ACCOUNTABILITY Some time ago I wrote a message on the subject of accountability, and thismessage is a follow up to that one with added scripture. There are all typesof accountability, but we are dealing with accountability to God in these twomessages. The previous message was based on Israeli procedure, whichestablished the age when a boy or girl was considered mature enough to beaccountable to God. Since this was in the period of time before the advent ofChrist, there was no clear plan of salvation as we now have. Accountabilitywas thus based on age. This age for boys and girls was usually 13, but overthe years has been changed to as old as 15 or 16, depending on the particular Jewish congregation. Our nation has established ages for accountability in consumption of alcoholand many other things. This method is far from perfect, but seems to work outfairly well. With the coming of Christ, age was replaced with maturity andunderstanding of the plan of salvation. We should not be confused to thinkthat Israel in pre-Christ time did not know of salvation. They were aware of anafter life. There are several examples in scripture that prove this, but you haveto have a sharp eye and wit to discover them. Like so many truths in the bible,these gems are usually overshadowed by other truths which grab our initialattention. The first clue I give you is found in 2 Samuel 12:22,23. "And he said, 'Whilethe child was alive, I fasted and wept; for I said, "Who can tell whether the Lordwill be gracious to me, that the child may live? But now he is dead; why shouldI fast? Can I bring him back again? I SHALL GO TO HIM, BUT HE SHALL NOTRETURN TO ME.'" David knew about eternal life and the future "home" for thechild not committed through the sinner's prayer or by the age of accountability. The second clue is from, of all places, the Book of Job. This is a small book,but it has so many sermon topics, it requires several in depth studies. We shallexamine some verses of Chapter 3 that tell us Job knew about eternal life. Seeverses 1-19 (and more verses if you like), because this explains Job's knowledgeof eternal life. "May the day perish on which I was born, And the night in whichit was said , A male child is conceived. May that day be darkness; May God abovenot seek it, Nor the light shine upon it. May darkness and the shadow of deathclaim it; May a cloud settle on it; May the blackness of the day terrify it. As forthat night, may darkness seize it; May it not rejoice among the days of the year;May it not come into the number of the months. Oh, may that night be barren!May no joyful shout come into it! May they curse it who curse the day, Thosewho are ready to arouse Leviathan. May the stars of its morning be dark; Mayit look for light, but have none, And not see the dawning of the day. Because itdid not shut up the doors of my mother's womb, Nor hide sorrow from my eyes. Why did I not die at birth? Why did I not perish when I came from the womb?Why did the knees receive me? Or why the breasts, that I should nurse? Fornow I would have lain still and been quiet, I would have been asleep; Then Iwould have been at rest With kings and counselors of the earth, Who built ruinsfor themselves, Or with princes who had gold, Or filled their houses with silver;OR WHY WAS I NOT HIDDEN LIKE A STILLBORN CHILD, LIKE INFANTS WHONEVER SAW LIGHT? There the wicked cease from troubling, And there the weary are at rest. There the prisoners rest together; They do not hear the voiceof the oppressor. The small and great are there, And the servant is free from hismaster." Job knew the future whereabouts of the unborn. By now you may have surmised I'm writing about abortion, which I do not favorexcept for special conditions. I've heard so many loudmouth conservative men saythere should be no abortions because it is murder of an innocent baby or fetus.However, if the mother dies, it is apparently okay. First of all, there is no suchthing as an innocent baby or fetus. Upon conception, the fetus receives the seedof sin from human parents. See Romans 5:12, "Therefore, just as through one mansin entered the world,, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men,because all sinned--" The term innocent sounds good, but does not apply tomankind, at any age. Let's move on to murder--the term anti-abortionists define according to theirpersonal agendas. Some believe it's Godly to kill an abortion doctor or anyassistants. That's premeditated murder. Christ did not teach that and it is againstGod's commandments. Now to the conservative church people who CONDONEMURDER by refusing to permit an abortion to save a woman's life: We have aperfect example in November 2012 in Ireland. It made the newspapers and the full media in Europe and Asia, but was pretty well smothered in America. The woman was 31 years old, a native of India, married, well educated and adentist. Her husband is an engineer. She was in her 17th week of pregnancy, andthe fetus was contributing to blood poisoning. An abortion could save her life. Thefetus would die with or without the abortion. The woman suffered great pain untilshe died. Ireland is Catholic. The country's constitution forbids abortion for anyreason. The decision by the Catholic church and medical people was to let the woman die even though the fetus would never have life. As she said, she was notIrish nor was she Catholic. So...the bishops and doctors were responsible for twodeaths. At least one was