Sunday, March 2, 2014


                                                             MAEWYN SUCCAT    

It's always a bonus when a message brings new information that enhances the original subject. You may be wondering who the above named person is/was, although you are undoubtedly aware of why we take notice of what that person did. We are exploring some Christian history, and the major impact this person had on our faith.

    One thing that is clear, when God taps someone on the shoulder for His work, you are entering the sphere of spiritual war. The wounds, and even death, are as real as any physical combat. Expect to be wounded and to suffer. If you don't dwell on this reality, think about the dedicated Christian workers, beginning with Christ, Paul, Stephen and so many others. Often the spiritual battle turns physical because Satan just has to shut your
mouth. Because you see the physical battles with your eyes, and the spiritual battles may not be seen, many people, including Christians, doubt they even exist.

    Maewyn Succat and his ministry were driven by visions. Many people, including Christians, do not believe in messages through dreams and visions. God plans and carries out His work His way, and He uses whatever is  necessary to get His message across. God still uses dreams and visions today, but He does not find many Christians paying attention. If you don't answer His telephone (Call), He moves on to someone who does. Look at Matt. 20:16, the second sentence, "For many are called, but few are chosen." This is part of a parable difficult for practical people to fully understand. We'll go back to that later.

    We celebrate St. Patrick's Day in mid March, and Maewyn Succat was St. Patrick. He is not only the Patron Saint of Ireland, but the person who brought Christianity to that country. He began life in England, the son of a very high placed family. His father was the official in charge of a district in England and was a Romano Christian. His grandfather was a clergyman and his mother was from Tours, France. Maewyn's privileged life was abruptly changed at the age of 16, when he was captured by Irish pirates and taken to Ireland, where he was sold into slavery. For the next six years he was a sheep herder for his master, a Druid priest. During that time, he learned the language and culture. When God puts you in a place, make good use of your time. It is meant as a learning opportunity for work He will lead you to do.

    During the six years, he had a vision of children reaching out to him to learn about and become Christians. God told him to escape and travel to a port where a ship would be waiting  to take him home. He did escape and get to a port where sailors permitted him to board. The direct trip back to England was not what he expected. The ship went to France, where he found himself essentially abandoned. This was not by accident. God had his next step of "education" planned in France.

    The area of Tours was his mother's background, and after a short time in prison, he studied under the auspices of French Monasticism influenced by Catholic teaching. Here the vision of children reaching out to him became more meaningful as God told him to take Christianity back with him to Ireland. He was to be God's man in the midst of a pagan Druid country.

    St. Patrick was met with opposition from the Druids, who had mixed beliefs of Paganism as well as Christianity. Although he was basically self educated, he always felt he should have had more formal education to be able to write and speak more elegantly. He found local people to be slow learners, requiring extensive time to bring them to Christianity. One of his legends is built on that difficulty. St. Patrick always carried an ash walking
stick. It was said that at one village he stuck the stick in the ground when he arrived there to teach. He was there so long that when he went to leave, the stick had taken root. St. Patrick believed it was God's test of his faith to have him dedicate so much time to teach slow learners.

    St. Patrick, like Christ, often used parables in his teaching. One such was the use of a shamrock to illustrate God, the Father, Jesus Christ, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He likened the three leaves to the trinity, as all part of the God family. He compared the color green as emblematic of life, rebirth and eternal life.

     Also it is said St. Patrick banished snakes from Ireland. That apparently isn't so, because science and research have stated that Ireland is one of several countries where glacial activity did not permit the presence of snakes. Some people have compared St. Patrick's walking stick to the rod of Aaron that became a serpent and swallowed the snake/rods of the  Egyptian priests. There is a lesson here, because we see that Satan's
people also possess the power to turn miracles.You must try the spirit.

    St. Patrick established over 300 churches in Ireland, and baptized over 100,000 people. He followed his dream and visions to take Christianity to Ireland, and the converts have taken it to many other parts of the world. God still talks to people today by voice, dreams and visions. Few people are open to receive His messages, much like His original search to find a man who would listen and obey. That was Abraham, and in Gen. 12:1-3, God sent him on his mission. You can read about God speaking in I Sam. 3:1-11, and God speaking in Matt. 3:17.

    Now back to Christ's Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, Matt. 20:1-16. Workers hired near the end of the day received the same pay as those who had worked all day. Being a one-time practical business owner, employee and familiar with seniority and pay scales, I at first couldn't understand this parable. It is something like Christ's explanation
to His disciples when they were trying to establish their "rank." In Matt. 20:25-28, He tells them He did not come to be served, but to serve.

    The vineyard pay did not represent money, but rather the mercy of God through salvation, where all who accept Christ's offer can receive eternal life. There is no seniority because all who are saved become brothers and sisters in Christ. Nothing material can change the method of salvation. No matter what we do, we cannot earn salvation, and once we are saved, there is no seniority.

    We need to think about the rigors of life St. Patrick faced and overcame to achieve the goal of God's plan. That is a good introduction of the sacrifice Christ made for us, and the season soon upon us to rejuvenate our faith and service. "We all owe God service for the free gift of salvation. His tap on the shoulder means He has work for us. It may not be pretty or fun, but we will stand with others like us in eternal life. Don't fail to recognize that tap.

Rev. Walbear

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