The morning of June 6, 1944, was a beautiful, sunny summer day in western New York. I went to my usual chair in the kitchen where my mother was preparing breakfast. She was very serious and seemed lost in thought, unlike her usual enthusiastic self. I asked her if she was sick or something. Her expression didn't change, but her answer caused me to be overcome with awe as I attempted to understand with my 6-year-old mind.
She told me we had better pray, because our country was, as we spoke, attempting something that could determine not only our life in America, but the entire world. American soldiers and allies had that morning landed in Normandy to invade Europe to try to stop the Axis from conquering the world. The Axis, I knew, was Germany and Japan, and a few other countries. Everybody knew Germany was Hitler and the Nazis. My knowledge of Geography was limited since I was a first grader, but if the soldiers were at a place called Normandy, it must be close to Germany.
Okay, here we go with another history lesson. Why history when I'm directed to teach the Gospel? Man's failure to understand the history given us in scripture causes him to repeat past mistakes and keep him separated from salvation and/or eternal life. Before I get into the significance of D-Day, we need to consider how Satan cleverly manages
to infiltrate God's Chosen people to lead them astray. Make no mistake! People don't just wander astray! People follow leaders, whether it's a gang, drinkers, thieves, politicians or church leaders.
The crisis causing D-Day came about by a cozy combination and a choice of a sacrificial goat. The cozy combination was Hitler and Germany's industrial complex. The Jews were the sacrificial goats. Germany's industrialists wanted to make money--lots of money. They
were having difficulty in trade competition. They needed raw goods and a market for their goods. When you can't buy or sell, you turn to taking away. You need someone or something to blame for your satanic action. The Jews were it.
As most of you probably know, Germany was the homeland of Martin Luther, who basically founded the Protestant movement. Germany was a strong advocate for Christianity. Think of many current symbols of Christianity, such as the Christmas tree. Once Hitler and the greedy industrialists convinced the German Christians that Jews and other countries were causing Germany's economic hardships, the move to eradicate Jews and other nationalities moved quickly ahead. Even the Jews living in Germany did not heed God's warning. The Christian ministers sat on their hands. Some individual Christians did try and did help Jews, but it was a dangerous task. The Christian church
virtually did nothing.
The United States' Congress did not want to get involved and didn't heed warnings. Until Japan followed Hitler's apparent successful lead in aggression and attacked Pearl Harbor, we did nothing. When our own hide became a target, we finally took action. If you don't like my review of history, I challenge you to read some books, but make certain you
include secular histories that have an unbiased report. Italy, the nation that includes the Vatican and Pope, the cradle of Christianity, did not stop Italy's joining with Hitler and Japan. Christians, for the largest part, failed to see the connection between money and leadership. When money wins, blood will eventually be shed. Read scripture, and learn how an easy life with perks and power results in the destruction of God's Chosen. And, it happens in regular cycles. A terrible crisis then requires a terrible solution. When things get bad enough, God will send Christ back to preserve earth and those people who weren't taken in by the money-power-elite combination.
The entire bible tells this story, so I'm not going to give you lots of scriptural quotes. I'm going to tell you about America during the four years of World War II. Our population was 132 million, compared to approximately 330 million today. More than 16 million men and
women served in that war. To compare, about 40 million would be in uniform today. Those not in service were nearly 100 percent solidly performing civilian support. Women handled jobs never before given to females. Children used allowances to buy war stamps and canvassed neighbors to collect paper and metal for the war effort. Nearly every
American sacrificed in some way. Over 300,000 Americans died, and over 700,000 suffered wounds, frequently leaving them disabled.
We need to think about these historical facts to understand and relate to the Christian significance of people's reactions to a dreadful situation. When the chips were down, there were two avenues which could lead to freedom. Freedom, remember, is life, and Christ provides eternal life. America needed God's intervention, and America needed its citizens to step forward. God expects us to do what we humanly can do. He will take care of the rest.
Sixteen million Americans put on uniforms and took the oath to protect America and the Constitution to the death, if necessary. These people offered themselves as a sacrifice. They were willing to die for the freedom of us all. How more Christ-like can you be? Oh, yes! They weren't all Christians. Yet, they somehow realized there are times when all humans must choose about ME or WE.
It's bad enough when we dwell on thoughts of ME, but it's intolerable when those greedy thoughts drown out our conscience to the extent that we ignore the directives given us by Christ. How can we not want our fellowmen/women to have a decent life? Christ admonishes (yes, the present tense) to treat our neighbors as we would be treated. He did not say "if we could afford it." He did not say "make even the poor children sweep the floors at school for their lunch." If you believe this is political, get your bible and read the Gospels, especially the Parables.
If you claim to be a Christian, you are required to follow Christ's rules for Christian conduct. Without being guilty of a single sin, He willingly gave Himself up to torture and execution. Our servicemen and women who took part on D-Day followed His example and offered themselves and their lives for the preservation of freedom. Christ does not change, and neither do His directions. Man-made rules may change our society, but they should not supersede the original. Americans who lived during the period of World War II (including those still alive) gave us an example of real Christianity, and the honorable meaning of WE.
Rev. Walbear