Tuesday, September 1, 2015


                                                       SATAN'S WAY

    Satan has not been happy with Christian messages, and has  requested (in a round about  manner) some ink. Christ talked a great deal about Satan and his agents, so we'll look into his sphere of activity (earth). Unlike his directions and reports, this message is a type of investigative reporting. We are all tempted at one time or another, as Satan probes us to discover our soft "sin" spot. He is the perfect example of being so intelligent he will eventually destroy himself, courtesy of God's judgment. He  is the master of opinion and Ninth Amendment (false testimony,
better known as lies) transgressions. He is very helpful to you when you are justifying yourself with self righteousness.

    What Satan didn't expect was a clear revelation of some of his most potent methods of entrapping or ensnaring us. We often begin our transgressions innocently enough, but quickly get directed off the path of truth by one of Satan's ever-alert agents. Spiritual  warfare is continuously going on, and Satan's army never rests. There is no peace under his leadership. You can read about his army in the Epistles, and meet the commanding general of God's army in Joshua 5:13-14. "And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, 'Are you for us or for our adversaries?' So He said, 'No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now  come.'"

    Joshua was in dire need of help in strategy and tactics. We learn from this Jericho experience that God's victory was decided when Christ came to earth as flesh and blood, was crucified and rose in resurrection to provide eternal life for us. This was the case where Satan outsmarted himself because he was so eager to destroy God's Son, he actually won that battle, but lost the war. Joshua followed the general's directions, and took Jericho not by brute strength or superior arms, but following unusual directions. Obedience was the key. and should always be the key in your Christian walk. Read the story of Jericho's destruction, and you will see God provides the necessary protection and method to have a victorious Christian life. You may be wounded and suffer, but Christ guarantees victory.

    Now we go to Satan's clever methods to lead you astray,  or worse yet, to lead you to renounce your salvation. He will not take it away from you, but if your commitment came out of your mouth rather than from your heart, look out! Following Christ is not a smooth road with all kinds of earthly rewards. If you're being told that, take a few  minutes to read the suffering of the Apostles and preachers of His faith. It's a sort of "no pain, no gain" experience. Superior athletes can describe this phenomenon, and real Christians need to understand God's soldiers face life threatening action. There are rewards for your Christian service in heaven just as there are rewards for our service people in the military. How do I know? The bible tells me so in the writing of Peter, James and Paul.

    Let's back up a bit to the arrival of God's commander to assist  Joshua. Notice the General's answer to Joshua's question about  being for or against Israel. He didn't choose either yes or no to the question. Rather, He distanced Himself from taking sides. His answer was cleverly given to show He was there to carry out God's plan, not the desires of either side. His plan was to overcome Jericho, but it had to be clear that it was God's victory. You see how easy it is for us to jump to a conclusion that "our side" won because our action or opinion was superior. We immediately assume we accomplished the mission. Often, we do not recognize or understand what God's mission is, and, being unfamiliar with scripture, arrive at the wrong conclusion. There is no substitution for studying and learning God's word.

     Christ brought us God's word, and His directions are found only in the four gospels. These instructions are your mission. He didn't teach us what colors to wear to church, how we should wear our hair, how much glitter and makeup we should use. When new church members profess salvation from the heart, they should be led by the Holy Spirit to study Christ's teaching. That, alone, is more than enough for any of us to accomplish. If Christ didn't give us directions about a subject or issue, we commit a sin by putting words in His mouth through our personal opinion. You have a major problem if you spend your time and effort trying to make a social or other change, and attribute your claim to the teaching of Christ.

    He was very specific about His subject or issue. He was Master of
everything. If he didn't mention gay people or other popular issues
expressed by professing Christians, why do you glorify yourself by taking credit for something you think Christ forgot? Don't you realize He knew (knows) everything, past, present and future? Christ taught  us HOW TO LIVE OUR PERSONAL LIFE. Before you attempt to divide real and fake believers, reread the gospels. Show me book, chapter and verse to support your popular hot button claims. For example, show me where He told us that we should eliminate people who have a different life style, who are of another race, a different faith, or any other "hate" directive. He offered salvation to everyone, and it is to be their personal choice, not yours. This error outs and eliminates practically all politicians, especially those claiming to be Christians.