murder. Her husband lost his wife, and they never hadany possibility of having children. Fortunately there were no anti-abortion American Catholics or conservativesinvolved in this horrendous sin. I might add that many liberals oppose abortionunless there are extenuating circumstances. You see, a fetus or baby that diesbefore the age of accountability or before accepting Christ as Savior, goesdirectly to be with Christ. David knew it. Job knew it. I recall the early stages ofthe anti-abortion movement when activists used the pain a fetus felt through anabortion. It was quite an emotional tactic. No mention was made of the woman'spain and suffering, nor the tragic loss of a wife or mother. Neither David nor Job was a priest. Both, by the very Word of God, were menGod described as Godly men. How do you suppose they knew about the after lifeand eternity? There was no radio or television. There were priests who really werethe bearers of God's Word, not man's agenda. The priests didn't take polls to seewhat the people preferred. They didn't set up programs to entertain the public. Thepriests taught truth just as God directed. There was an eagerness by the people to learn and understand the Word of God.When Israel passed through a time of "falling away", the Word of God wasn't taught,and the book of the Law was packed away to gather dust. The people forgot abouttheir need to follow God's teaching. After most of the Jewish people were carried awayto Babylon, those left behind were without any Godly influence until Nehemiah waspermitted by the Persian king to return to his people in Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. When the Book of the Law was found, the people were eager to find out what itcontained. Nehemiah, Ezra and the Levites (priests) gathered the people together(we're talking about thousands and thousands), and the entire book was read andexplained to them. They were so eager for the truth of God, they STOOD andLISTENED for the fourth part of an day--SIX HOURS! Nehemiah 9:3, "And they stoodup in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord, their God, for onefourth of the day; and for ANOTHER fourth they confessed and worshipped the Lordtheir God." Friends, these people were the real thing. They spent half a day, most of it standingup, to understand the Word of God. I wonder how much time these wannabe leaders inpolitics or the church spend studying scripture. Not much, I'd say, considering they don'tknow about the future for stillborn or aborted babies. Or for much of anything else Godly,since they spout single verses of scripture to support their agenda. Conservatives andchurch people need to question and research the claims and teaching of these speakersso the fiction and fact can be separated. The church influence is failing, and it's becausepeople are using reason to determine truth. The current problem is the claim non believers, Muslims, liberals and Satan areresponsible for the re-election of our president. They are saying GOD IS NOT INCONTROL! He only created everything and selects kings, dictators, presidents,and those who fit His purpose; permits wars, natural disasters, performs miracles,and virtually everything else. BUT, He couldn't prevent Obama from winning theelection? Even the non-believers can't accept this explanation. Job said it all in 42:2, "I know that You can do everything, And that no purposeof Yours can be withheld from You." If you really are a Christian, don't you think youshould spend some "stand up" time to really learn what the Holy Book says? The futureof America hinges on the revival of Christians and understanding of His Word.Rev. Walbear
Do you ever wonder why prayers aren't answered? Have you ever searchedscripture to find out why? Is prayer just something you do out of habit withoutreally expecting an answer? Do you pray about trivial things, or are you seekingmajor assistance? What do you do if prayer isn't answered as you hoped or isn'tanswered at all? How much store do you place on the trappings of Christianity?Are you impressed by ceremonial robes, extensive degrees, a large churchbuilding and a multi-service church schedule, or a wide array of social functionsand special entertainment to draw people in? Perhaps the minister is a real charmer or the music really rocks. You should know God prefers beauty because He created so many beautifulthings and directed the building of the temple and used brilliant colors to decorateand separate specific items. You should also know God leads and judges us bywhat's inside our hearts. He understands the inner beauty of our soul. Theuniverse and earth were created by Him, and all are in His hands. He has totalcontrol of everything. If bad things are happening, it is because mankind is freeto make decisions and mistakes. Prayer is one of the ways we try to influence the outcome of needs or wants.We need to look at a couple of other ways God uses to do this as well. They are"will" and ordination. When people pray, they sometimes seek the "will of God"in answer to their prayer. Now they are praying for an answer, but it also could bean acceptable way of resolving the issue. The third ingredient is "ordination". Thisword is used when a pastor is installed as a minister. The word means to be"rightly installed", When a person makes a full commitment to Christ, he/she is"ordained" as a Christian. This is a manifestation of "divine will". Ministers are supposed to take ordination