It seems odd for an old timer like me to observe Memorial Day so early in the month of May. The date has been changed over the years to accommodate people's desire for a holiday weekend. The original date was the 30th of May, no matter what day of the week it happened to fall on. It was known back then as Decoration Day, because that day and a few days that preceded it, were utilized by people to shape up cemeteries and place flowers at graveside. Evolution caused the purpose of this holiday to become Memorial Day largely because of the casualties of World War II.
I expect this, too, will change because such a small number of citizens have any connection to military service. When people are not directly involved in any activity, they usually do not connect to the issue. This ability to ignore an issue is the reason our nation is in trouble. It is not a political issue, it is a spiritual issue that God's Chosen were warned
about way back in the Old Testament. Check out Isaiah Chapter 6, but specifically verses 9 and 10.
"And He (the Lord) said, 'Go and tell the people: Keep on hearing, but do not understand; Keep on seeing, but do not perceive.' "Make the heart of this people dull, And their ears heavy, And shut their eyes; Lest they see with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their HEART, And return and be healed." Note carefully: you may think you understand with your mind, but unless your heart is in the equation, you will likely make a serious mistake. In counseling people, we frequently hear them say, "How
could I ever have thought we would be the ideal couple?" Their problem was that the carnal mind (and probably lust) overshadowed the real feelings of their heart. The heart is where things get ironed out.
As a veteran, I am sad to see the purpose of Memorial Day diluted by the lack of understanding now prevalent among Americans. A stark example of this came to my attention recently through a column written in a local newspaper. The writer not only did not know the subject, she didn't understand she was woefully ignorant of the subject. She stated she was an honest person with family responsibilities who went to her job
responsibly. The only difference between her and a soldier was that the soldier carried a gun. Now for the rest of this story.
Every military person must take an oath to protect the country and the Constitution to the DEATH. Soldiers usually can't go to their home every day after work. It is not easy for a military family even when the soldier is stationed at an organized post, and they must relocate every time the duty station is moved. When a soldier's family is not with him, he may not see them for months or a year. A soldier in a battle zone carries a heavy pack and wears a uniform that can be very hot. Temperatures on the job may vary from cold
to 100 degrees. You may have to sleep in the open in a foxhole. Your day may not end at eight hours. The people you "meet" may have weapons they plan to use against you. If you don't like your job, you can't just walk away.
You may be a part of or have to see graphic physical disturbances, including violent death. If you are wounded, it may take a lengthy time to recover, or you may be permanently disabled. It is not unusual to have great difficulty to receive medical and financial assistance. Long delays occur, records are lost, homes and property are taken by impatient banks. If you suffer from post traumatic stress, you may be considered "dangerous" by civilians. Many people, including military, do not want to recognize PTS or other mental consequences from service. There's more, but this should be enough to
cause any thinking person that the difference between a civilian and a soldier is much more than carrying a gun.
The respect a soldier received after World War II began to wane as soon as universal service (the draft) ended. When everyone no longer needed to be a part of our nation's defense, few people wanted to give up their civilian lifestyle and potential to make more money. When you are not a part of the "whole", your interest goes elsewhere. This is part of the four cycle historical rise and fall of culture and nations. Unfortunately we are now on the downside. When I was a teacher, I discovered quite quickly that students needed to be involved in the subject to learn. Isaiah's directive was to get the people to
understand they were ignoring the REAL ISSUES.
Most people take a casual approach to the study of scripture, and miss signals God provides. God pointed out to Isaiah the problem His Chosen had, and Christ issued the same directions and warning. There are two things to remember before we get to the meat of the issue. God looks upon all His creation, not just Christians. The Israelies and Christians are His priests, and are charged to teach His Word. John 1:1 clearly states "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The
responsibility of understanding scripture is our personal duty, it is the duty of the priests to correctly teach scripture. So...God considers all of the billions of humans on earth His people. Jews and Christians bear the responsibility of taking the Gospel to everyone. We are not "special" as some pastors teach; we just have a "special" responsibility.
We are not doing the job very well. The teaching of the Gospels and many congregations are being hijacked by well-meaning, but clueless church leaders and politicians. For example, examine Matt. 13:10-13, where Christ is explaining the purpose of parables. "Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken
away from him. Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see , and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand."
The messages of Isaiah and Christ clearly refer to the Word of God, and have nothing to do with money. Yet people equate "abundance" with material things, of which money is king. God does want us to have material abundance, but it is the abundance of spiritual (scriptural) knowledge that leads to heaven and everlasting life. If you fail to understand Christ's teaching in the Gospels, you are on the wrong path. The teaching by Christ stresses treating your neighbors (fellow humans) as you would be treated. Scripture does give us verses to guide us in how to use our material resources, but Christ never teaches about power and money, except to warn us it leads to separation from God. It's not wrong to acquire material things, but we have a responsibility such as that performed by the
Good Samaritan.
Back to Memorial Day and veterans. If any citizens should reap material benefits for service to God and Country, who else puts their life on the line? All U.S. Congressmen/women and Senators take the same "to the death" oath as soldiers. Would you rely on these people to have your back in battle? Money and the national budget are important, but cutting expenditures to servicemen/women or taking an "oath" to deny aid to millions of people is totally against scripture and Christ's teaching. The people who use the word "abundant" to mean material wealth are not in God's camp, and may not have a clue. Study Matt. 25:14-30 (verse 26 especially) where the master admits his wealth was ill-gotten, and Luke 19:11-27. Political appointments led to power in these passages of Luke.
God is patient, but He tells us straight out that if we don't care enough to understand Christ's teaching and follow the principles of the Gospels, our heavenly abundant (eternal) life won't happen. On Memorial Day we need to understand which citizens honor God and country, and it's our personal obligation to see they receive adequate spiritual, medical and financial compensation for offering their life, if required. Christ illustrated the principle of self sacrifice. Who's teaching do you follow?
Rev. Walbear
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