Saturday, May 31, 2014


                                                                    AWESOME DAY

    The morning of June 6, 1944, was a beautiful, sunny summer day in western New York. I went to my usual chair in the kitchen where my mother was preparing breakfast. She was very serious and seemed lost in thought, unlike her usual enthusiastic self. I asked her if she was sick or something. Her expression didn't change, but her answer caused me to be overcome with awe as I attempted to understand with my 6-year-old mind.

    She told  me we had better pray, because our country was, as we spoke, attempting something that could determine not only our life in America, but the entire world. American soldiers and allies had that morning landed in Normandy to invade Europe to try to stop the Axis from conquering the world. The Axis, I knew, was Germany and Japan, and a few other countries. Everybody knew Germany was Hitler and the Nazis. My knowledge of Geography was limited since I was a first grader, but if the soldiers were at a place called Normandy, it must be close to Germany.

    Okay, here we go with another history lesson. Why history when I'm directed to teach the Gospel? Man's failure to understand the history given us in scripture causes him to repeat past mistakes and keep him separated from salvation and/or eternal life. Before I get into the  significance of D-Day, we need to consider how Satan cleverly manages
to infiltrate God's Chosen people to lead them astray. Make no mistake! People don't just wander astray! People follow leaders, whether it's a gang, drinkers, thieves, politicians or church leaders.

    The crisis causing D-Day came about by a cozy combination and a choice of a sacrificial goat.  The cozy combination was Hitler and Germany's industrial complex. The Jews were the sacrificial goats. Germany's industrialists wanted to make money--lots of money. They
were having difficulty in trade competition. They needed raw goods and a market for their goods. When you can't buy or sell, you turn to taking away. You need someone or something to blame for your satanic action. The Jews were it.

    As most of you probably know, Germany was the homeland of Martin Luther, who basically founded the Protestant movement. Germany was a strong advocate for Christianity. Think of many current symbols of Christianity, such as the Christmas tree. Once Hitler and the greedy industrialists convinced the German Christians that Jews and other countries were causing Germany's economic hardships, the move to eradicate Jews and other nationalities moved quickly ahead. Even the Jews living in Germany did not heed God's warning. The Christian ministers sat on their hands. Some individual Christians did try and did help Jews, but it was a dangerous task. The Christian church
virtually did nothing.

    The United States' Congress did not want to get involved and didn't heed warnings. Until Japan followed Hitler's apparent successful lead in aggression and attacked Pearl Harbor, we did nothing. When our own hide became a target, we finally took action. If you don't like my review of history, I challenge you to read some books, but make certain you
include secular histories that have an unbiased report. Italy, the nation that includes the Vatican and Pope, the cradle of Christianity, did not stop Italy's joining with Hitler and Japan. Christians, for the largest part, failed to see the connection between money and leadership. When money wins, blood will eventually be shed. Read scripture, and learn how an easy life with perks and power results in the destruction of God's Chosen. And, it happens in regular cycles. A terrible crisis then requires a terrible solution. When things get bad enough, God will send Christ back to preserve earth and those people who weren't taken  in by the money-power-elite combination.

    The entire bible tells this story, so I'm not going to give you lots of scriptural quotes. I'm going to tell you about America during the four years of World War II. Our population was 132 million, compared to approximately 330 million today. More than 16 million men and
women served in that war. To compare, about 40 million would be in uniform today. Those not in service were nearly 100 percent solidly performing civilian support. Women handled jobs never before given to females. Children used allowances to buy war stamps and canvassed neighbors to collect paper and metal for the war effort. Nearly every
American sacrificed in some way. Over 300,000 Americans died, and over 700,000 suffered wounds, frequently leaving them disabled.

    We need to think about these historical facts to understand and relate to the Christian significance of people's reactions to a dreadful situation. When the chips were down, there were two avenues which could lead to freedom. Freedom, remember, is life, and Christ provides eternal life. America needed God's intervention, and America needed its citizens to step forward. God expects us to do what we humanly can do. He will take care of the rest.

