We are living in a new age of "selfies" and an ever widening path of religious faiths. Examined through scripture, these subjects tell a profound story of Americans and our religion. This message is based on scripture, not opinion, with biblical quotes from the King James edition of the bible. If you already have opinions, please remember to check the actual scripture before dismissing any conclusions of the subject.
We'll begin our journey with an examination of the selfie movement.
It is a movement, with most Americans using the latest devices to
record and receive just about everything. We have become enamored
by our physical appearance, and want to give others the opportunity
to look at God's handiwork. To be sure, we were made in the likeness
of our creator, right? We should be proud of His handiwork, because
nothing could be better. Our physical differences don't matter, even
though we may not appear to be beautiful or handsome to everyone.
Each of us is a unique likeness to God, the Father, and His Son, right?
Let's see where this description originates--it's in the bible.
Gen. 1:26-27 tells us "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.'" Seems pretty clear, doesn't it? It states three times we are images of Him and once it refers to likeness of Him. When we send a selfie, we are recognizing God's handiwork that made us to look like Him. Although some selfies may be in poor taste, these pictures actually glorify His creations.
Now, we go to John 1:1. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." This makes it clear the holy scripture represents God. This reinforces the quotes above from scripture, bringing both the Old and New Testaments together. But, wait! How can this be when Christian leaders rule that the image of God in a man or woman does not fit the description of a Godlike person? What other image of God can take selfies? Hard to believe, but our Christian United States Supreme Court has passed the rule of law stating a corporation is a person. That use of the term "person" is a secular legal description used by attorneys to enable a company (corporation) to have a legal name and identity. Of course, that company or corporation must furnish a living human to sign all paperwork or there is no company or corporation.
Using this Christian definition, you could put your car and truck titles of ownership in a corporate entity, with you as the official designated as the responsible officer--chief executive officer. You and your vehicles would then be a "person." Meanwhile, you and I would no longer be persons because we are the images of God and Jesus Christ, and none of us look like a corporation, (Although an individual can incorporate himself.) All this means Christ is further pushed from a distinct place in Christianity and out of many corporate stores and even the greeting, "merry Christmas." Remember, you can't blame this on a secular world. The action was taken by Christian judges in a court ruling. The case is known as "Citizens United", and was approved to give corporations all privileges under the Constitution granted to people. You cannot say this is political, because it was passed by Christians in a Christian nation.
When you get your first corporate selfie, please contact me. Also, when you see the first body bag from Afghanistan military action delivered to Dover Air Force Base, I want to see the coffin and corporate body. I have a great devotion to God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who are not a corporation controlled by men and women. Apparently many Christians don't worship the same deity, because I don't see any Christian judges or leaders demanding to know how this ruling can be. I do know this ruling has enabled cash contributions beyond my ability to track and count. Could it be money has compromised acceptance of salvation, which is cash free, because money is greed and power? Contrary to some Christian leaders, Christ does not campaign for money and material riches (Matt. 6:24, "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other, You cannot serve God and mammon.") God is in control, and no
human is going to change things unless God permits it. If Christian thinks money is so important as to dump the likeness of Christ for a corporate logo, Christian America has a dismal future.
The next time you take or see a selfie--if you claim you are a Christian--think about your court authorized brethren and compare their logos with the human picture and remember the corporation logo must somehow also be the likeness of God. It can't possibly be the likeness of Christ because many, many people saw Him, talked to Him and ate with Him. With Christ moving out of the Christian picture, we will look forward to the next proposed step, and this is not my idea, but one already out there. That is to replace the bible and God's covenants with the U.S. Constitution. We already hear comments seeking Constitutional changes--and many of these people are Christians.
If you didn't like this message so far, you'll hate this part as well. I shudder to see God replaced as the creator of mankind by a man or
woman who assumes the Godly role of creating a "corporate" person.
But the continuing complexity of "new and improved" denominations
and religious divisions has created another snare for Christianity.
