Sunday, November 9, 2014


                                                             MILITARY RESPECT

    The names and dates of holidays may change, but the singular meaning of the original holiday lives on in the lives of people who  experienced the reasons behind the original event. Religious holidays remain constant, but other human milestones frequently are moved, and sometimes forgotten. We observe Veterans Day (in Canada it's Remembrance Day), and may forget the day was set aside to celebrate peace. It marked the end of a conflict that was the forerunner to global conflict. As we observe the holiday we should consider not only the fallen soldiers, but also the current servicemen and women and their families. Our military people must pledge their life, if necessary, to serve all citizens. This message is to correct some Christian's thinking about military service, and to point out not uncommon mistakes in understanding scripture.

    Some years ago, a couple of strangers appeared at my door and wanted to tell me about Christianity. They didn't know I was a minister, and since they didn't ask, I didn't tell. I invited them in, and we began a discussion of Christianity and scripture. We covered several of the
more common subjects, and then came to military service. Here there was a definite and strong difference in our belief. I stress difference rather than opinion. It has always been my desire to base messages on scripture, and that includes both the Old and New Testaments.

    I'm a veteran, so I feel very strongly about the subject, and base my beliefs strictly on the Word of God. I don't accept any changes in the bible, or any additions or subtractions. When we began our  discussion on military service, my guests told me they didn't believe in military service. I was taken aback by their declaration, and when I recovered, I asked them why they opposed military service.

    Their answer was simply that, as Christians, they didn't believe in shooting or killing brothers. They were assuming all people, Christians or of other beliefs, were brothers. Now, if we go way, way back to the Old Testament, we can read that killing some people has always been necessary. In fact, God directed sometimes that His people must kill certain other people who were not brothers. My guests could point to the Ten Commandments and say God directed us not to kill. My rebuttal began with understanding that Commandment. Since God Himself on occasion directed His people to kill, it requires you to consider the difference between kill and murder. Do you think He is telling you not to murder rather than not to kill? God is specific. The word kill is being mistaken for murder.

    Thinking military members who kill enemies makes them disobedient to the Ten Commandments is ridiculous. Killing someone in self defense then would also be considered murder. God never said we should simply  die if we are attacked. Thus, military killing would make us out to be  bloodthirsty sinners, guilty of breaking one of the Commandments. I am  
attempting to reason with my guests.

    We next turned to the New Testament, and my guests said we are taught to turn the other cheek rather than respond in kind. That is true, but we need to realize that directive concerns brothers and sisters in Christ. God did not instruct Israel to kill or murder among themselves. We should recognize He gave us an explanation of the difference between killing and murder. In Joshua 20:2-3, the Lord  spoke to Joshua, "Speak to the children of Israel, saying 'Appoint
for yourselves cities of refuge, of which I spoke to you through Moses, that the slayer who kills a person accidentally or unintentionally may flee there, and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood."' This makes it clear that a soldier in action to defend his country is not committing murder and separates murder from killing. In military action, a soldier is defending his country, not committing murder. There is no violation of the Commandment.

    My guests didn't want to accept any of this explanation, so I took the discussion a step further. Go to Joshua 5:13-14. "And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with his sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, 'Are You for us or for our adversaries ?'" So He said, "No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come." The Commander gave Joshua the strategy to defeat Jericho.

    Now, we go a step farther. The Israelites were told to destroy all people in that city--man, woman and child--except Rahab and her family. This harlot and her family then dwelled in Israel all their days. This is another lesson for us. All kinds of people can serve God, and their service is counted by our Father. The Israelites killed a large number of ungodly people, leaving not one remnant except a sinner who obviously was forgiven her sin. We have all the explanations I covered up to the last scripture quote. There can be no doubt that God does, indeed, have an army. Of course you have to believe the Word of God. All the Word, not just the parts you want to use to promote your agenda.

    Either you believe the entire bible, or you are not qualified to call yourself a Christian. There are many pretenders out there who use their interpretation to serve a personal agenda. This partial and improper use of scripture turns some people off to Christianity. The same is true when professing Christians repeat rumors and outright lies. Worse yet is that many professing Christian leaders make no attempt to correct these statements and claims.

    Most Americans say they support our troops, but many have an usual way of demonstrating this support. Some of our banks took advantage of deployed soldiers and foreclosed their homes. I know cases personally, and what these soldiers lost is gone. They have families and children. Many veterans have a difficult time trying to get benefits they are entitled to by law. I know of one case where the veteran had to wait over a year. The benefit was too late to help
him recover financially. I hear both Congress and the Pentagon talk about saving money by cutting military expenses. There is always money for the military-industrial complex--in other words, the big corporations that build war machines and equipment.

    Veterans and their families pay the price of service in many ways, including death and disablement. Military medical care, financial assistance and other support is woefully short of compassion and understanding. Congress places budget and money far above veteran support. Why not? Most of them were never "grunts", foot soldiers in battle, and neither most of their families. When America discontinued the draft (universal service), the general population lost touch with the rigors of a soldier. Being apart from your family for months at a time in far away places, income short of meeting family expenses, absence of children's parent and other hardships are part of the price a soldier pays. 

    They may be here today and gone tomorrow. Some people tell me they just aren't interested in military service. Others are too busy proceeding with career or other interests. All Americans are free to pursue life's interests, but most don't include military service as a duty. In fact, there is a growing number of people who have become very financially successful who are renouncing citizenship to evade paying taxes. Add to this list corporate leaders who not only outsource jobs, but move headquarters to a foreign country to evade taxes. These are citizens who are enjoying the good life, but refuse to provide decent support to the military personnel who protect everyone.

    It's quite the patriotic thing to wave a flag and say you support our troops. These words may be as insignificant as the words a Christian speaks in accepting Christ as Savior. If your heart is really behind your words, the words are valid. You will demonstrate validity by your actions and REAL support. You will tell your congressman to take care of soldiers and veterans. Who else pledges their life and future for YOU? There are three other people who you should know
and hold accountable for fulfilling this same pledge. If you are one of the flag wavers, I pray it is the Star Spangled Banner that stands for the declared meaning of the United States. 

     Armistice Day may now be called Veterans Day, but the original title and reason for the day was peace brought about by our soldiers. Christ stands for peace and how we should treat our fellow citizens. As God has shown, there is a time for everything, and that includes peace and war. There is also a time of accounting, and Christ tells us that men and nations will be judged. The Old Testament books prophesy judgment of peoples and nations. Revelation gives us an
idea of how Christians and nations will be judged. James in 2:17 tells us "Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

    Many people, especially politicians and church leaders, proclaim they have faith. Their lives and actions should support this claim, and the evidence should be readily available. Our soldiers and veterans proclaim their faith in America when they take the oath of allegiance. They back it up with their life. They stand for the real meaning of Veterans Day--PEACE.

Rev. Walbear

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