    Sixteen million Americans put on uniforms and took the oath to protect America and the Constitution to the death, if necessary. These people offered themselves as a sacrifice. They were willing to die for the freedom of us all. How more Christ-like can you be? Oh, yes! They weren't all Christians. Yet, they somehow realized there are times when all humans must  choose about ME or WE. 

    It's bad enough when we dwell on thoughts of ME, but it's intolerable when those greedy thoughts drown out our conscience to the extent that we ignore the directives given us by Christ. How can we not want our fellowmen/women to have a decent life? Christ admonishes (yes, the present tense) to treat our neighbors as we would be treated. He did not say "if we could afford it." He did not say "make even the poor children sweep the floors at school for their lunch." If you believe this is political, get your bible and read the Gospels, especially the Parables.

    If you claim to be a Christian, you are required to follow Christ's rules for Christian conduct. Without being guilty of a single sin, He willingly gave Himself up to torture and execution. Our servicemen and women who took part on D-Day followed His example and offered themselves and their lives for the preservation of freedom. Christ does not change, and neither do His directions. Man-made rules may change our society, but they should not supersede the original. Americans who lived during the period of World War II (including those still alive) gave us an example of real Christianity, and the honorable meaning of WE.

Rev. Walbear

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


                                          DECORATIONS, MEMORIALS and EVOLUTION    

    It seems odd for an old timer like me to observe Memorial Day so early in the month of May. The date has been changed over the years to accommodate people's desire for a holiday weekend. The original date was the 30th of May, no matter what day of the week it happened to fall on. It was known back then as Decoration Day, because that day and a few  days that preceded it, were utilized by people to shape up cemeteries and place flowers at graveside. Evolution caused the purpose of this holiday to become Memorial Day largely because of the casualties of World War II.

    I expect this, too, will change because such a small number of citizens have any connection to military service. When people are not directly involved in any activity, they usually do not connect to the issue. This ability to ignore an issue is the reason our nation is in trouble. It is not a political issue, it is a spiritual issue that God's Chosen were warned
about way back in the Old Testament. Check out Isaiah Chapter 6, but specifically verses 9 and 10.

    "And He (the Lord) said, 'Go and tell the people: Keep on hearing, but do not understand; Keep on seeing, but do not perceive.' "Make the heart of this people dull, And their ears heavy, And shut their eyes; Lest they see with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their HEART, And return and be healed." Note carefully: you may think you understand with your mind, but unless your heart is in the equation, you will likely make a serious mistake. In counseling people, we frequently hear them say, "How
could I ever have thought we would be the ideal couple?" Their problem was that the carnal mind (and probably lust) overshadowed the real feelings of their heart. The heart is where things get ironed out.

    As a veteran, I am sad to see the purpose of Memorial Day diluted by the lack of understanding now prevalent among Americans. A stark example of this came to my attention recently through a column written in a local newspaper. The writer not only did not know the subject, she didn't understand she was woefully ignorant of the subject. She stated she was an honest person with family responsibilities who went to her job
responsibly. The only difference between her and a soldier was that the soldier carried a gun. Now for the rest of this story.

     Every military person must take an oath to protect the country and the Constitution to the DEATH. Soldiers usually can't go to their home every day after work. It is not easy for a military family even when the soldier is stationed at an organized post, and they must relocate every time the duty station is moved. When a soldier's family is not with him, he may not see them for months or a year. A soldier in a battle zone carries a heavy pack and wears a uniform that can be very hot. Temperatures on the job may vary from cold
to 100 degrees. You may have to sleep in the open in a foxhole. Your day may not end at eight hours. The people you "meet" may have weapons they plan to use against you. If you don't like your job, you can't just walk away.

