Why is it we always seem to learn things too late to cause much difference in the scheme of life? For Christians, salvation is a turning point. All is not lost for people of other faiths, because Jesus Christ (God) told us in Matt. 5:45, "that you may be sons of your father in heaven; for He makes the sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and unjust." As usual in scripture, you must look at the verses ahead of these key verses, as well as the following verses, and you will have understanding. Verse 38 speaks of love. The very last verse of this passage (verse 48) tells us how important the message is. "Therefore you shall be PERFECT, just as your Father in heaven is PERFECT."
You should note very carefully and seriously this group of verses, because this is NOT the message many Christians are giving the public. I don't usually salute people who are held up as great historical examples of Christian leadership. I'm going to waive that decision in this message because the man who caused the major correction in worshiping God would have celebrated a birthday on November 10. Like all of us, he made some mistakes, but he changed the course of Christianity which had left the tracks of Jesus Christ like a runaway train. Somehow, many people who loudly proclaim they are Christians, don't know the subject and substitute their own agenda. You should understand that a person who claims to be a Christian should teach the scripture Christ Christ gave us. That seems to rarely happen today.
Some Christians ask how we can preach love when there is so much violence, greed and hate in the world? If anyone should know about hate and violence, it is Christ. Yet, He preached love, even on the cross. The first scripture I quoted was from Matthew. This scripture is from Luke 23:34. "Then Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.'" Today's Christians are making the mistake or deliberately misleading the public by saying things they don't know. They are not required to quote the very words they claim to be Christian instruction. If you know the four gospels, you know many of these claims and statements are false. When some of these people do quote Old Testament passages, they are not quoting Jesus Christ, but other writers, such as Solomon, who were not priests or directly connected to God. These scriptures, except the Ten Commandments, are part of the Jewish Law, which gave way to Grace with the advent of Christ. The Epistles are letters of instruction to newly formed churches, and were sent to correct procedures and cultural problems. They are important, but not the words of Christ.
We go back to Luther, who was put on trial for his teaching of Christianity. Like Christ's persecution, there were two classes of people who led the process to arrest Him, prosecute Him, and kill Him. Those two classes of people were the church leaders, and the elite representing the government. The Romans only killed Him because these two classes of people demanded it. Luther was more fortunate, but like the Apostle Paul, he had to be protected from being killed by his religious and elite leaders. Luther's problem was money. It always turns to money.
I'm not casting stones at Catholics today, but Luther was led by his devotion to Christ and scripture to a growing problem in the Catholic Church. The church was continually in debt and had to raise more and more money. The leaders came upon a simple way to raise lots of money. You can't get into Heaven by works, but you have a never ending parade of sins. If you're saved, or think you're saved, you know Christ died to cover your sins. You could repent, and Christ would make things "straight" for you. Conclusion: If you committed a specific sin and offered a certain amount of cash to a priest, he could cover the sin upon your confession by interceding with Christ/God. Jesus taught us we have a personal relationship with Him. We don't need an intercessor.
People don't know the gospels and they don't know the Epistles. Look at Romans 6:1. "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that Grace may abound?" People were paying a sort of "sin tax" to the church so they could continue sins of choice. They thought they were saved, and were encouraged to believe that by church leaders and priests. Money was the winner; God was the loser. It was overly simple. You said a few words, were told you were saved, and now your sins would be forgiven for a price. This practice of sin forgiveness was known as indulgence. You enjoy the sin of your choice, confess you were bad and say you're sorry, and pay the man. Now you are heaven-bound again, and you can go and enjoy the same sin again. As long as you can afford it, you can enjoy it. A few words you speak plus money replaces the ONLY WAY YOUR SINS CAN BE FORGIVEN! That is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. It has nothing to do with works or money.
Christians should know that teaching hatred of anything but sin, is in reality, forgivable, but not if it continues and becomes a type of modern indulgence. God gives us free choice, but not the choice of hatred or oppression. Everyone has the choice of religion and faith. You may worship God within reason any way you choose. Both the Protestant and Catholic Churches have attempted to force people to join their particular churches in the past with dire consequences. Christ never said a person must be a Christian. Christians aren't the only people who do good deeds or finance good projects. Some Christians were anything but good people before they received salvation. In Christ's issuance of The Great Commission (Mark 16:15), a Christian has this simple, easy to understand directive: "And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'"
He did not say to judge anyone (Matt. 7:1). "Judge not , that you be not judged." Christ will do the judging. People receive Christian salvation through the persuasion of the Holy Spirit. There is no force of any kind. Any person who preaches, promotes or condones use of force physically or mentally, is violating Christ's teaching. If he/she preaches it, it is a sin of commission. If it is promoted or condoned (in church, for example), it is a sin of omission. A Christian must preach the instruction of Christ. Otherwise, you are a tool of Satan, tricked into doing his work.
Most of these subjects being promoted today in error have to do with the subject of sex. Because most Christians are "straight," this is the easiest and most accepted method to be a more "Godly person." Not one of these subjects was taught by Christ. He taught subjects that are also the main fabric of other faiths. Why don't political candidates rail against false testimony (lies)? What about infidelity? What about respect? I hear and see elite leaders and many pastors and Christian radio stations condone false testimony. They offer no scriptural proof. That's because there isn't any.
Most Christians are led to believe salvation is a one way street, based on acceptance of a free offer from Christ. People should understand there is no free lunch. We have to learn to walk, talk, and master some kind of job skill. When we receive salvation, we are expected to study and learn how to be a Christian. We must make ourselves Christ-like. The minute we exhibit hate in any form, we are indicating salvation didn't "take." It wasn't lost. It was never real. God warns in Isaiah, and Christ warns in Matthew that we may see without seeing and hear without hearing. Our words come from the carnal human. The ability to spiritually see and hear comes from the heart. God knows our minds are carnally directed. We must experience a change of heart. Our actions do speak louder than words spiritually.
If you believe you are saved, but harbor hatred of any kind---racial, religious, social standing, or other, you are in trouble with God. If you don't take positive steps to rid yourself of this sin, you are showing God your acceptance of salvation wasn't from the heart. You will face the judgment seat, and may see non Christians you condemned pass you by, headed in a direction you now won't go. This is not a message to frighten you, but an attempt to get you to really look at the teaching of Christ. Do you think He forgot all the sex subjects that are constantly on the table today? If you read about the rich young ruler, you'll see that money is not a priority to enter Heaven. If your big deal is abortion, give me a scripture containing the word and what Christ taught about it. The bible actually does speak of it, but not in the flaming context of today's speakers. Notice it's always the woman who pays, sometimes with death, even in enlightened nations. Not very much do men pay.
Decisions in America are mainly the product of wealthy white men, who make a career of living on taxpayer and corporate lobby money. Christ preached THE WAY. This was an invitation for all people. It was not a command. Germany was a Christian nation, taken over by a power-hungry man and the money of the industrial giants. He used racial prejudice to persuade the Germans to persecute the Jews. The combination of racial prejudice, money and greed is on the rise again in America. Much of the church has bought into it,and we see the formation of corporate ministries---the megachurches. Fun and entertainment are replacing study of the Word. If you read the Old Testament, you can guess what is happening.
Rev. Walbear
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