Friday, April 11, 2014

Taxes and Christ

                                                               Taxes and Christ   

    In a way, this is another manger story. This time, the subject  is something dear to everybody's heart---money. While we are  approaching an event (Easter) that should stir the passion of Christians, I see much more passion about taxes and the IRS. This is an honest appraisal of what actually is first in the hearts of mankind. Much of the four Gospels is about money, and we may start with the virgin birth.

    The reason Christ began His worldly mission in a manger at Bethlehem is taxes. That was Joseph's precinct, and that was the place he had to register under Roman law. You should note there was no protesting or whining. Joseph understood why it was necessary to pay taxes. More on that later. We're going to follow the tax trail through scripture. If you disagree with this message it can only be because you don't believe in the inerrant Word of God as presented in the bible.

    Luke tells us in Luke 2:1-5, "And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called  Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,
to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child." Luke was a physician, while Matthew was a tax collector.

    Now, if you think you had a tough beginning, consider Mary. She was on the verge of delivering a child. She had to ride a burro a long distance in cold weather. There were no hotel vacancies, so she had to stay in a barn or cave. There was no attending physician,
no midwife, no bed. There was no crib, only mangers. There was no mattress, only straw or hay. And all this bother was to sign up to pay taxes.  There is a symbol here you may have missed. The name Bethlehem means bread, and it is fitting Christ, the bread of life, began life in a place of that name. By the way, trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem covered 60 miles as the crow flies, and was more likely to have been 75-100 miles by road.

    Why was it understood that taxes were necessary?  We go back to the Book of 1 Samuel in the Old Testament, chapter 8:4-7. The people of Israel clamored for a human king like other nations, instead of being led by a prophet who heard directly from God. God gave Israel His plan for welfare of the people--all the people. Jewish law and customs took care of all citizens. But, the people wanted to be like the secular people. God told Samuel (8:7) "Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them." God told Samuel to forewarn them of the trials and tribulations they would face under a human king. The people wanted a human king, and that was the beginning of secular taxation.

    The customs and laws God gave Israel provided for the care of every person--not only the Jews, but their servants and slaves. You should note in Ex. 12:38, "A mixed multitude went up with them also, and flocks and herds---a great deal of livestock." If you were
a servant of God, you had the confidence you would receive any care necessary for your well-being. If you continue to read scripture from this point on, you will see that under man's rule this care for everyone eroded into what we call "classes" from super rich to

    Now, back to why Joseph understood the need for taxes. Rome collected the money, and as mankind always does, used some for corruption and some for the state. If you recall Luke 10:30-37, the parable of the Good Samaritan, travel in those days was perilous.
Mary and Joseph had a safe trip because the land was under Roman rule and law. Taxes paid not only for roads, but for soldiers to enforce laws giving travelers safety. Rome was a savage civilization, but you can compare their actions with those of our country. We have looked the other way when prisoners of war were tortured, and permitted an execution with experimental drugs that basically tortured a condemned convict for a considerable time before he died. We also must remember Rome did  not really kill Christ. The Roman judge wanted to let Him go, but the Jewish religious leaders and their
followers insisted Christ should die. 

    More on taxes; Christ addressed the subject both for His disciples and the religious leaders of the temple. In Matt. 17:24-27, Christ directs the disciples to pay personal taxes. Peter was asked if Christ and His followers paid the tax, and the answer was "Yes." Christ
directed Peter to cast a net in the sea, and to take a coin out of the mouth of a fish in the net (verse 27). From this reading of Matt. 17 we probably get the popular saying by those who believe only lazy people seek financial help---teach them to fish. If you are a fisherman, you are probably aware that catching fish isn't a slam dunk.

    Christ later was questioned about taxes by the Pharisees, the religious leaders. Matt. 22:15-22 gives us the answer. Christ said, "Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." This is one of the many places in scripture warning us that material wealth may be wonderful here on earth, but it is meaningless in Heaven. Note elsewhere in the four Gospels that Christ repeatedly tells us that we cannot replace our heart's love of Christ with any amount of material success. 

    We go now to our present day tax system. I have been a taxpayer for over 60 years and have become all too familiar with our taxing system. There are rules for a regular job, a profession, a business, an investor, a farm, etc. Many people think workers in some jobs
that are low paying don't pay taxes. Anyone who earns a paycheck of any size pays taxes. They are deducted before the worker gets his/her share. Unemployment benefits are not a gift. That money is earned through employment, and the fund is money deducted from
both his/her paycheck and the employer. Social security is money that actually belongs to a worker who has paid into a fund as directed by rule of law. These are all taxes, and everyone who has received a paycheck has contributed.

    All the above should be easily understood, and few workers are passionate about these up front deductions. The passion usually comes from federal or state income taxes, especially the federal taxes. While these taxes may be painful, they are based on earnings, and if your earnings are small, the taxes will be small. These taxes are more painful to those who generate a sizable income, which frequently is actually not earned income, but dividends from investments. 
    For most people in the middle and lower classes, the really painful tax is the school tax. This is based on property value and is set by the school board. The federal and state governments do not directly affect this tax. It is established by locally elected people. The danger here is that the income of the property owner may fluctuate, while the tax is never adjusted for lower earnings. The county, town or occupational taxes are very small compared to the school tax. Even though you have no children in school, you must pay the school tax. If you can't pay the school (and related county and town taxes) your property may be sold at tax sale. If your income changes drastically over a three year period, you lose what you have worked for your entire life. Since your federal and state taxes are based on the ups or downs of your income, they do not place your property in jeopardy.
If you don't pay your federal or state taxes, you may lose your property, but since taxes are based on income, you should be able to pay them.

    Everyone benefits from federal and state taxes. That money provides our military, roads and other material improvements that require the contribution of all citizens. If you consider the Jewish customs and law that  became a secular lifestyle, you see that God gave them a system that provided for all. Christians can emulate that system if they adopt
a WE attitude instead of a ME attitude. Everything you have actually  belongs to God. He is a silent partner who can break His silence whenever He decides it is time for your change. It is far better for you to take a serious look at the four Gospels to understand what
Christ taught. 

    To summarize, consider the origin of material and spiritual wealth. You can see and evaluate your material wealth. For many people, that is their evaluation of you. You are successful, intelligent, well off financially, etc. However, how you arrived at your secular status is often not of consequence. Did you follow Christ's teachings--His explanations and examples in the parables? Spiritual wealth is not easily evaluated. Appearances may be deceptive. And, after all, it is not our place to judge. Any judgment we make, must be an evaluation of ourselves. It's easy to grade ourselves if we honestly respond to Christ's principles. Here's your test, Matt. 22:36-40. "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?" Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."  I repeat: we must change our attitude from ME to WE, and stop classifying others by race, education, sex, money or other differences. Matt. 7:1 warns us not to classify (judge) others, "Judge not, that you be not judged." Taxes are
necessary under man's rule, but the money should be used to insure our Constitution's guarantee to all citizens, for each person is our neighbor.

Rev. Walbear



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