    Satan loves to use apostate people to lead us astray because we are so easily fooled by judging people according to their success in the world. A professional friend told me he could quickly assess the spirituality of a church just by attending a couple of services. When the pastor and/or leaders discovered he had professional expertise in a field, they immediately found him fit for a leadership position. His knowledge of scripture was apparently of minor consequence,  ranking below his success in business and finances. It would be quite easy to enjoy this respect, and transfer that respect to the false conclusion that he could expand Christ's teaching by taking a stand for a social issue not taught by Christ. Praise always provides the opportunity for us to believe we are better than we really are.

    We continue in understanding Satan's clever ways to take us off our
path to eternal life by encouraging us to do something directly opposite
to Christ's teaching. Matt. 7:1-5 warns us, "And why do you look at the
speck in your brother's eye, but do  not consider the plank in your own
eye? Or how can you say to your brother, Let me remove the speck from your eye; and look, a plank is in your own eye? (verses 3 and 4) It is clear here that we are warned to take care of OUR sins before we attack others for any sin. If you demonstrate against someone because they have a different life style, you are violating this instruction, which means you have another sin to conquer, and need to repent. 

    A non Christian may flail away at someone else's perceived wrongful
action as their personal choice. They don't have salvation and are lost.
Christians, however, must follow Christ's teaching found in the four
gospels. All sins are equally bad (Matt. 12:31-32), but only denial of the
Holy Spirit is unforgiven. If you speak out about something such as a gay
life style, why aren't you speaking out about adultery? Christ didn't 
teach us about a gay life style, but He did teach us about adultery. You
are placing yourself in the position of adding a perceived sin while
ignoring an established sin. It is quite apparent adultery is much more
prevalent in society than being gay. The most prevalent sin is lying, yet
that sin has become commonplace, and many people don't apologize
or make amends. Satan knows if he can get you to take up some issue
you aren't guilty of, your attention will be focused on something Christ
didn't teach. You will become a victim of self righteousness, and work
to divide people. You have become a judge for Satan.

    In addition to studying scripture, use a little common sense in taking
up such issues. Some  pastors are calling for separation and elimination
of gay people.  Some nations are killing them. Gays don't reproduce, so
why the claim they will take over our nation or the world? Gays don't
usually hurt others, while adultery often breaks up marriages and  creates serious problems for children when parents separate. Christ taught about the sins that we should try to avoid. That is a big enough task without taking on another subject. You can love someone of the same gender without being sexually active. That type of friendship is love. There is a huge difference. Placing all gays in the same basket is like placing all divorced people in the same basket. Satan knows he will get your interest and support if he stresses sex and doesn't stress friendship. Most people are hooked on sexual subjects, even though they try to mask their interest.

    Every time there is a difference in people, Satan gets his public  relations and propaganda machine to work. Half truths and outright
lies are woven together to convince you to follow Satan's Way instead
of Christ's The Way. Satan's road map is full of detours and winding side roads. None lead to salvation and heaven. If you diligently pursue just the four gospels, you won't have time to mistake the  highway you're traveling. There are no shortcuts. Beware the sharp looking advertising billboards. If you're getting directions from someone, make certain that person knows The Way and doesn't send you into a confusing maze of turns. 

    There are a dozen or more of clever methods employed by Satan, and none have the truth and light. The real meaning of these ploys is not readily apparent unless you carefully check out the person telling you something, AND seek the foundation basis for the lesson. Our modern communication enables these charlatans to spread misinformation faster than most of us can do the research. One large size aid is to remember that once a speaker has lied to you, he/she probably will lie again. These people have elevated  themselves to the position of a judge. You recall what Christ had to say about that: Matt., chapter 7.

Rev. Walbear

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