Sunday, February 17, 2013



                                                           WHY WE FAIL

    We know religion and the church have always been intertwined with government
and politics, and we should also understand the mix of religion with education. If you
think you can understand the Word of God without some basic knowledge of the
relationship of these subjects, you are sadly mistaken. John 1:1 tells us , "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
If we can't understand  (comprehend) words, we can't be obedient to God. Being
obedient to God is better than sacrifice-- 1 Sam. 15:22, "So Samuel said: Has the
Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of
the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of
rams." Just because you graduated from high school or college doesn't mean you
are educated. God didn't just give us religious and moral rules to understand, He
divided education into subjects He expected us to also learn.

    There are many subjects, but if we want to understand how the future is to unfold,
we need to study history. This subject tells us what civilizations and people have
done in the past, and how these actions provided specific outcomes (future). Much
of the Old Testament is history, while the New Testament instructs us how to live
in the future so we may be privileged to be part of the future. If you cannot combine
the instructions in both testaments, you will not make out well in the future. If you did
not do well in English in school or had trouble understanding material you read, you
need to brush up to be able to comprehend history. If you are successful in this
endeavor, you will probably discover some of your preconceived ideas about values
and politics are incorrect. Of course you know an educated person has a mind that is
open to ideas in all subjects, including religion. If you are a real Christian, you should
know why you made that commitment. You should also understand the commitment is
only the beginning of a Christian walk.

    If you learned to read and write in school, you should also have learned to have an
inquisitive mind. That is not only a "school" directive, but the actual instruction of Christ
as given in Matt. 7:7, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, 
and it will be opened to you." I give you these scriptures as an admonition to research
what you hear or read before you actually leap to a conclusion that sounds good. If
it sounds so good, there is probably some sugar coating to cover something that is
anything but good. Many of us have grown up in an environment of family and/or
community that has shaped our outlook. Unless we were diligent in our study of civics
and history (including the bible), we are not likely to understand what's happening in
the world we live in.

    There are two basic reasons civilizations fail. Poor leadership and ignorance is one
cause, and this always is part of a civilization that does not recognize the God of
Christianity. There are many other gods, but only one God of creation. The other
reason is the failure of people--God's Chosen--to be obedient and follow the teaching
and corrections of God. In the days of the Old Testament, God spoke directly to those
He chose to be the priestly leaders. Even though God spoke to these leaders, the
people sooner or later wanted to do things "their" way, and were disobedient. Although
God is patient, eventually He had to take corrective action. Things progressed pretty
well, even with Israel bullheaded and disobedient at times, until they told Samuel they
wanted a human king to lead them. After generations of God's direct leadership that
brought them their own land of milk and honey, they wanted the type of leadership they
observed from human kings which caused mostly misery and continuing troubles for them
at the hand of other peoples. They did not heed the lesson of history. Mindful of that,
Christ clearly warned us to be inquisitive. In journalism, we were taught to see the who,
what, why, and when of situations so we could present the "whole truth", as we promise
in a court of  law. Journalism has been removed from English departments in most
colleges, now, and it is easy to see the incompetence by many writers and commentators.

    God's Chosen could have followed the priests and prophets, who were ordained by God,
but instead chose to follow leaders who were aggressive and "soft soapers" who plied
golden tongues. They did not ask questions as long as the message promised them things
they wanted. They accepted these charlatans at their word, especially if it didn't require
them to give up or sacrifice anything personal. Worse, the messages of these leaders
often opposed teaching of scripture. Many who followed these leaders were ignorant of
the lesson provided them in history. They liked what they were told, and defied (not obeyed)
God, which led to the punishment.

    Now, strange as it may seem, one very, very bad civilization was persuaded by an Israeli
prophet to confess their "awfulness" (sins), and escaped Godly punishment. They did not
have the advantage we have through the bible and teaching of Christ. This is a thrilling
bible history lesson, and tells you comprehension of the words you hear or read can make
a major difference in your future and the nation's future.

    Spend a brief time with me in the Book of Jonah. It'll do you good. Some Christians believe
Jonah is a " fish story"  but Christ referred to this book in Matt. 12:39 and 16:4, and Luke
referred to it in 11:29,30. Jonah knew Nineveh (Assyria) was a wicked nation who used piles
of skulls at the entrance to the city to intimidate people. This was also a nation that posed a
future threat to Israel. What prophet would want to go there and tell them they were wicked
and had to repent to a God they didn't know? A prophet is honored to  be chosen, but history
has proven they have a difficult life, especially among their own people. Pay strict attention
to what happened in Nineveh, because we could learn from this experience.

    God sent Jonah to preach repentance to people who did not value life and who did not
follow God's moral plan. Jonah could expect to be killed at any time, but he followed God's
direction and told these people how terrible they were. Though they had no background in
the teaching of the Chosen, they UNDERSTOOD Jonah's message, changed their ways,
and repented. Although they didn't seek the words, they adopted the meaning. God gave
them the opportunity. We not only have the opportunity, we have the teaching of Christ.
There is no excuse for a Christian not to understand the Word of God. There is also no excuse
to misunderstand the Word of God. We must not accept the message of anyone just because
what he says sounds good, no matter who the person is or how much influence or money
the individual might have. That includes pastors.

