Many things have to happen for the end times prophecy to be fulfilled, and
we are usually impatient with God's timetable. He has infinite time, and we must
try to understand His plan is intricate and all-encompassing. In my previous end-
time message, I stated that God would pick the winner of the presidential contest.
We voted, and I know many Christians are disappointed in the outcome. You
should not be disappointed, because God made the choice. He does not make
mistakes, so if your candidate lost, it is because he was not God's choice. If you
disagree with this, you will probably not agree with this message, and you should
very seriously consider spending more time studying scripture. Who do you
believe? The Word of God, the teaching of Jesus Christ, or the statements of
Before listening to all the campaign rhetoric of lies on all sides, you must consider
that God is in charge. He is well aware of everything that is said and done, so nobody
is sneaking anything past Him. He knows what He wants for America, and He has made
the call. You should know you can't give Him any orders, and your only Godly choice
is to listen up to 1 Sam. 15:22. "So Samuel said: Has the Lord as great delight in burnt
offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better
than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams." If you continue that chapter, you see,
"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry."
There are many references to obedience in scripture, and that's exactly what God
expects. He knows what is best--you surely don't if you don't agree with Him. Now
that we have an elected president, you, as a Christian and follower of Christ, need to
get yourself under control and accept that person as God's choice for America, the
world, and, most importantly, the end time. He has given us time to return to His ways
and understand scripture many conservatives and church people have ignored. If you
don't, you are not scriptural and your commitment to Christ is highly questionable. You
can't just pick and choose the things you want or desire to do. You must accept God's
direction, because it is not wrong. Fighting God is stubbornness, and, as written in
the above scripture, is iniquity.
I'm deeply disappointed to hear the vicious comments by conservatives, including
church people, attacking our President. No matter what he does, he is God's selection
to lead America. These "religious" people would be the Israeli priests who wanted to
stop Christ and His followers. It wasn't the Romans who killed Christ, but the religious
zealots--His own countrymen. I may disagree with the President's actions, but I'm not his
judge and neither are you. As individuals we have our own personal problems to take
care of. If you gave my message about prophecy any creditability, you should read on
to discover the next phase of our end times.
We go directly to scripture for the next "chapter" in our journey. When God is about
to declare His judgment, He always displays infinite mercy to give people the
opportunity to repent and come back to Him. You may believe, especially if you are a
churched Christian, that American Christians have no reason to repent. Those who
believe this are unknowingly caught up in the falling away movement. If you think you
are doing all the "right" things, you probably don't realize you have been misled, and
the reason could well be the church leaders.
The scripture we turn to is found in some of the most confusing books of the Old
Testament, Kings and Chronicles, They seem repetitive, but they actually give us the
historical facts about His chosen people. Kings gives us the viewpoint of what transpired
from man's point of understanding, while Chronicles gives us God's explanation. History
always points to the future. If you check the tenures of the kings of Israel and Judah,
you will find only Judah had Godly kings through this period. You will also see that those
who were bad were given many years to come to their senses. Manasseh ruled 55
years, the longest of all. He was not a Godly king, but God gave the people a long time
to change their ways before He passed judgment. God's mercy abounds, but there are
a few things He requires before condemning judgment. Asa ruled 41 years, and a
prophet brought him God's direction.
Look at 2 Chron.15:1,2. "Now the Spirit of God came upon Azariah the son of Obed.
And he went out to meet Asa, and said to him: 'Hear me, Asa and all Judah and
Benjamin. The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be
found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you." Now, if you continue with
verses three and four, you see that the "religious" problem was that the people had
been without the true God, without a teaching priest and without law. You must consider
this information carefully to apply it to America's current situation.
Obviously, if you know anything about scripture, you know worship of the true God
has been and is lacking. We have many, many preachers and nationally recognized
church leaders, but very few actually teach the Word. The easy way is to preach how
to be a "good" person. Unfortunately the easy way is preaching what people want to
hear, not the WHOLE Word of God. If we are Christians, we should be following the
teaching of Christ, not the opinions of a preacher. Many of our preachers are much
like politicians. They study the polls of the church goers, and give the people what
they want to hear. Christians say Christ is their Savior, but they loosely interpret His
instruction to suit their personal opinion and agenda.
Most Christians believe they are "right on" with the law. However, they run
roughshod over the WHOLE law--the Ten Commandments. They have a priority
order over the importance of each commandment. All are equally important,
friends, You can't pick and choose. Stealing is not worse than lying, and murder
is not worse than adultery. Neither God nor Christ has rescinded any of the Ten
Commandments. ALL are still in effect. That includes the Sabbath Day, which
requires a complete study for understanding. Remember, any sin can be covered
by Christ's shed blood except denial of the Holy Spirit. If you base your judgment
of anyone on any particular commandment, you are subject to judgment for any
and all commandments you break. In other words, you are as guilty and bad as
the person you judged.
