We have covered the first three good horsemen of scripture, and now conclude with Charity. The first three--Salvation, Faith and Hope--are clear. Charity, however, is mostly misunderstood, both by pastors and church members. The misunderstanding comes about because of the choice of the word charity by early translators. The word charity has many similar meanings, and translators didn't realize scripture readers might choose the wrong meaning. Although this horseman is the fourth, it is assuredly the one who is directly connected with the first, Salvation. This is explained in Part Four.
Following World War II, the popular expression was "love makes the world go round." Winning the war and the peace that followed was cherished through warm feelings described as "love." As one who was there, I can assure you the feeling of gladness and friendship was widespread. It was a warm, fuzzy feeling. Everyone was overjoyed to be free and at peace. Early translators certainly knew the many meanings of charity, and apparently associated that feeling with warmth with charity. All men are subject to failings, and the translators made a poor choice. The original Greek word was "agape." Many Christians are probably familiar with the use of agape associated with charities established to help people, including non Christians. The primary meaning of the Greek word was "love". When translated in the Latin Vulgate and later in the Wycliffe English translation, charity was used instead of love. People were expected to contribute out of love rather than any preconceived responsibility of assistance.
This difference in meaning is so important that scripture tells us it is primary to faith and hope. Ist Corinthians 13:13, the Apostle Paul declares, "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." There are more than 150 references to love in scripture, and we are repeatedly told to love our spouses, our children, our neighbors, and even those who are our enemies. Of course, loving an enemy is tempered by our right to defend ourselves with necessary measures such as war. We must hate the sin of the enemy, but love the sinner. This is not an easy task. 2nd Corinthians outlines our attitude towards giving. We think of charity and giving as ALMS. Charity is not alms as we know it in Christianity. Alms is defined in Webster's Dictionary as a "work of mercy or anything given gratuitously to relieve the poor; a charitable gift." You see how these two words--charity and alms--can be combined in confusion. Charity must be given in love. 2nd Corinthians states, "As it is written: He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor, His righteousness endures forever."
Too many people, including some Christians do not give with the feeling of love. They consider it a duty, or a hand-out. For many people, you can insert the word HATE instead of love. We have become a very hateful society. Christians do support charities through alms or by freely giving. Some, however, resent giving their "hard-earned" cash to people, especially if these receivers appear lazy. There is a lesson I learned years ago. I was talking with a man who spent much of his time at a nearby cabin in the woods. He was late middle age, but had no job. Yet, he appeared to be enjoying a carefree life from outward appearance. He offered to help me on the farm if I had a problem, and I thanked him for the offer. I did not give the offer much
credibility because I prejudged him (I'm still learning). A few months later I was told he had died. He had a serious heart ailment that didn't show up in his appearance, and that was why he seemed to be living a care free life. Needless to say, I had a serious need to repent. That experience taught me something--appearances can be deceiving. The man had worked all his life until his physical body placed him
in need of necessities. I'm certain he would gladly rather have his health than the money he was receiving for sustenance.
We are quick to judge, and my wife and I personally suffered vilification at the hands of jealous and envious people when we went to a store to get supplies for an elderly housebound member of our congregation. She was retired without a pension and received food stamps. We took her stamps and selected the items on her list. When we took out the food stamps in the checkout line, some of the people became very nasty. We were dressed well, and didn't look poor. Some of these people followed us to our vehicle, and their language was nothing you'd want to hear. Again, appearances were deceiving. We didn't try to explain, because we had long since discovered that these kinds of people don't change their minds. Facts are irrelevant, they only see with their eyes. Spiritual truths escape them.
I talked with an elderly lady in a social services office, noting the dejected and ashamed appearance she presented. She was applying for welfare--that hated word used by hateful people. There is some welfare fraud, but individual cases are small in amount. Compare this with big business and corporate welfare fraud. This lady had
recently become a widow. She and her husband had raised grapes on their farm. She suffered a double blow. Her husband had died unexpectedly, and their grape contract was canceled. She had no income and couldn't get a job, so she was reduced to what she called "begging." Death benefits were used up in expenses for the funeral and costs associated with her property. She was hoping to find a way to earn some money, but couldn't wait any longer. She needed help now. Notice the word "hope"in her story? She hadn't given up; she still had hope. Most people who need welfare don't like to be among the group labeled lazy and on the take from working people
and tax payers. Many of these welfare recipients were tax payers at one time, and the above woman was still a tax payer. A property owner pays taxes, you know.