    Jonah was surprised the Assyrians repented and God spared them from judgment. He had
the attitude many of us have. We think, that as Christians, God will treat us differently than
other peoples or nations. In fact, I know of Christian pastors and teachers who teach that we
are "special" and thus judged differently. God is sovereign and has all power over everything
and all nations. He can be merciful to wicked nations if they repent, and to non Christians if
they repent. I didn't say they were saved--just that His mercy is endless. Just because we
have salvation doesn't mean we don't need mercy. It's that mercy that will enable us to escape

    I keep repeating that God is always in full control of everything, and that includes leadership
of all nations, whether good or bad. He chooses the leaders, so get over any idea you may have
that we, the people, are directly responsible. I hear that "we, the people" quote so frequently
from individuals who do not represent the people, that I've come to automatically dismiss them
as ill or uninformed. China has the leader God chose. Germany and America have the leaders
God chose. They are all a part of God's plan. The ignorance of Americans concerning the types
of government indicates civics and comprehension need some improvement. As a nation, we
need to understand these differences if we are to make good and reasonable decisions and
take appropriate action.

    From the Old Testament we learn the lesson of history and our future. We must follow God's
direction. If we go astray and don't repent, we will be judged and found wanting. From the New
Testament we should learn the lesson of how to live the life of a Christian and Chosen. That
means a very close acceptance and following of Christ's teaching. That also means we should
be able to comprehend the many parables Christ gave us. I find many Christians have been
grossly misled by politicians and church leaders who play free and loose with scripture to lead
both pretending and real Christians far from the very words of Christ. When you don't comprehend
the very Word of God, you are in trouble. I will give you direct quotes from scripture that should
stimulate thought unless you have a closed mind.

    We start in Matt. 13:10-17. (You may also find this explanation in Mark 4:10-12, and Luke
8:9,10.) "And the disciples came and said to Him, 'Why do You speak to them in parables?' He
answered and said to them, Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the
kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him more will be
given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken
away from him. Therefore I speak to them in parables , because seeing they do not see, and
hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is
fulfilled, which says: Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see
and not perceive;  For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing,
and their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them."

    This parable is frequently used by pastors and teachers in the context of finances. It has
nothing to do with financial success. Christ did not teach money except to direct his disciples
and followers to pay taxes. This parable was actually a judgment for unbelief, and its purpose
was to both reveal and conceal the truth. When Christ said to whoever has, more will be given,
he is talking about truth, and saying the reward for understanding is further understanding. The
parables were Christ's method of delivering the truth to believers and concealing it from those
who were not committed to Him. 

    The same applies today. If a leader of any kind tells you this parable is about financial
rewards, that person is NOT A CHRISTIAN.

    For a repeat of this teaching and the common misleading interpretation by many claiming
to be Christian leaders, look at Matt. 25:14-30. I won't take up the space to quote this entire
parable, but will rather ask you to very carefully examine verses 24 and 26. This wealthy man
admits (confesses) the servant is absolutely correct in the fact that financial gain and success
was directly due to cheating and stealing. The wealthy man then took away from the servant
what he had. Christ never taught cheating and stealing. He taught honesty and giving. If any
leader uses these scriptures as an excuse for financial gain or success, BEWARE! He/she
is not a Christian. The very words of Christ tell us that. Look at Matt. 13, part of verse 15, 
where He warns, "Lest they should understand with their HEARTS and turn" to the spiritual
truth He is teaching.

    I referred to civics at the beginning of this message, and I don't want to disappoint you by
not getting back to that subject. I see and hear all kinds of descriptions of government, but few
that are anywhere near accurate. There is a vast difference between Fascism, Socialism,
Communism, Democracy, Republic, etc. Hitler was a dictator, not a Socialist. Stalin was a
dictator, not a Communist. There is little difference between a democracy and a republic,
since both are led by the electorate (people) and enjoy freedom. A socialist government
is one that combines the resources of all the people to serve all the people, not excluding
any person. The early followers of Christ were socialists (Acts 2:44-47). Christ taught social
justice. He even added an Eleventh Commandment, Matt. 22:39, which He said was second 
only to the first Commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." You can also find
this in Mark 12:28-34, and Luke 10:25-28. Understand this--and it is not my opinion, but the
explanation given in bible footnotes--the first four Commandments deal with the love for God,
while the last six deal with responsibilities toward other people. Christ knew people would not
likely cheat on the ones dealing directly with God, but they might try to slight other people. He
added His Eleventh Commandment to emphasize those six commandments.

    I challenge you to read any one of the Gospels, but especially Matthew, and then explain
to me how you want to cut safety net programs, shortcut veterans' benefits and change social
security provisions. Those of you who say you want to secede from the Union or our president
isn't your president need to spend more time in scripture and less time in politics. Those of us
who served in the military didn't serve to protect any political party, and certainly not any who
don't want to be part of the Union. As a preacher of the Christian Gospel, I have to pray for
those who have relegated the United States to Hell because the election outcome was
disappointing. The bible tells us God controlled that election and Christ tells us how to treat
other people. He also tells us we can't serve God and mammon (money). For those so worried
about their money, I strongly suggest time spent in study and prayer.

Rev. Walbear 

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