very seriously, and that means theyshould follow the divine will. There are many references to the divine will inscripture, but you should pay heed to Matt. 26:42, "Again, a second time Hewent away and prayed, saying, 'O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away fromMe unless I drink it, Your will be done.'" Christ knew it was necessary that Hesuffer and die to provide salvation for us. As we see in John 3:16, "For God soloved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes inHim shall not perish but have everlasting life." From this we should understand that when God acts, the results are in Hiswill. If He answers your prayer and request positively, that answer is His will.If He does not answer, He has His reason to seemingly ignore your request.That also means a favorable answer to you does not fit in His plans. While itmay be disappointing to you, you must accept His decision--that is, unless youare better suited to run the universe. You cannot disagree with Him in youractions. If you do, you were never ordained in your acceptance of salvationthrough a commitment to Christ. You are a Christian of convenience and headstrong over your personal desires. How would you handle the cup Christaccepted? Would you whine, say Satan did it, it was a mistake, your idea wouldbe better? Would you ignore scripture--your spiritual manual? I've had prayers answered positively, negatively and not at all. I've learned thereis always a reason when the outcome isn't what I prayed for. Usually I was glad myrequest was turned down, although it took a passage of time to see the reason forthe negative response. Friends, GOD KNOWS BEST. If you don't like His decision,you had better swallow your disapproval and get in line. Yes, get in line. His willwill be done, whether you like it or not. You can be part of His solution, or He willmake certain you will cease to be part of the problem. I've heard all kinds of excuses for defying God's will in the recent presidentialelection. When some church people said the election assured America of "goingdown", I asked if they didn't believe God was in control. The confused answer wasactually, "Duh!" Did Christ teach God wanted failure? Another "Duh". I didn't askthem if they studied scripture. The answer was obvious. And these were churchpeople who attended church regularly, and some held office in the congregation. A major Christian ministry had speakers on their radio program who had thesame comments as previous church people. America is doomed because theirconservative candidate lost. There was no mention of pulling together with thewinner to raise up the nation. God must have made a mistake. Imagine that! I'vebeen unable to find that information in scripture. Worse yet, we've had that return to the 1860s, where backers of the losers havesigned petitions requesting their states be permitted to leave the Union. Most of thesepeople are too young to know much about our Civil War, and obviously lack theintelligence to look the subject up to understand how "duh!" they are. Many Americanson both sides were killed or wounded in that conflict, and for what? Because they wanted the right to do their own thing--continuing slavery, for example. One suchpetition signer said it was her constitutional "right" to protest. You can almost guaranteethis person will not support anything the winner proposes. Then there are the signs proclaiming "America Against Obama". In World War II thesepeople would be in jail. When you take it upon yourself to represent the nation againsta sitting president, you are speaking for a minority. The election proved that. You mustnot understand this is a democracy or republic. Yet, you seem to think you understandthe Constitution. Why do so many church leaders and pastors simply accept the ideathat only conservatives are moral, honest, faithful and workers? They need to look attheir denomination and see their failure to follow scripture, especially the Gospel. Pastorswill be first in line to answer to God in judgment. If America fails, it will be because of strong willed people who refuse to accept God'sdirection or ordained leaders, and I don't include the throng of willful pastors whocontinue to preach division. The Christian church has become a place of conveniencerather than a place to study and understand scripture. The so-called family values havedwindled, and been replaced by love of money and meanness. Many of our political andchurch leaders are not following God. Their personal agendas will cause the very endresult they are attempting to blame on God's choice to rule. This is America's opportunity not to fail--America's time to delay tribulation and thehorror of the end time prophecy. Our future is in the hands of the people who claim toserve God. Will they accept His WILL, or will they continue to serve their own purpose?This is the test.Rev. Walbear