Worship of the true God should be much easier for Christians because of the
New Testament and Christ's teaching. Just the opposite is true. Christians have
chosen to highlight certain of Christ's teaching while ignoring other instructions.
The division within America is because of the "falling away" and the failure of
Christians to study and understand the Word of God. You see, it is Christians
who are falling away, not non Christians. Non Christians do not have the Word
of God to fall away from.
What we have in America is a division of citizens, with most of the Christian
denominations believing they are God's people as long as they are conservatives.
If you know anything about American history, you will see that we have returned
to 1860, and the civil war era. It is "states' rights" today just as it was then. The
states that seceded from the union did so because they didn't want to follow the
federal rules, including abolition of slavery. Today it's because of national health
care and (again) civil rights of all the people. We have the industrial northeast,
central industrial states and the far west as the former North, and the other central
states joining the original South.
In over 150 years, there is still the unwillingness of strong minded people to
actually follow the rules of democracy they preach. The reasons are not slavery,
which is no longer popular, but the Christian bible. You must understand, however,
that this biblical reasoning is based on only part of scripture. You should note
in particular, the emphasis is on sexual matters, especially the total control of
women. You should also note the replacement of the Christian cross by the new
idol, the dollar sign.
During the presidential campaign we heard words like entitlement, people who
don't want to work, people who don't pay federal taxes, although the word federal
was not prominently mentioned. Those of us who paid state and local taxes were
ignored. Those of my relatives and friends who served and were killed or wounded
in World War II and later conflicts who happened to be Democrats have been
overlooked by conservatives, who somehow kept our freedom through their partisan
Instead of supporting our rightly and legally elected President and Senate, all I
hear are negative comments, continuing juvenile disrespect for the non conservative
leadership, refusal to support any part of the government except the conservatives,
and Christian leadership lamenting the demise of our nation because of liberals in
control. Conservative governors of several states have already stated they would
not abide by FEDERAL Law concerning health care. This has replaced slavery as
the issue of the day.
The election gives Americans the opportunity to self examine their values and turn
from the "only money counts" attitude to the values of how we should live and act
according to Christ's teaching. In Satan's world, money is important, but Christ puts
the perspective of money in the Christian context. He told His disciples to pay the
taxes (Matt.15:24-27). He told them to lay up treasurers in heaven (Matt. 6:19-21).
He warned people about over valuing money by comparing the possibility of a camel
passing through the eye of a needle (Matt. 19:23,24). He told the rich young ruler
that he had to divest himself of riches to teach Christ's message (Matt. 16-22).
Christ taught much about money, including passages such as Matt. 25:14-29) where
many Christians believe this says it's okay to cheat and steal to make a profit. They
totally overlook the master admitted cheating to make a profit in verse 26. Christ never
taught cheating was okay. Christ overturned the tables and threw money changers out
of the temple (Matt. 21:12,13). You see that Christ knew the pull money would put on men,
and gave many warnings and directions. Money is now America's idol. Those flush with
money don't want to give up any of it. Think this is a political sermon? Think again. Love
of money is rampant in both political parties.
The problem is that those with little money have no chance to fight the greedy,
selfish people. The conservatives who complain about the small number of people
who look to the government for help don't complain about our excessive foreign aid,
the corporate welfare or the huge tax breaks for those who can afford to pay more
taxes. They don't mind that corporations are now "people", and thus enabled to
finance politicians without limit. God did not create corporations. Any elementary
student can tell the difference between a human individual and a company--except
our politicians. For those who cry about destruction of our Constitution, show me
where our founding fathers provided for a "super" majority that enables a minority
to block action by the majority.
The losing political party did not find anything wrong with their candidate's
refusal to disclose his income tax, except for one year. Why would any real American
put investment money in foreign banks? Why all the fuss about the president's
place of birth. The certificate was posted on the internet. Nobody said anything about
the loser's Mexican background or that his family accepted American tax dollars to
get their start in the U.S. The conservatives publicly stated four years ago they would
do their utmost to make our president a one term president, and they did their best.
Now it's time to consider the past four years, and see that all their efforts were not
blessed by God. The church people led the way to unseat a democratically elected
president, and have refused to embrace any non-conservative fiscal policy. It is the
House of Representatives that spends all the money. Check your Constitution to
get the facts. Christ taught in Matt. 12:25, "But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said
to them: 'Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city
or house divided against itself will not stand.'"
This election shows God's mercy in giving the United States an opportunity to turn
from the obsession with money, the worship of capital bigness, the undisciplined slander
and juvenile name calling, and relegation of the working middle class to poverty with
disrespect. The conservatives, and many of the church people, say the election was not
a mandate for the liberals (also called socialists. communists, rats and other nice
Christian names). They are wrong. The president won both the popular vote and the
electoral college vote. Now it's up to all Americans to pull together and spend four years
rebuilding this nation. It's a very childish attitude to want your own way and hold the
majority of citizens hostage. God has given us the opportunity to change things, but
there will have to be some growing up on the part of many people. This is God's test
for the end time.
Rev. Walbear
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