Monday, August 29, 2011

Prophecy V

We've been talking about "falling away", a period of time that 
professing Christians will be departing from the Word of God. First of all, 
we must consider the difference between professing and committed 
Christians. There are many more professing Christians than committed 
Christians. Going to church regularly, tithing large sums and supporting 
conservative moral issues do not make you a committed Christian. You 
may be very serious about these intentions, which is good. This, 
however, is not good enough.
       You must be a committed Christian. This requires that you place 
yourself in the hands of Christ. When you make the commitment, you 
enter a new life and school. Yes, I said school. Because now you are 
expected to learn and understand the teaching of your mentor, Christ. 
You can only hope to fill this obligation by studying and learning 
scripture, the very Word of God, which is God. Listening to sermons (or 
reading them) is not enough. You must gain knowledge. You CAN
gain knowledge if you accept the challenge.
       We have previously outlined Chrislam, one of the ways Satan is using 
to cause a big falling away. This new religion combines Christianity, 
Christ the Son, His sacrificial death as the path to heaven, and 
resurrection, with Islam. Islam recognizes Christ only as a teacher, does 
not believe Christ is the path to heaven, and does not tell about the 
Koran's teaching of how Infidels (non Muslims) are to be treated
(become a Muslim or die)!
        Islam's god is not the god of Christianity. His name is Allah. This 
relationship goes all the way back to Genesis, where it is prophesied 
(Gen. 16:12) "He shall be a wild man; His hand shall be against every 
man," This was the Angel of the Lord speaking to Hagar, the Egyptian 
maid serving Sarai. She had borne Abram a son, and was banished into 
the wilderness. The son's name was Ishmael. This was the foundation
of the Arab world.
       Some Christians are being fooled into thinking the two diverse 
religions can be joined into one, thus giving us world peace. You don't 
even have to study scripture to see that isn't working. How can 
Christians be so easily fooled? Yet, several well recognized church 
leaders have already established this bastard religion.
       Then, we recall a previous message where a branch of the Lutheran 
church is rewriting scripture. It's difficult to believe a Lutheran can 
ignore Revelation 22:18-19 that warns against adding to or taking away 
anything from scripture. They have, however, and have split the church.
       So far, this has been a review of some of the reasons we are being 
judged, and how Christians will be split for the rapture. Your ticket must 
state "committed", and you must be a diligent student of scripture. 
There is a master plan by Allah to speed America on the way to 
tribulation. This plan was not well put together the first time around, and 
the Muslims were thrown back in A.D. 732 by the French king, Charles
Martel, after they had crossed into Europe at Gibraltar. They had already 
conquered the Middle East and North Africa.
       The new plan is much better, and we need to understand some new 
words to advance the plan. The Muslims intend to establish a 
"caliphate", which will be a one world order. A caliphate is a dominion 
over a widespread area--in other words,  control over a vast amount of 
land and peoples. To do this, they have to take control of the Muslim 
dominated countries, and then move on to countries with substantial 
Muslims, but not under Muslim control.
       The original boundary of this caliphate will extend from Indonesia 
and the Philippines, Asia (from Pakistan westward), across northern 
Africa, and any area where the radical Muslims can impose control. You 
see today the upheaval in so many countries within this boundary. All will 
eventually become part of this caliphate which will dominate the entire 
world. They rule by fear and force. As history tells us, they have always 
plundered everywhere they've gone.
       Heading up this giant conglomeration of Muslim countries will be a 
"caliph", the one leader of all, and possibly the anti-christ. They will 
extend the Sharia Law. This isn't my fantasy, but exactly what an 
American industrialist, one of the world's largest and leading 
industrialists has forecast. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, he outlined 
the Muslim goal after spending time visiting foreign countries.
       You see that Chislam is one of the ways our corrupt church leaders 
are playing their role in bringing supposed Christians under Muslim 
influence. It's happening right now in Houston, Seattle, Michigan and 
Georgia. Some mega church leaders have regular church services 
drawing hundreds of thousands of people. Apparently none of these 
church goers read scripture. Maybe they profess Christ, but they
surely are not committed. They face an interesting tribulation.
       To perhaps help you understand professing and committed, words 
from Paul in 1 Corinthians may help. Paul describes the three types of 
man's nature. They are essentially the same as my explanation except 
that Paul included the natural man in his description. The natural man is 
not saved and thus unchanged spiritually. 1 Cor. 2:9 describes the 
natural man, "But it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have 
entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for 
those who love Him"
       The professing Christian is described as a carnal man. He is one who 
has  received the Word, but has not been able to pass from the "milk" 
stage in his Christian walk. He has not listened to the teaching of the 
Holy Spirit, and has relied on learning the "wisdom" of the world. Note 
how important that word "listening" is. The carnal man is easily swayed 
by worldly things, including a tendency to sin when tempted hard 
       The committed Cristian is the spiritual man, who follows the 
guidance of the Holy Spirit, and is able to resist the worldly temptations. 
There is one damaging factor to the carnal man. He may actually not 
know the difference between spiritual guidance and a worldly 
conclusion. Is he listening to the Holy Spirit, or worldly "wisdom"? The 
rapture is for the spiritual man. Make certain you are listening to the Holy 

Rev. Walbear

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