Misunderstanding, envy and greed has seeped into America's culture, and Christian leaders are doing virtually nothing to correct the situation. A pastor of a well-heeled church told me the fable about teaching a welfare person to fish for food instead of expecting a handout. He never considered the possibility the man might be
physically or mentally handicapped, unable to go to a site to fish, or any other possibility. This was a main line church, but I have found this attitude across the entire realm of churchdom. For the general public, it is even worse. At least the language by the church people was civilized. The overly loud comments by others included many, many words not proper in civil conversations.
Americans have, in many cases, transformed loving assistance into grudging assistance. Many have followed a popular and growing trend to include the
freebie handouts to social security, medicare and unemployment insurance. Let's look at unemployment insurance first. Don't people know that you can't receive this money unless you have a recent work record? Are they so mentally challenged they don't understand the word employed or the prefix "un"? No work record, no compensation. If you work, taxes for social security, medicare and unemployment are taken out of your paycheck before you get what's left. Social security is a poor retirement fund collected by the federal government and invested, the same as other
retirement money. The deducted amount plus interest belongs totally to the retired person. Yet some congressmen want to cut back these payments and use some of the money for other purposes. This is not charity or alms. This money belongs to the people who paid the premium. In effect, these congressmen are literally stealing the money from citizens. People with medicare pay premiums, too. Medicare support is also not "free" money. Most people who receive this money really need it to live. The claims by the greedy and envious people have virtually no basis. The claims are the badges of ignorance.
Love is also caring. If you are ever put in to the position of having the need of a care giver, you will quickly learn that if care and love don't go together, you won't like the result. I speak from extended experience. I have given, and I have received; not for a few days, but for months. A loving care giver is priceless. I have been fortunate to have mostly wonderful care givers. They always walked the extra mile and never complained. I am thankful beyond words for the care I have received. This care results in faster healing and recovery. I have also been a care giver. When you have other work and scheduled responsibilities, it is quite harrowing. If you have compassion and love, the task will usually be appreciated and the person will really
make a strong effort to cooperate and/or recover. Your obvious caring and hopeful attitude will "pick up" the person. This will lift the spirit of the patient, and if you're working in love, it'll lift yours, too. Oh, yes. Did you notice that word "hope" a couple of sentences ago?
I pray my separation of the meaning from charity to love through this message will help you understand the difference between alms and charity. Alms is giving with love, while charity is giving of love. Love is a powerful character. Think about John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Christ cared so much for each and every person, no matter the color or nationality, He freely gave His life. As a committed Christian, you have eternal life.
Christ summarized the seven churches in Revelation, and America is undergoing similar scrutiny. Neither I nor any other man or woman knows what our report card looks like. While our nation has done some wonderful things, we have some serious negative marks. Our Constitution is a great document, but our leaders dragged their feet before fulfilling promises such as slavery and women's vote. We placed love of money above gospel principles in business and the workplace. This satanic love of material things is now dominating our governmental leaders and many church leaders. It appears both major political parties are trying to buy office. We are judging (that is not a Christian's right) all people by skin color, we are no checking
statements in the news for accuracy, we are accepting unbelievable comments from intellectually challenged candidates, we are excusing law violations by "important" individuals while prosecuting poor people for minor or non existent charges. We are killing innocent people because the law is not the same for everyone. We are so
possessed with real and imagined fear, we accept controls that violate our freedom.
I was taught in elementary school that it was a citizen's duty to vote. Regulations such as the Texas poll tax were dropped to enable Texas to return to the Union. Now, other restrictive measures are being put in place to hinder certain blocks of citizens. When I hear the racist rants, I wonder what these people think about the body bags of minority soldiers that were shipped home from Iraq and Afghanistan. I wonder about the lack of respect for a gay soldier serving in the wars and the women who have been killed or injured for this nation. Do you think God isn't watching? We turned away a shipload of Jews just before World War II. Then, we had to fight Germany anyway, and lost so many servicemen and women. That gave us the opportunity to repent. But, we started false wars we can't seem to win, tortured prisoners, and seem embroiled in a domestic battle once believed settled in the 1860s. If we can't
seem to learn from Old Testament history, World history and our Domestic history, what conclusion is likely? How long will He hold His patience? We haven't turned away the children who traveled across two or more countries to get to America, but acceptance has not been universal.
Scripture tells us about the four evil horsemen and the terrible promise in store for the world. I've just told you about the four good horsemen Christ brought us to fight the evil four. We accept (mount) through salvation, learn to ride through faith, become good horsemen through hope, and can overcome through love. Without these four horsemen, I believe we are on borrowed time. Christians need to recognize and realize the church and its members are falling short on passing the test of the gospels as Christ outlined them. It seems that faith is suspect, hope is frequently for evil purposes and charity (love) is being replaced by hate. Take the blinders off these horses, and let them free to lead you to complete the mission Christ gave us.
Rev. Walbear
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