Experience is the toughest teacher, but when you complete the course, you definitely know the subject. Then, as the Apostle Paul wrote in Hebrews 12:1-2, let us understand the subtitle of these verses in scripture, "Race of Faith." When you continue learning as you grow older, you come to realize you have been duped many times by people with agendas. There is a saying, "you grow old too soon, and wise too late." As we grow older, we should realize how much we missed along The Way, as we accepted information from various sources. If we were not impacted negatively, we did not bother to determine whether or not the experience was anything important enough to question. I was reminded of this experience today as I read the news. You may not think this message is about Christianity and Faith, but it is exactly that. Christ only separated
people by believers and non believers. Age, sex, race, education and SIN were not part of His separation. He was God's Man (and Son) and if we call ourselves Christians--we MUST follow His example and directions. He told us to go forth and sin no more, but He knew of our sinful nature, and He paid the price for all our sins--past and future. We rely on God's mercy and the resurrected body of Jesus for eternal life. It is The Way. There is no other.
Over the 50 plus years of marriage, my wife and I have learned a great deal about the problems in America. Unfortunately, we didn't see how some of these problems would escalate. We both did a huge amount of community service, but never had to deal with the hot button problems of today. These are the issues politicians and some preachers are using to gain support and money. They freely refer to the bible to support their platforms. And, increasingly, I see more and more people accept and follow their leadership. People do not ask for proof of their biblical claims and do not do research to find the truth. That requires studying scripture, not reading it in an effort to support a claim. When I ask for scriptural proof, I repeatedly get "it's in the bible." It's not in any of Christ's teaching in the gospels. A Christian follows Christ; not Paul, not Solomon, not David, not Joseph, not any other person, past or present. That includes the individuals who have denominations named for them. It's difficult
enough to follow Christ without all the trappings from others who
mistakenly believe they can improve Christ's teaching. Do you think God sent an imperfect Son to represent Him? Previous Godly leaders
contributed much to the church, but they were men or women, not His Son. Only Christ brought the core material for our Christian instruction. It doesn't need fluff.
Now that I've already irritated some readers, I'll go to my experience
that jolted me this morning and led to this message. This happened
35 years ago, when I was just getting my feet wet with the ministry. My wife and I had purchased a trailer to haul livestock and had to get our truck outfitted to pull the 5th wheel vehicle. We had the necessary work performed at the dealership where we purchased the trailer. This was in the Baltimore, Maryland, area, and we waited in the office while the work was done. One of the employees on a break came into the office and shared some jokes with the clerk, a lady. We were stunned, because all the jokes were very nasty and involved black people. We had never heard this caliber of jokes in our previous home areas in New York and Pennsylvania. I have trouble remembering jokes, but one of these stayed with me, and my wife recalled it today. You may actually believe the racial and sexual issues being pushed today in both the secular and church worlds are ONLY social issues, but you are wrong.
These people in Maryland were substantial citizens, owning businesses and with good jobs. They were enjoying the good life, and never had to "lift themselves up by their bootstraps." They were white, and obviously considered non whites to be trash. Here's the joke: A young black boy was misbehaving, and the white person baby sitting him asked what to do to control him The instructions were to wet the boy's lips and stick him to the wall, using the plump lips as a suction cup. They found the joke
hilarious. I was thankful I wasn't black. My wife, who is of Seneca Indian heritage, but blonde and fair skinned, was deeply offended. We both knew how Indians were treated because of the reservations in New York.
I don't know if these people were Christians, but I hear nasty racial remarks frequently from church people. With the advent of Martin Luther King Jr., plus the Civil Rights Acts, we thought the racial problem in America would improve. It hasn't. If one incident isn't proof enough, I can give you years of experience, because I actually lived and worked in the deep South. Separate water fountains for whites and blacks; separate eating facilities and restaurants for whites and blacks; separate everything for whites and blacks. Other non whites allover America have been victims of discrimination. We have lots of white trash to go along with black trash, Indian trash, and other racial trash. No race in the majority has ever treated minorities properly. Some of the radical
religious leaders in the world such as the ISIS Arabs have taken to murder. American radicals have been firing up their engines, and are being encouraged by politicians, church leaders, radio and television people. The print media is no better.
We go to scripture, the verses I mentioned in opening this message, Hebrews 12:1,2. "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Christians and non Christians, if you're swallowing the race baiting stories--most of which are propaganda--you had better do some investigating. Some stories are true, but most are not, and are Satan's way to lead you on the wrong path. Satan's way is broad with enticements, while The Way with Christ is crisp and just. Don't just accept what you hear is "in the bible." Ask them to give you the Book, Chapter and Verse; no additions or subtractions.
As we approach the End Times, Satan will be working harder than ever to ensnare you. Heed what Christ tells us is the entire basis of Christianity. See Matt. 22:36-40. "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?" Remember, we're in the period of grace under Christ, so they are asking about the commandments given Israel when they became the Chosen. Christ's response is your guide to the Christian faith. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."
That is clear and simple. Your neighbor is everybody you meet,
whether black, white, yellow or red. The neighbor may be lazy or industrious. He may be on welfare. She may be an unwed mother. He may be a released convict. He may be a politician on trial for corruption. Obviously you may practice self defense, but there can be no false testimony, commonly known as lies (and violation of the 9th Commandment--false witness). You do not have the right or power to require anyone to be a Christian or belong to any organization, even a church or denomination. Not a single man's law supersedes Christ's directions. Christ did not deny medical assistance to anyone. Do you think all the people He prayed for who received healing were devout Christians. Most had never yet heard of The Way. Did He tell the thousands who listened to Him teach to go away hungry and not to mooch on free food? Did He refuse to pardon the women who committed adultery? Did He teach you are equipped to judge others?
Do you not know both Christ and Isaiah said we are all guilty of sins and self righteous? Both used the term we are as "filthy rags." If you are a real Christian, you'll have control of both your faculties and mouth. You'll take your eyes off your blessings to see how bad most people in the entire world have to live. None of us is expected to change the world. Christ just told us how to change ourselves so we could at least try to make things better. I have a sermon titled Egyptian Syndrome to post in the near future that tells how a person can gauge God's presence. You need to understand how God keeps His eye on your life.
Rev. Walbear
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