Saturday, April 11, 2015


                                                                   WISE GUY

    INTRODUCTION: This message may step on the toes of some readers because there are scriptural definitions of some practices certain denominations do not follow. These guidelines are full quotes, with no opinion or interpretation. None of us is wise enough to add to or change these scriptural words. They are the inspired writing directed by the Holy Ghost. They are not open to any Christian's attempt to explain anything not included in the quote. Either we believe the whole bible, or we are rewriting the bible. Humor aids healing, and I believe Christians can use some humor in learning and questioning on what authority is given for "expanded" interpretation.
                                                          Tea and Crumpets

    A group of Saints were sitting around a table in Heaven outside a mansion. (John 14:2) "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." These Saints are resurrected Christians who are taking a "tea and crumpets" break. God treats His workers with compassion, and they find Heaven is indeed Paradise. (Luke 23:43) "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise." Resurrected Saints are not subject to man's scientific principles, and enjoy the properties of the spirit world. They don't have to eat or drink, but they can if they choose. (Luke 24:42, 43) "So they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb. And He took it and ate in their presence." Don't try to change any of scripture with denominational rules like tea or wine is a stimulant and forbidden, or you can't eat meat. It's in the bible, friends, and either you believe it all, or you are only a part-Christian, which is a lost person. Carefully read 1 Tim 4:1-5. "For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer." (Verses 4 and 5) Now, concerning the beverages, go to John 2:1-10.  Jesus turned water into wine.
He didn't tell anybody to get drunk. Anyone teaching the word of God who refuses to accept these verses of scripture does not have the Holy Spirit and is not qualified to be a Christian teacher. If you missed these scripture verses previously, you probably missed much more.  Now, on to that discussion by Saints.

    One of them, Ty, a native of Massachusetts, said he didn't think  Solomon was the wisest man. His decision about cutting the baby in half to satisfy the two women's contention was based on knowing a mother's love and compassion would invoke a sacrifice to spare the baby's life. See 1 Kings 3:16-27. It was a wise decision, but not as wise as the decision by Abraham to hear and obey the Lord. Abraham was the one who listened to and obeyed God's directions. He is the one who received the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen. 15:17-21), and founded our faith. Beau, a Saint from New Orleans, said he disagreed with both choices, and nominated David. "David was a man so principled that he didn't kill King Saul because Saul had been anointed king by the Lord," contended Beau. 

    "How about Daniel?" suggested Hugh. "God communicated with him and gave him dream interpretations. Daniel and his three friends were protected from certain death, and altered world belief to place the God of Abraham as the supreme God of all. Daniel did so much you have to read the entire Book of Daniel to include everything (Dan. 12 chapters). He gave us the seventy weeks' vision leading to the Book of Revelation." "All of you are ignoring the decisions and actions of women," interjected
Ann, who exhibited some impatience at spiritual chauvinism. "Esther had gone before the king, not knowing if she would be condemned to death for her appearance." (Esther 4:16, last part), "And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish." Ann added, "What about Zipporah, Moses's wife, who saved his life when the Lord was about to kill him?" Ex. 4:24, "And it came to pass on the way, at the encampment, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him."

    "I know there are other women and men worthy of consideration," Xavier said apologetically. "There are so many, and I look at their entire life to weigh wisdom. Solomon drifted far from God in his later years, and 1 Kings 11: 1-11 tells us he had hundreds of foreign women and thousands of horses. God warned him about this, but, as usual, wealth seems to bring blindness to men. I would favor Moses over Solomon because the baby incident was a sort of spectacular media type event."

    Joseph spoke up and said he thought his namesake Joseph should be considered. "He rose from slavery to be second in command in Egypt, and was responsible for saving not only his people, but Egypt and others  through his walk with God. Gen. 37 and chapters 39 through 45 tell a great story about a dedicated man of God." 

   “I don't see how we can omit the Disciple Paul from consideration," spoke up Deborah. "He suffered greatly, was beaten, imprisoned, run out of town and rejected by his own people. Perhaps you would say he was obedient rather than wise, but being obedient is being wise as well," she explained. "I don't know if I could even consider Solomon wise at all, because of some of the bloody things he did to cement his grip on the kingdom. After all, he slaughtered opponents, and they were his own  people. These may have been wise decisions, but they certainly weren't based on Christian teaching," she concluded.

     Henry broke into the discussion to defend Solomon. "Christ and His teaching were not yet on earth when Solomon lived," Henry pointed out. "Israel and the world operated differently then," he continued. "When you look back at history, you see a continuing process of how leadership directed people. The Lord several times either killed or had people killed. That was true after our Savior was resurrected, if you  recall Acts, chapter 5. God struck dead Ananias and Sapphira when they held back part of the proceeds from a sale of their possessions. (Verses 1 thru 10) According to scripture, the Lord didn't become angry with Solomon until after the king had disobeyed his instructions not to get involved with foreign women with other gods, and owned such a large number of horses." 1 Kings 10:26 and 28 tells about the horses, and 1 Kings 11:1-3 tells us Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. They
were of many nationalities and religions."

