Monday, September 17, 2012


                                                  A LINE IN THE SAND

    The simple word LINE can mean many things about many subjects, and we
all live following rules about lines. We wait in line to have groceries checked
out, we wait in line for seats in a restaurant, we wait in line to do banking, and
those of us who have been in the military know the saying, "hurry up and wait".
There are dozens of ways this word can be used, but the most direct explanation
is the one we get from mathematics. A line is the shortest distance between two
points. It is, therefore, both straight and direct. 

    Many people who discuss science and religion frequently cannot tie the two
subjects together. Before heading toward that line, I'll tell you why some people
cannot reconcile the two subjects. Mathematics is the first clue. This subject deals
with absolutes. Science is all about absolutes you can see, hear and feel. It is
also a field of theories that are unproven, such as the Big Bang Theory and
Evolution. They do not belong in science. They are not absolutes.

    Religion has its absolutes, and we find them in scripture, which is our main
textbook. Like mathematics, this subject has many supporting textbooks you need
to study to receive a comprehensive knowledge of the subject. Just reading the
bible does not take you through the course of study. The bible is much like the
major textbook of any subject in that it gives you basic absolutes. The problem
non believers have with religion is that they believe it represents only a theory,
although they find no difficulty accepting something like evolution.

    The problem here is that the core absolute is missing in both fields. What, you 
say! You don't believe in God? Of course I believe in God, but I understand why
the theory believers do not believe in religion or God. We are still, after many years
and extensive study, without knowing scientifically the birth of the universe or the
origin of a supreme being. 

    There are some things we will never know no matter how thoroughly we study
the subject. There undoubtedly is a library where we could find these answers, but
we won't have access to it until we receive eternal life. In the meantime, we have
absolute answers and explanations of life as presented in scripture. This textbook
is not the pushover many Christians think it to be. If they are wise readers of the
very Word of God, especially the New Testament, they will understand the bible
is exactly what Christ tells us it is in Mark 4:10-12, Luke 8:9,10, and Matt. 13:10-17.
You should also see the verses Christ referenced to from Isaiah 44:18, found in
Matt. 13:14.

    Many years have gone by since Isaiah prophesied, but God's message never
changed, and neither has mankind. Before I finally get to the line in the sand, you
need to study and understand Matt. 13:10-17. These verses are lengthy, but their
message is something you must understand to know God and His Son.

    And the disciples came and said to Him, "Why do You speak to them in
parables?" He answered and said to them, Because it has been given to you
to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been
given. For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance;
but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and
hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy
of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says:

    'Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, And seeing you will see and
not perceive; For the hearts of this people have grown dull, Their ears are
hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with
their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with their
hearts and turn, So that I should heal them.'

    There will be a number of people who say they are Christians who will not
understand the parables. Why? Because understanding the parables requires
a heart purely tuned to God and Christ. The values of the heart must be those
of Christ, not the values of men. Here's the first Line in the Sand, and you'd
better examine your Godly values and your human values. If you refuse to
interpret the Word as it is clearly given (if you follow the clues), you will fail
the test of the heart.

    To use the previous math example, a line is the shortest distance between
two points. In a spiritual case, that means from your heart to God. It must be
straight and clear. Christ did not teach us wavy or curved lines. He taught us
Godly values, not human values. He did not teach us to deviate from His
direct words, nor did He give us excuses for bending the line. If you want
to miss the torture of end times, you had better study to understand these
parables. There's no second chance.

    Experience teaches us much about this line in the sand. We frequently cross
or bend this line to suit our human purposes. Sometimes this causes us grief,
and sometimes we gain an advantage over others. Because of our carnal
nature, we usually consider this latter line bending a sign of outsmarting or
out dealing someone. It is a step to human success. It is greatly admired by
those who seem to have the riches of life--food, admiration, travel, homes,
cars, the opposite sex, power, etc. For them it is a win-win situation.

     God's line in the sand may be crossed or bent, but if you do this, you have
actually crossed the line. Usually once you cross the line to suit your human
appetite, you will enjoy your little journey, and cross or bend the line again
and again. With no immediate action or punishment from God, you will probably
do two  things: think your transgression has slipped by God, and be encouraged
to do "whatever it takes" to reach your goal. 

    This is where you open yourself to God's judgment, because His list is much
more comprehensive and real than that of Santa Claus. If you accept Christ as
Savior, you are expected to attempt to follow Christ's teaching. Everything
Christ tells us is important and should shape the actions of our lives. This
includes our emotions as well as physical things.

