture. I could give you much more, but I 
imagine you already want to hit delete. Money affects people that way. BTW, why 
wasn't a word said about all the millions of taxpayer dollars
that are sent each year to foreign countries, most of whom hate us? Are these 
non-taxpaying foreigners superior to our citizens? Why social security cuts that  are 
in no way any entitlement. You have to have worked and paid by law for these 
savings. Our congressmen and women don't have any grasp of reality.
       If you're still with me, we will begin our exploration of the New Apostolic 
Reformation. This is a relatively new international organization that has really taken 
hold in a short time, although it really didn't jump to prominence until some big time 
preachers in America embraced it. First, remember this about the organization: IT 
another version of control that parallels the Muslim plan for a Caliphate to control 
the world, except it is a Christian plan. People have short memories about these 
things, partly because those who oppose this type of oppression are
killed. We are talking about a THEOCRACY here, and that has nothing to do with a 
democracy or republic. Most Arab nations are theocracies.
      Why is a Christian theocracy a bad idea? Lots of reasons--think Inquisition for 
one. But, let's continue to see some of the beliefs of the NAR. They teach that 
members can have God-like apostolic powers and prophetic abilities. In other 
words, God talks to them and gives them specific directions. Some claim they
have the same powers as the Apostles. God may talk to people upon occasion, but 
this is rare. Few people believe this ever happens, and cite the number of mentally 
disturbed people who make this claim.
      God is not a God of confusion. He is a God of truth and orderliness. Want 
proof? See Joshua 5:14. Check out Revelation 19:11-21. I hear that many of the 
candidates for president say they are seeking the nomination because they had a 
word from God, and He told them to vie for the nomination. This is a matter
of confusion, because God wouldn't likely tell several people to seek the position. 
God WILL choose who He wants to be the candidate, and the choice will be to fit 
His plan, not the will of people. His choice may be to strengthen our nation, or it may 
be to permit our country to pay the price of disobedience to His Word.
      There are some people who have been with NAR since its early years, and they 
claim the Apostolic powers. They are much like medicine men, who perform acts of 
mysticism or magic. One such NAR apostle has worked with one of the presidential 
candidates for many years. A witch hunter (doctor) in Kenya actually anointed one 
of the candidates in Kenya--it was not Obama. Not all candidates have bought in to 
this movement, but most have. Obama's departure from real Christianity must have 
occurred during the lengthy time he spent in that church led by a minister who 
preached against America and everything the
country strands for. Although you may think I'm biased against the Tea Party or 
Republicans, you see I only write the truth. All must share the blame.
      The NAR plan is quite parallel to God's plan, but it eventually leads to 
conditions that deny the freedoms we have, creating a theocracy ruled by laws as 
strict as those of the Muslim's sharia law. There can be only one thought, and that is 
the law of NAR. Attempts at this kind of law have already been made in the past 
six months--an Arkansas town council that proposed a gag on residents and no 
assembly by citizens. Changing rules to permit
appointed leaders to carry out the duties of elected officials, and many more.
      This movement mimics scripture, and bases its attack on principals it calls the 
Seven Mountains. Rome is located on the Seven Hills, and the number itself has many 
biblical connections, such as the seven days of creation. NAR also lists seven areas 
they will come to control:   business, government, media, arts and entertainment, 
education, family and religion. More on this later.
      There has never been a one party government in the history of the world that 
was either fair, just, or  evenly ruled. They all became dictatorships. Only when God 
charged prophets to call the shots did justice reign. The NAR has organized well, 
with three layers of spiritual warfare. These are the Ground, Occult and Strategic 
levels. Like Satan's plan, they will attempt to take full
control of territorial principalities--communities, ethnic groups, religions and nations. 
This is parallel to the Muslim movement, including Chrislam. Committed Christians 
should note the warning given by the middle layer of NAR warfare--occult. This has 
no place in Christianity. The FALLING AWAY is sweeping up millions who don't know
or understand scripture. These people are REVISIONISTS--they are denying Rev. 22:
18 and 19. If you
don't study scripture, the consequences are brutal.
Rev. Walbear

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