Wednesday, May 7, 2014


                                                      MOTHERS and APPLE PIE

    When I was a boy more than a half century ago, it seemed everyone believed in God, country, motherhood and apple pie. If you had anything negative to say about these subjects, you were a radical, and to be avoided. How things have changed. Worse yet, people don't bother to even notice the changes. We are living in the ME days.

    Most people don't like History, so I'll be brief, and move on into mothers and such quickly. Our nation endured a very tough period in the 1930s, with middle class and poor people caught in a depression. In the middle of the depression, our government enacted social programs to prevent a repetition of the depression hardships. Wealthy people weren't happy about it, but money didn't buy everything in those days. World War II
brought our people together in a marvelous fashion. There were sacrifices on the battlefield and at home. When you saw a star in the window of a home, you knew a mother had a son in the military.

    I'll skip what many of today's Americans consider "corn pone" to mention a decade of golden years beginning at the end of the war. Unfortunately the good times were on the road to destruction. The WE of the war years began to be replaced by the first generation of ME Americans. Separation of people by race, religion and finances became the agenda of the ME groups. The division of people over race, religion and finances was the ultimate trip in destroying the country, right? Not so much. In fact, totally wrong.

    Apple pie became a dessert that could contribute to weight gain. There were alternatives more healthy. So...what happened to motherhood? We still have Mother's Day. But, we now have divided motherhood into "good" and "bad". When I was a young boy, I always picked a bouquet of violets from the yard and presented them to my mother in a cone-shaped paper drinking cup. I recall those happy days every year. I didn't know we could separate mothers by race, religion and wealth.

    One of my mentors told me he always wanted to do a sermon on the subject of mothers to observe that day, but never achieved that goal. This message is my effort to give all mothers their due. You see, that bad guy, Satan, has put together people using one or more of the three listed ways mothers may be trashed. The ME people don't bother to study and learn the rules Christ gave us. Those of most other religions have similar
problems in their treatment of women. Women are the mothers of humanity, and God found them good enough to use them to give us Christ, the  Prophets, and most religious leaders.

    Let's go to the wedding feast where Christ performed the miracle of changing water to wine. This is in John, chapter 2. When there is no wine for the wedding, Christ's mother looks to Him to remedy the situation, while at the same time demonstrating His Deity. She instructs the servants (John 2:5), "Whatsoever He says unto you, do it." The servants did as He instructed, and water became wine. This mother's advice was not just for the wine, but for us today. Christ gave us the Four Gospels of teaching, telling us and showing us what we should do as Christians.

    The disciples and men take most of the spotlight in scripture, but women played a major role in both Testaments. Reading the New Testament gives us insight into the help and support of women, especially at the end. Women did not separate themselves from Christ when He went to the cross, nor deny Him. It's every bit a man's world today as it was then. Many men fear a strong, accomplished woman. They hope to use physical domination.
    Christ did not discriminate against women because of race. There are good and poor mothers within every race. There are single mothers within every race, trying to raise children. Where are the fathers? Many of these mothers work at the same jobs as men, but get much less pay.  Denying social benefits to all mothers because of a minority of "slut" mothers or because all mothers of any minority race are considered unworthy is a BIG sin. The people really hurt by this are the children.

    Messages by ministers are supposed to be upbeat, because the Gospels are "good news". It's difficult to preach good news when you see a complete failure of our leaders--including pastors--to follow the Gospel's good news. Christ tells us how we are to treat each other, and I don't see Americans paying attention. This is not to condemn all, but to stress that those who try to control the purse strings are creating terrible hardships in a nation of plenty. Cuts such as in the SNAP program seem small to those who have
moderate or higher income. But, $35 is a lot to someone who earns (or takes, as they say) $15,000 or $20,000 a year. This hurts both mothers and children. It also contributes to health problems.

    While the men who promulgate these cost-cutting programs may shower their wives and mothers with flowers and gifts on Mother's Day, they somehow can't see the mothers and children who simply endure "another day". Short of the death penalty, this is the worst treatment of mothers and children. These perpetrators of slashing budgets through denying human rights to children and mothers need to read the Gospels. They are doing the opposite of Christ's teaching. And, they call themselves Christians. They are the priest
and Levite who passed by a human in need along the road. Read Luke 10:25-37, the parable of the good Samaritan.

     I read or see so many of these closet mother haters talk about the unsavory living conditions of these women and children. A woman called the police because she saw what she thought was a homeless man on a bench in her elite community. The figure was a well done sculpture. She didn't want a sample of a homeless man in her swanky
community. A man agreed with her, saying he had "stepped over" homeless people on the sidewalk in New York City. 

    As one leader said, "He didn't want to deny anyone the dignity of work by giving them help (money)". A mother with a baby or child should have to work? And at a job that would require day care costs that eat up a large portion of her pay? Apparently the thought behind this is that every family would have a male breadwinner. Since we are in an era
of college graduates having to work at jobs such as McDonalds, and others who are victims of downsizing, we see no Christian reasoning. What I see is greed, and placing mothers and children of all races in jeopardy. 

    If men really wanted to show their respect to mothers, they would not ignore the plight of women and mothers trying to raise children in a nation that can do so much better. A good start would be to realize the work and value of a homemaker. Ever been a care giver or single father?

    Now, I'll accentuate the positive. This year when you give your wife and mother flowers and take her out to dinner, add one more "to do" item to your list. If you know of someone who has no one to present a token of appreciation such as a bouquet, or who has no opportunity to enjoy a dinner out--even at a fast food restaurant-- make an effort so the lady knows she is special to God. We are all sinners, so let judgment come at the wisdom of God, who used a woman to give us a Savior.

Rev. Walbear

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