    You may be a part of or have to see graphic physical disturbances, including violent death. If you are wounded, it may take a lengthy time to recover, or you may be permanently disabled. It is not unusual to have great difficulty to  receive medical and financial assistance. Long delays occur, records are lost, homes and property are taken by impatient banks. If you suffer from post traumatic stress, you may be considered "dangerous" by civilians. Many people, including military, do not want to recognize PTS or other mental consequences from service. There's more, but this should be enough to
cause any thinking person that the difference between a civilian and a soldier is much more than carrying a gun.

    The respect a soldier received after World War II began to wane as soon as universal service (the draft) ended. When everyone no longer needed to be a part of our nation's defense, few people wanted to give up their civilian lifestyle and potential to make more money. When you are not a part of the "whole", your interest goes elsewhere. This is part of the four cycle historical rise and fall of culture and nations. Unfortunately we are now on the downside. When I was a teacher, I discovered quite quickly that students needed to be involved in the subject to learn. Isaiah's directive was to get the people to
understand they were ignoring the REAL ISSUES.

    Most people take a casual approach to the study of scripture, and miss signals God provides. God pointed out to Isaiah the problem His Chosen had, and Christ issued the same directions and warning. There are two things to remember before we get to the meat of the issue. God looks upon all His creation, not just Christians. The Israelies and Christians are His priests, and are charged to teach His Word. John 1:1 clearly states "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The
responsibility of understanding scripture is our personal duty, it is the duty of the priests to correctly teach scripture. So...God considers all of the billions of humans on earth His people. Jews and Christians bear the responsibility of taking the Gospel to everyone. We are not "special" as some pastors teach; we just have a "special" responsibility.

    We are not doing the job very well. The teaching of the Gospels and many congregations are being hijacked by well-meaning, but clueless church leaders and politicians. For example, examine Matt. 13:10-13, where Christ is explaining the purpose of parables. "Because  it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken
away from him. Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see , and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand."

    The messages of Isaiah and Christ clearly refer to the Word of God, and have nothing to do with money. Yet people equate "abundance" with material things, of which money is king. God does want us to have material  abundance, but it is the abundance of spiritual (scriptural) knowledge that leads to heaven and everlasting life. If you fail to understand Christ's teaching in the Gospels, you are on the wrong path. The teaching by Christ stresses treating your neighbors (fellow humans) as you would be treated. Scripture does give us verses to guide us in how to use our material resources, but Christ never teaches about power and money,  except to warn us it leads to separation from God. It's not wrong to acquire  material things, but we have a responsibility such as that performed by the
Good Samaritan. 

    Back to Memorial Day and veterans. If any citizens should reap material benefits for service to God and Country, who else puts their life on the line? All U.S. Congressmen/women and Senators take the same "to the death" oath as soldiers. Would you rely on these people to have your back in battle? Money and the national budget are important, but cutting expenditures to servicemen/women or taking an "oath" to deny aid to millions of people is totally against scripture and Christ's teaching. The people who use the word "abundant" to mean material wealth are not in God's camp, and may not have a clue. Study Matt. 25:14-30 (verse 26 especially) where the master admits his wealth was ill-gotten, and Luke 19:11-27. Political appointments led to power in these passages of Luke. 

    God is patient, but He tells us straight out that if we don't care enough to understand Christ's teaching and follow the principles of the Gospels, our heavenly abundant (eternal) life won't happen. On Memorial Day we need to understand which citizens honor God and country, and it's our personal obligation to see they receive adequate spiritual, medical and financial compensation for offering their life, if required. Christ illustrated the principle of self sacrifice. Who's teaching do you follow?

Rev. Walbear



Friday, May 16, 2014

Cattle Drive

It appears the Cattle Drive to raise funds to pay taxes on the ministry property failed, although the veterans' group has posted they paid the taxes. The truth is that they not
only reneged on the agreement to pay the taxes, but they have possession of the cattle, although they do not have the registration papers. They have possession of $12,500 worth of breeding animals, and the cost of tax sale has risen from the amount of cattle to over $13,000.

On April 17, we received a letter from the county stating our agreement to satisfy the taxes was cancelled due to failure to pay the installment amount. The vets organization had not paid since January, and that payment wasn't received until the middle of March.

