Rip arrived at the Turner building just as an ambulance was pulling
away. Turner, the sheriff, Luigi and several others were milling about
as the ambulance left. Rip hurried over to where Turner and the sheriff were talking. As Rip approached, Turner looked relieved as he told Rip, "She's not dead, thank God. The man who found her was so excited he made a mistake." Rip was relieved to see Luigi there, safe and sound. But he still didn't know who the injured person was. Turner realized Rip was in the dark about identity, and quickly filled him in. "It is Marta, who we know as the cleaning lady," he said. "Although she's a lot more than that." Turner invited them into his office for a briefing.
Luigi began the talk by describing what they knew about the injury. "One of the early employees on the way to work found Marta on the
sidewalk outside. She had apparently fallen and struck her head. She didn't look very good, and the man jumped to conclusions. It looks like the heel of her shoe broke off or came loose, causing her to fall," Luigi explained. Turner piped in some personal information about Marta. "She is not just the cleaning lady," he said. "She is the person who cleans and preserves the parts for our sensitive instruments. She is a musician as well, and is very knowledgeable about the parts and workings of the instruments. She is a good musician, but wasn't able to crack the big time, and we were fortunate to get her, Turner said. "I pay her well so she'll stay with us."
The four men breathed a collective sigh of relief, and Turner reminded
them Marta could still have serious problems from the blow to the head.
"I'm certain she'll at least have a concussion," he reminded them. "You
never know how they may be affected from an accident like this. Luigi,
you know Marta best, and you also know her husband. What can you add to the mix? Luigi thought for a minute, and then offered some comments. "For a non performing musician as she is now, she's as good as you'll find" he said. "Glenn is right. She'd be awful hard to replace. I visit with her husband frequently, and he is a very intelligent gentleman. He tells me Marta has been wrestling with some religious problems lately, and seems upset because she doesn't understand the bible. She's a believer like me, who's never really learned or understood the bible. We both get lost and confused between procedures and things not seeming to be connected. Her husband is not really into religion, and we usually talk about other subjects."
"That's very interesting, Luigi," thoughtfully commented the sheriff.
Luigi had some excitement in his voice as he suggested, "Maybe Marta
could be helped by talking to a woman about scripture. Our faith is dominated by men, and sometimes a woman needs to talk to another
woman. Honey is musical and knows about scripture. Rip, would you ask
Honey to visit Marta?" "An excellent idea, Luigi," responded the sheriff.
"Rip, do you think Honey would be comfortable with that," he asked. Rip answered quickly, "I'm sure she would like to meet Marta. After all, they're both into music and both women. I'll discuss this with her and see if we can set up a visit." As they were leaving, the phone rang, and the receptionist told Turner it was the hospital. He said, "Are you sure?" Then a big smile broke over his face as he told the men, "She's got a bad
headache, but no concussion. They're keeping her overnight to be sure,
but expect rest will result in complete recovery."
Rip returned to his car relieved that the situation was not as bad as
first believed. He called Honey with the good news. "Can I meet with you
this afternoon to discuss your "perhaps" place in this matter?" Honey
responded with regret in her voice, "I can't this afternoon, Rip. But, how
about we talk about this on our date?" Rip couldn't hide disappointment
in his voice as he reluctantly agreed to the suggestion. "It's not exactly
what I hoped for, but being with you is always great, no matter the subject," he said, recovering a bit. "You say the nicest things," she laughed. "I'll see you tonight."
Rip returned to his office and had just begun work when the senior pastor knocked on the door. Rip told him to come in, as he hadn't yet
started work. He told him of the development at Turner Music. "I hope this detective work isn't taking too much of your time," the pastor commented, in a questioning way. "Oh, no," Rip answered. "Actually
I'm given the opportunity to present scripture and Christianity to new
people we don't see in church. I found it amazing how scripture can be
used in explaining regular life." The pastor was impressed. "I'm really
glad to hear that, Rip. I have two subjects to share with you. The first is
to request you to present our annual Thanksgiving message. I will be
away, and you get the call." Rip was very pleased to hear this, and gave
an enthusiastic, "Wonderful! I'm really looking forward to it!"
"You may not be so enthusiastic about my second subject," the pastor
warned. "You may not be aware, but you and a certain young lady have
become somewhat of a speculative item recently. I'm not surprised,
because it's normal to have gossip in the church. Perhaps the most
sinful trespass among congregationists is the Commandment concerning
false witness. That's what gossip really is. Rip, I have no reason to
counsel you on this except it's my duty to speak about it. As a single
young pastor, you will be the subject of gossip, especially among the
women. Some create fantasy worlds, and you become one of the players.
I know you and Honey are working together on the piano case, and there's
nothing wrong with that. She's a talented and beautiful young woman,
and I believe you are blessed to have her company. I only want to
remind you that there will be talk, and some won't be nice. It could
affect your pastoral future if it gets out of hand. I know you're level
headed and dedicated to the ministry, so I'm not concerned." Rip
listened intently, and was not surprised at the pastor's words. Being
aware of such situations in other ministries, he knew what to expect.
The pastor had presented the situation in a very positive way, and Rip
was relieved that this admonition was over. "Pastor, I appreciate what
you've said and the manner in which you said it," Rip told him. "Yes,
I'm aware of the possibilities, and I'll go over the subject with Honey.
We are really great friends at this point, and I wouldn't be telling the
truth if I said I wasn't becoming serious with her. But, I'll proceed with
caution." The pastor replied, "Rip, I have every confidence in the both
of you," and with that closing remark he left.
