Tuesday, August 25, 2015


                                                  RELIGION & EDUCATION

    Religion and education are two words and subjects that must go together. If you are not grounded in one of these, you will never 
measure up to Christ's standards and God's requirements. You  don't have to possess advanced degrees in any subject, but you must have at least common sense knowledge. Along with these two requirements, you must have a thirst for truth and enough determination to follow through to success. If you're an "easy out" person, it's  not likely Christ will have a room for you in that mansion He's making in heaven. (John 14:2)

    Education begins at birth, although we don't usually recognize the infant training stage as actual education. Normal children can begin learning at a very early age if there is parental guidance. Otherwise, young children have to wait for our educational system programs to kick in. This is true for religious learning as well as traditional subjects such as reading and math. When we read  Matt. 7:7-8, or Luke 11:9-10, Christ is dealing with adults AND telling us to carefully answer children's questions. Young children always ask "why" when you tell them something new. This is the time to begin their education about everything within your realm of understanding. Christ is not limiting His instructions to adults. When you seek (knock), you are not limited to religious questions. Christ's instructions cover social and financial matters. He tells us about taxes and The Way to live. 

    The early church was simply known as The Way, and followers were identified as Christians because of Christ's leadership. The denominations began soon, with local leaders (teachers) being associated with a particular group. The Apostle Paul ran into this problem of denominational leadership, when a local teacher would expand his teaching of The Way to include rules or practices not taught by Christ. This was Satan's method of subverting simple truth into a maze of man orchestrated regulations. Christ taught us what we need to know about religion. God changed the direction from Mosiac Law, plus man's civil laws, to grace through the
sacrifice of His Son. God gave us a personal example to follow.

    We do not see formal educational topics in Christ's teaching because He brought the Word first to the Jews. Israel was known throughout the world as being highly educated in science, history, math and other subjects. When alien powers brought Israel under subjugation, you will note the Jewish professional captives were carefully cultivated into the captor's society. Daniel 1:1-5 tells us how nations who defeated Israel prized the educational training of the Jews. There virtually was no such thing as a dumb Jew.  The Jews were humans, and had difficulty trying to overcome the same temptations that cause us to sin.

    Christ knew the Old Testament and all the Jewish civil laws. The 
people already had scholars in traditional fields, and it was not
necessary for Him to teach math or history. He came to teach us The Way to heaven through grace and resurrection to eternal life through His sacrifice. He completed the entire educational program. The Way is our instruction how to live our personal lives. Education of secular subjects is how we are to be stewards of God's creation. A religious education will not enable us to learn how to make use of all the things He created for us.That's why we need to study science, history, geography, climate and other subjects. The nations that captured Israel were wise enough to recognize the value of education. We should, too.

    Satan has a virtual strangle hold on education world wide, and
unfortunately that is a serious problem in the United States. Because
of the speed of our lifestyle and the predominance of electronic  devices, basic traditional education is declining. If you don't believe this, try hiring people to perform simple basic jobs. Worse yet, our politicians and  many religious spokespersons are calling for the elimination of the education department. They apparently can't see the problems of uneducated masses all over the world. Many of these nations are controlled by religious leaders, which should serve as a warning to us. While lack of religious education is harmful, lack of traditional education will require Christ's return.

    The most difficult hurdle facing Christians is ignorance. It's ignorance not only of traditional subjects, but ignorance of Christ's teaching and directions. American Christians (both real and imagined) don't spend the time and effort to actually learn truth. No matter how intelligent or experienced you may be, there is no substitute for  studying the subject, may it be the Christian faith, science or reading comprehension. The latter subject is part of the English language, now being replaced by texting symbols rather than words. Satan has split The Way into denominations, and is splitting denominations by opinions in congregations rather than the four gospels.

