Wednesday, January 20, 2016


                                                                 GOD'S TREE

This message is not about Christmas trees, but it could be. Rather we need to look at how God has selected certain things to represent His realm. He began the use of symbols immediately in scripture and gives us a clear idea of their importance. In the story of creation, note the third day was spent creating trees and plants, Gen. 1:12. "And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind." Man was not created until the sixth day, Gen 1:27, "so God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Nay sayers point to Gen. 2:18-25, where Eve was constructed from Adam's rib, and claim this is in contradiction to Gen. 1:27. The verses in chapter two explain why and how woman was made. Since woman was actually a part of man, it was a matter of altering the original. An important side bar here is the clear interpretation of "image of God." Christ said in John 14:9, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father?'" These verses are the second part of verse 9.

Before we get to the subject of trees, we need to look at how the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the image of Christ (God) is not legally complete. In a ruling by the Conservative majority, the image now includes a corporation because it is considered a person. Why do Christians who claim they are Conservatives agree with this violation of scripture? The ruling opened the door for unlimited political donations. Millions of dollars are being spent in political campaigns that could otherwise benefit citizens and reduce the national debt. As we proceed, you'll understand why trees are also being treated as money. 

God named two special trees in the Garden of Eden, Gen. 2:9, part 2 tells us "The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." God gave humans the command not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Everything else was permitted food. That included the tree of life. Human nature tends us to follow our desires rather than God's directions. Satan know this and is a student of scripture. He is subtle and sly. Without the Holy Spirit, a Christian is no match for him. If you are saved, you have the presence of the holy Spirit to assist you in making the correct choices. The tree of knowledge will yield the Godly answers.

Christians use the symbol of a Cross to show their affiliation to the Christian faith. This is not wrong, but the Cross should more accurately be made of wood. The wooden Cross signifies a dual meaning...the end of earthly life, and the beginning of heavenly life. The cross for crucifixion was made from a tree, and the cross is sometimes referred to as "the tree." The Christmas tree is more accurately displayed as the celebration of Christ's birthday. The tree represents life, and the lights we place upon it refer to His personal identity as truth and the light of the world. You might say
they are the candles on His cake. Americans are so bigoted they take sides for or against faith symbols such as the Christmas tree. All faiths should be free to display their faith symbols, but the Constitution separates differing faiths from "advertising" on public property. It is discrimination to refuse service to any faith. Christians should be well aware of this is they claim to follow Christ's teaching in the four gospels.

Trees and specific locations can have spiritual significance for people. We recognize some locations as battle sites, or well known homes of leaders, or meeting places. For some spiritual people, there may be a connection to specific trees, a flower or other plant. It could even be a rock or certain area of ground. This is not to claim the item or place represents anything religious such as an idol. It could be a certain seat in a church or in front of an altar. It is somewhat like the connection between a horse or dog whisperer and a human. It can be very inspirational and enable a committed Christian to make Godly decisions. It may also lead to discoveries of historical or family information.

One person has a lone tree in a cemetery that has a special place, and it also mirrors the trinity. It stands alone in the cemetery, but is a variety that brings forth three trunks from one stem. It has several names, but most common is the red oak. This is not a stately tree as are some varieties. The three growths from a single stem represent the Christian trinity. The tree is a  reminder of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and scripture. It provides comfort, and there is no special connection to people because there are no relatives or acquaintances buried in the cemetery.

My wife and I were looking at farm properties in Virginia many years ago in and about the Shenandoah Valley. We were taken to view a farm that had good fields, a nice brick home, and a small stream with some brush and woods. The realtor took us for a walk along a farm road between fields to the creek. It was shallow, and we didn't need boots to cross it. When we got past the few scrub trees along the creek, there was a small open field. We both got chills when we crossed the creek. It was very creepy. There was no way we were going to buy that place. We were later told the  realtor was having trouble trying to sell it. Local historians told us there was a hanging across that little creek.

Another person has a special tree located on a cliff overlooking a beautiful river and valley. It is a pine, and stands alone, sort of like a lookout. It has spiritual connotations for the owner of the property. The land was part of what was known as a "poor farm,"
a facility kept by the county to home people who had no money. In those days (not that long ago), there was no social security and few pension plans. When people were too old to work and had no property of their own, they could live on the poor farm. This tree had "seen" all the struggling people who lived there, and also had
witnessed a major Civil War battle. There are caves on the property, and at one time, the property owner had slaves. The tree has an inspiring and comforting effect as a gathering point overlooking the historic and beautiful countryside.

Two trees had a special spiritual connection for a young boy. One was on a neighbor's property, and stood alone among a small forest of hardwood trees. This tree was a pine, and towered towards the sky. The hardwoods appeared as servants to a master. The tree served as inspiration for writing, and was affectionately known as the "Lone Pine" in the background of stories. There was another tree, a huge sycamore that suggested great strength and protection. It was located along a stream, near a super fishing hole. The site was frequently utilized in the summer as a campsite for two boys who did it the hard way, with a pup tent, cooking over a campfire, and often sleeping under the stars. There were no sleeping bags. This tree made you feel like you were in a home.

Christ often used a tree to illustrate a teaching point. Luke 13:6-9 tells us about our Christian obligation in the story about a fruit tree. Verse 9 says, "And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down." There are similar warnings about a Christian's obligation to bear spiritual fruit. When you receive salvation, you are expected to work for Christ. Every saved person can witness, and most have more than one gift of the Spirit. Being saved doesn't mean you can sit back in the easy chair and wait for your trip to heaven. Christ doesn't want loafers in heaven. Like a tree, if you don't have good fruit, there isn't a place for you in one of the mansions. Use a good tree as an example of producing something good.

Trees are constantly facing destruction because of greed and
outright stupidity. Developers want to cut down trees to clear building sites. Trees are cut for their value in lumber. Trees are cut to clear land for farming. Often, there is no regard for the environmental value of trees. They soak up water and prevent soil erosion. They cleanse the air and provide shade. We get many varieties of fruit and maple syrup from them, paper, building supplies and heat. Our national and state forests are a valuable asset for all citizens. They are exploited for money, not national well being. Christians, as well as the general public, should value trees for their spiritual contribution. This benefit may not be visible to the eye, but it is as real as other invisible basics we treasure---God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Rev. Walbear

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