There is much to glean from scripture on these subjects, and the material is appropriate for non-Christians as well as Christians. Because the subjects are so scattered throughout the bible, it requires study to understand what God really says about these subjects. And, if you do the research and study, you will find most of the people making all kinds of claims really don't know what they're talking about. In an attempt to be more "religious" or pure than their adversaries, they make opinionated statements that tend to inflame emotions of the unlearned. The unlearned don't have to be unlearned, but choose to be unlearned. It is easier to simply accept an emotional opinion from a "self righteous" church person or carnal thinker than to find out God's Word. If you don't like history or
scripture study, you will probably never understand Christianity or how and why things happen here and in the remainder of the world. There is a major connection between homosexuality, lesbianism and rape. It's all in the bible, folks. Unfortunately I'm not finding many (or any) pastors or teachers working to explain God's Word on the subjects. Politicians and wannabe leaders are taking up the slack with frequently outrageous
claims and statements. For leaders in the church world, it's much easier to go with the flow. When being a pastor is your profession, you may want to maintain job security.
This entire message is based totally on scripture, which I will either quote directly from the King James version of the bible, or give you the pertinent verses as reference in an attempt to keep the message from becoming too lengthy. As you proceed, remember our Teacher is none other than Jesus Christ, and His key admonition to you is found in
Matt.12:31,32. "Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit,
it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come."
The forgiving of sins is God's option, not man's option. You are not the judge of anyone; Matt. 7:1 "Judge not, that you be not judged." If you've been able to accept what is
written here, the rest of the message will tackle the subjects.
The bible introduces us to homosexuality in Genesis, the very first book. To keep explanations short, I'll consider homosexuality and lesbianism together as being the male and female same sex situation. This is an entirely different sin than rape. Let's be clear
about this--homosexuality, lesbianism and rape are sins. But those involved in these sins are no worse sinners than someone who commits the more common sins such as stealing, lying, gossiping, fraud, adultery, assault, or even murder. It is unfortunate that people
use highly emotional sins such as homosexuality to stir up hatred and divide Christians. If you are guilty of envy, you are in trouble just as seriously as the "gay" person. There is more to the story we read in Gen. 18 and 19. This is where we find the reference to rape,
although you won't see that word. In fact, scripture refers to words such as "ravish" rather than rape. Rape is non-consensual sex with either a female or male.
Genesis tells us three angels visit Abraham and Sarah. One of the angels is actually the Lord who has come to accomplish two things. One thing is to tell Abraham and Sarah they will have a son. The other part of their mission is to investigate the reason for people's cries to heaven. They will visit Sodom and make a judgement. You may not realize this, but God or His angels use many methods to judge us on a regular basis. He is not fooled by what you say. He knows your heart. He knows things you should do or say, and judges you
for sins of commission as well as omission. Robbing a bank is a sin of equal value as being too stingy to help a needy person. You can't hide the condition of your heart.
Abraham is apparently aware of the sinful conditions in Sodom, and doesn't want the entire city destroyed. Abraham "bargained" with the Lord to spare the city if 10 righteous people could be found. That took considerable intestinal fortitude. We don't have any bargaining power, but Abraham was speaking not for himself, but other Israelis. The Lord, showing great mercy, agreed to the plea by Abraham. When the angels arrived at Sodom, they met Lot, a righteous man, who took them to his home for the night.
Now we learn that homosexuality is rampant in Sodom, as men and villagers surround Lot's home seeking the strangers. This is where we tend to accept the terminology without carefully considering the entire situation. These villagers want to have sex with the strangers, a homosexual act. But, wait a minute. If the village men have forceful sex with these men, it is not only a homosexual act, but rape. With consensual sex, you don't
have what is termed a "victim." With rape of either sex, you do have a victim.
I hear church people and conservatives denying that women aren't really victims. In fact, George Will, the newspaper columnist, claims college girls DESIRE to be raped because that is a coveted category for them. Girls may be sexually active, but that does not mean they "enjoy" rape. Rape, for a man or woman, is a highly traumatic experience. We have counseled rape victims, and they suffer terribly. It can take months and even years for the victim to return to normalcy. It seems there are quite a number of white
American men who think raping women isn't a crime, and the women only want attention. In fact, they have said there is a difference between legal and illegal rape. These poor excuses for men are actually imitating the Arabs and other nationalities that consider
women to be chattel, much like a cow or dog. There is no way rape can be justified by a Christian. Worse yet, these white American men want total control of women's bodies.