We have not been able to contact Daniel Hoaglin, the organization's leader. They do not respond to our calls or e-mails. We contacted the State Police, who contacted Hoaglin, and the police were told another payment had been sent. That was not true. The January payment was the last one received by the county.

The police told us we couldn't go and get the cattle back with official authorization, and Hoaglin could keep us off his property if he chose.

We met with an attorney and found judges would not issue an injunction to protect the cattle. They could be sold or slaughtered, even though the organization has no proof of ownership. We can file a civil complaint, but that costs money we don't have, and it could be a long time before a solution might come. If there is an attempt to defraud, the people usually string the case out hoping the plaintiff runs out of money or gives up.

The police and district attorney haven't decided whether or not to take action. Nobody cares too much about cattle or livestock. We have written proof from credit card and other
receipts that JohnnysNewHope has received donations since the announcement of the Cattle Drive and as recent as a week ago.

Joshua Watkins, the creator of JohnnhsNewHope, denies any connection to Hoaglin and Project Eden. He also wrote he is not soliciting funds, yet his website is still accepting
donations. Hoaglin is listed on a business card as being affiliated with JohnnysNewHope, and Project Eden is listed elsewhere as a division of JohnnysNewHope.

When a donor last week asked for the IRS exemption number so an employer could contribute matching funds, he received no information. We haven't been able to determine if any of these organizations have such status.

The only recourse we have by law is a letter from the attorney asking for the return of the cattle. A neighbor to the Project Eden property tells us they may have lost one of the cattle.

In conclusion, Project Eden has not used our $12,500 they agreed to pay the county in installment payments as stipulated in a written contract. They have the cattle. To proceed with court action is beyond our financial means, and time is an issue because these are living creatures.

Project Eden has posted on the web they saved a veteran's property from tax sale. They (or JohnnysNewHope) are still  soliciting and receiving funds. Sounds like false advertising.
The laws favor those who prey on others. We have assisted  many people over the years, spiritually, financially and materially. We never expected a situation like this. God knows what is going on, and who can help if the secular law won't. Prayers are appreciated, but the cattle aren't 


Rev. Walbear

BTW--That's Daniel Hoaglin standing with one of OUR cows in that picture.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


                                                      MOTHERS and APPLE PIE

    When I was a boy more than a half century ago, it seemed everyone believed in God, country, motherhood and apple pie. If you had anything negative to say about these subjects, you were a radical, and to be avoided. How things have changed. Worse yet, people don't bother to even notice the changes. We are living in the ME days.

    Most people don't like History, so I'll be brief, and move on into mothers and such quickly. Our nation endured a very tough period in the 1930s, with middle class and poor people caught in a depression. In the middle of the depression, our government enacted social programs to prevent a repetition of the depression hardships. Wealthy people weren't happy about it, but money didn't buy everything in those days. World War II
brought our people together in a marvelous fashion. There were sacrifices on the battlefield and at home. When you saw a star in the window of a home, you knew a mother had a son in the military.

    I'll skip what many of today's Americans consider "corn pone" to mention a decade of golden years beginning at the end of the war. Unfortunately the good times were on the road to destruction. The WE of the war years began to be replaced by the first generation of ME Americans. Separation of people by race, religion and finances became the agenda of the ME groups. The division of people over race, religion and finances was the ultimate trip in destroying the country, right? Not so much. In fact, totally wrong.

    Apple pie became a dessert that could contribute to weight gain. There were alternatives more healthy. So...what happened to motherhood? We still have Mother's Day. But, we now have divided motherhood into "good" and "bad". When I was a young boy, I always picked a bouquet of violets from the yard and presented them to my mother in a cone-shaped paper drinking cup. I recall those happy days every year. I didn't know we could separate mothers by race, religion and wealth.