    In our recent travels, we met with congregational representatives from three Christian denominations. They represented church members from Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland and New York. All were very concerned about the direction Christianity  is taking in our nation. Social issues not covered by Christ's teaching are replacing His words in scripture. These issues actually require opinions because they are not even mentioned in Christ's teaching. Christians should stick with the directives given by Christ. They are the foundation of the Christian faith. The words of no other human should be preached as belonging to Christ. That includes other inspired writers of both testaments. We are not followers of Jesus Christ and Associates. The Apostle Paul faced a difficult problem in most of the new churches because of different cultures and traditional practices. However, his most serious problem was the rapid influx of teachers who weren't trained in The Way, and deviated from Christ's teaching. Their detour into other parts of scripture and issues, such as we have today, threatened to derail the newly planted churches.

    The evidence of this problem is clearly pointed out in the first three
chapters of Revelation where John wrote the status of these churches.
Consider the relative short time these churches had existed, and how
far from The Way they had drifted. This short lesson in history should
wake you up to the importance of history, both in the church and the
world. Education is the opposite of ignorance. Ignorance is the lack of
truth and information. John 14:6 tells us, "I am The Way, the truth, and 
the life." Careful and slow reading of scripture will enable you to grasp
the full meaning of Christ's teaching. He was able to put everything you
need to know about living a Christian life in just four books. The 
remainder of the bible is important information, but it is not instruction
from Christ. He referred to it to make a point, but Christian basic  
teaching is in the four gospels. If you can't follow the commandments
(all 11) Christ stressed, why look for more and hold up any other issue?
In just four books, Christ repeated the issues you need to follow. We
learn by repetition.

    The church people I spoke to expressed dismay at their church
experience. All were well versed in the Word, and described the method
Satan is using to subvert ignorant Christians. As one explained, the issue of abortion took front and center in his church, splitting the congregation in half. Christ never addressed abortion, so no one could properly establish a determination. You see, even those of us who try to teach scripture are unaware of finding answers such as this. That is, we may be unaware until we conduct careful research not included in most religious colleges and seminaries. Denominations are more  concerned in teaching their particular way of Christianity which they consider the best or only way. 

    We do not understand the difference between murder and killing, and
have to come to accept ridiculous explanations for the taking of a life.
Christians (mostly) see nothing wrong with sending citizens in our armed forces to kill. I'm a veteran, and I understand what soldiers must do. The Old Testament teaches us why. Probably the best way to  understand why is given us in the Book of Samuel. Unfortunately, that tells us what happens, but doesn't list how we are duped. Things haven't changed.

    The church that split over abortion became two groups of Christians
who did not find the answer to their differences. This introduced a sin
that is hidden so well by Satan. Christ did not force anyone to do  anything. Everyone has a choice, and will suffer the consequences
according to God's judgment. That church did not practice brotherhood,
as we are directed in Matt. 23:8, "But you, do not be called Rabbi, for 
One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren." When we act
as interpreters (teachers), and separate believers, we are not brethren.
Matt. 12:25 warns us, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought
to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not 

    The church that split over abortion became two warring factions,
exactly as Satan hoped. One of these two factions then disagreed on
the issue of the Viet Nam war. This was a complex issue not easily
settled by consulting what Jesus said. Again there was a split. Now
there was a former whole church reduced to one fourth. Satan was
in his cups. Christians make it so easy for Satan to move the faith to
desolation. Politicians and many church leaders are taking advantage
of their ability to fire up Christian support for issues they push with
their opinions. A discussion is no longer possible, and neither Christ's
teaching nor science is used as the basis for discussion. The result
will be as Christ warned---desolation.

    There is a large group of methods Satan uses to disrupt Christianity,
and chances are that you may have been innocently duped through
one or more of them. Folks, you have to investigate all claims, especially
if the claim is based on a "Christian principle." We all have differing
levels of possible educational attainment, and, like the gifts of the Spirit,
God expects us to confirm our acceptance of Christ's offer. To do this,
we must pursue Christ's teaching through His word, not opinion, and
through education of the arts and letters. This includes science, not just theories, which themselves are opinions. White men used alcohol to "fire up" American Indians. Now they're using hatred and opinions from the soap box or religious platform. This is not only destroying Christianity, but our nation. History repeats itself because carnal man does such a good job of permitting selfishness to morph into self righteousness. Isaiah 64:6 sums it up. "But we are all like an  unclean thing, and all our  righteousness are like filthy rags;"

Rev. Walbear   

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