The Gospel is the Good News, and I would prefer to write all the nice littleinspirational stories we can find in many Christian publications. The sad truthis our "accepted" faith is spiraling backwards to the time of John the Baptist.Remember him? Let's look at Matt. 3:1-3. "In those days John the Baptistcame preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, 'Repent, for thekingdom of heaven is at hand! For this is he who was spoken of by theprophet Isaiah, saying: The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Preparethe way of the Lord; Make His paths straight.'" You doubt my word, protesting Christians are witnessing, quoting scripture,sending missionaries, tithing and doing all the good things Christians aresupposed to do. It's the evil heathens and followers of Satan who are takingpeople down the wrong path. You, my friend, have been reading instead ofstudying and listening instead of reasoning. You are not on John the Baptist'swavelength. He urged everyone to REPENT. That means to examine yourselfand the life you are living to discover your mistakes. The vast majority of Americans who say they are Christians are so pleasedwith themselves and their righteousness it drips from their words and is full ofholes large enough to be mistaken for Swiss cheese. As a door-to-door cultmember smugly told me, "I have the truth!" Friends, he didn't have the truth.He only had some scattered verses of scripture, and didn't come close to anyunderstanding of the Gospel. He wouldn't discuss scripture with me even thoughhe knew I was a minister. Without any formal education in scripture, he knew itall. As a minister, I love to discuss scripture and things of the Lord with people.It is painful to me to find so many "Christians" that know it all and can't wait toenlighten me about the path they truly believe is the one John the Baptist ispreaching. I'm fully aware you are going to drop my message as soon as youread things you don't like. I sort of know how John felt. Before I begin scolding, I want to tell you what someone else has said aboutthe state of Christianity. R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of the Southern BaptistTheological Seminary, told the New York Times, the church people are gettingtheir message out, but the moral landscape has changed. He was commentingon the results of our presidential election. Christians are surprised that theircandidate lost. God must have made a mistake. He didn't answer their prayer. This is the end of America? That's what I hear from disappointed people who did not really examine the issues brought forth by the losing candidate and hisother presidential hopefuls. Each told us about "their" personal connection withGod, who wanted them to be president. If you took the time to research theirbackground, you may have wondered what that connection could be. You maysay the winner isn't even a Christian or a bonafide citizen. How a pretendercould get past the thousands of opposition lawyers to even run for the officeis a mystery. His Christian commitment is not for us to judge, as is the case forhis opponents. Matt. 7:1 tells us "Judge not, that you be not judged." So...only God knows who is really committed to Christ. I am not supportingthe winner of the election, as you may have concluded. I am pointing out thatnearly all the candidates claimed a connection to Jesus Christ and God. Theyintimated they were the person God wanted to get the job. Obviously they allhad the wrong number. To make a quick "spell check" as to the correctnessof their claim, you only need to research their background and what comesforth from their mouth. You say they all lied, including the winner. Very true, butyou also need to weigh the points they made issues to vote for or against. If you continue to read the book of Matthew, or the other Gospel books, youwill discover the TRUE message of Christ. I heard very little of Christ's teachingin the comments and claims of the church people who say they are conservatives.And, I heard lots of derogatory comments about "doubtful" church people whowere not conservatives. The nicer comments were Liberals, rather than libs,dimocrats, demorats, Communists, queers, etc., etc. So, to be a Christian, onehad to be a conservative. Friends, to be a Christian, one has to fully commit toJesus Christ as Savior. The next step is to study scripture--especially Christ'steaching--and, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, put His teaching into theguidance of your life. Whether you're a conservative, liberal, Muslim or anything else, Christ taughtthe correct principles of God--the Ten Commandments, and don't forget Christadded an Eleventh Commandment. Christ made the points of the Commandmentsclear in parables if you take the time and effort to really study what He said. Youshould note there is NOTHING in His teaching that includes nastiness or cheating.There is nothing to encourage greed, nothing to champion material wealth andnothing to encourage oppressing anyone who genuinely needs help. Would youconsider the Good Samaritan a "sucker" for helping the beaten and injured man?Or would you call the injured man a "leach" or "victim" that feeds off fellow citizens?Look at the Word of God, the teaching of Christ, if you want to claim you're oneof Christ's followers. Mr. Mohler also had this to say about the conservative church people movement.They got their message out, and it was obviously understood. Among the leadingissues were abortion, same sex marriage, gay lifestyles and fiscal responsibility.Mr. Mohler was correct in stating the moral landscape has changed. Part of thatchange is the understanding that theocracies have never worked because mankindcannot handle total control. God told Samuel in 8:7 that the people rejected Him asleader, not Samuel as God's personal contact to the people. Most church peopleknow as little about scripture as history. Don't want another history moment? Here'syour Thanksgiving history moment: The Pilgrims came to America to gain