Tuesday, September 8, 2015


                                          FEAST OR FAMINE

    In reading Isaiah, and then reading the latest issue of Progressive
Farmer, I'm reminded of God's hand on weather, and how the supply of food depends not on humans, but the Lord. I've been a farmer for over 60 years and have held several positions with the Department of Agriculture, so the weather has always been a major factor in my life. Because of the advances in agriculture since WW2, we don't realize the Lord's control of weather played an important role in the freedom we have. Isaiah 55:10-11 tells us, "For as the rain  cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto
me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

    There are parallels between that war of wars and some of the current situations in America today. Hitler's Germany believed they had the final solution to annihilate Jews. It was a hate campaign based on white supremacy. The Germans told the world they were Christians as they sent Jews to the death camps. They had no regard for Jewish women, assigning many to "comfort" camps for the pleasure of troops. Men who could work were used as forced laborers, more commonly known as slaves. This was all in the name of Christianity. These German Christians preached separation and hate, the exact opposite of Jesus Christ. So, what does this have to do with the weather?

     The United States was the main piece of the winning puzzle, as God blessed us with the productive land and favorable weather which enabled us to grow the food needed for troops and civilians. With God's blessing, the war was won by determined soldiers, women who took men's place in industry and elsewhere, marvelous arms production, and the food and fiber to keep an army in top condition. Unless you lived in that period of time and experienced rationing, you have no  idea of the role food played in victory. As a six year old, I had a victory garden, as did many children. Tractors were replacing horses, and they were equipped with lights so work could go on at night. We  became very efficient at producing food. It is said that an army  advances on its stomach. Food production relies on weather.

    Return with me to Isaiah 55:8. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." This quote should have been taken seriously by America following the end of the war and the outstanding prosperity that followed for the next 15 years. At the peak of prosperity, our leaders determined America had too  much food and storage was too costly. Our leaders decided to tear down many of the storage units and sell them to farmers. Load upon load of the dismantled bins were shipped from the Midwest to the Northeast for farmers to buy. As a performance supervisor, I took part in displaying these units for sale. After going through the period of need during the war, I had great misgiving about this program.

    If you know American history, you know that careless agriculture in the Great Plains created the dust bowl. Changing that land from its natural plant growth resulted in dryland farming, losing half or more of its productivity level. There is the problem of water, as wells must be drilled deeper and deeper. Much of our best producing land is now mired in an extended drought. There are serious problems in finding drinking water, and pollution by drilling is increasing. In Genesis we see that we are the stewards of the earth and all living things. If you look at our natural resources, you will find that we have raped much of our nation for lumber and mining. We have been careless with mine waste, human waste and toxic chemicals. 

    Returning to the subject of weather, our nation is now divided on the subjects of climate change and global warming. There is a big difference in the two subjects. I have had some experience in climate change because farm activities depend on the weather. We experience dry spells and wet spells, but their length is usually not long, and recovery takes place. The argument over climate change only makes the issue confusing. Climate change occurs all the time. The issue of global warming is serious. Scam artists are already  taking advantage of the fear factor. I see adds every day for food products that will remain edible for 25 days or more. These business people know few people, Christians included, will trust God for deliverance. 

    The experts in agriculture and weather have outlined the scientific
probability of global warming. If you think this is a hoax, please explain
to me what caused the Ice Age. The opposition to this probability is not difficult to understand. It's the usual reason...money and lots of it. The very politicians and duped Christians that deny global warming will be the first to sponsor and buy the "saving" food kits. It's more money based on fear. Weather forecasters can be wrong, but the confidence of the big conglomerates who control the food industry, including giant farms, are listening to the scientific experts. 

    Let's return to the Old Testament and see what else connects with food. The very first book, Genesis, tells the story of feast or famine. That story is told in Genesis 37-50. That's a lot of reading and studying for those of you who don't spend much time in scripture, but it tells you about the precarious situation that can arise. It tells us that Jacob's favorite son was sold into slavery by his brothers, and he was taken to Egypt. This Hebrew was God's man, yet God placed him among slaves. God gave him the gift of interpreting dreams, which eventually brought him before the Pharaoh. He was able to interpret the Pharaoh' warning dreams of seven years of plenty to be followed by seven years of famine. 

    If you read the Old Testament, you will understand that Israel  always became complacent after victory, and then regressed to the point God had to step in. They would go into captivity and become slaves. The conquerors valued the intelligence and  knowledge of the Hebrews, and they usually rose to quite prominent positions in government by appointment. The United States followed the pattern of self righteousness following WW2, and developed an attitude. We were the greatest, the best, and could do anything. We began the slide we're in right now. We made such great scientific advances, including the production of food, that we forgot God's role in our food success. He gave us the good land, the good weather, and willing hands. We had a united home front to save not only ourselves, but the Jews and the world. American slaves, who should have been free when the ink on the Constitution became dry, were no longer slaves, although they were still treated as sub whites. They received better treatment in the armed services and served with distinction. That included American Indians, whose code talking ability enabled us to use a code the Japanese could not break, which was a major  factor in our victory. These people are still being treated very badly. 

    The war effort brought Americans of many faiths together, and we all had the same goal. Do you realize other faiths include much of the same teaching as Christians? They are only missing Christ's offer of salvation. Denominations didn't matter, either. How far we have come down the road of separation. Christ told us to treat others as  ourselves, but that's only one of our many transgressions. Many conservatives are being separated from brothers and sisters by the Devil's advocates disguised as Christians.

     Few people alive today know the feeling of want when it comes to
necessities. During rationing, you could have the required stamps and
plenty of money, but some things just weren't available. Food items were
the first priority for soldiers. If we had to go without certain items, that
was accepted. Our lives depended on the men and women serving to
preserve God's Chosen and all peoples who put their faith in God. There
has been nothing like the era since, and money now replaces trust in God. Leaders, including some pastors and church leaders, have plenty of money, and they are on a mission to add more to their account at the expense of those without financial influence. It's cost over every other consideration for these imitation Christians, and if you support their greedy platforms, you are part of the problem. God is not mocked, and He controls the weather. 

    God chose a spiritual Hebrew to prevent massive famine in the days
of Genesis. Will we listen to greedy, power seeking politicians and
reprobate preachers of mega churches, or do the background work and follow the lessons of scripture? God gives us the example and the choice. 

Rev. Walbear

(Below--Secretary plowing Boston Common (Boston) 4-11-44, Victory Garden program)

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