Prologue: This introduction is a message in itself. The subject gives the reader the opportunity to decide the validity of inspiration and prayer. Inspiration comes through the Holy Spirit, and may direct you in many ways. If you don't believe the Holy Spirit can direct you, you need to study scripture and renew your belief in the Good Book. My inspiration for this message "visited" me three times, and I finally realized what was in store. For three days I awakened in the early morning with a slight pain in the palm of both hands. They were not injured and did not bear marks. The pain did not last. I was puzzled until the third day, when the message to me was an early commentary on Easter. I did not pick up on this until I associated the pain in the palms of my hands to the crucifixion. I have written about several controversial issues at the request of pastor friends, but never this
subject. Read on, and make your own decision.
Does faith healing exist? If it doesn't, why do Christians and people of other faiths pray for someone who is injured or ill? We need to understand that healing comes through God, not any human. This is the most common misconception of faith healing. This is also why people sometimes conclude that faith healing is a hoax. The faith healing process is a communication between the person making the request and God. The presence of a person praying for someone is to build confidence in the person who seeks healing. That is to help remove doubt and increase concentration by the person needing healing. It may
be difficult to believe, but our faith is usually very weak. Matt. 17:20 tells us "if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."
It is easy to have faith when you have a situation that permits you to actually see a proven solution, i.e., turning on the television. When it comes to healing, you usually can not see the process. Moreover, your faith must continue after the healing. Otherwise, you can experience a recurrence of the original problem. The key is: you must overcome any semblance of doubt. Some pastors teach that nearly every problem you may have is
because of the lack of faith. For example, if you have a cold, it is because your faith is too weak. That is total nonsense. Getting a cold or stomach ache, sore muscles, etc., are usually caused by stress, food, strenuous work and normal causes. We should consider the cause and do what we can to effect a cure. We have specific common medicine and know that rest and massage of muscles will cure the problem. You may note here, that you express faith in these common cures because you can observe recovery in a reasonable time. Prayer may help, but countless people do not pray, and do receive relief from medicine or therapy. This is faith in man-made cures.
When man-made cures don't work, people have nowhere to turn except God and prayer. Pay attention here! You don't have to be a Christian to be healed by prayer. See Matt. 5:45, (the last half of the sentence), our Father in heaven "sends rain on the just and on the unjust," God loves His creation, but hates our sin. Healing depends on God's powers and is available to those who believe in Him, even though they may not be Christians. You do not have to be a Christian to receive faith healing. This may not be a popular statement
for Christians, but scripture makes it very clear. Salvation will certainly help the prayers, because you can call on Christ and the Holy Spirit. But healing is a blessing from God, Himself, and is available to anyone who accepts God as described in the Ten Commandments.
We want to remember that God is always in control. Our hopes and desires are subject to His plan for us. Some people pray for a result "if it is in God's will." That is well-meaning, but tends to destroy the positive concentration required for the solution. In a sense, you are admitting you aren't certain the healing will come. There is a bit of doubt in your mind. Faith healing is not just a matter of prayer. If we start out placing our request within the bounds of God's will, we are admitting we don't understand God wants people to not only receive eternal life, but an abundant life. Here we come upon another key word frequently misunderstood.
The word ABUNDANT can mean many things, and is especially a stumbling block for Christians. It is frequently interpreted to mean "financial" abundance. God may prefer to give you abundance in many other ways, such as health, education, family, leadership, or any specific He chooses. Often Christians jump to define abundance incorrectly because their explanation suits their desire. An excellent example is Matt. 25:14-29, the Parable of the Talents. To keep yourself from missing the real message of this parable, you should
start at verse 26. Consider that Christ NEVER taught that anyone should cheat or steal. Then note the lord (wealthy) admitted he gained his wealth by reaping where he had not sown and gathered where he had not scattered seed. That, my friend, is stealing. In verse 30 the wealthy man claims power he doesn't have when he condemns the servant to outer darkness.
Abundance for any of us may be something we don't recognize. Or, we may lose it because we seek something else. If we use the spiritual and physical gifts He gives us, we'll have the abundance He wants us to have. That may include a long, healthy life. It may mean financial success. You should note that most Christians in God's service are not rich. You should also note that many wealthy people have serious problems, often not known by the general public.
If you have faith in abundance, you have the key to many things, including health and wellness. This is not to say someone ill or handicapped lacks faith. Sometimes a problem exists perhaps with only God knowing the reason for the situation. Not getting an answer for healing does not necessarily mean the failure is due to a lack of faith. Accomplishing something on faith is not as simple as salvation. You receive a free gift when you are saved, but you request a gift when you pray for healing or anything else.
For a Christian, your level of faith when you accept salvation is a reasonable
measurement of your commitment. There's much more to your "contract" to follow Christ. Have you studied the Four Gospels? I hear or read the very distorted or completely wrong interpretations of Christ's teaching as I pointed out in Matthew above. When you commit to Christ, you commit to His teaching. If you interpret scripture to suit yourself, you are unraveling the rope that holds you above Satan's pit. Romans 10:17 tells us "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
I know faith healing is real, because I was healed through prayer as a young boy. I have seen others healed by prayer, some who lost healing by later doubting the possibility, and some because they simply lacked faith. Faith is a spiritual element you must have to experience success.
Rev. Walbear
I know faith healing is real, because I was healed through prayer as a young boy. I have seen others healed by prayer, some who lost healing by later doubting the possibility, and some because they simply lacked faith. Faith is a spiritual element you must have to experience success.
Rev. Walbear
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