I've heard so much incorrect use of scripture and accompanying misinformation
that it's time to examine these claims and provide some truth. To find the truth,
you must study--not just read--scripture. Pity poor pastors who are given 15-20
minutes to try and teach you scripture. This message is to all who will read it, but
especially to conservative Christians. No opinions here, just scripture, the very
Word of God. You are very encouraged to check the scripture I quote in either the
Protestant or Catholic bibles.
Are you saved? Only God knows. Do you believe in both the Old and New
Testaments? If you are a New Testament Church member, you better go back
and look at the Old Testament. That's where sin began, and Christ often referred
to in his teaching. I'm an ordained Baptist minister, not a card-carrying preacher
with a dime store card. That's why I want to set some things straight based on the
foundation of scripture.
There are so many subjects I need to discuss, but I will concentrate on sin
because so many high profile people are making continuous claims based on
the bible, and usually these people are dead wrong. The fact that what they say
supports an issue you have already formed an opinion on, concludes the issue
in your mind. You don't check for all the facts. And, that is the major problem
with conservatives.
Do you know where sin started and how encompassing it is? You say, with
Adam and Eve. Old Testament and correct. But did you notice how every person
in the world is a victim of sin? Remember John 3:16, where it states that God
so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son to provide salvation? To
understand the presence of sin in people, we have to start with children.
Go to Romans 5:12, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world,
and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned."
To make this point more clear, go to Romans 5:18. "Therefore, as by the offense
of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the
righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life."
Now study those scriptures again if you don't understand what they say, I'll
make it easy for you. Every person--no matter any religious affiliation--is a
sinner the moment they are conceived. They are born with a sin nature, and
thus are guilty and will require salvation. Hard to swallow that little babies are
sinners? Read those verses of Romans again, and then go back to Genesis to
see this information confirmed where you surely must have read it previously.
Now, let's go to Mark 10:13-15. "Then they brought little children to Him, that
He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when
Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, 'Let the little children
come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is thekingdom of God . Assuredly,
I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by
no means enter it.'" Here you probably think you have disproved what I've written
so far. I am pleased to tell you, you have only displayed a lack of knowledge in
two things.
First, how do you receive salvation? You commit yourself to Jesus and you are
BORN AGAIN. Thekingdom of God
is Christ's kingdom. When you are born again,
you are as a little child, not spiritually mature and, indeed, an adult version of the
little child. If you thought otherwise, back up to where He says "whoever does not
receive thekingdom of God
as a little child will by no means enter it." Your lack of
reading comprehension would then conclude you must receive salvation while a
child or you could not receive it. I pray by now the light is going on for you. Christ
did not say children were free of the sin nature beginning with Adam and
throughout the history of mankind. An abortion to protect the mother's health is
not murder. Remember the word murder, which will be the subject a bit later in
this sermon.
Now, if you've recovered from your misunderstanding of when sin begins, lets
look at more ignorance. You may recall that the Son of God was also a Jew. In
his life on earth, he practiced His culture, the Jewish culture. He observed the
Jewish "special days". In speaking in scripture as quoted above in Romans and
Mark, He was speaking to Jews. They all knew that Jewish culture clearly
taught that boys and girls were children and NOT ACCOUNTABLE for their
childish sins until they completed religious instruction and were considered
adults. The age for girls was 12 years and one month. For boys it was 13 years
and one month. So you think this is a bunch of Jewry hooey? God gave His
people those instructions just as He gave them the Ten Commandments. Now
you are picking and choosing as mankind usually does to suit his agenda. God
gave His Chosen many "laws" or directives in the Torah, which governed their
culture until Christ came and fulfilled the law.
By now, all you biblical "experts" should understand (1) babies inherit the sin
nature at conception; (2) they are not innocent in the eye of God; (3) they are
not accountable for childish "sins" until they reach the age of accountability or
commit their life to Christ. Abortion, when the health of the mother is threatened
does not commit a murder. REMEMBER, we will touch that subject next. By the
same token, abortion should not be a method of contraception. That is an entirely
different subject. When we save a baby, knowing the health of the mother could
result in death, is that not PREMEDITATED murder? I question the blind mind-set
of conservative men who would choose to let their wife and children's mother die
to save an unborn child.
Conservatives need to learn all the biblical facts about sin and Christianity
before they use their misinformation in news releases and speeches. Preachers
(called to service) must study endlessly to be able to teach scripture. The
airwaves are full of illiterate people who can't teach scripture because they know
little of it or about it. These people are very much like the "expert" who knows all
about surgery or crime detection. There is no short course for teaching scripture.
