Friday, September 18, 2015


                                            A CUP OF HEMLOCK

    Satan had a satisfied smile as he sat back in his favorite easy chair. He was enjoying his "tea time" cup of hemlock, and he saw one of his favorite agents at a nearby table. Waving the agent over to join him, he rose from the chair, and greeted the agent with a high five. The agent joined Satan, and lifted his cup of hemlock to offer a toast to a man from Missouri. They both savored their cups of hemlock. While hemlock is a deadly poison to humans, it is the drink of preference for Satan and his demons. You do recall that Satan's chief agents are powerful fallen angels, right? Refer to Rev. 12:7-9. All angels are powerful, even the fallen ones.

    "And war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.  So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old,  called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Christ directs and sends heavenly angels to help us, and these fallen angels are Satan's workers who oppose all of mankind.
There are three things to remember: they are among us on earth, they have great power, and they target people who profess to be Christians. Now, add that word "deceive," from the scripture above, and you see Satan's method of operation.

    We need to go all the way to the last book in scripture (Rev.) to see that Satan and his workers are on earth. We were told that way back in Job. Go to Job 1:6-7. "Now there was a day when the  sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and  Satan also came among them. And the Lord said to Satan, 'From where do you come?' So Satan answered the Lord and said, 'From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.'" We should keep in mind Satan and the fallen angels live here, they have super power, they are organized and directed by a very egotistical and sharp leader, and their main objective is to deceive us.

    Christ depends on Christians to spread the gospel, His directions for living a Christ-like life. The Holy Ghost has given us a window here to observe Satan as he pats himself on the back. He now orders them up another cup of hemlock. "San Lukey, you added frosting to the cake today at that Missouri school board meeting." Satan was referring to a recent school board meeting in Missouri where a male board member stated, "women are only good for laying on their backs with their legs in the air, flailing." There were about 30 citizens at the meeting, and the president of the board is a woman. The board voted 4-3 to censure the director for his statement. One of the dissenting voters, a man, defended the board member. According to my study of scripture, God created a woman, as we are told in Gen. 2:18 and 2:21-24. It appears many men never studied scripture, because they are totally ignorant of God's purpose for woman's creation.

     Let's examine that purpose as given in the verses above. God said He would make man a HELPER, not a sex toy or baby factory. Verse 24 
makes it clear a woman and man joined together in marriage are no
longer separate beings, but one being. The woman is not to be owned or a slave. She is to be valued as a helper that Adam needed because there was nothing or no one to perform needed responsibilities. There was no sexual direction until after the fall. If Adam had not eaten of the forbidden fruit, the seed of sin would not exist to curse mankind. Christian men should consider the conception and birth of Christ to understand their place in sin. The woman is not responsible for the curse from eating the fruit. If she carried the seed of sin, Christ would not have been born sinless. There was no man on earth that did not carry the seed of sin. The power of the Holy Spirit (God) had to be the Father of Christ. Men should understand you do not order a helper of any gender to do anything sexual, or try to force a sexual issue by passing laws. God made the man as a leader, not a dictator. Real  Godly leaders should follow Christ's (God's) directions only.

    We rejoin our observation of Satan and San Lukeys as they're about to take a third cup of hemlock. This is a really great day. Satan is chuckling as he asks his agent, "Have we had any demonstrations or preaching about the Seventh Commandment lately?" San Lukey proudly answered, "I can't remember a one." Satan laughed as he asked, "Not even from any of those pastors or fake Christians?" San Lukey was practically glowing as he responded, "No, Sir. And better yet, there have been no demonstrations against the Tenth Commandment." Satan was now really into 'his cups.' as he added yet a third victory. "They not only ignore the commandments from God, they demonstrate against Christ's Eleventh Commandment.
Thanks to these misguided would-be Christians, things are moving closer and closer to the end for believers."

     San Lukey said with disbelief, "The Seventh Commandment is only 
five words, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery,' yet hardly a week goes by that some Christian pastor doesn't break this commandment. Some keep it quiet, but enough goes public to help us out. Some of the other faiths have strict laws and punishment for adultery, but professing Christians usually try to bury it. They get people's attention by coming out with speeches or demonstrations against a commandment they made up---Opposition to Abortion. Although scripture doesn't even have the word anywhere and Christ never mentioned it, they have given it top billing as a Christian principle. Men love it, because men can't have abortions. It's so easy to hate something you can't be guilty of."

    "Ah, yes," Satan said as he caught his breath from laughing so hard.
And these self righteous pretenders don't demonstrate against the Tenth Commandment because they all violate it frequently. What somebody else has that you can't have creates envy. Envy is a major part of human nature. God said, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thy shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, not his manservant, nor his maid servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's." San Lukey chimed in, "They envy the neighbor's wife, then commit adultery, all the while preaching and demonstrating their violation of Christ's Eleventh Amendment." 

    Satan smacked his lips as he wrapped up his great advancements in destroying the Christian church. "Christ taught them in Matt. 22:39the added Eleventh Commandment, 'Ye shall love your neighbor as yourself.' The United States is now preaching racial hatred that is actually worse than the problem was before the Civil War. Then it was preached because of money. The plantation owners wanted free labor. Some merchants in the North made huge profits bringing slaves to America as part of trade."

    "Supporting this racial hatred makes the sinners feel superior, and they have the power to carry off this deepening sin. Fortunately for us, many of the people who are real Christians don't know or understand the terrible life style these hated people have come to partially accept," San Lukey added with satisfaction. "These sinners have promoted our agenda of claiming the U.S. Constitution is being violated. They don't know or understand that document any better than scripture. They talk about losing freedom---the right to keep slaves, prevent citizens from voting, lie and misrepresent issues, slander, and return women to the status of chattel, all in the name of Christianity."

     "You and your associates are doing a great job, San Lukey," Satan
concluded as he drained his fourth cup of hemlock. "We're having more
and more of these days, thanks to all the false claims, lies and personal
attacks on the genuine Christians. Feed the sheeples the food they like
and desire, always deceive them, make them fear the unknown and by'
all means keep them away from truth and education." San Lukey agreed,
taking note that the non Christian world was pretty well on the road to
Hell, giving Satan's army more than enough opportunity to eliminate
real believers of the faith." 

    Satan, San Lukey, and their co-workers went back to work, AND
THEY'RE LOOKING FOR YOU. Be aware. Seek the truth. Your opportunity
to join Christ in the future is NOW.

Rev. Walbear 

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