Rip picked up Honey for an early dinner out. It was an upscale
restaurant, but known for its good food and reasonable prices. She
complimented him on the choice. "I like this place," she said, "Because
it's quiet, the customers are reserved and there's always excellent
service. They began their meal, and Rip asked, "Where should we
start our study?" Honey was somewhat surprise by his question,
because she hadn't realized there were multiple subjects. "What
are our subjects?" she inquired. "Well, first of all, there's your upcoming
meeting with Marta," Rip explained. Honey blew past that information,
and asked, somewhat annoyed, "And what else do we have to discuss?"
"Us," answered Rip.
At first Honey was stunned. Then she burst out with, "Us? We're on
our first actual date and you want to talk about Us? Are you kidding me?"
Rip realized he had made a boo boo. He hastened to reply, "I really didn't
mean I wanted to pursue that subject. What I meant was we needed to
approach that subject because of a meeting I had with the pastor. I
promised I'd talk to you about us." That calmed Honey down somewhat,
but she remained agitated. "Well, I received my lecture about Us from
the pastor's wife. But I didn't intend to ruin our first date by talking about
a subject I don't consider a problem. Apparently you do. Honey was still
quite angry. Rip tried to extend his apology. "I didn't believe it was a
problem, either," he tried to explain. "I just wanted to be certain you
wouldn't be under any pressure from gossip. I pretty well know what
the pastor's wife probably told you. That's kind of standard operating
procedure in ministry organizations." Honey was now approaching
calmness. She answered, "I don't see why that was so important it
had to come up at our first real date. You certainly are different from
the other guys I've dated. It may take me longer than 10 days to shake
myself loose from you," she admitted.
Honey was not finished with the discussion about the joint warnings
from the pastor and his wife. "Rip, I don't like the atmosphere and attitude
I find in the church. Rather than love, I see attempts to create problems
and trouble. There is always gossip, but Christians are supposed to count
on the Holy Spirit to help them prevent or stop sins like false testimony.
Suspicion and envy seem pretty bad in church. While we're on the subject
of church, you may as well know my feelings. I'm not criticizing your
messages or teaching, but, quite frankly, I expect to learn about my
faith. I'm not getting much out of church except the "be a good person
and do good things" bit. That's not enough for me. If it wasn't for the
music, I'd be elsewhere. I've attended several churches, and they all
seem to follow the same script."
Rip was not expecting this detailed explanation of Honey's church or
Christianity experience. He was somewhat amazed that she saw the
situation as did he. It was good to discuss this right now, so they would
both be on the same page. "Honey, I have to agree with you. I can tell
you that pastors for the most part deliver to the congregation what the
congregation wants. In my first church experience, the pastor was
basically a social director. The people were interested in social activities,
and didn't want to explore scripture. It was a dead church full of nice
people who thought they were saved. They did good works, but didn't
want to actually study scripture. Most of them couldn't tell you the
words of their Savior except in general to be good. That permitted some
of them to become bigots. They expanded their "goodness" to exclude
others because of different values or race. If I'm boring you, stop me.
We still have time to make the movie."
Honey was at full attention. "Don't be silly, Rip," she responded with
vigor. "I didn't realize a pastor, especially a young one like you, could
share the same feeling as me about Christianity. Since I'm going to
work with you on the piano mystery, I need to find out all I can about
scripture. The Christian way of life is mixed in everything we do, and
I've been seeking all my life. It appears I'm finding it in you." To say Rip
was overjoyed to hear these words would be an under statement. He
burst out with, "Honey, I can't believe you're for real! I've heard similar
comments about churches and congregations before, but usually people
become turned off from Christianity. Protestants don't like to study, and
Catholics depend on the priests for everything. Pastors have to make a
living, and few people have enough faith to rely on God's provision for
a living. This is especially true for men, who seem to be born with the
idea they alone can survive the buffet of the world."
"Well, well," Honey exclaimed, "So you really were interested in my
body like all the other men." Rip wasn't sure if she was kidding him or
serious. Once again, she had him on the ropes. "Oh, no!" he exclaimed.
"That's not it at all." Realizing he had made another serious error, he
quickly tried to correct himself. "I mean, your body is great, but I like
your mind, too!" Well, he thought, I'd better shut up because I'm digging
the hole deeper. Honey was now enjoying his discomfort. "I've heard
that line from a couple of guys who were all eyes and hands," she said.
Rip realized he was dead meat and might as well admit it. "Honey, you're
just proving again you can nail me to the wall. I may be able to deliver
messages in church or counseling, but I'm totally incompetent dealing
with young ladies."
Honey laughed and her eyes sparkled. "You just cleared yourself of
all charges," she said. "You are totally unlike the other guys, although
I'm aware you appreciate what you see. The difference is that you really
do care about the mind and intelligence. That's what sets you apart.
"I have a premonition that Marta's discomfort may have something to
do with the piano. I want to discuss what scriptures I may be able to
use to help her." Rip was relieved, to say the least. "Honey, it's late
and we're missing the start of the movie,' Rip warned. She quickly
responded, "Let's skip the movie. I'd rather talk about my visits with
Marta and Luigi. Let's make date number two for romance." Rip thought,
"God is smiling on me! I almost forgot about the piano!" Rip pulled
himself back to the issue of Marta. "I believe she has some information
about something that she expects to happen or that has happened,"
Rip said. "We can go over some scriptures that would likely apply, and
may give you a starting point. If you don't know the answer, don't
fudge. If you don't know, admit you have to do research, and I'll do
my best to help. I think you have an advantage because it'll be
woman-to-woman." Honey admitted, "Rip, I'm really excited to do
this, but I'm a little scared, too". Rip assured her, "Honey, you'll have
the Holy Spirit with you. Now let's look at some basics."
(to be continued)
Rev. Walbear