Two members of the Westboro (Topeka, KS) Baptist Church were on a talk
show recently, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Since I'm an ordained
Baptist minister, I have license to review their performance, and, at the same
time do some scriptural bible teaching. These are the people who stage
demonstrations at the funerals of veterans to protest against homosexuality
in the United States. Never mind that the veterans weren't homosexuals. These
innocent men paid the price for America's sin. These "straight" veterans took an
oath to protect the Constitution of the United States to their very death, if necessary.
So, they died because they fulfilled their duty to God and country. Their deaths
were God's punishment to America. There are several Christian messages and
learning experiences we can get from examining what they say and do, and by
going directly to the word of scripture. They do quote scripture.
First, though, I want to thank them for reinforcing my understanding of Matt.
7:21-23. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of
heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me
in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons
in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to
them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!' If you
recall, there is an excellent example of this in Ex. 7:8-13, where the magicians'
rods turned into serpents. Satan's workers can also perform miracles, and these
passages warn us to be sure where the power is coming from. There are no
miracles with the Westboro Baptists, but their actions aren't going to fool God
or get them a pass to heaven.
We shall now consider some of their quotes, which they loudly proclaim
come directly from the bible. That may be true, but note they quote single
verses from various places and completely ignore other, well explained
verses that totally negate their isolated quotes. They are a "one subject" group
of professing Christians who are almost totally ignorant about the Word of God
as presented in the bible. They proclaim that not only homosexuals, but whoever
in any way supports or protects homosexuals is going to Hell. That is because
homosexuality is a lifestyle and the sin cannot be forgiven. They recognize the
Ten Commandments, but do not include them as unforgiven sins. They also cannot
show where homosexuality is one of the commandments. I do not support
homosexuality as a lifestyle either, but I want to point out how wrong they are
in isolated quotes of the Word. Even as a lifestyle, it is not an unforgivable sin, and
these Baptists are guilty of their erroneous teaching. They are the ones in
trouble with God.
The Constitution guarantees citizens freedom of choice and expressly states
religion can't be used as any basis of discrimination. They fail to obey the civil
rights of that document as they fail to follow scripture. Matt. 12:31,32 clearly
tells us there is only ONE unforgiven sin. "Therefore I say to you, every sin and
blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be
forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be
forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven
him, either in this age or in the age to come." If you speak against the Holy Spirit,
you are denying the power of God. Christ's shed blood covers any and all sins
of a committed Christian except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. God expects
Christians to move out of any ungodly lifestyle through the help of the Holy Spirit,
but homosexuality isn't the only lifestyle. Everyone lies, even little white lies, such
as "that dress is beautiful on you," because they don't want to kill the obvious joy
of the individual. Can anyone say they've never experienced envy?
The Westboro Baptists are dividing people into two groups--those who hate
sexual differences against those who follow the Gospel as taught by Christ
Jesus in the bible. This is a common practice by those professing Christians who
want to elevate themselves into superior or elite believers. They are much like
denominational followers who claim their branch of faith is superior to other
denominations. Christ did not teach denominational faith. He taught commitment
to Him and gave us teaching in the Gospels to give us examples on how to live
a holy life. It appears most Christians today are trying to use isolated verses of
scripture to promote their personal, set in stone, completely wrong, explanation
of the bible, Christ, and how we are to live.
Liberals, also called socialists, communists, ungodly, Nazis, Stalinists, stupid,
lazy, living on welfare and entitlements, and dozens of lower grade school challenged
intelligence, aren't patriots. they say. All the men and women who have died protecting
our nation must have been Conservatives. Those dead veterans held up as an example
of sin punishment by the Westboro Baptists are either liberals or innocent conservatives
being punished for America's sake.
As an ordained Baptist minister, I did not buy a certificate to become a minister, and
I had to pass a rigorous college curriculum and examination by a board consisting of
pastors and church leaders. The subject matter throughout was based on the bible.
If you successfully pass these tests, you are given a verse of scripture to guide you
in your future service to God. My instruction came from II Tim. 2:15. In a nutshell this
directs me to rightly dividing the word of truth. To do this, I must have a decent and
general understanding of the entire bible, and especially the teaching of Christ,
our Savior. I cannot pick out a subject as the Westboro Baptists have done, which
will only turn thinking people against Christianity. They are apostates, and the worst
example for Christianity.
Let's persue scripture to understand how far from Christianity these impostors really
are. Christ said in Matt. 14:16, "And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another
Comforter, that he may abide with you forever." After Christ left earth and ascended to
heaven, the Holy Spirit became our connection to God and Christ. John 14:26 continues
Christ's direction, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost (Spirit), whom the Father
will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your
remembrance, WHATSOEVER I HAVE SAID TO YOU." John continues the instruction
in 15:26, "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father,
even the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me."
Note the word TRUTH, which requires no taint or condition. It must be EXACT, with no
Now we see Christ's final instructions to His followers in Matt. 28:19, 20. "Go ye
therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe ALL THINGS whatsoever I
have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Scripture makes it crystal clear what Christians should do, and Christ warns them in
Matt. 7:1, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you
will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." When
the host of the interview asked the Westboro Baptists if specific people he named would
be sent to Hell, they immediately and loudly "sentenced" those named as going to Hell.
These self evaluated Christian "experts" know very little of scripture and could not
possibly have made a truthful and sincere commitment to Christ as their Savior or they
would have the presence of the Holy Spirit as their Comforter and teacher. They don't
even know the ONLY sin that can't be forgiven and covered by Christ's shed blood.
They are acting as judges without knowing the very principles Christ taught. If you're
going to be outspoken about your faith, you should at least know the basic principles
of that faith. Christianity is getting a very "black eye" from these unscriptural comments
and terrible misinformation.
Rev. Walbear
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