Do you pretenders not know God frowns upon apostate preaching? You may be
a winner with the public, and even many "Christians, but you're a loser with God.
Rev. Walbear
I've heard so much incorrect use of scripture and accompanying misinformation
that it's time to examine these claims and provide some truth. To find the truth,
you must study--not just read--scripture. Pity poor pastors who are given 15-20
minutes to try and teach you scripture. This message is to all who will read it, but
especially to conservative Christians. No opinions here, just scripture, the very
Word of God. You are very encouraged to check the scripture I quote in either the
Protestant or Catholic bibles.
Are you saved? Only God knows. Do you believe in both the Old and New
Testaments? If you are a New Testament Church member, you better go back
and look at the Old Testament. That's where sin began, and Christ often referred
to in his teaching. I'm an ordained Baptist minister, not a card-carrying preacher
with a dime store card. That's why I want to set some things straight based on the
foundation of scripture.
There are so many subjects I need to discuss, but I will concentrate on sin
because so many high profile people are making continuous claims based on
the bible, and usually these people are dead wrong. The fact that what they say
supports an issue you have already formed an opinion on, concludes the issue
in your mind. You don't check for all the facts. And, that is the major problem
with conservatives.
Do you know where sin started and how encompassing it is? You say, with
Adam and Eve. Old Testament and correct. But did you notice how every person
in the world is a victim of sin? Remember John 3:16, where it states that God
so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son to provide salvation? To
understand the presence of sin in people, we have to start with children.
Go to Romans 5:12, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world,
and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned."
To make this point more clear, go to Romans 5:18. "Therefore, as by the offense
of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the
righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life."
Now study those scriptures again if you don't understand what they say, I'll
make it easy for you. Every person--no matter any religious affiliation--is a
sinner the moment they are conceived. They are born with a sin nature, and
thus are guilty and will require salvation. Hard to swallow that little babies are
sinners? Read those verses of Romans again, and then go back to Genesis to
see this information confirmed where you surely must have read it previously.
Now, let's go to Mark 10:13-15. "Then they brought little children to Him, that
He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when
Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, 'Let the little children
come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the
I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by
no means enter it.'" Here you probably think you have disproved what I've written
so far. I am pleased to tell you, you have only displayed a lack of knowledge in
two things.
First, how do you receive salvation? You commit yourself to Jesus and you are
you are as a little child, not spiritually mature and, indeed, an adult version of the
little child. If you thought otherwise, back up to where He says "whoever does not
receive the
reading comprehension would then conclude you must receive salvation while a
child or you could not receive it. I pray by now the light is going on for you. Christ
did not say children were free of the sin nature beginning with Adam and
throughout the history of mankind. An abortion to protect the mother's health is
not murder. Remember the word murder, which will be the subject a bit later in
this sermon.
Now, if you've recovered from your misunderstanding of when sin begins, lets
look at more ignorance. You may recall that the Son of God was also a Jew. In
his life on earth, he practiced His culture, the Jewish culture. He observed the
Jewish "special days". In speaking in scripture as quoted above in Romans and
Mark, He was speaking to Jews. They all knew that Jewish culture clearly
taught that boys and girls were children and NOT ACCOUNTABLE for their
childish sins until they completed religious instruction and were considered
adults. The age for girls was 12 years and one month. For boys it was 13 years
and one month. So you think this is a bunch of Jewry hooey? God gave His
people those instructions just as He gave them the Ten Commandments. Now
you are picking and choosing as mankind usually does to suit his agenda. God
gave His Chosen many "laws" or directives in the Torah, which governed their
culture until Christ came and fulfilled the law.
By now, all you biblical "experts" should understand (1) babies inherit the sin
nature at conception; (2) they are not innocent in the eye of God; (3) they are
not accountable for childish "sins" until they reach the age of accountability or
commit their life to Christ. Abortion, when the health of the mother is threatened
does not commit a murder. REMEMBER, we will touch that subject next. By the
same token, abortion should not be a method of contraception. That is an entirely
different subject. When we save a baby, knowing the health of the mother could
result in death, is that not PREMEDITATED murder? I question the blind mind-set
of conservative men who would choose to let their wife and children's mother die
to save an unborn child.
Conservatives need to learn all the biblical facts about sin and Christianity
before they use their misinformation in news releases and speeches. Preachers
(called to service) must study endlessly to be able to teach scripture. The
airwaves are full of illiterate people who can't teach scripture because they know
little of it or about it. These people are very much like the "expert" who knows all
about surgery or crime detection. There is no short course for teaching scripture.
Do you pretenders not know God frowns upon apostate preaching? You may be
a winner with the public, and even many "Christians, but you're a loser with God.
Rev. Walbear
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