Monday, November 9, 2015


CATTLE RUSTLERS 8 , the last in an 8 part series! 

The sheriff agreed to meet Les in the parking lot of Quik Food, just down the street from the jail. They could then proceed up an alley and cover the front and back of the area people were working in. The sheriff wanted to catch them in the act. It was a dark night, with no moon. Street lights didn't illuminate the alley very well, and soon the two lawman were in position at both ends of the alley. They could hear someone working and caught a brief flash of a flashlight. Les started up the alley towards the people working on a window. As he did, he called out, "Police! You are surrounded. Drop your weapons and get your hands up!" As the lawmen expected, whoever was trying to gain entry to the jail took off running. They ran right towards the sheriff, who demanded, "Stop, and get your hands empty and up!" All that could be made out in the darkness was two forms. There was some cursing. Les, who was behind them, turned his light on the subjects.

They had their hands up. Les said, "Well, I'll be..."as he could now identify the jail breakers. "Don't you boys know crooks break out of jail, not into jail?" It was the two boys who harassed Fawn. "I hope your fathers didn't put you up to this," the sheriff said. For a change, the boys were silent. "Now we have to give you back your private room again," cheerfully said the sheriff. Les informed the sheriff he had already called Harry, who served as a jailer when they had any guests, and Harry would be there soon. "We'll see the magistrate in the morning," the sheriff told the boys. "We'll notify your fathers of the hearing."

The next morning the sheriff and Les took the boys to the  magistrate's office. Both fathers were there. The sheriff provided the details of the case for the magistrate to consider. "Unfortunately, you boys will now become part of the justice system. There are too many charges to permit lenient consideration. Do the fathers have any comments before I render my decision?" Both men shook their heads signifying "no." The magistrate addressed the fathers, pointing out that the entire situation was precipitated by racial hatred with no provocation whatsoever. They can lay the blame for their present and future lives directly on you, the magistrate said. You not only instilled racial hate in them, you encouraged it. We don't need this type of adult behavior in the valley. The situation is turning out badly for your two families, but God usually has something positive to offset the bad. In this case, it will be the public perception that racial prejudice is not only bad, but stupid. Breaking into a jail will provide local residents with all kinds of jokes. Your families will suffer the shame of doing some things so foolish, it will be difficult to live down. Because you're both above the age of juveniles, you will be held here until normal pre-hearing processing is complete and we can have a hearing. The sheriff will return you to custody, he concluded.

Peace and quiet returned to the valley for two weeks, when both the FBI and Cattleman's Association detective agent called on the sheriff. "You people did a really fine job on the Shepherd case," the FBI man complimented the sheriff. "I haven't been able to add a single thing to your report." The cattleman agent added to the compliment, "This is the cleanest disappearance of livestock I've ever experienced. I can't add anything, either." The sheriff was disappointed, but thanked the two men for their time and effort. "I'll keep the case open for a while," the FBI man said. The cattle detective told the sheriff cattle dealers and the sales barns would continue to be monitored for clues. It's sure hard to explain disappearing livestock in this day and age, he added.

The two jail breakers received light jail terms with long probationary periods. The backlash from the folly of attempting to break INTO jail was more than the two families found bearable. Both moved out of the valley. Pastor Waters told the sheriff, "The action of the boys and their fathers did more to defuse the racial situation here than all of my preaching. People could actually witness the poison of racial hatred, and see the evil outcome. In this case, the victim was not seriously damaged verbally or physically." The sheriff agreed, but was wistful as he noted things in other places weren't going as well.

As the two were reviewing the events of the past month or so, the phone rang. It was Red Hawk, and he said he had information on the Shepherd case. Could the sheriff and Rev. Waters come to his office? The sheriff showed some excitement as he told Red Hawk that Waters was in his office, and they were on the way. "Did he give you any hint what the information was?" asked Waters. "No, he was very brisk, so I don't think we're going to be overjoyed," the sheriff responded. "I wonder how this might affect our new local folklore about the Shepherd's Starship?" mused Waters. "The story has really sprouted wings since Lem died. People love talking about it, and say it was sent to take the Shepherds to heaven. Some of the more academically inclined are getting serious about advanced science and dimensions." The sheriff said, "There's even talk about setting up a tourist visit site."

Red Hawk met them on the porch of his office. "I want to give you a step by step account of this information because it requires some thought to understand," their host said. "We begin by thoroughly making certain of each step. The first is that I lock my office when I leave unless my clerk is here. She wasn't yesterday, so I locked it. When I got here today, it was still locked." He led them inside, "When I came in, I found that book and note on my desk," he said, pointing to his desk on the other side of the room. "I knew it wasn't there when I left yesterday. "I looked at the note and book, and replaced them as they were. Then I made a careful inspection of the office, the windows, and everything else. Nothing was changed except I now had the book and note. Then, I called you."

"Well, we respect your thoroughness in anything you do, so we take your word as Gospel," the sheriff said. "I don' t know what led you to respond using the word GOSPEL." Waters said, appearing somewhat startled. "That word rang a bell for me." Red Hawk went on, "John had a unique feeling I can't describe when he talked to me about research, God and Christ. He probed some of my people's Elders about the stories of the long ago visit by the Great White Father. He was interested in everything. I believe John may have received some answer to his diligent search." "Do you mean he discovered the location of Heaven?" Waters asked.

"Not exactly," Red Hawk said. "But I do believe his serious following of scripture concerning"seek and you will find, and knock and it will be opened," brought him some kind of supernatural success. I'm Indian enough to be superstitious even though I'm a Christian. Miracles do happen. I've been a part of praying for healing and actually saw the person healed. That experience never leaves you. I believe John understood my belief, and that's why I received this information. Now, let's examine the new information."

The note was on top of a rather small, thin book. 

It said,   "Friends, there are many dimensions."

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

"Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven." (Luke 24:51)

"Keep the Faith!"

They looked at the book.

 It was "Jonathon Livingston Seagull."

Rev. Walbear (with special thanks to Sharon, for the inspiration)

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