Saturday, February 20, 2016


                                                  PIANO 6
                              (Part 6 in a 10 part love story.)

    After choir practice, Honey joined the senior pastor's wife in the pastor's study. "The choir sounded great tonight," the lady said, as she obviously was pleased. Honey commented, "I think most of us really love to sing and praise the Lord." The lady was in her late 50s or early 60s, and was an integral part of the church's function. "I don't mean to pry or stick my nose in anybody's business, but I do want to give you a word of caution, Honey. It's not intended as advice,  either. I've worked in the church my entire life as has my husband.  I've seen my share of congregational and pastoral problems. That's  why I'm laying out some history for you. Please don't be offended, because I'm not being critical." Honey now knew pretty well what was coming.

    "When you're physically as attractive as you are, Honey, there will always be talk. You can't let it bother you, but you can't ignore it, either. Some church members are already linking you and Rip as a couple. Some of the more conservative ladies are frowning on the relationship and reading more into it than they should. Some of the younger single girls are jealous. People are people, both within and outside the church. There is nothing wrong with a friendship, but it takes on its own life when a single young preacher has a lady friend. There will be lots of talk, and the two of you make a striking pair, so you're a target of sorts."

    Honey interrupted to protest, "We haven't even had a real date yet. We've only been together in the daytime working on a project. People are getting ahead of themselves." The lady assured Honey there were  no stories going around. "I just wanted to caution you that there will be stories, and some people enhance facts to the point the story becomes totally different from the facts. I care about the future for both of you. Rip is just beginning his career in service to the Lord, and it is not an easy path to become a pastor. Sometimes small things can create problems and interfere with his maturity within the church. It is a cold, hard world both inside and outside the church. All is not always what many people think about the brotherhood and sisterhood of Christians. We are, after all, imperfect humans, and we make mistakes. What I am saying is, keep in mind Rip's reputation must be sterling if he is to move on to responsible positions in the church. The church is, after all, an organization, and breathes a tradition built from the time period going all the way back to Christ."

    Honey thoughtfully responded to the lengthy word of caution. "What I perceive is that the church isn't that much different than a business or
corporation. Politics and ladder climbing exist. Public relations are very
important. There is a basic mold that controls leadership and workings
of the church. Am I off base with my understanding?" The lady was  quick to answer. "You are pretty harsh, but people are people, and there isn't that much difference between  a company and a church, except for the product. A church's reputation decides its growth and finances. It's preachers can bring in people if the people are comfortable with the message and appearance. That is the way it is." Honey hadn't heard this type explanation previously. She hadn't considered the workings of a church organization, except to note that usually there was an established procedure of action and layers of authority. This was not welcome information, and tended to tarnish her concept of Christianity. Honey finally was able to comment. "I appreciate you taking the time to fill me in on possible problems through our friendship,"  she said. "I never realized the church community resembled a battlefield for personal agendas. What you're saying is 'beware of gossips.' It is my understanding that gossip is a form of false testimony and breaks one of the Ten Commandments. This does not speak well for Christians."

    The lady sighed, and repeated that church people were only human, and Christians ranged from newly saved to more mature status. "You must remember, Honey, that many in the church who think they are Christians really aren't. We work with all of them. That's our calling." "Yes, I can see that," Honey agreed. "I guess these possibilities don't come to mind unless the situation could or would affect you." The lady
concluded, "That's pretty well it." Honey thanked her and felt the need for some deep thought about the conversation. She didn't want to cause any problems for Rip's service to God.

    Rip, meanwhile returned home and found a message on his phone. Turner would like to talk to him about the case. Rip returned the call, and set up a meeting at Turner's office. The weekend was full of church activities, so Rip didn't arrive at Turner's office until Tuesday. They exchanged greetings, and Turner asked Rip if he had turned up any leads. "No sir," Rip responded. "I hear you folks had a good meeting with Luigi last week," Turner said. "We did, but we spent most of the time trying to help him gain his composure," Rip explained. "That was the thing to do," Turner agreed. "I've been doing a lot of thinking about this theft," Turner said. "I almost conclude there had to be some kind of inside help. Yet, the theft was so well carried out there had to be some expert professionals." Rip nodded, and said, "That seems to be the most reasonable assumption."

    "I have no idea about inside help," Turner continued, but I did recall
something that may help us." "We're grasping at straws now," Rip admitted, "So anything is welcome." Turner said, "We entertain people and groups occasionally at the business. By 'entertain' I mean provide a programmed tour. Sometimes foreign visitors want to see a 'piano factory.' The State Department requests that we help them out with a tour. Several months ago, we sponsored such a tour. It wasn't for a large group. There were only a half dozen people. Luigi handled most of the dialogue. There was a woman in the group, and she seemed to be the one who actually knew something about music and pianos. This is kind of a wild idea, Rip, but what do you think?"

    "Have you had any feedback from the visit?" Rip asked. "Not that I know of," Turner answered. "But Luigi may have been contacted. Why not check with him?" "Actually that's already planned," Rip noted, "Because Luigi agreed to meet with us again and promised to play for Honey." Turner was pleased. "The sheriff did all he could, but any further investigation was discouraged. The State Department wanted no part of it. International relations, you know." Rip hadn't seen Honey since church on Sunday. He had talked to her on the phone and they agreed to have that date this week. He was a little puzzled because  she told him she had quite a talk with the senior pastor's wife, and needed to discuss it with him. Maybe that wasn't such a good thing for date night, he mused.

    The following morning as Rip entered his office, the phone was ringing. It was Honey, and her voice shook with excitement when she told him, "Rip, there's been a death at Turner Music! I just heard over Dad's radio." Rip was shocked. "Did they tell who it is?" he asked. "No, there wasn't much information," Honey said. It apparently  happened close to or in the building." Rip thanked her for the alert, and said, "I'm headed there right away. I'll call you when I have details of the death." Be careful, Rip," Honey said with concern. "I hope and pray it isn't Luigi!"

(To be continued)

Rev. Walbear

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