    I've explained parables previously, but some people won't actually study the
exact words of Christ, nor will they accept the clear meaning of each word. If
the parable doesn't permit them to use their "bent" interpretation of the line,
they arrive at their preferred goal by entirely wrong interpretation. This is obviously
a "feel good" interpretation and usually offers something the person covets.
If nothing else, it represents a "victory" of sorts over something they considered
a problem.

    While Isaiah was speaking about the trouble Israel had with departing from
the Word of God to construct and worship idols, he used the same warning
as the Apostles in the New Testament. He says the people lack understanding,
and God has "shut their hearts" so they can't understand. Understanding and
knowledge go together. 

    So, you ask, "if God gave His Son for us (John 3:16), why would He exclude
us from heaven?" Because He gave us the freedom of choice between right,
as Christ taught, and wrong as Satan teaches. He also warns us in John 8:31,32: 
Then Jesus said to those Jews, who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you
are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
you free." You can't accept rumors, lies or hearsay. You must take the time and
trouble to seek the truth in all things.

    Whether or not you're a true believer in Christ, God has given us that line in the
sand to make it a clear guide. That line is defined by the teaching of Jesus Christ.
Scripture is the very Word of God, and contains the requirements we must meet to
receive salvation. We are told salvation is free. It does not cost us anything
material-wise, but there are spiritual strings attached. It would be so easy to
repeat a few words and then enjoy the belief you have everlasting life without
doing anything else or following the directions of Christ. Even someone who
simply joins a club realizes there are certain obligations for membership.

    Christ draws us that line in the sand. When we ignore His teaching, we cross
that line. It can't be bent or curved. Point A is you. Point B is eternal life; Just
simple math. The all-important line in the sand is described to us in Matt. 7:24-27.
"Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him
to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the
floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for
it was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and
does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and
the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that 
house; and it fell. and great was its fall."

    There has been a great concerted effort in the past few years for people in
prominent positions to claim to be Christians; yet they ignore or distort the very
words of Christ as given us in scripture. They not only cross the line, they
deliberately blur it to attempt to snare you. If you don't get out your bible and
carefully check the Word, it is likely you will become a victim of this deceit.
One easy way to lead you across that line is to misrepresent the words of
scripture. Another is to move your focus on primary teaching. This latter
method has been very successful because it has changed America's symbol
from the lofty eagle to the dollar sign. I hear, see and read all the manifestation
of being a Christian believer, but the subject quickly changes to money.

    Matt. 4:4 tells us there is a vast difference between spiritual and material
basics. "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that 
proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Notice that we have corrupted the
meaning of bread to also mean money. It is an accepted slang term. Christ
was born in Bethlehem. The word means "house of bread." Note carefully
that Satan promised Christ unlimited power and riches if He would abandon
God. The bread Christ refused was money; He already had the power of
God. Christ knew the difference between power, money and the 
righteousness of God. The righteousness of God is freedom from wrong
or sin, virtuous, moral, just.

    Christ teaches us the two great commandments in Matt. 22:37 and 39.
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and
with all your mind. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as
yourself." Unfortunately, America has become a nation that largely does not
heed these very words of Christ. God has placed a line in the sand for us
with the above verses. Many Americans are crossing that line with their
"solution" to our national debt. There is a monster of hate toward the most
unfortunate people in the land--the elderly, sick, retired, veterans, and those
on welfare. 

    Some leaders want this group to pay off the deficit by having their financial
and other aid expenses vastly reduced or terminated. They, who have the best
benefits in the land at the expense of tax dollars, want to take away the support
of millions of Americans who have made our nation great. The retired workers,
who are the elderly, the veterans who enabled well-to-do Americans to become
well-to-do, the sick and underpaid workers are supposed to sacrifice for all
Americans. There is great jealousy among many of the so-called middle class
because some people get welfare or retired people receive social security.
The well-to-do encourage this emotion because they have no intention of
contributing to relief with their money. The social programs need to be changed,
but not at the cost to citizens who have protected our freedom or spent a lifetime
in the work force. I now hear middle class Americans defending millionaires and
their refusal to contribute to solve the deficit except by taking away assistance
to the "bottom feeders". 

    There is a line in the sand put there by God, and supported by Christ's
teaching, that we honor our elderly, care for the widows, orphans, sick and
freedom fighters. There is also a warning in Matt. 19:23,24. "Assuredly, I say
to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And again
I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." The "bottom feeders" did not bring
us the wars, nor do they vote and approve ridiculous foreign aid to hostile
nations. You may look down your nose at the "bottom feeders", but they are
your neighbors, whether dirty, lazy or whatever. The line in the sand has
become blurred, but it still is there. God's Word and Christ's teaching never

Rev. Walbear


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