Rather than learn the entire bible, Christian church people are moving
to "improve" and alter scripture. The bible gives us a clear path to
salvation and heaven, but people want to change this inspired Word
to suit their purposes. It's understandable many Christians have
difficulty with the Old Testament, but the Gospels are very clear and
easy to understand. The Epistles are also a problem for Christians
because they are teaching and philosophical lessons. Many address
particular problems in some of the early churches and do not apply
across the board to all churches. You must also remember that some
books such as Proverbs, are not laws, but wise suggestions. Many of
the suggestions are there to help you from making mistakes which may
not be sins.
I'm not about to attack various denominations because God gives each of us a choice. The four Gospels give us exactly the directions we should follow if we truly and sincerely commit to Christ. The reason for commitment should not only be for the purpose of salvation, but for
everlasting life through obedience to Christ. Salvation is a gift, but
is only claimed by those who actually are led/follow Christ. In America
we have hundreds of denominations and sub-denominations. All seem
to have various man made rules to be accepted in a particular
denomination. Christ gave us an entire plan. Christians seem to think
there have to be additional requirements to "belong" to a denomination.
That has been true since the first "church" was formed. There were
so many problems in these early churches that letters had to be written to the leaders and disciples had to visit to correct actions of church leaders.
Many individual denominations have serious branch churches who
may have their personal method of presenting Christianity. Some don't
even know the plan of salvation. John 14:6 explains the ONLY way to
salvation. "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No
one comes to the Father except through Me.'' There are no papers to
sign, no pledge, nothing material, only a commitment from the heart and an OBLIGATION to learn and follow His teaching in the Gospels. That does not mean "some" of the teaching or some of the time. If you are serious about your future in eternity, you better be serious about your commitment. Quite a number of people tell me they are disappointed by the actions of Christians. They describe the actions, and usually they are totally opposite of Christ's teaching. Frequently they are money based, politically based, or opinions of church leaders who have their own agendas. Remember, for many pastors, it's a job, not necessarily a calling. The more influential members of a congregation frequently color the procedures and teaching in the church.
None of the early churches were known by a particular name or
Christian name. The practice of Christianity may have been somewhat
different in the widely scattered early churches, but Christ's teaching
and movement were simply known as THE WAY. There was one path
to salvation and it was through Christ and His teaching. When people
were saved, they studied His words (yeah, I know they didn't have bibles.) You do, my friend, so check my scripture references. Because so many people have expressed disappointment in modern day churches and Christianity, I am using our ministry and The Way to identify our work. That alone frequently opens the door of curiosity and leads to a discussion of the gospel.
Faith Walk Ministry does not spend time promoting a denomination.
We only promote The Way, God's instruction, gift, and principles taught by Jesus Christ. Many of His principles are considered to be socialistic by many Christians. Do you believe God did not teach us to share our lives with others? Do you believe a person who earns $100,000 a year works harder than a grunt (soldier), day laborer, factory worker or waitress? Do you believe men should "talk down" to women? Do you believe handicapped, elderly, or disadvantaged people should be limited to just "exist"? Do you believe we should dump the women and children who have crossed the border illegally because they are all drug smugglers, sick, lazy, and otherwise worthless pieces of humanity? Do you believe our Border Patrol agents aren't vaccinated, or our military? Do you know what it says on the Statue of Liberty? The only aliens we have in America
are those who aren't American Indians.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Certainly it's an imposition and costs money, but what do you believe will happen to them if they are sent back? Many are so young they probably won't survive. Is this kind of existence and death better than abortion? Isn't it past time for Christians to study Christ's directions? Do you believe God will smile on America and not notice those we could help? Do you believe God will look favorably on our personal human value and money over hopelessness of people in need? If Christians aren't going to honor and follow the teaching of Christ who died for us, why would anyone think His shed blood should cover anyone who is totally caught up in a ME belief and obviously is not Christ like? God is looking at the plight of poor children in America, but He also sees the aliens. You can't hide from God and Christ. Christian leaders need to find the path that is THE WAY.
Rev. Walbear
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