Sad to say, there weren't 10 people in Sodom who were righteous or heeded the warning. I see many people today who don't heed any warning signs of sins except the "sensational" sins. Obviously the inhabitants of Sodom were living sin-filled lives. It had become so "normal", they no longer recognized how far they had strayed from the Word of God. The terrible status of women in many countries of the world is deteriorating even further. Men of these countries see nothing wrong with kidnapping girls and women, selling them into prostitution or slavery. An untrue claim of rape does not mean all rape victims should be dismissed. Men, you should realize that God keeps count.
We see from Genesis that homosexuality was given as the main reason for the destruction of Sodom. Although some were warned, they laughed it off. Only three people escaped. It's important to understand that those sins of Sodom were not the main reasons that caused Israel to go into captivity. Separating homosexuals and lesbians from society is not scriptural. God hates those sins, but He also hates all the other sins, and does not hate the sinner. Many, if not most, of those people don't want to be "different." Unfortunately, there are some who exploit sensationalism. Rape violates the victim,
and is an invasion of personal physical characteristics.
By selecting sexual oriented subjects and using sensationalism, people can build a forum to persuade others to support a program or individual that actually promotes a much different subject. A person who knows he/she is guilty of gossip that contains little or no truth, would find it easier to oppose homosexuality in other "less pure" people. It is one way to enable the carnal being to ignore a personal failing. As Christ said in John 8:7, "So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, 'He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.'" These self righteous religious leaders were considering themselves to be the judge and jury of this woman. Our leaders today, both in the church and politics, are as guilty as those who stood before Christ that day. It is the preachers who rant about "selective" sin who must answer to God, but they'll have lots of company from politicians.
Israel continually went through the 4-cycle historical rise and fall of a civilization. It has always been rags to stability-to wealth-to ruin. Take a look at America, and you can make a guess as to the future. Going back to Genesis, the people of Sodom were not only guilty of homosexuality, but they were disobeying the 10 Commandment and not worshiping God. If we look at scripture historically, the pattern of lost worship has been the main reason for captivity and destruction. Deut. 29:26 tells us, "for they went and served other gods and worshiped them, gods that they did not know and that He had not given to them." Jeremiah 23:14 likens Israel to Sodom and Gomorrah, but not because of sexuality. "And I have seen a horrible thing in the prophets of Jerusalem : They commit adultery and walk in lies; They also strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns back from
his wickedness. All of them are like Sodom to Me, And her inhabitants like Gomorrah." Here you see the church leaders are called out by God for their wicked leadership. Leaders, both religious and carnal, had better watch their mouth and motives. God already knows their heart. Is God giving you an O for obedience or a D for disobedience?
Lamentations is a book usually languishing in bible studies. It is beautiful poetry written by Jeremiah. It tells how and why Israel was stricken, but it also gives the people hope. Pay attention to the fact that greed overtook the people and sins listed in 4:13 were responsible. "Because of the sins of her prophets AND the iniquities of her priests, Who shed in her midst The blood of the just." Note it was oppression of the common folks by church leaders (who also were the civil leaders) that brought the Lord to punish Israel. God cares for all of us--remember John 3"16. If our leaders--both religious and civil--don't
take care of the people, God will step in. Better to make your stand now against misleading men than to offer God excuses later. His Book of Life has no omissions or errors.
To recap: homosexuality and lesbianism are sins. They have the same value of evil as all other sins EXCEPT denying the Holy Spirit, the very power of God. Homosexuality and lesbianism are victim-less sins unless sex is forced. When sex is forced and non consensual, the act is RAPE. There is a victim who has been violated by both a religious and criminal act. There is no such thing as legal rape. There is, however, a continuing growth of ignorant white American men who do not honor women's place in God's world. If you hate this message, wait until you see "same sex marriage."
Rev. Walbear