Wednesday, April 1, 2015



    The entire reason for the season rests on the true symbol of the
supreme sacrifice, the Cross. This symbol, itself, is the final message
to us from God. The Cross shows us four directions, and warns us there is one road to eternal life, and countless roads that all lead to eternal suffering and destruction. Matt. 7:13-14 tells us, "Enter  by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." 

    We can study and spend endless hours going over the history of God's Word and the lessons provided in scripture, but everything hangs on one thing. Do you truly believe in the resurrection? It matters not whatever you believe from scripture if you doubt the actual resurrection. Without that, you can forget about stories of eternal life and heaven. If the resurrection isn't true, why would you believe any other scripture?

    The Old Testament gives us the history of God's walk with mankind
and the organization of His church. If you have doubt about such things as 2 Kings 2:11, you may have doubt about someone rising from a bed after obviously being dead and buried. Look at this passage from 2 Kings, "Then it happened , as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and  separated the two of them and Elijah  went up by a whirlwind into heaven." Sound like science fiction? Christ comes back with horses, so why is this so amazing? God sometimes used fire to dramatize the work of the Holy Spirit. Recall Daniel's three friends placed in the fiery furnace? Read Daniel 3:19-25. Because of its length, I'm not adding it to this message. But I will list verse 25, "I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."

     Wait!!! This is the Old Testament, and how could he know about the Son of God? If you have read a series of my early messages, you would have the scriptural answer. God's long range plan includes many things that we don't understand. If we paid attention to accurate history such as written in the bible and by truthful historians, we would know many answers, including answers to questions we haven't yet known to ask. God knew that carnal man would have doubts about many things when he couldn't even follow one direction of limitation. Isn't that so true of our old nature? He keeps showing us impossible solutions to problems, and we keep trying to figure out how these things could happen. To answer your question about how the king in the Book of Daniel knew about God, it was the continuing witness of Daniel and his three friends. These four Jews were brilliant scholars brought to Babylon as teachers for the king's people. You may not be aware that Israel valued education and knowledge very highly. The Jewish world still does. Why do you suppose so many politicians want to downsize education? Education is the key to teaching the Four Gospels, Christ's very words of instruction. This teaching, by the way, is not just for the Christian religion alone, but with the exception of Christ's personal testimony, is for all humankind. The added bonus for a Christian is eternal life. Remember the resurrection!

    If you aren't bored, I'll show you where you can see resurrection was known, although it was an understanding of an afterlife rather than a bodily resurrection. You'll find that in 2 Sam. 12:22-23. "But  now he is dead; why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." Sometimes you have to read between the lines in the Old Testament, and don't realize simple things such as verse 23 above. Isaiah prophesied the birth of Christ more than 750 years before Christ was born. If you have trouble believing any of this scripture, the resurrection certainly can be your final stumbling block.

    I've had seminary teachers that didn't believe in faith healing, and  teachers that didn't believe in the water to wine miracle. Friends, if you claim to be a Christian, you must believe in the whole collection of scripture. You can't pick and choose. If you don't understand the  
difference between the messages in the Epistles from Christ's Words,
you need to find a real teacher of the Word. The epistles are very  important, but they are not Christ's direct teaching. They are tailored
directions to newly established churches by missionaries where the new followers are having difficulties separating their Gentile culture from Christianity. Lack of good teaching can also lead you astray in the Book of Proverbs. You must understand the manual, or you can't drive the car.

    When I hear the phrase "He is risen," I wonder if the person looks upon this as a spiritual rising or a physical rising of Christ's actual earthly body. Friends, it's both. It's like the song, Love and Marriage. You can't have one without the other. It's a joint contract that requires your belief and acceptance of the full contract. Saying a few words such as the sinner's prayer is a carnal signature. It won't work. Your contract has to be sealed and notarized in your heart. When you  accept Christ's offer of salvation, you must dedicate your mortal life to serving Him. There's nothing negative about service to Him. You must study His instructions and be careful not to preach directions unless you really know the material. I know Protestant and Catholic ministers or priests who know the denominational doctrine very well, but don't know scripture well at all. With them it's a job, not a calling.

     The disciples and followers of Christ during His time on earth heard
His teaching and saw a multitude of miracles including everything from
controlling nature to raising the dead. He told them repeatedly about His need to suffer and die to provide eternity for us. Yet these people doubted Him until they saw with their eyes He was risen. Is it not believable that people today who proclaim He is risen really don't "get" the significance of the resurrection? Would you have believed it? Without the actual physical evidence (you were there), could you accept the resurrection? 

    On Easter we should try to emotionally experience the terrible suffering of His sacrifice. Then, we should be able to experience the great joy of knowing He conquered death. We, too, can conquer death by fulfilling our contract with Him. He is The Way, and there is no other. The time to reinforce your commitment is now. You can be that "new and better" product we hear advertised. There is no better product than our Savior. An angel told me people are out there working for Him. How about you?

Rev. Walbear


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