For many Americans, the Horn of Plenty is an accurate symbol of
celebration. Unfortunately, the number of Americans who cannot
enjoy a full life is growing. The holiday should be a day giving you a
warm, fuzzy feeling of contentment. When you live in a poor area
that has been neglected by politicians for generations, it's difficult
to ignore a Horn of Plenty that's not full of bounty. But, it's good to
see an outpouring of generosity from those who understand what
it's like to be poor. Thanksgiving, like Christmas, is a holiday that
brings the joy of homecoming. It is a day that belongs to no particular
religion or group, contrary to American thinking. This message will
explore the holiday, but first I want to describe the best observance
of Thanksgiving I personally experienced.
A few years after my wife and I were married, we were working
very hard towards becoming workaholics. We were both animal
lovers with extensive farm experience, and we were going to breed
and raise champion registered livestock. We dove into the challenge,
and found ourselves somewhat overwhelmed with work. We had only
the help of a young neighbor boy, so days were very long. Because
we had dairy cows, dairy goats, sheep and horses, there was much
special care for show stock. On thanksgiving morning, we began the
day before dawn as usual. Just before we went to begin chores, we
received a phone call. It was from a young family who lived about an
hour away, and they invited us to Thanksgiving dinner. Although we
had the fixings for a big dinner, we wouldn't have time to prepare it,
so the invitation was tempting. We declined with great regret because
the chores plus travel time would not work out. Our friends said it
would not be a problem. They had the dinner prepared, and they'd pack
it up and bring it.
They did, and our gathering included my wife and I, the neighbor boy,
our friends and their young son. I believe it was the most delightful
holiday meal we ever had. We've had happy observances, but there was
a special feeling that day. We worked hard, but sharing that dinner with
friends was priceless. Because we have always had a sizable number
of livestock, our holidays are usually spent close to home. As a result,
our gatherings are mostly friends. Sometimes this includes people who
are there because of our ministry. This brings even more to the meaning
and understanding of our way of life.
Now, I want to go back to the probable beginning of the observance.
Our American society likes to dwell on being good, honest, helpful people.
Some of us are, but we buy into historical stories that fudge the truth. In
this respect, our personal history as a nation is damaging, just as religious truth hurts. I was fascinated in elementary school, learning about the pilgrims and Indians, with their colorful dress and feast. It was a wonderful story. I still like to believe it really happened that way. But, I have learned that the Pilgrim search for religious freedom was really a desire to establish a strict dictatorship based on lack of or misunderstanding the bible. There was no religious freedom in that group of people who preached hate rather than love. They considered the Indians savages, just as many white people today do. You have to understand that when people write history about themselves, they usually write good stuff. To really know the whole truth, you need other sources. There are educators writing inaccurate history textbooks today, and there are religious writers changing the bible. When history doesn't reflect nice things about people, they write information to encourage you to like them.
I can only speculate on what happened on that first Thanksgiving in
1621, but I do know what happened on Thanksgiving in America after we
became the "land of the free." Actually, what we should call it is the "free
land for the conquerors." As whites settled in, they were outraged that
native Americans--Indians--would fight to keep their land. You know, the
land that always belonged to them; the land they used for hundreds or
thousands of years without polluting it. This may seem like a miserable
way to describe the holiday, but truth hurts. Scripture explains that we
are as "filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6) "But we are all like an unclean thing, And
all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags;"
Americans have done some marvelous things, like preserving freedom
in World War II, but we are not squeaky clean. To be honest, this country
was not founded for religious freedom, but for greed. The whites took
advantage of the Indians' lack of worldliness, trading beads and trinkets
for land. The whites brought disease from Europe that Indians had no
immunity to protect them from. The whites brought alcohol and created
a problem. We got everything for a bargain, and what wasn't a good deal,
we took--actually stole it. That set the stage for some very memorable
actual historical Thanksgiving observances. Return with me to yesteryear, actually 1831. Congress had passed the Indian Relocation Act. Our government decided to relocate six tribes from their native land, and began the trip in November. The tribes, all from the south, included
Cherokee, Muscogee, Seminole, Chickasaw, Choctaw and Creek. They
had to travel from homelands in the Carolinas and elsewhere ON FOOT,
women and children, and their meager possessions. There was nothing
waiting for them in Oklahoma--land promised to them forever. Oklahoma
was mostly worthless to whites at the time. As the Indians were forced
to walk to their new land, it was November--Thanksgiving time. It was
not a nice winter. It was very cold, it sleeted, it snowed, and there were
flash floods. It was 1838, and this journey became known as the Trail of
No one knows how may Indian lives were lost, but you can imagine
babies, young children, the elderly and women were victims of this cruel
land grab. Know why they were moved? The white plantation owners wanted the land. This was part of the slavery movement. There hasn't been much said about this atrocity, but it wasn't just Indians that were forced to make this trip. The group also included European whites who were not citizens, black freemen, and slaves who were squatters. Starvation and disease took a heavy toll. The new land--Oklahoma--was taken away in only 10 years. In 1829, gold was discovered in Georgia, and you can guess what happened to the Indians there. In this outrageous action, the whites actually defied a ruling by the Supreme Court.