    Ty laughed, and summarized the horses and women scriptures by saying, "You'd think a man with 1,000 women was not so wise and didn't display much common sense. The horses were bad enough, but I can't imagine 'owning' 1,000 women, no matter how exotic they were. It's a wonder he lived as long as he did." Hugh agreed, adding that Solomon also did some other unwise things such as using forced labor (1 Kings 9:20-21). "It  always seemed to be that prosperity was followed by extensive sin," Hugh sadly concluded. "Yes, Israel kept repeating its own history over and over
as generations changed," Ty said somberly. "Well, it's still going on in the church today," piped Throckmorton, who usually was the quiet one. "And, announced the 'quiet one', "I have the real wisest man who ever lived, excepting Christ, of course."

    "Well, now, my man, who would that be?" asked Willie, as everyone paused in eating and drinking. It was unusual enough for him to say much of anything at these gatherings, yet alone come out with such a major contribution. Throckmorton lost no time proclaiming his choice,  proudly telling his friends the wisest man just happened to remind him of  a distant relative. "You've heard about Elijah in the book of 2 Kings?"  Throckmorton asked. "Of course," responded Xavier, "Go on with your   choice." I always think of that old song about the wooden Indian outside  the cigar store," Throckmorton explained. "So, you're nominating Elijah  because of the song calling him an Indian?" Xavier appeared astounded.  "Elijah wasn't even an Indian, Native American variety or otherwise,"  objected Woo Hoo, the oriental member of the group. "No, but he LOOKED  like an American Indian, which I am, Throckmorton  explained. "But the song about Elijah reminds me of Elisha, Elijah's prophetic understudy," Throckmorton continued.

    "I feel left out," Woo Hoo complained, "Because i can't recall a single Oriental Christian wise man, although Confucius was a man of virtue. Tell us why you think Elisha was the wisest man."

    "Okay," Throckmorton eagerly agreed, directing his friends to 2 Kings. "This is one of the most amazing books of the bible," he began, "Not just because of Elisha's wise decision, but the great history of the event that included God's taking Elijah to heaven in a flaming chariot of fire with horses of fire in a whirlwind. That's a really big deal. God sent horses of fire and a flaming chariot to take Elijah to Heaven. 
(2 Kings 2:11)  "What about Elisha? Woo Hoo impatiently asked. "Elijah was a great prophet, but the chariot scene was sort of a pyrotechnic media type thing," he

     "Yes, that was an eye catcher, and as such takes away the marvelous decision by Elisha. They knew Elijah would be taken away soon, and Elijah asked Elisha what he could do for his faithful understudy. 2 Kings 2:9 tells the wisest decision of all in the form of Elisha's request. He asked Elijah, 'Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me."' (This is the last part of that verse.) "You see Elisha asked not for himself, but for a super strong strength of the Holy Spirit. With that spiritual power, Elisha
could do more of God's work. He asked for nothing for himself. He would have more ability to help others or to do anything under God's direction."

    "Throckmorton, you don't say much, but when you do speak, you say a real mouthful," said Hugh, admiringly. "I've read over that part of the bible many times, and always sort of blurred through that request because of the chariot of fire and Elijah being taken up alive." Ty chimed in, "You know, I didn't pay enough attention, either. I recall that the believers and followers of the two prophets wanted to search the area because they didn't believe Elijah wouldn't fall out or be cast out of the chariot on the  way. Elisha told them not to look, and, of course, they found nothing.
(2 Kings 2:15-18) We shouldn't forget that Moses wasn't the only one who separated a body of water to cross. Elisha also did it after Elijah departed. (2 Kings 2:13-14)

"You're showing us up," teased Xavier. "Now I remember that Elisha went to work immediately and performed miracles. (2 Kings 2:19-22) "And then 42 youths saw Elisha along the road and mocked him, calling him a 'bald head.' Apparently he was not handsome, and he could have  asked to be a better looking man, but he didn't," Ann said." When the  youths mocked him, Elisha cursed them and two female bears came out of the woods and mauled them. You men see that we females always
supported you guys in the carnal world," jested Ann.

    For the second time--a record--Throckmorton spoke up again. "My people knew the value of a good woman. We followed our tribal genealogy by the female side," he pointed out. Woo Hoo came right back at him, with "Yeah you allowed them to erect the tepees, make and wash the clothes, cook, bear and raise the children, and other fun things. Meanwhile the braves went hunting, fishing and making war." They all had a hearty laugh, and cheerfully went back to the Lord's work.

Rev. Walbear


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