    One of my mentors told me he always wanted to do a sermon on the subject of mothers to observe that day, but never achieved that goal. This message is my effort to give all mothers their due. You see, that bad guy, Satan, has put together people using one or more of the three listed ways mothers may be trashed. The ME people don't bother to study and learn the rules Christ gave us. Those of most other religions have similar
problems in their treatment of women. Women are the mothers of humanity, and God found them good enough to use them to give us Christ, the  Prophets, and most religious leaders.

    Let's go to the wedding feast where Christ performed the miracle of changing water to wine. This is in John, chapter 2. When there is no wine for the wedding, Christ's mother looks to Him to remedy the situation, while at the same time demonstrating His Deity. She instructs the servants (John 2:5), "Whatsoever He says unto you, do it." The servants did as He instructed, and water became wine. This mother's advice was not just for the wine, but for us today. Christ gave us the Four Gospels of teaching, telling us and showing us what we should do as Christians.

    The disciples and men take most of the spotlight in scripture, but women played a major role in both Testaments. Reading the New Testament gives us insight into the help and support of women, especially at the end. Women did not separate themselves from Christ when He went to the cross, nor deny Him. It's every bit a man's world today as it was then. Many men fear a strong, accomplished woman. They hope to use physical domination.
    Christ did not discriminate against women because of race. There are good and poor mothers within every race. There are single mothers within every race, trying to raise children. Where are the fathers? Many of these mothers work at the same jobs as men, but get much less pay.  Denying social benefits to all mothers because of a minority of "slut" mothers or because all mothers of any minority race are considered unworthy is a BIG sin. The people really hurt by this are the children.

    Messages by ministers are supposed to be upbeat, because the Gospels are "good news". It's difficult to preach good news when you see a complete failure of our leaders--including pastors--to follow the Gospel's good news. Christ tells us how we are to treat each other, and I don't see Americans paying attention. This is not to condemn all, but to stress that those who try to control the purse strings are creating terrible hardships in a nation of plenty. Cuts such as in the SNAP program seem small to those who have
moderate or higher income. But, $35 is a lot to someone who earns (or takes, as they say) $15,000 or $20,000 a year. This hurts both mothers and children. It also contributes to health problems.

    While the men who promulgate these cost-cutting programs may shower their wives and mothers with flowers and gifts on Mother's Day, they somehow can't see the mothers and children who simply endure "another day". Short of the death penalty, this is the worst treatment of mothers and children. These perpetrators of slashing budgets through denying human rights to children and mothers need to read the Gospels. They are doing the opposite of Christ's teaching. And, they call themselves Christians. They are the priest
and Levite who passed by a human in need along the road. Read Luke 10:25-37, the parable of the good Samaritan.

     I read or see so many of these closet mother haters talk about the unsavory living conditions of these women and children. A woman called the police because she saw what she thought was a homeless man on a bench in her elite community. The figure was a well done sculpture. She didn't want a sample of a homeless man in her swanky
community. A man agreed with her, saying he had "stepped over" homeless people on the sidewalk in New York City. 

    As one leader said, "He didn't want to deny anyone the dignity of work by giving them help (money)". A mother with a baby or child should have to work? And at a job that would require day care costs that eat up a large portion of her pay? Apparently the thought behind this is that every family would have a male breadwinner. Since we are in an era
of college graduates having to work at jobs such as McDonalds, and others who are victims of downsizing, we see no Christian reasoning. What I see is greed, and placing mothers and children of all races in jeopardy. 

    If men really wanted to show their respect to mothers, they would not ignore the plight of women and mothers trying to raise children in a nation that can do so much better. A good start would be to realize the work and value of a homemaker. Ever been a care giver or single father?

    Now, I'll accentuate the positive. This year when you give your wife and mother flowers and take her out to dinner, add one more "to do" item to your list. If you know of someone who has no one to present a token of appreciation such as a bouquet, or who has no opportunity to enjoy a dinner out--even at a fast food restaurant-- make an effort so the lady knows she is special to God. We are all sinners, so let judgment come at the wisdom of God, who used a woman to give us a Savior.

Rev. Walbear