religiousfreedom. When they got here they established their "freedom of religion" church.Within minutes, they set non scriptural rules and regulations that included lockingpeople in stocks, trying them for witchcraft, burning at the stake, and other freechoice matters. It was so bad, Roger Williams left and established a more friendlychurch in what is now Connecticut. You may want to look up the Inquisition. Did the voters reject the issues put forth by conservatives and church people?Before you conclude that is the case, you need to listen to the understanding otherpeople have of the issues. I don't favor abortion and I don't favor murder. Just thisweek as I write this, a pregnant woman in Ireland died because she was refused anabortion. She was in the midst of a miscarriage and in her 17th week. She died ofblood poisoning. Ireland's constitution bans abortion. So...the fetus died. If you knowscripture, you know the baby-to-be went to heaven. (Didn't know that? Didn't knowwhere that scripture is? Don't want to know?) We don't know if the woman was saved,so we don't know her whereabouts. Oh yes! The woman died! She didn't have to diefrom a relatively common medical condition. She was denied treatment. She wasMURDERED by a church rule. This incident is one of the reasons people did not "buy" into the zealous campaignissues and set in cement interpretations of scripture by candidates and their supporterswho obviously need to do some study. You see, not all abortions are murder of aninnocent fetus or baby. Not aborting may be murder. This is not to mention you denyother children the woman may already have and the husband's need for her alive.Feel better now that you understand the full meaning of abortion? Another major issue was contraception. Some candidates were seemingly frothingat the mouth about contraception. Amusing that these were mostly males. I agree thatabortion shouldn't be a means for contraception. I disagree that all women should becontrolled by the decisions of others, especially men who frequently shirk anyresponsibilities of their actions. It seemed several candidates were obsessed with sexualissues, including the medical invasion of privacy. If all conception must be documented,and all carried through, who is going to provide for and pay for the medical peoplerequired, the record keeping, the support of all the babies and their mothers? In theministry we see many cases of extreme hardship and need with women and childrenabandoned by fathers. I'm not quoting scripture here. This is real life. You need tohave some common sense AND study of Christ's teaching. Church people of several political leanings agree that gay lifestyles are sins. Theyare only one sin, and are included in the Ten Commandments. Some people believethis is the "worst" sin, perhaps because scripture lists it as something God hates.All sins are equally "worst". If you single one out, that is also a sin. You're guilty. Allsins except one are forgivable. Check Matt. 12:31 under "unpardonable sin". You don't"beat" or "fence out" gay or suspected gay children as some pastors preached. It'sdifficult for me to believe someone would preach this from the pulpit, but it happened. I'm also not in favor of same sex marriage. However, you miss the possibility thattwo people of the same sex are just best friends, not sexual partners. They are trulysoul mates. It's tragic that some traditionally married people are not best friends. There would be fewer divorces. Same sex marriage for the purpose of sex is wrong,and cannot be justified. That is scriptural. Certain civil rights should be given wheresame sex is platonic, not sexual. It's even constitutional. Some apparent sexuallyobsessed people even claim friendships such as David and Jonathan had were sexual. The biggest difference in issues was perhaps the obsession with money. I'm notspeaking of fiscal responsibility, but the definition of words such as entitlement, victims,leaches and lazy. The percentage of citizens who don't want fiscal responsibility is verysmall. The burden for building a bridge is the need for building material. The burdenfor balancing the budget is the need for money. It is also the need for wisdom on thepart of those who decide what and how money is spent. Most congressmen and officialsuse ear marks. Most of these are very wasteful. You pay bills with money. You live by eating and drinking. Do you think you could payyour bills by quitting eating and drinking? That's what fiscal conservatives believe. Bynot spending money for certain things, we can pay our bills. I have searched the Gospelsover and over, and I haven't found any such directive by Christ. Christ was neverconcerned about the well-being of those with money. In fact, friends, He was veryconcerned about those who had money. Look at Matt. 6:19, Matt 19:16-22, Matt. 21:13,Matt. 25:14-30 (pay attention,especially to verse 26), and Luke 19:11-27. In this lastreference, do you understand Christ is talking about how money is used for politicalcontrol? The issue of social security and going broke with social security is claiming thatmoney is an entitlement is a total lie. That money represents a portion of salary paidto workers. It belongs to them just as the cash in your wallet is yours. For many, thatis their 40lK or other retirement account. People pay into medicare.That is not an entitlement, either. There are some people who are unable to work,and they receive a social security