One group of Indians was led by an incompetent guide and vanished in
a swamp. In one group, as many as 6,000 of 16,500 perished along the
way. In 1837, 44,000 were forced to move, freeing 26 million acres of land
for white men. This allowed the expansion of slavery and contributed to
our racial problem today. Don't for one nano-second think things have
changed that much in the interim. I lived in the deep South, and the racial
attitude is with many people from birth because the people they are
surrounded by have bias. The bias has unfortunately spread from the
South because it is a way for people to elevate themselves over others.
The Christian church is failing to do anything about this because many
leaders do not teach Christianity. Our faith is based on inclusion and
love. Politicians seem to talk only of separation and hate. Read the four
gospels, folks. There should be no forcing of Christian beliefs. Christ came
to give us a choice. I could go into our national history to further destroy
our feel good attitude, but I'll only cite one more glaring example. Read
on, and give thanks this year that God hasn't punished us as Israel was
punished so many times. We're overdue.
Our politicians talk about democracy building. It's just another lie, like
the recent announcement there hasn't been an increase in the cost of
living. Congress (government) is denying the elderly who set aside social
security retirement savings, their own money. I digress, so back to how
America destroys democracy. This trip is across the biggest pond, the
Pacific Ocean. We find ourselves in Hawaii, a peaceful nation with a king.
Foreigners begin arriving, and they see wonderful opportunities in the
good land and an even better climate. This is an example where greed is
paramount, but religion is also a problem. We'll review religion first, and
follow with greed. Christianity came to Hawaii, and the battle raged
between Catholics and Protestants. The natives were peaceful. Only the
religious zealots battled. You see how we white men have improved the
world. Strife is where ever we go. After the religious bigots on both sides
finally became peaceful, the conflict for government took the stage.
In 1893, Hawaii was recognized as a monarchy by France and
England, but not the United States. The reason, as usual, was greed.
Businessmen and politicians were involved in lucrative trade, with
sugar the main item. In that year, seven businessmen used their
influence to bring U.S. marines and sailors ashore to "protect" these
seven men. They were five Americans, and one each from England
and Germany. These seven men claimed they "feared for their lives."
Sound familiar? It was a lie. The ruling queen and natives showed no
evidence of military or other force and were completely peaceful. The
problem was the seven white men wanted to control things, and had
to depose the Hawaiian government to do it. Once again, American
politicians took control of native land. The Hawaiians observed their
first Thanksgiving as native pawns of America. The natives were a
source of cheap labor.
It's not pretty when you examine the facts of America. Freedom to
worship was true, but the worship these freedom seekers FORCED on
the public was completely unchristian. Control and greed were the
motives. Nothing has changed, except we have an unchristian
movement underway to force everyone to follow teaching that is
as far removed from Christ as Satan. America was built not by people
who claimed to be Christians, but by people of many faiths and races.
The merchants of the revolutionary days sold the public on revolting
because of taxation without representation when the real reason was
the diminishing profit from the sale of tea to the public because of the
tax by England. The merchants of the North had their hand in the slave
trade as well, with their business with ship owners. Politicians and
business people can pull the wool over the public's eyes, but GOD is
watching. He knows your heart and the heart of all those who are using
His Son's name to further their personal agendas. This is not new to Him.
He has had to punish the Chosen regularly because the spiritual leaders
led the people astray. It's happening again right here in America. Not all
religious leaders are corrupt, but most politicians are. Many leaders
have called for the abolishment of the education departments, and
others are rewriting textbooks with false claims.
This is not a happy Thanksgiving message because we need to
understand that God expects much more than a day here and there
to appreciate His blessings. While many Americans are blessed
beyond reason, many others are being forced to live in pain and want.
Christ taught us how to live, and most of our leaders are ignoring His
four books of instruction in scripture. The entire "free" world is being
inundated by immigrants fleeing corrupt governments and religious
states. Why would fat cat politicians say these people are only fleeing
to take other people's things away? There are reports of mass murders,
encouraged rape and children sold into the militia. Matt. 25:31-46 tells
us how to treat others. Unfortunately, greed has replaced freedom in
America. The symbol of an eagle looks more and more like the national
symbol of Nazi Germany, and the American symbol is the dollar sign.
I have been truly blessed, but most of my blessings are known only
to me and my family. That's because they are blessings valued in
heaven, not the world of natural man. You need to read 2 Peter,
chapter two, verses 1-22. We are warned about false doctrine, false
teachers, deception and depravity of false teachers. Peter could already
see the beginning of hell on earth. The term false teachers includes
political as well as religious preachers. After all, politicians are just
advanced and experienced preachers trying to further their personal
fortunes. It takes dollars to be successful in the natural man's world.
That's true for religious leaders as well. Without the presence of the
Holy Spirit, you can do good things, but not heavenly things.
I've probably ruined your Thanksgiving with this message, but the
primary goal was to make you aware that a happy Thanksgiving we may
observe was not happening for others in the past and in the present.
Unless we pay attention to the political preaching to the general public,
as well as in the church, God will act. We can't sweep it under the rug
with a broom of indifference. God loves us all, and that includes other
races and faiths. If we don't act Christ-like, we are imitation Christians,
and no different than people of other faiths. The God of Israel is also
the God of all. He won't permit you to decide you are better than His
other creations. We are on the upside of His blessings, and He expects
us to be guided by the Christ inside us, not the natural world of man.
This Thanksgiving, give Him thanks you are on the upside, and try to
show Him you care by leveling the playing field.
Rev. Walbear