I would guess that just about everybody in America is familiar with the
traditional biblical Christmas story as told in the New Testament. There are
nativity scenes to remind us, and the old time Christmas carols to help explain
the birth of Christ. It is not the holiday season until New Years, but many would
have us believe Christmas is just a holiday. It is the observance of Christ's
birthday, whether the date is accurate or not. Many "Christians" accept the
switch to holiday. They are not what they claim.
I learned a great deal the first Christmas after my ordination. I was asked
by the senior pastor to give the Christmas message. I was thrilled and
excited. When I went to make notes for the sermon, I was both mystified and
surprised when the Holy Spirit led me not to Luke or the New Testament, but
to the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament. I was led to tell the story of Christ,
the Redeemer, through the Book of Ruth. After all, Christ was our Redeemer,
sent to us for the purpose of salvation and redeeming.
It turned out the Holy Spirit knew a great deal about that ensuing Christmas
program in church. When the senior pastor introduced me to present the Christmas
message, he preceded my introduction with the traditional Christmas story
about Joseph and Mary traveling for the census, having to stay in a stable, the
bright star, wise men, etc. If I had that message, I would have been upstaged
and very embarrassed. That, apparently, was the plan of the senior pastor. He
didn't want any competition in the pulpit. He was surprised and disappointed
to learn more about redemption.
None of my Christmas messages since have been traditional, and this one
follows that path. We are joyous and appreciative to recount the journey and
experiences leading to Christ's birth, and we should be. But, have we given
much thought to God's plan for that event?
I'm going to "nick" a chunk out of prosperity teaching by taking a close look
at Christ's pre-birth history. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, which many
"Christians" don't believe. Mankind was not prepared for that, and Joseph did
his best to keep Mary from becoming a topic of gossip. No crown and royalty
here. Society could call him a bastard without a legal father. Think of the
anguish for the couple, knowing few would believe the truth.
They had to travel to Bethlehem to register for the census. That was quite
a journey, and Mary, near delivery, had to make the trip riding a donkey. It was
cold at that time of year in Israel, and it's probable there was some snow on the
ground. It was a difficult journey for our yet unborn King. But God did not want
our Redeemer to have an advantage over fellow humans. He would start life
at the bottom of the barrel. No fancy stuff like our mega church leaders and
apostate politicians. The well-to-do people at that time did not share anything
with the poor or needy, just like most of today's fakers.
When they got to Bethlehem, they needed a place to stay for Mary and to
enable her to deliver Jesus. All the housing was full because many people had
to make the trip for the census. Nobody gave up their room or cared about a
poor peasant woman. After all, there were lots of poor peasants, and the world
didn't need any more poor children.
Joseph finally found a place for them--a stable that housed God's more pure
creatures--animals. Can you imagine any of our so-called leaders taking a
pregnant wife to a stable? Yes, animals are more pure of heart than most
humans. There are a few rogues, but most are honest and loyal. I fell the
other day doing chores, and I no more than hit the ground before my dog was
there, licking my face and seeing if she could help me up. The Holy Spirit
knew our Redeemer was safe with innocent animals.
God could have provided other shelter, but He wanted His Son to understand
what and how the "lowly" people had to live. You don't really know or understand
without the real deal. As one of my wife's relatives said many years ago, "You
have to walk a mile in another's moccasins to know how they feel". There were
others who knew about the impending birth and the star. It is interesting to note
that there were both good and evil people who knew the importance of the star
and the birth.
The good guys included the kings from the orient. They had to know perhaps
months in advance to be able to travel all the way to Bethlehem to worship the
Christ. This was also a very difficult trip. Look on a map to see the great
distance and the hardships of desert and mountain. They also had to know
scripture--the Old Testament. They must have studied it diligently to understand
the Lord's plan. Surely a lot more than all those running around misquoting
the bible or claiming God tells them things.
More good guys were the shepherds in the nearby fields who recognized
the meaning of the star. An angel appeared to them to explain what had
happened. They were believers.These were considered lowly people who
certainly had blue collar jobs. But, they too, knew some scripture, and went to
worship our Redeemer. Notice there were only a few humans with stature as kings
who came to Bethlehem. There were many common shepherds. Things haven't
changed much.
The evil in this picture is personified by Herod, who was in charge of that area
before and after Christ was born. The evil ones study scripture, too, although the
Holy Spirit does not give them the whole truth. Herod and all his advisers knew
Christ had been born, but they didn't know where. The Holy Spirit knew Herod
would try to kill Christ, and it was God's intention that our Redeemer should
experience mankind's life from the lowest level to the top. The wise men were
warned not to return to Herod, and left by another route. Herod and the elite
(they are among us) never considered the King of the Jews would be born in
a stable. Not being able to find Him, Herod ordered all the young male children
to be killed.
Joseph, Mary and Christ were led by the Holy Spirit to leave Bethlehem and
go to Egypt for safety. If you study scripture, you will see that God holds Egypt
above other Arab nations. Although Egypt was cruel to the Israelites, they also
provided assistance as directed by God. Christ's journey now took Him to a
strange land. He would begin another learning experience, even as a child.
If you read the New Testament, you will discover Christ's development and
path from the days in Egypt. I pray you pick up the intricate plan God put
together for the arrival of our Redeemer. There were no politicians or
wealthy people except the few kings from the orient. Nobody attending Christ
had a personal agenda. Nobody made pledges or signed agreements they
wouldn't keep.
Christ did not come to earth to TAKE anything. He got very angry by the
corrupt businessmen who used the temple as a commercial bank and store.
He had to constantly battle the temple leaders, and later the apostate leaders
in the early church. He did not condemn material wealth or money, but He had
much to say about those subjects. I have had scripture quoted to me as an
example of today's politicians and leaders following the bible. They are wrong.
For those of you who desire to read the Christmas story, I direct you to
Luke 1:26-38, and Luke 2:1-20. But, as you read these passages, keep in
mind the difficulties that were presented. Those who honestly serve the Lord
can expect some difficulties, because we all need training. Think of all His
servants that never experienced prosperity on earth, but received their rewards
in heaven. Go all the way back to Stephen, consider the Apostles and others
who suffered in God's service. Is anyone today equal to God's tasks, or are
material and financial success more important? You may talk Christ, but there
may be dollar signs in your eyes. Greed abounds.
God gave us an open mind to enable us to learn. We can never learn all
about everything, but we should never stop trying. When someone tells us
something, we should examine what we're told. Unfortunately, we're not
taught that in school any more. We accept outlandish statements and
easily accept unreasonable claims, especially if they're emotional. There
is only one way to have everlasting life, and that is through salvation by
accepting Christ as our Redeemer. A blessed Christmas.
Rev. Walbear
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