Why the change in message content lately, I've been asked? There
has been quite a change, as the messages have moved somewhat away from interpretive teaching to the increasing danger of trying to justify changing Christ's very words. Rather than spreading the "good news," professing Christians are preaching required changes in subjects and issues Christ never even mentioned. Instead of bringing more people to salvation and into the church, non Christians are being turned off to Christ's real message. This is escalating division and hatred, even within the church. These narrow minded do-gooders don't seem to understand Christ's GREAT COMMISSION. I urge every professing Christian to read Christ's instructions as quoted below.
Matt. 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and, lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." That's pretty simple and specific instruction. See Mark: 15:15 for the identical directive. Luke has the same information, but expands it a bit for more clear understanding. See Luke 24:44, where He makes it very clear the teaching should be issues He described, not things other writers entered in the bible. In verse 45, Christ says He opened their UNDERSTANDING that they might understand the scriptures. This is where today's Christians get off the path. They move into new issues Christ never mentioned. You should notice most of these people have chosen an issue they never had a problem with, so they were "sin free." John is the fourth writer of the gospels, and you have to read the last few verses of chapter 21, where Christ tells the disciples to feed His sheep, with the feed being His words (teaching). If you were ever in the military, you know you must follow commands of a superior ranking person. You cannot make additions or subtractions.
If you say you have the Christian faith, you must have committed your life to Christ. What was your primary reason? If your reason was to spend eternity in Heaven, you made a verbal commitment. Your primary reason has to be to become Christ-like in your life, and it has to be written in your heart. The mansions in Heaven are a benefit added to the salvation package. Christ becomes your employer, and we know employers don't give benefits to employees who don't do their jobs. Salvation means you're a worker for Christ. It doesn't mean you can try to sell another product of a different brand or one that is not a pure product.
Christ tells you all you need to know to make a sale or to help someone who has an inferior product. If you're pushing something else, you aren't His employee. Any good employee is required to know and understand his product. He is also required to be honest and truthful. He cannot make false claims. If you claim you are of the Christian faith, you MUST meet these qualifications for Christ's Company of Eternal Life. There are many faiths in America, and many worship the God of Abraham, as do Jews and Christians. The belief in Christ as the Son of God is the difference. Many of these non- Christians are good people, and should not be shunned. These people are, after all, candidates to become Christians.
Because our ministry has no financial support from any church or organization and we have no personal private pension, we have been able to continue our fee-less services largely through the help of secular folks and organizations. It's pretty tough sometimes, but when Christians didn't help, folks in the secular world did. Some of them are now Christians. When Christ added that extra Eleventh Commandment (Matt. 22:35-40) to love thy neighbor, Christ always taught the principle to be nice; He never taught hatred, which is being taught in many churches today, as well as many Christian media outlets. The four gospels are our text books outlining what we should preach. Anything else is our opinion or an attempt to mix together current events with a commandment or writing of
some other person.
If you are not familiar with the Old Testament, you will have a difficult time understanding why God sent Christ to earth. It all began when Abraham listened to God's call for someone to believe in him. Man wasn't searching for God; He was looking for a man. Man was created in the image of God and His Son. The fall of Adam and Eve was tragic, but current day (right now) Conservatives on the United States Supreme Court have ruled that likeness no longer exists. They have ruled that a corporation has all the benefits of an American citizen, all except serving in our military and dying. That privilege is reserved for men and women of flesh and blood. Why hasn't the Christian church and pastors rallied against this? They complained when retail giants refused to permit employees to use the traditional greeting of Merry Christmas. Now it's Season's Greetings. Could it be money influenced the Court and business?
God could see this coming, and had a plan in place because He knew free choice was wonderful, but men weren't. Isaiah prophesied 755 years before Christ was born that God would send the Messiah to give mankind the simple rules of living correctly as well as the opportunity to have eternal life. The Jews knew about eternal life, although the religious leaders were split on this belief. Satan always challenges God's people with individuals who accept an invitation to dispute God's sovereignty. Look at Isaiah 7:14, 15. "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign; Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel. Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good."
The Book of Isaiah should be required reading for every Christian,
because he was perhaps the greatest prophet of all and gives the
foundation for John the Baptist and Christ. If you seriously spend the time to put together the long term repetition of warnings in the writing of the Old Testament prophets, you will see God's plan. His chosen people did not withstand Satan's wiles any better than today's Christians. Rather than deliver Christ's message, many Christians are being told the acceptance of His offer is all they need to do. They accept His sacrifice for their transgressions and think that qualifies them for eternal life. Since they are cleansed by Christ's shed blood, they are better than other people who are committing perceived sins Christ didn't mention or teach. That has proven to be an excellent way for power hungry leaders to build a following. And, this includes some of the pastors of America's largest churches.
People of other or no faith ask me why Christians aren't following their prophet Christ, who gave them the wisdom of life. They see so many who seem to brag about being superior because they claim to be Christians. They point out to me that the writings of their people are much the same as Christ's. They have radicals who attempt to bully others into vicious life styles, much like what they see and hear from so many "fervent" Christian followers. Many leaders of our churches are agreeing with the politicians who are basing their hopes of election on false religious issues. It is recorded in the Book of Samuel the difference between God's rule and the rule of a human king.
America is sending missionaries to foreign nations, where there is potential for converts. How does a missionary explain to someone from a country where killing of gays is taking place that American Christians are any different? How do they tell a citizen of Ireland that allowing a woman to die for lack of needed medical abortion is any different than prohibiting abortion in America? That type of religious decision is plain and simple murder. Friends, please note that this ruling was by men. Our politicians in Washington and some selected states do not name women to committees dealing with women's issues. Do you think these "faith claimers" are totally ignorant of Christ's life and women's devotion to his support and loyalty before and after His death?
Many Christians in other countries suffer for their belief and actions, facing death. They follow Christ's teaching. Our "faith claimer" leaders only worry about COST and election. Their walk is not Christian, and only continues the selfishness and cowardice of American men. If you aren't privileged to be a conservative white man in America, you are a second class citizen. Christ didn't shut the door on people of other races and utilized women's leadership. The desperate attempt by "faith claimer" leaders to retain a strangle hold on our government is Satan's clever giant step that will devastate Christianity in America. Christians must return to the four gospels and drop their pet perceived sins.
Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6) If you want to push your brand of Christianity, you need to give some thought to the most common sins "enjoyed" by large numbers of professing Christians such as false witness (lies) and infidelity. Oh, my!!! I understand why there aren't demonstrations against these...ignorance and the desire to show your superiority. God help us!
Rev. Walbear
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