It's a terrible thing to make a historical error when you actually lived through that particular time period, but that's exactly what I did in the Awesome Day message. I'll tell you why in advance, and then get to the details. One thing that should be added is the
role of the Navajo code talkers. The last surviving member of that heroic group died this week.
World War II began in December, 1941, and by the time D Day arrived in June of 1944, to most of us it seemed the war had been going on for years and years--forever to those of us in primary school. For more than 2.5 years, the daily newscasts and newspapers had lead stories about progress or loss in the war. By D Day in 1944, it was difficult to find a family or friend in your neighborhood who was not touched by the war. I was eight years old, not six, and in the third grade, not the first. Every one of us lived and breathed the war from day to day.
We had practice air raid blackouts, rationing of consumer goods, no new civilian vehicles, strict gas rationing, few if any tires and all kinds of rules to support the war effort. The practice air raid preparations scared us kids, and lots of adults, too. Germany had developed the "buzz" bomb, a forerunner of jets. These bombs would be released by Germany and directed to the broad area of London. No one--not even the Germans--knew where they would fall. When they ran out of fuel, they would fall and destroy that area. People had to go to air raid shelters when the sirens went off. You never knew if you would be in the target area.
There was a continuing search for spies, because the axis was clever in using Germans who could speak English fluently, many of whom had been educated in our colleges. Citizens of German descent were careful not to speak German, and Japanese-Americans were moved to detention camps. After all, their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was a vicious and treacherous act. You did not criticize the government, because we all
understood that WE had to be part of the war effort or WE would be part of retraining to speak German or Japanese and work for them, not for us.
Today, there is only a small number of citizens touched by men and women going off to war. Veterans are recognized on special occasions, but most people don't really become personally involved. Our "peerless" leaders seem to designate soldiers as cannon fodder, worrying about the cost of equipping and caring for them. Our leaders want to cut costs,
so military pay, supplies and care are a prime target. Officials don't want to recognize injuries or health problems, and banks are quick to seize homes, many illegally.
In World War II, young men and women had a very strong feeling of real patriotism. A draft dodger or conscientious objector was ostracized and despised. Young men quit school to volunteer, some as young as 15. It wasn't long after the war ended that the feeling of patriotism seemed to die. Young people made all kinds of excuses not to serve their country, and now it seems they're all too busy planning their careers. Decisions by our Congress and presidents appear to be based on "freedom", but when all is said and done, it's the military and industrial complex and corporate profit that rules. Human losses are only collateral damage.
Ironically, the original American people, the American Indians, couldn't even vote during the war years. The code work by the Navajo Indian marines was a major reason we defeated the Japanese. The African Americans were not originally accepted in the military until towards the end of the war. When the white American leaders became desperate to win the war instead of losing it, these citizens made a difference.
We are far enough removed from the days of World War II that our citizens have lost track of the real meaning of freedom. Some leaders in my age group still remember how "good" it was before discrimination was actually recognized and addressed. Many young people didn't gain any of that life and death experience, and focus on their personal wants and unbiblical principles.
I thank the gentlemen who pointed out my historical error. I suppose I'll forget my birthday next. The mistake did enable me to point out some things that weren't in the original message. For all those who say we're a Christian nation, I'm not holding my breath until I see evidence that our leaders are following their supposed leader and teacher, Jesus Christ.
Meanwhile, Luke 12:48 concludes "for everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required, and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more." Americans set the standard during World War II. Something has happened along the way.
Rev. Walbear
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