supplement. Some who receive this do sofraudulently. We can't paint all recipients as frauds. Unemployment recipients werealso included as lazy entitlement people. Do you know a person has to have currentwork history and pay records to be eligible to receive this money? It is money paidby the worker and employer while he works. Again, it is his money. It was claimed nearly half the citizens think they are victims and they don't paytaxes. There are federal income taxes, state income taxes, municipal taxes, countytaxes, excise taxes, school taxes, property taxes, worker privilege taxes and salestaxes. Even welfare people pay some of these taxes. The little people who may notpay federal income taxes run out of money from the other taxes before they get tothe federal income tax. They (especially families with children) actually pay adisproportionate amount of taxes just through normal everyday taxes. Listing nearlyhalf the citizens as non tax paying leaches is a lie, and further ignores the importanceof workers who do the more menial jobs so the "more professional" workers can dotheir jobs. It wouldn't be so terrible, if those who bemoan the lost election only read Christ'steaching and the Gospels and discovered why their election was lost. None of theissues in this message put forth by the conservatives were Godly messages. Theelection outcome should stimulate people who neglected to understand Christ'steaching and instead listened to man's way of doing things. The church people who have talked to me all have said they couldn't believe theircandidate lost. Now America will go down and be destroyed. Not One of them gave anythought about God's role in the election. None considered Obama was God's choice, and their reasoning was Satan controlled the election. None considered they weretotally unscriptural in that reasoning, because they are then confessing that God IS not omnipotent, and Satan has free reign. They may have accepted Christ asSavior, but God is subservient to Satan. In conclusion, they must believe Americais doomed. There is no hope. They won't follow the leader God chose. By this decision,they will insure the fall of America. The lure of money and the willingness to accept misleading rhetoric have broughtmany professing Christians to the cliff of disaster. If you are a victim of this gloom anddoom thinking, you are a professing Christian, not a committed Christian. Satan knowsdivide and conquer works, and the lack of truth makes the conquest quite easy. Nomatter who won the presidency, it was under God's control. He still rules the universeand your life. Better get used to it, and correct your course. If you believe God is supreme, you must believe America can escape the terror ofend time and destruction. However, you must also believe you must follow the leaderGod selected. I was told by someone they would vote for a conservative because theyrepresented family values. Those subverted values resulted in the murder of a womanin Ireland. Part of the campaign myth was that non conservatives don't have morals, andthat still persists among many church goers. Satan is the representative of evil and darkness, according to scripture. If issues andrules are disregarded, they are subject to legitimate doubt. The talk is of transparency.Yet, we saw only one year's federal tax return for the losing candidate who refused tomake any other returns public. This was bad enough, but he has a great deal of moneyin off shore banks--not in America. This raises a very strong suspicion about honesty.It is also ridiculous that poor people have to furnish their tax records to receive any typeof assistance money such as the aid for winter fuel. If conservatives are so fiscallyconscientious, why didn't they demand the tax returns? Why do the poor, who are supposedto provide the cushion at the bottom of the cliff, have to prove they're in need when it'sobvious they are poor? How many of this "lower" class have worked their entire life andperformed the grunt work (janitors, waiters, military people, cleaners, etc.?) Much of thewealthy people's money comes from investments--it is "earned" on paper only, not withsweat and callouses. They have freedom, the use of highways, communications andother services. They also enjoy an elite lifestyle. Do they want the poor to sacrifice evenmore while they've already collected $129,000 in each of the last 12 years in a tax break?It is easy to understand Christ's teaching in Matt. 19:24, "And again I say to you, it is easierfor a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdomof God." We're talking about honesty, Christian belief and God. We're also talking social justice,because that's what God and Christ teach. Notice I said "teach". That's because theinformation Christ gave us is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Do not forgetHeb. 13:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." He knew you couldbe diverted from the Word of God by human emotions, and money and greed would be even a bigger diversion than love. That's why He gave us the Eleventh Commandment,Matt.22:39. "And the second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself." You shall love the Lord (verse 37) is the great commandment, and (verse 40), all the law and prophetshang on these two commandments. If you truly love the Lord and Jesus Christ, you willgive a great deal of thought to verse 39, and drop your commitment to jealousy, greed,and money.Rev. Walbear