I'm sitting there, listening to a pastor preaching to his congregation. He is screaming his message to them. Not shouting, but screaming. Shouting is mostly loudness. Screaming is inflaming, raising one's emotions to danger and action. This man can't be a Christian minister, although he is apparently an ordained Baptist preaching in a Baptist church.LYNCH MOB THEOLOGY
This gives me a flash back to when I was a youngster, and heard similar inflaming rhetoric from a man who claimed to be a defender of Christianity. His subject was different, and he was dressed impressively in white. It was a white robe or sheet, masking his face except for the eyes, with a sort of hood raising to a peak like a church steeple. That was the closest he came to representing Christianity.
These were the days of the 1930s, when the hooded Klansmen terrorized the South, burning crosses or basically accepting credit for shootings and hangings. I recall a picture of a black man hanging from a tree branch, and hearing stories of shootings and other violence. There was nothing Christian about them. They were filled with racism, greed, hate, envy and the desire to make themselves somewhat above the average person. That was a long time ago, and few white Americans pay little attention to
the terrorism of that day. Black people remember. How could they forget? I'm not going to make this sermon a message on racism. The current situation is worse because it crosses all race lines.
If you're a Christian, you know and understand that Christ did not preach violence. He did lose His temper once, and threw the money changers out of the temple. But He never hurt anyone, and preached love--love of God, the Holy Spirit and fellowman. He told us to love our neighbor as ourselves, and for husbands to love their wives as themselves. (Matt. 21:12 and John 13:34)
Many Christians aren't even making an attempt to follow these directions. That is because Satan is using these fake preachers and politicians to instill fear in people. Fear of others of different nationalities, different religions, and anything else that is different. Even differing Christian denominations are fighting each other because they have differing rules.
So... what did Charles L Worley scream to his congregation that disturbed me? He told the congregation, Christians should build an electrified pen and place all lesbians and homosexuals within it until they all died off. It should be 150 or 100 miles long. This was bad enough, but the congregation was rising to the bait, cheering and adding amens.
There was no supporting scripture. He took it upon himself to make up his own "solution" for a problem, just as Hitler did. He apparently believes God and Christ weren't intelligent enough to handle the gay problem. If we study scripture, we should know God gave us everything. We just need to study to find the solutions.
These fake Christians are following Satan's pied pipers instead of studying the Good Book. I oppose same sex marriage for Christian principles, but these people are guaranteed the same civil principles as everybody else. It's in our Constitution. That document is about freedom of choice as long as people aren't forced to do something against their will.
This never was a Christian nation, or women would have been given the vote and slavery would never have been accepted. The nation was established by Protestant and Catholic men. It is still governed by Protestant and Catholic men, who have very grudgingly "allowed" women more freedom. Up until now it has
largely been a mock Christian Sharia Law situation.
Christians are in a minority, and if the conservatives bring about a theocratic government, the legal citizens of foreign birth and their successive generations will soon control America. They will not stand for their cultures to be destroyed by religious zealots. In many cases, their foreign cultures were and still are
controlled by their own theocratic rulers.
North Carolina seems to be the hot box for these apostate preachers. Another example comes from preacher Sean Harris, pastor of a Baptist church in Fayetteville, who urges parents to whack their limp-wristed sons. This is probably a major criticism by some Baptists because they have the idea boys shouldn't be
artistic. Apparently they have never seen the major paintings, sculptures and engravings, or heard the beautiful classic music by male composers. Limp wrists often indicate talent in the finer arts. Now to "straighten out" limp wrists, we are urged to whack them and perhaps break them.
I have never found in scripture any teaching by Christ to hurt little children. These apostates can refer to Proverbs (Old Testament) where it says to "spare the rod and spoil the child". This had nothing to do with changing the physical appearance of a child. If we follow this line of teaching, all the handicapped, both
adult and children, will have to go because they don't look or act the same as these apostate followers. We are back to the days of Plymouth Rock.
Christ's directions concerning children are given us in Matt. 19:13-15. Verse 14 tells us "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." God creates and rules everything, and if He chooses to have
homosexuals, that is His business. He can change them if He desires. Christianity is only one of many religions, and homosexuality is a sin. Do you really know anything
about sin?
There is only one "unforgiven" sin that will keep a Christian out of heaven, and it has nothing to do with sex. Read Matt. 12:31-32. The unforgiven sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. No other sin--murder, theft, false witness, etc.--will keep you out of heaven. If you believe you are saved and will go to heaven, your trip is
cancelled if you deny the Holy Spirit. I'm not threatening you, Read the verses.
None of these incendiary preachers know anything about the Holy Spirit, and very little about the New Testament and Christ's teaching. In fact, many of them have obsessed on sex. They are condemning the very sins they have committed. Several
have had two or more wives, with the current ones being "eye candy" for political reasons, many have committed adultery, and the beat goes on.
If you follow these senseless "unChristian" leaders, whether they are representing a church or the political rhetoric by a candidate, you are as guilty as they. If you are saved, you should have the Holy Spirit to assist you in determining the truth. Many Christians
tell me they don't know the Holy Spirit. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, a Christian is unable to grow from salvation. Read Acts 10:44-46.
The commitment of salvation brings you the opportunity to become a serving Christian. If your commitment ends with the idea you are now saved and don't have to do anything else except "be a nice guy", you are in trouble. And, BTW, ask these deranged preachers to quote scripture about fencing or penning anyone in so they would die out. Did Christ teach killing? Show me.
When you are a committed Christian, your journey to heaven is only at the starting gate. God expects to see evidence that you are on a Christian walk. In a spiritual sense, you are on trial. everything you do reflects upon your commitment and actions, Your actions include both acts of commission and omission.
You can't just walk away from a situation. You must make a decision. You must study scripture before you accept these crazy inflammatory revisions of Christ's teaching. It's far past time for every Christian to understand that no man is qualified or approved
to change, add to, or subtract the words of scripture. (Rev. 22:18-19)Rev. Walbear
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